fvw CunaJiaiiS Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, November 2, 1951 LETTERBOX j-erdonaid half regular rates. PRIVATE SCHOOL PK0BI.E -1 LONDON, Ont. Artists who nave come to Canada from other 1 "I Resort hotels that formely had to make their income for the entire year during a short season now stay open longer some all-year and pick up welcome additional business. countries since the Second World 12-Month Season At US Resorts By WAYNE OLIVER NEW YORK (API The terms "winter resort" and "summer re-so:t." soon may have little meaning for many famous vacation nice en vwji rm? J-'arlu at war win be given an opportunity this winter to prove that t.hpir Mr. and Mrs. H. Leask sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Arthur Beaudin of Terrace sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mrs. George Brochu sailed last night on the Prince George for 1 Air lines, railroads and buses, I co-opeiatine in promoting the Editor, Daily News, j In the October 23 issue of the Prince Rupert Daily News an ; editorial appeared under the ; caption 'The Problem of Private i Schools," written by a Protestant ! editor. j I urgently suggest that non-C-ithoacs carefuliy read and eriouviy think about this editorial.. It shows how any non-Catholic mind, unclouded by religious intolerance and prejudices, can come to a clear conception regarding the true contributions have an integral place in Canadian culture. The London Public Library and Art Museum is sponsoring an exhibition of paintings by new Canadians to be held from Nov 23 to Dec. 30. The exhibition will have a two-purpose theme: To give new citii.-ns a chance to exhibit their work and to ;L &,j U QaL Jf(air I A:i was a gala event at Miller Bay as Jji.1 staff joined in the hilarious spirit of n. Even for those who designed and made r,.s it was a welcome respite from the h process of recovery. trend, are enjoying good business during periods when they formerly had few passengers on routes serving the resorts, and frequently lost money. The Hotel Association says most vacations used to be taken in July oj August. In many re- a tup to Vancouver. : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sedgewick ! of Port Edward sailed last night ! on the Prince George for a trip j to Vancouver. i I, 1 sorts the summer season began I July 4 and ended Labor Day. wnen Wednesday afternoon snow other Canadians the cul- ! turai Influences that thpse re- Mr and Mrs- Peter Camcron ! cent arrivals have brought ugnt to W have i"eslBned from the staff 0I" Canada. the M er Hospltal and will Ov i iani me much anticipated rdJiuli ade came there was an excited spot3 that once were strictly seasonal in operation. Theio's a steady upswing in ofi-season business from vacationers taking advantage of low-e- rates and other Inducements. Some United States resorts are becoming year-round vacation ?pots, and others are remaining cpen much longer than their to mer two or three-month seasons. The American Hotel Association, happy about the trend, reports that it's a good deal all around. Many a vacationer now enjoys a resort or hotel he ordinarily might not be able to afford by taking advantage of off-season rates that are one-third or one- After the art show w h!?e laKln UP residence In mnce meaning of our Canadian democracy. The time has come that all real Cbrlsians unite in tr.e ever-iu-ow.ng struggle against a godless materialism, without the necessity of subscribing to Catholic doctrine based on revelation and theology. Any government which em Rupert. VJVUO uug nuuugnout the institution. I More than 20 persons took .part In the parade throuch the seen here it will move on tour to other Canadian cities. Artists will be permitted to submit up to four Daintiness nd Mrs. P. Husoy and children sailed last night on the Prince The wintjr season in the south and in Arizona and California, ran from Jan. 15 fc March 15. But now, even in October, many of the New England, Great Lakes and other northern resorts have been continuing to operate practically at a mid-summer clip. And many will re-open at least a month before July 4. In Southern California and Florida, where tourist business (Continued on Pace Si George for a trip to Vancouver. i . wards and corridors. Six of the L NARRAWAY prowlers were up-patlents and these will be Judged locallv for ploys tactics of a "brush-off" I the rest were staff Thru u-f.ro 1 hanping in the London eallerv nL Ifriw. sun writer Suits and greeted with cheers and cries of ! art centres in Toronto, Ottawa, ICP) enthusiasm iviuiureai, oacKviile, N.B., Winnipeg and Calgary. i a