-f ts I See it I White Race Prince Rupert Dciiy News Friday, November 2, 1951 't i . , i .. :V f Ctmore V 1 Smait Styling Arrow "Drew" Still Talk Fight Card Joe Ward Hops Nick Schmel-hig Can Bring More Than 'Iwo t issuers Negotiations are being continued between Jc Ward of Prince . t ( EiiGiah-speakusg section &r,3 Dr. Malan has repeatedly challenged his opponents to show where such rights have been taken away. Dr. Malan ha.s said "today,! after more than a generation,: J'ou cannot enforce bilihgualLsra in any state department wlth-j out violent reactions on the op- j pogite side, In spite of the clear ; obligation resting on all Souta ' African governments to treat: both official languages on. a footing of equality." A speech by the grand presi- i dent of the 8ons of England, H. ! G. Bailey, Illustrates how deco-j ly suspicion has taken root in; some quarters. j He said that the Sons of England and all English-speakin? South Africans would never ai- j low an isolationist republic,! modernized with Hitler techniques, to cause an exodus of English from South Africa. "We will fight for a free and: righteous South Africa as long' as God gives us strength." He made it clear that he meant a' constitutional fight which would be "hard and unrelenting." j Discussing his party's repub-; lican alms. Dr. Malan has .said that a republic will not be fore- i 2m jjC's Slep Ahead I ;JWA. After listen- to Iiritish political ;s for a month or so, ;a little smile sitting I parliamentary gal-land witnessing our , jl''s in action. -hWw I (jot wlwn I eurae OMda is always our i Uiu bad." : jurliament, like the rest .(jiutiuns in Canada, is H p r y (Jaiiauiau rai nrr oit drab, but on the , J ii.-ndabit' and efficient. 4 I f Ml Rupert and N::k Schmeling of Prince George for a tight card in Prince Rupert the latter part of November when Mike Ratzo, Frince George, would meet Mr;u3 Morrison of this city in a fceadilne middiewelgnt event. November 17 or 24 a e being mentioned as possible dates for the ;ard. A?, a semi-wii-.d-up event, Churk Place, another Gjlden CiVci I.iu ?iince Eupe-'i, may ts matched against Larry Brewer, 135-pounier of F -ince Gearrje. However, Ward said yesterday .that ther misht be some diffi- fA ; , v f a- culty in rounding out a card here j of th. -ITHIS business ill Prir.ne George can only send I two fighters and he Is awaiting I further word from Schmeling on ih,vv tiix-iULY cams-Princess Elizabeth and the Duke oi Edinburgh were aU smiles durirtg the National Hockey League game in Montreal Monday night between Monti jal CanaDiens and New Yoik Ransei-s, wen by the Canadiens 6-1. Mayor Cuinillien Houde right) accompanied the 5TPv $4-95 ed on South Africa. It will come only as a result of the clear and uixquivocal expression of the people's will and will be based on the principle of equal rights for the two white sections of the population. "It is also not anti-British nor a retreat Into Isolation," he said. ! '.his point. royai coupie to the game. I CP PHOTO I Wales was ruled by sovurign P'inecs frcm the earliest times until the death of Llywelyn in 1282. T, her primary production enorm ously. With these two ?ormidera Hockey Scores America Market For HI Goods tions in mind it is unwise to ! depend on the United Kingdom Comfortable? And how! "DrewV medium thort, non-wilt collar has a low neckband that looks wonderfully trim . . give extra freedom at the throat. Sanforl zed-labeled, of course (shrinkage less than 1.., Mifoga cut for perfect fir. Ask u fyf the "Drew", WATTS & NICKERSON MEN'S CLOTHING 3rd Ave. Phone 345 U MONTH REASON (Conti: ::ed from pase 3) By J. C. GRAHAM Cancaian Press Correspondent ' AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) While once was confined almost entirely te the winter, vacation business ha been booming. The NatfoBBl New York 2, Chicago 4 Toronto 4, Montreal 2 Boston 3, Detroit 2 Okanagan Nelson 2, Kelowna 6 Dangerous Smoke to. purchase all the. supplies, of foodstuffs we produce. "We have had spectaeular increases in production. Twenty-five years ago we. exported abo'.it 5,000.000 carcases of lamb annually. Now we are exporting about 12,008,000. Twenty-five years ago we exported 0,OOO ayfociatlrins .nv t.hat mi. m, ' mo't oi tne worm s major food Beach, for Instance, had more ! Producing countries are tending to reduce exports going to large MCNTRFAL (CP) Besides its internal consumption, New Zealand's policy still looks to a steadily increasing export surplus. With this prospect ahead tno nf Hnttar Tntol U tin,.,. I is about. 140,000 tons." I""'"- c"c'1's' s"'uc vtu'ors on July 4 this yviw than on Washington's birthday, the traditional pJak of the winter season. An unofficial survey o smn-mer business this year gives a (rood Indication of the trend. For the countty as a whole, summer the Dominion is showing grow- O'Shea said New Zealand had To development of h'jart ana re-piratory diseases, health or-f;:er Dr. Adelard Groulx said In an address appealing to citizens ing interest in future markets 'the ability to produce a further over.seas. j 8,000,000 lamb carcases and 60,- A. P. O'Shea. general secretarv ! 