1 " 1 1 I, i A 1 - 1 mm V OJO Daily Y CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Delivery Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great orthwest" Phone 81 V VOL. XL, No. 112 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS r Hears if M ln JV l Murder and Suicide jc MLA lor rrmce ,.sscd the delegates . and Labour Coun- " . .. -I. tha INTERNAL CRISIS IN SOUTH KOREA mod me wui. ui M Qonn in Cra j Victoria. He spent time in discussing t Hull 111 VUJ Halibut landings Talk of Government Of Rhee Going Sour prmg sevemi nuca- im. the Council's pro-:usal of the govern-i up the Industrial IiyLL (CP) Bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Henry! Knudsen, said to have come from Prince Rupert, both slain with a .30-30 rifle, were found Friday night in a dine-and-dance hotel here. Police Chief J. A; Robert said it was "positively a case of murder and, it ion Act, Mr. MacKae j mittce of members TAEGU, Korea (CP) A cabinet crisis, brouoht 4 no on wmcn ne imn- Russia May Become Aggressor At Any Moment, Says Marshall WASHINGTON, D C. Defence Secretary George Marshall said today that he operates on the assumption that Russia "may i.tcp into aggression at any moment" In Western Europe. ' At thi same time he told the Senate armed services committee investigating the dismissal of General MacArthur that he feels the risk of provoking Russia to war In the Far East ic greater than is the danger in Europe. Marshall siffd that reports received by the United States' Indicate continuous Soviet build-up by re-arrangement of her troops in Europr and by increasing her strength In the Far East. suicide." ' member to contact about by financial scandal and mass PXPfiitinn i with the-., ' moment t, o..t. ., AMEKICAN Sea Bird, 45,000, Cold Storage, 17.4c, 15c and 14c. CANADIAN Good Partner, 50.000, Cold Storage, 17.4c, 15c and 14c. Sentlnella, 21,000, Atlin, 17.4c, 15c and 14c. W10, 40,000, Pacific, 17.5c, 15c and 14c. wuine up the Act ouuui rvuiean government wniie Ioocn for proposed am- Allied forces battle to defend the republic atrainst ho ne xuiift was wi wiuu.g lino- . r " sum --,,..,... committee of the ; v,ui..i.iuiiK,i.s. , ica Act I There Is talk of Impeaching ndprlUB the thanks'Dr. Syngrnan Rhee, 76-year-old for the attendance . president of the United . Nations-snonsored republic Ispaco, 57.000, Cold Storage, r.ic was passea Dy, Vital Words Recounted Manslaughter Trial at Prince George Arising Out of Train Wreck PRINCE GEORGE Testimony on the inclusion of two vital words in a train order took up the third day Friday of the manslaughter trial of Alfred John Atherton, 22-year-old Canadian National Railways tele- crflnhpr rhnrpprf fnHnuintr t.hp Robbed of No-Hitter Joe Dobson of Chicago White Sox Missed by a Whisker Okanagan 17.5c, 15c and 14c. Western Spirit, 47,500, Atlin 17.3c, 15c and 14c. I Knee urea mree caDinct ' o . isters recently as an aftermath Kochang. Charged with Com- Is Impressed With Pacific. William Eacott of St. Cathar Mltkof, 18,000, Royal, 17.4c, 15c River Floods The Knudsens ran a taxicab company. Police in Hull said they were tipped off by an anonymous phone caller who said: "Someone is dead in room 54' of the hotel. "It seems she left the Wst Coast some time ago and drove to Ottawa," Chief Robert said. "He flew to Ottawa and arrived here yesterday and checked into this hotel. She drove down from the west accompanied by two men. who are being Investigated." Police did not Identify the men but said they were from the West. Both slain were found on the bathroom floor. Mrs. Knudsen, about 40, had been shot twice, once in the back. Knudsen, 50, was shot through the mouth, i Policemen said it was appar--ent Knudsen had done tha shooting. and 14c. Unimak, 40,000, Cold Storage 17.5c, 15c and 14c. Velma C, 38,000; Larry H. 15,000, and AUi, 22,000, Co-op. OLIVER The Okanagan River Smilhers stating a,"r- ers were convlcted by a military A,re he would notify j CQUrt an(, snot Kebruary 12 I.orTue The PPsiUo tne x to Prime Rune Rupert. t Uonal Democrats, charges that here has risen to six inches be low the flood danger level. Al ready some land has been inun ymenis were re- , meanwhile $2,000,000 in defence Hon. A. D. Turnbull, department funds has dlsap- dated and people are preparing , Canoe River train wreck Novem. GUialth: J. D. McRae, I Deared to evacuate. NEW YORK (CP) Joe Dobson, veteran 34-year-old righthander of the Chicago White Sox, missed recording his second no-hit no-run game of the 1951 major league season by a whisker Friday night. Dobson