iasmon-pivue es most working d, were shown to 8. P. Woodslde sailed last night on the Prince George for a brief trip to Vancouver on customs business Miss R. S. Bailey, of the staff of the Miller Bay Hospital, who was called to Vancouver recently through the illness of her mother, returned to Prince Rupert on the Chilcotin today. Her mother's condition Is greatly toward the reasonable requests of minorities is often a greater danger to our democratic Institutions than the most rabid Communist. The latter openly boasts of the absolute power of the State, the former often disguises the same principle In a quasi-humble subservience to the people. ' T. V. de (3. tuce of women In Lcum, well-known Martins Lane. lay a popular wom- JUL owe en . i Women s Own), aimed to give it than buyers, the wealth of up-aiid colors obtain-. suited to every Because so sheer and so luxuriously beautiful. vhanlom 2)ance Jlajyj al- otnq Modernize ... YOUR WARTIME HOUSE with smait inexpensive windows. Eliminate the work of cleaning multiple panes and provide more daylight too. See us for these modern sash which are made to fit. Just remove the old and place in the new. Island City Builder's Supply Leading the parade were Mrs. Cameron and Wilfred Bowen as drum majorette and drum major, respectively. Costumes were elaborate and colorful.. Ralph Gillies looked and talked more like a Chinaman than a Chinaman. His vocabulary semeed Inexhaustible. However, Halph admitted confidentially that he did use one word twice. Miss Evelyn McNab and Miss Long posed as a Chinese man and wife, also In realistic lash-ion. Miss Gallogley, as a buxom wife and mother, was accompanied by her small husband, Miss Walker, and led a cart of squalling offspring who bawled lustily. The "children," in the linen cart, were Misses Goulah, Hamblin and Ens. The family ensemble was complete with nursemaid Mrs. Biggs. Richard Bray sported a sur 9 y n as 3 and fash- all tastes, styles ONS CmC i:ie classic button- The Miller Bay Hospital Recreational Association provided evening entertainment for staff and their guests by way of a Hallowe' n Dane? in the new Recreational Hall. ENTRE wilh Its easy fuht-skirted Paris x'g-top skirts, hip The Leathercraft class on Mon- Walloon sleeves. FASHION footwear MAYOR THANKS KINSMEN Editor, Daily News: May I, on behalf of the citizens of the city, express our grateful appreciation to the Kinsmen I C'iub for the ao..- manner in which they handled the Hallowe'en festivities. It has been expressed by many citizens and the police department that this Hallowe'en has been the quietest that has been encountered for many years, with little or no damage done. This, I have no hesitation in saying, is due to the members of the Kins- i men Club and the manner in which they organized the enter- I tiiinment for the children of this , city, and I feel that Hallowe'en ; 1 nieht could not go by without a "Thank you Kinsmen, for the splendid work you have done ' H. F. GLASSEY, Mayor. There was a Rood attendance I day night is filling up grpdually and ail were attired in either Iwith new members Joining each masquerade or hard-time cos-1 session. The new class is mak-lume. Excellent music was nro- i in8 eood progress on small ar- here were clothes .lions might find It.iat .special date." 505 McBride Street Phore Blue 820 jvided by Mike Colusa's O.h- ticlcj. It includes Mrs. Hvndman. estra. Mrs. Gcoderich, Mrs. Blackstone, tire, however, lies of clever acces- and dresses with Costumes were very good and Mrs- Bridden and Mrs. Knutson geons outfit complete with head-mirror confusion waa evident even j " .Mwe, Tellier. Glenn and Ham"ton. Two stethoscope, ry of line were among friends as to identity of of last year's partners and funmakers. I students are Miss Irving and Mrs. hypodermic needle which he wielded menacingly. Miss Rath- Saturday & Monday Special ft. is. towards. Although this is After costume Judging an pi- bone was disguised as a realistic such contrasts as and gloves. The greys might be opard mulf and primarily a beginner's clas?, and bewitching witch. George i propriate hard-time supper was (jouiter cavorted about In pirate 1 servea on tr.e balcony as danc ing continued. garo. uecii rtooerts as Red Rid- I there is still room for some workers who have the fundamentals of leatherwork and do not require too much attention. Those wishing to finish projects pre iing Hood outdid Red Riding ; Hood herself. Costume awards were made to Miss Uuby Lewis and Jatk Bar-be,-, both el Prince Rupert, who UK" ated "Lady in worn with blacK Comprised of patients, the viously started or needing