000 tons of butter annuallv He Split Seen For Africa JOHANNESBURG CP Leaders of South African thought are becoming more and more engrossed by an apparent tendency of the comparatively small white population to split into two opposing camps. Prime Minister Daniel Malan, speaking recently of relations between the Afrikans and the English-speaking population of the union, said "nobody will deny that race relations have deteriorated to an alarming extent." The governor-general, Dr. Ernest J.msen, has also spoken of the trend toj,rds division of the white population, whose total of less than three millions is laced not only by the tncrea3-tnjj native fopuiuijj but by a vast native population outside the Union ? borders. "If enc were to believe Uw newspapers and' some politicians,'' said the governor -uen-eral, "co-operation is farther off than ever and racialism to rampant. Personally I believe there is far less real race hatred In tills country than ls often alleged." Very Rev. Frederick Moore, vtear-neneral of the Pretoria Anglican diocese, wrote in an Anglican magazine that "iron curtains are beginning to descend between English and Al-rikaii - speaking people, between those wno support tlie government and those who do not; and, much more dangerously, between black and white." Claiming that the governmeut is seeking to entrench itself by means of an ami-democratic republic, which will accord rights only to Nationalist supporters, I h e rapidly-swelling army of critics sets up a clams.-it every move which appea.s to be directed towards that e.id. The government and Us .supporters are not slow to reply. So far Dr. Malan's policy ef Apartheid has not eome up to his expectations as an Instrument for white racial unity. Aimed at separating South Africa's black races from the white and encouraging their separate development, this policy is viewed by Dr. Maian as "a powerful lnlluence in establish national unity on the firm basis of common conviction aiui Including both white races." One step in this policy, the alteration of the voting rights of South Africa's 50,000 colored voters, has had an opposite effect. Legislated earlier this year, the change was made possible by a house ruling that the constitutional entrenchment of colored voting rights was no longer valid. Opposition MP's sounded tlie alarm. They pointed out that the constitutional amendment which safeguards the status ot English as an official language in South Africa has also fallen away. They stated the ruling means that the South African parliament ts free to withdraw official recognition of the English language by a majority of one vote. If tt chooses to do so. Dr. Maian and his ministers have given repeated assurances that they have no lrttention of interfering with the English language and other rights of the scheme. On the contrary, the government is merely enabling the whole population of Canada to provide for Its own keep in old age. It is In fact nothing but a systematic and compulsory savings plan modified a bit by the principle that the better off should help the worse off. But It's a fine forward step; and the basis of a scheme which will no doubt be improved as time goes on. i of the Federated Farmers ef ; did not believe that Britain rosortf had 10 per ent more business than in 1950. But In '.o do everything possible to e'.iniitate the nuisance. Floi.da. rlv recarrteri i. I "cw aiaim, Deueves ine great.- couia aDSoro tnatmuch extra. . - j j . potential market fcfr the I On the other hand North Am Si country's surplus food products j erica had eriormous resources is North America. and great un exploited wealth. "I am certain that New Zea- j In the exploitation of this nat-land would always endeavor to jural wealth the people must see primarily that the people of have an enormous advantage In Britain obtained sufficient food ability to attain a high stand-from New Zealand for their re-iard of living and he)nce the con-quirements," he said in an ad- tinent can be regarded as a .:, State. :avs in Britain both , ciiiim the credit for it to birth in the first f;:y :ii p ulj for children's ,ji ,s, oM aire pensions and ijc' rrudle-to-Rrave social , srheine.s. f f ines no longer say thit ij.xwe tin' principle of t l,inas. On .the contrary, g Put us In power and . nut only keep your wel-t , but administer it more v than tlie Socialise fc'iMPARE all tliis with i( nas quietly happened in We never did have the rut ideological arguments 4.: they had in Britain rr-ason, perhaps, tliat no j )i,ii;n .il movement htut - 4 ; alionady established lr. i uti a ba-.i . sufficiently .i 1 1 nuke it a vital, red I. tiie old parties. .: K vertheless we loo have tU.-r toward the Welfare 4-- tact, when you Ret ; ..in to it the only place l'i!i8 is si ill verv far : us is in her national Ik mo. dCF seeirn to me to de- me major credit for .ho Kovernments In t .