pitched the White Sox to a 12-to-l victory over the Cleveland Indians. A pinch-hitter, Bob Avila, ruined Dobson's bid with a two-out eighth inning" double. The ber 21 In which twenty-one persons perished when two trains collided head-on. rokl Winch, MLA., meeting held re-rily. protesting the Vice President Lee Bee Yung asserts that Rhee is loading the government with his friends. House Loan Interest up OTTAWA (CP) Parliament will be asked to pass legisla- emiums on Hospital ines, Ontario, arrived in the city Friday to spend a few weeks' holiday with his brother-in-law and sister, Staff Captain and Mrs. W. C. Poulton. " Mr. Eacott, who is partner in a large dry-cleaning business in the Niagara peninsula, was In the Royal Canadian Navy In the last , war and served aboard HMCS Arrowhead and HMCS Strathadam In which corvettes he saw most of the Atlantic. However, it fell to the lot of the CNR, through the services of their efficient conductor of train 195, to tell him the glories of the Pacific. Mr. Eacott will return to Ontario at the end of the month. information re- Air Patrol Of Floods Vancouver on the Indians then spoiled, the shut- out by scoring on two walks and j tion increasing Interest rates Col. Stone In Canada an error on a double-play ball on loans obtained by pros EVIDENCE CONCLUDED Hearing of evidence in the case of Rex vs. A. J. Atherton was completed at the Supreme Coart assizes shortly before noon today. Counsel and Mr. Justice A. D. MacFarlane are addressing the jury this afternoon and there may be a verdict' by tonight. i.iiiitiee of the joint ion would be kept f ronsider furthej ac- qiipsi ion. TS RE.M 1IF.D 4 !is reported agtve- FAIRBANKS, Alaska TO An' New Atomic Tests Made ' aerial ice patrol is Hying the VANCOUVER Lleut.-Col. J. R. Stone landed in Vancouver 4 1951 settled while length of the Yukon River and bombs are being used as weapons against ice jams. ' Dizzy Trout, dean of the Detroit Tigers' pitching staff, gained his first victory of the season as the Tigers whipped St. Louis Browns 7 to l! The Chicago Cubs trounced the Pittsburgh Pirates 10 to 4 in the only National league game. pective home owners under terms of the National Housing Act. Resources Minister Winters told the House of Commons yesterday that legislation will Increase to five per cent from 4 2 per cent the interest rate payable by borrowers. from Tokyo at 9 a.m. today and a still negotiating. In- Air Force officers yesterday A. E. Tisdale disnatcher at reported the creation of a special ! Kamioopg, wno sent the original 1 WASHINGTON, DC. (CP) A new atomic test has been completed at Eniwetok, proving ground in the Pacific, a mem 4 Hospital ana Laun- boarded a plane for Edmonton ..-.' Unions who had twenty minutes later, speeding to ii 'ie labor department i bedside of his two-year-old fp oi a conciliation daughter, Moire, who is suffering - from a severe eye disease, ' jr of vice-president of Tn commanding officer of the nxuniiauasauce pauui w wawn , order admitted that had hei Confidence in Police Chief u,r ice jams which iiugui uacn been paying closer attention i flood waters into isolated Alas- when Atherton retreated the! ber of the Joint Senate-House BO-ME-HI SHOWS WELL kan villages order back t0 ni he would have j of Representatives atomic Planes of the 449th all weather n m, i mtttee said Friday msht.- H 1 bfine vacant Twin- Princess Patricias in Korea w ; jl l ( llyn of the Fire given compassionate leave when VANCOUVER Police Chief 1 squadron are patrolling the Yu-1 rortarsiri isa'd he had no immediate in- Walter Mulligan and his depart- kon River daily for 1,000 miles I Th mm,.n tht au- formation on the exact nature ment were given a unanimous from Fort Yukon to the Bering he learned of his daughter s illness. One eye has been removed and the other is threatened. tnn In no.clno tha nTV, Vh ! f " test adtimg that reSUllS h !,P h K h ? th6had not been evaluated as yet. Prince Rupert and Ketchikan Tie in Alaska Track Meet Prince Rupert and Ketchikan tied for honors in Sea. They are also patrolling 'in was elected to fill was received that ir bad been put on 'UiiR with most would in 1951 be : ,: j ;r;"r.T:rri: ""rZiThe Atomic Energy Commission "... , . U W U VJ 1IIUUUG 1,1117 WUIUn vote of confidence by the board of police commissioners last night. j In view of recent allegations nrlKinfT not. f an QllnonH Kivlr- would only say that "a test pro "At Cedarside" which would ' gram is under wayy at Enlwe- the Lower Kuskokwim River to the south Yukon. Ladd air force base reports a new ice