help U UX La L: at 7 10s. "'vvi e-'c a ycij 8wu wc.c wmra in seventeentn cen- priced Wuh new articles are heinir wel line to the wide, f"- All played musical tury costumes . complete with'2J TSursdav nlht if It fcram revers that ; ,u" ? ey s.iks, satins and powdered wigs. acmlt craft, so th". ch;lce br - victor -------, Clarence wens, strain over-flap , nlghu should accommodate Robert Johnson, iroat i ne only . ' Myron 1 nearly a'l interested persons. PHr.TrrnMAi. Jones, Sonny Lincoln and II in E iit no i m h n - i 1 j . . , - - --. Donald Price Costumes for thu u!h us wing-cuH, i un,-. ' ' '."""J, -!.,.. " " . w.. ' u..u.,. , i KIRXLAND LAKE. IAKJ!. Ont. Ont. (CP) (CP) i Twentv-eicht hnvu nnH n Ana Kennedy, Violet Campbell, Han-1 f ohn skater kHf d!"8' Passional ilg-' attended the Tuesday afternoon from New Westinin- i woodworkine class at th Civic Hak .Ulll lm 1. . . - - sleeves was a in gold through- .jre conservative isier, win De tne instructor this Centre with four new members winter at the Kirkland Lake , Joining. Witches and pumpkins, Figure Skating Club. He has owls and hatchets were painted and Elizabeth Brown and they were under the guidance of Mrs. Mcintosh. fc.viic styles in un- To finish a hannv afternoon ':Z JJ:" and mounted on plywood plaq- ,.i....mi.i . , ,.rh,. ivuc i" winters. VUIUi V.O'111'ftl OUJjpVI VI 1 1VJ L dogs, Ice cream, cake and candy k such as the dress with big double-breasted nd three-quarter priced at 6 12s. outfits with was served. ues. Real honest-to-goodness paint was used freely and samples taken home on hands and faces. With the able assistance of Mrs. Yamata, who is a regular helper in this class, the large group was able to accomp- 1.. 1 PAIR LADIES' NYLONS With Every Purchase of 9.95 or More DOAAS DEPT. STORE 7 . . JJailoring, jot j Ladies nrd Gentlemen LING 5 the tailor ders red l.rted suits under JC'iats cast 19 gui- Canadian Legion card party, ' "s" quite a few articles in the Monday, 8 p.m. sharp. (257c) i Hallowe'en motif and, if some of : the work wns rnt sn pnod it. wjik be found in dif-and colors. A ?-picre had clas- Turning Over Post Office W. N. Stanley, Post Office inspector. Is a visitor in the city on official business in connection with turning over from J. R. Morison, retiring postmaster, to R. S. Scherk, acting postmaster. Canadian Legion cabaret on account of the haste to finish fcwit topped by a dunce Friday, November 2. 10-2 Phone: Red 846 McDricIo and 4th Ave. S).in swaiiaer coat 220 Sixth St. rhc-) B4 k. ie-miiiute Earment belore the period ended. Any-'vay, the dog "brought th'ngs up j to scratch." New mvmbers tire j Jimmy Logan, Kenneth Boy- j chuk, Danny Phillips and Garry ; Tysse. p.m. $2.00 per couple. (257p) Don't forget whist, Moose Temple, Saturday, November 3. Starting tournament. (258p) LOCOMOTIVE PIONEER Meeting of Job's Daughters ! lp:!;!'1!!!!;!!!!::!;''::"!'!:;!!:!!!!;' .liiiliiiSNHiiililli.iii'lSirijiij'ilila 1 The Perfect Christmas Lay-a-way Gift - - 1 luce was the black fc'ii sou shoulder-ti'd collar and red fiuth biack acces-jjMm biack suit, It ft'-nat s.nister look I Vi.ionan mclo-jy ul.o be used as Oeorge Stephenson, inventor Friday, November 2, 7:30. Elec- Squa: dancing -will soon be I planned for Civic Centre mem-j bers. of the steam ocomotive, built tion of officers, silver march and his mast famous engine In 1829. party. (257c 'imig wrap. d evening wear -.coat.s, cocktail fli evening dresses, P' prices. A loveiv NATIONAL RADIO WEEK k gold-trlm- lus. L A BEAUTIFUL WATCH mmm) Relax With Radio ' Complete range of R.CA. VICTOR COMBINATION and TABLE MODELS Priced from A small deposit now holds your purchase till Christmas. Hundreds of styles and models to choose from. ' 1 S4 , ourp(3n0 -I: "ve a pnmo? Il(.ny ii is- $27-95 to $575-00 BULOVA ELGIN" FONTAINE CYMA-TAVANNES ROLEX GRUEN Illusartcd model 229.50 in Walnut :. "J ''I" ' m.ii k the. "HI he Uilhwut '"'pijiiosofliglu. I!""m. Ali-r.idvone ;'lniJlingaiu,i. MP"Ublr pi;mo5. ? D ili's filty yr.ns in Slny new uses have "' 'liiniimm, ih.it ' "I' '"' 12 plants in Jewell Take ers Ask for a Free Demonstration in your home ... No obligation Terms Vz Down Balance in 12 monthly payments Advantage Now of COOK'S Xmas Lay-a-way Plan T "I 1 1)1 le iciiinirv nuiii. lr pi oi ides em. GEORGE COOK " 'f 'li'iusiimls and P'Wimx a ,,c " l l"r mre .-'lian,,,,,,,,,,, ' All ' "Imniiunn " "f tortus from 10 ?" Planes. Aluini "ICa.udu.Ud f .1 TERRACE PRINCE RUPERT !!!l!!;!!i!!lllll!!!l:lll!!l!llllllllllllllHlimillllltlllllimi .U.I..MI ,H,,,i4iiii.lHlMHIIHll"UHIH'IIHlHli:UIM mSmXSa KIIOIKWJJ S Illlllllliillllllllliillililillilllllli!!!!