-nouns steadily in the . of the Welfare State, t) ) fiir-minded person :.v the fart that enllRht- i m-n hiKh. up in the Lib-J have actually fin- . II. i' job of putting Into 4iv of the measures fur CCF so faithfully plo- I . ! $ NOT till I got to Ot-i a it I learned any of to Is of the government's HI i e pension scheme. 1. knew that everybody tt the $40 at age 70 4 means test. What we know was how. the : j as to be raised to pro- hinds tor all this. government seems to me i worked out not too bad i ' r paying the shot. I C( F are right to press ajuu the $60 per year n payments Into the aler tile 2 per cent in-levy. 1 can't see any Mm why a person mak--HD'iO per year should pay bsk what you gel i ": With O fcil. 1 .l r.ii..iiM..n.4 ; inkjJ '"' l'l'rt,:w" " -f . Coleman I lTvl I I TRADE MARK I i mi immi dress. "On the other hand I be- future market for additional lieve New Zealand can expand 'rood. ar a winter resait, summer basi-ncss was tip ltVt to 15 per cent. But what about the weather wouldn't you roast by going to a winter resort in summer or freeze at a summer tesort before or after the regul season? T he, association recently compiled the following list of aver-"K 'empcratures of resort aras for the month to six weeks immediately preceding and immediately following the regular uason: New England, 65 degrees; the Great Lakes, 48; Pennsylvania. 59; the Gulf Coast, 72; Southern Arizona T3; and Southern California. 80. Cape Cod, for example, In early autumn has most of the vacation attractions It had in the summer. The climate at thj Great rrs Etsa eta BEX ESa C33B I LOOK FOR STaNFULD S MARK OF QUAliTY I I " ! 'I ss. ; - Only j $35' I lhcre's no substitute for quality! 1 ji f M I H ' 1 tnev 1 Slanfielil's Umlerwear lias been first choice with j ,T , , " j " I Canadian families for more than CO years. I 'i ' V" " It keeps ils ftness through countless I J I L J s' ls), I I J ' ""i Small In size I washiiiffs. Won't shrink, climb or bin.. I . I fv '-l" I -smell in , 53 " , . ' , I I j - K price c tout J j .-J Ak to sec Stanfield's 1. nderMear. It's maile I I V ' rJ ia perform- Ml Jj TZl mmmm Lakes resorts In late September! row; Mi;.x ere required fr rreHiinq as NAVIGATORS - RADIO OFFICERS PILOTS and October often is at its very best, with the air clear, invigorating and pollen-fiee. Weather bureau records show Miami Beach's temperature averages on' 50 degrees higher in summer than in winter. And the off-siason vacationer Isn't merely an asset to the holiday resort. His business benefits the whole community. I duces 32.Q00 ETUs cf teat f S I J U ' ... , , , ' 1 boar A resE line room fceatcr 3 4 . coil)ina lion models for warm, C a dandy auxiliary hK-tcrl See B J I I th'ss-.dov.'cdinalioEriyfcoauty M LJ comfortable wMiter wear. 1 for yourself. You'll ba amazed M I at it3 low prics-its hi;h power 1 J I V 1 I I Cene ta cni Iripecf Kit keckr tjj 1 y I I PBI 1 k) bTAMH ELD'S ' '' I Zl I Tj3zt2!Ff&ZX3j SoH... Warm... Durable I I I ' ! STANfSlD'S UMITED TKUIIO, N.S. SI -.Bride St. I'Mme 311 j iMgnnl !"CTn" '."-''i-i-11 KADSO & AERONAUTIC?! TECHNICIANS If you cm qualify ! lERE'S WHAT YOU GET: O The bast tret rung in Carte tie 0 A well-paid career in the Royal Canadian Air Force with good opportunity for promotion end uured progressive pay. d Fuji medical, dental and hoipiaiiiation care, and excellent pension provisions or gratuities. O Continuous employment with 30 dftyt annuftt vacafion with pay. Generous mania go and tubsiitedce allowance. W!l-p!anned iporfsland recreation. ' Lake Victoria Nyanza in Africa, covering 26,200 square miles, is C 000 square miles smaller than Lake Superior. f than one maklwr only . No paper currency ls used In Saudi Arabia, where gold coins are the means of payment for large transactions. is a relatively minor f 4 Sit Opportunity for travel, education, adventure and experience in Cend and Oveneas. QUALIFICATIONS: A !R CRF.W; Between f 8 and 24 yean cf age with grade eleven education or better. C-miOUND CRtW: Between 17 and ? year of age with grade eight djcation or better. Aop!v to: U.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT VJ3I IC!A Avs., CJ.r.lon 'ich will provide a good I point in future elec- jhe mast people will fiat Hon. Paul Martin's ' J mufKcd step ahead for ,! 1,1 fRUE, as I have been "I io show for years, that "rnmciu is not "givlii;;" '"f-f anything under this i, bJ''' . ; 17 1 IP Chain Saw Ml) III ! X X .. .. . J f & I. mm. CUSIIIOHED POWER Cushioned power neutralizes vibration and gives amazing smoqthness. Full swivel transmission, full power sawing In any position and quick starting. WW"" 1 Wter v T T only i OPENING SOON H I LABIE'S 1 Hiram Walker's Special Old jioii.n-ss TJitth f McCulloch I lln. ! ' 1 o rctZJ I; i A e 'airy Sparc Parts for all McCCM.OCH SAWS Authorized Sales and Service CANADIAN WHISKY 1 I ';.t-J-r ;!'i.;v: "vnvJ ;acific Electric Rupert, B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992 y r"' 's:mfs f wmms fatwdian &Zwsr This advertisement is not published r displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by, the Govemme nt of Canada. . J Tjj