barrier at Bethel on the Kuskokwim was knocked loose have sent the train into a siding, , t A- : a,. ... tUIV. if union (iuvs deducted 4tax purposes. . . . . -m " u. mi ..v.,.v. Championship making racket and other mat- the Southeast Alaska High School Conservatives Are Jubilant ters. the chief demanded a vote with bombs last night. I Galena, on the Yukon, also is e awaJl Passing tne east-i Expectation here is that the bound passenger train. . concluding explosion of the cur- The -order did Include the j rt nt sedes would be a big nil-words 'at Gosnell where the i ciear fission blast yet to be set troop train was to have again 0f f , been shunted to a siding to! rnwpnk haS .hp slt. f of confidence or a full investiga tion. track meet at Ketchikan Friday. Each school won f)l U points. Petersburg was also entered. ; , Last, year Prince Rupert en- reported safe from flood threat after aerial action. Rent await passing of JanoLher.pas tnree previous explosions-in senger train. oilers (ains in Local Elections Hailed as Auguring Well For National Contest LONDON iff The Conservative party last night hailed successes in local government elections in England and Wales as a sign it Vl fl'.-ElL'hl. rr.nnlv Bridges Not Collapsing .... j i have been named to npru aim may iao. . & The blasts there are reported to have been far more powerful than the Nagasaki-type o! bombs used two years before in the Bikini experiments. There are reasons to believe that the efficiency of the ex Minister Is Injured ROAD REPORT Skecna River Highway Seamen Offered Increase in Pay VANCOUVER Three steamship companies have made a new pay offer to seamen who are threatening' strike action. Retroactive to March the companies would give an increase of $7.50 per month with another increase of $6 37 September 1 next. There would be a 40-hour week. M of rental controls prilish Columbia ren- will oust the Socialist government VICTORIA Hon. E. C. Carson Prince Rupert to Terrace- denies a statement attributed to , Good, plosive progressed at equal if him that hundreds of highway Terrace to Smithers Road not greater rate in the two years bridges in British Columbia are j ranging from fair to good with elapsing between the Bikini and In the general elections expected this year. Final figures gave the Conservatives a net gain of 103 seats out of a total of 3,407 up for election in 390 boroughs. But most gains I'lan. They are Wil-'"'i of Prince Rupert, 'n of Prince George, " of Port Alberni. J. Vancouver, J. A. Mc-lliv'r.: M. W. Col-Prnticton, J. Ross "f Kamloops and tered five contestants at Ketch-1 ' Ikan. This year there was a team of 10. J Prince Rupert won points as follows: 100 Yards 1, Bob Williamson; 2, Bernard Garood; 4, George Williamson. ' 220 Yards 2, Bill Becker; 4, Carl Watson. 440 Yards 1, George Williamson; 2, Rod Tait; 4, Penio Pen-eff. 880 Yards 1, Jerry Ford; 3, Peneff. One Mile 1, William Black-aby; 2, Tait; 3, Harold Eidsvik. (All three broke the previous record.) Relay 1, Garood, WaUson, Becker, Bob Williamson, Shot Put 2, Watson. Broad Jump 4, Wataon. -., High Jump 4, Watson. name to collapse. All bridges, he occasional rough spots. I Eniwetok ' tests, says, are safe up to the load lim- S its posted on them. were at the expense of the Inde pendents who are still a big force in local government affairs. Nil of New Westmln- Labor nominees had a net loss Leather of three seats. V sit as a court of Tories are most elated over f"ta(s In any part of .success in, the industrial city of French Assembly Is Dissolving PARIS -The French National Assembly early today'voted to dissolve July 4, thereby making certain a general election will be held next month, probably June 17., ' ollowing the tak- Leeds where they turned a Labor Ule provincial gov- majority of eight into a Conser lenlal controls. ' vative majority of 22. Hon. J. II. ( ales aud Family In Car Accident INVERMERE (CP) Minister of Labor John Cates and his daughter were injured yesterday when their car overturned in Kootenay National Park. Mr. Cates received a broken arm, and the daughter, Mary Louise, had her collarbone and wrist broken. A second daughter, Ann, escaped. The victims are recovering in Invermere Hospital. Canada has New Weapon MONTREAL (CP) Dr. O. M. Solandt, chairman of the Defence Research Board, said today that Canada has started work on a new guided missile and a new anti-tank weapon which is expected to be more accurate than the United States Army's bazooka. PDAY'S STOCKS """(('"lll-tciy B. I. JohnstiiD Co. Ltd.)' 'AN'COUVER Standard .... Synopsis Moist cool Pacific air covers all of the province today and cloudy skies and showers are quite general. Not much change , in this condition is to be ex-! pected today but there will be 1 some clearing in most sections tonight. By tomorrow a Pacific I storm, which is now about 700 miles west of the coast, will bej close enough to B.C. to be caus-1 ing cloud and rain along the coast and increasing cloud over ! the Interior. Strong northwest winds which developed over the nort hcoast last night will mod- erate during the day. Fresh to strong southerly winds are ex- j pected In most regions along j the coast tomorrow. i Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy today and tomorrow. A few showers today. Rain beginning ! tomorrow morning. Little change in temperature. Winds) westerly (15 miles per hour) today, except west (30) over open i waters this morning. Winds j Ruartz Four Million For Civilian Defence But Armed Forces Must Come First, Says Minister OTTAWA (CP) The Canadian government expects to spend on civil defence this fiscal year $4,200,000 a fraction of one per cent of the total planned for defence as a whole. That amount is iiscot CIVIC CENTRE WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MAY 16rh And Each NiRh't Till Saturday r, First Canadian Tour DIRECT FROM 8! i MONTHS AT THE WORLD-FAMOUS "IT" CAFE IN HOLLYWOOD AND A SENSATIONAL RECORD-BREAKING TOUR OF SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND The Amazing Dr. Robert (Tex) Internationally Famous Lecturer, Author, Psychologist. " Scientific, Educational and Hilariously Entertaining ! ! HYPNOTIST ACE SHARPSHOOTER Thrilling! . . . Blood-curdling! Genuine! $1000 will be donated to any local charity if any fake, trick or deception Is used! COWBOY SINGER Famous the World over on Radio, Stage, Records and Screen. Watch or his first Canadian Records soon. IS HYPNOTISM FAKE OR SCIENTIFIC FACT? See for Yourself ! ! The audience is invited to particpate at every demonstration by the amazing Morton recognized as one of the world's finest demonstrators of Mesmerism, Psychometry and HYPNOTISM! Thousands Turned Away in Almost Ail Towns! Huge Crowds Everywhere! ' Ask Anyone Who's Seen' It! So Be Wise . . . Book Early! TICKETS AT CIVIC CENTRE Pries: Res. $1.50 $1.00 General Admission (inc. Tax) P'les . .. iBorde $1,879,000,000. Seattle 49 Bevcourt 1 Buffalo Canadian 21 Consol. Smelters 142.00 Conwest 3.00 Donakla 55 Eldona 20 East Sullivan : 7.80 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.40 God's Lake 32 V2 Hardrock -1 ' t Harrlcana ; -1 Heva 12 Jacknife 09 Joltet Quebec 50 Little Long Lac 62 y2 Lynx 132 Madsen Red Lake 2 06 McKenzle Red Lake 45 MoLeod Cockshutt 2.40 Moneta 32 Negus " Noranda 74.00 Louvicourt 18 Pickle Crow 1 60 San Antonio 2.30 Senator Rouyn 17 Sherrit Gordon 3.30 Steep Rock 8.20 Silver Miller 1-80 Upper Canada l Golden Manltou 8.10 .21 5.50 .03 1.10 .07 .45 .25 1.88 .34 .10 .32 1.55 .45 .05 .18 .03 .5'2 2.35 1.92 6.05 .44 3.15 1.12 15.00 .15 1.55 8M, .07 . .21 , ft k "Niiier Cold Ji'.V n(lard 'Itanium " 'Ndian ... Retains World Chess Title ed an advanced stage with some hundreds of key instructors trained. Local planning "is all-important," he said. Arrailpmpnt.i had hpn wnrlc- Minister of Health Paul Martin gave the civil defence figure to the House of Commons Friday in reply to a question from the Opposition. light tonight, becoming south (201 tomorrow. Lows tonight and highs tomqrrow at Port Hardy, 45 and 57; Sandsplt and Prince Rupert, 45 and 55. Earller the minister had told cd out with the provinces and members that there Is no hiding the United States for spheres of place for Canadian communities responsibility if atomic warfare comes but the Dr. W. o" Blair (Progressive first priority In the use of the Conservative, Lanark) said that country's resources in an emerg- Canada's preDarations exist m LONDON Michael Botvin-nik retained the world's chess championship by the narrowest possible margin In Moscow last night, ending a 24-match marathon against David Bronsteln with a score of 12-12. TideS lency must go to the armed paper only and the country 1951 16.4 feet 15 9 feet The rules of play were such forces. should be much farther ad- Radian JOHOXTO Sunday, May 13, High 5:47 19:25 Low 12:44 that, if the final match ended in a draw,, Botvinnik would retain the title. Martin said that federal plan- vanced in view of statements nlng for civil defence care of that war would bring a rain of the civil population has reach- atomic bombs on this continent. 6.6 feet