Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, May 12, 1951 TYRONNH tHuZZ member of the frolicking gang! who did not enter Into the playful antics. "Tipsy Fingers," a Spanish TODAV 7-9:10 "BLACK R0SE" . - WATERFRONT WHIFFS Rupert Mens and Boys' Store Fish Boat leading Facilities Uadly Needed Machine Shops Busy Halibut Landings The problem of loading facilities for fishing ve; H From BIG BOY To LITTLE Boy WE CLOTHE i THEM ALL! ' Of particular note, we call attention to our new "Little Boy" Suits and Coats In styles ha.t say: "Come and Get Me" .... Reasonably priced, too, and JUST ARRIVED. RUPERT MEN'S ' AND BOYS' STORE Western Music Range Riders Show Lively A seven-man western group, the Calgary Range Riders, clowned, sang and strummed their way through one and a half hours of entertainment before some 200 people in the Civic Centre auditorium last night. Versatile in their performance, some would play guitars one time, then a violin, accordion or bass fiddle which they appeared to handle with astonishing ease and alacrity. The radio and recording artists proved that gusto and enthusiasm is a major part in showmanship and applause of the audience showed their act went over well. For instance,' when Freddie Lang came out with his fiddle for the first time, everyone knew he. could play better than the first sorrowful and flat strains of "Red River Valley" he first produced. This bit of clowning was followed by a brash imitation of FriU Kreisler at his most -serious performance.-Suddenly, with support of several guitars, banio and, bass fiddle, Freddie tore into a hoedown which had more than one toe ticking merrily to scls came up again this week and a small step was made towards its solution if it isn't only Just talk, as one fisherman put it. " One of the oil companies sene on the Coquitlam from along the waterfront has put , Vancouver to Masset yesterday, nut. a fpeler bv exnressino thiOn deck in a wire cage during guitar solo by Tony stoltz, showed a master control of nimble fingers over strings and keyboard. It was the artist's own composition. He later displayed he was no slouch on the accordion, either. Western ballads, such as "Beautiful, Beautiful Brown Eyes" and "The Little Shirt My Mother Made for Me," 'were sups by Hilton, assisted in duet by Curly Koochin, tall range-rid' r and master of the "Yee-hau" cry, while Norm Towne the bass until it turned several times in diwiness. Added feature to the show was the singing of Buddy Reynolds, radio and recording artist from Vancouver, giving out with his own composition ana first recording, "Ocean of Golden Dreams," and ending with "The Spruce Fly," a recent composition of his which he said had Just become No. 1 on the Canadian Western Hit Parade. The concert was followed Sy dancing. For tonight's show the Rangers have promised a different act. In the afternoon they visited a downtown music store, autographing recordings and informally chatting with lovers of western music. MONDAY - TUESDAY TJ 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. fe Sclrrtcd Short CTf4(rT5F l MMOU7 J""J 14 U ii a k Subjects Vjmy W.t 11 Jl I desire to build a wharf and the shlP's stopover in Prince Rupert, Duke seemed content but highly interested In his surroundings. He joins his master, Art Humphreys, at Queen Charlotte Oanners. DORIS DAY - CORDON MacRA TODAY 7 - 9:00 n itAPQR TWO" loading facilities at the present site of the Yacht Club if the Yacht Club would find another place to do. Some members fc?T this would be great-they have just the spot in mind where they would like to move, either at Seal Cove or near the dry dock. But it costs money to move and the Yacht Club Just can't put its hand In Its pocket and come up with $10,000 or so. All agree the fishermen should have a place close in to take nn supplies. Some of the fisher SUNDAY MIDNITE and MONDAY MATINE, CHRISTINE NORDEN THE BOWERY BO All 'LUCKY 'SAINTS AND SINNERS" Passengers arriving here yesterday afternoon on the steamer Coquitlam from Vancouver were G. S. Reade, Mrs. Ardagh, O. Tough, S. Pastor, A. W. Beech, Mrs. Schultzik, Mrs. Gilmour, Mrs. Goddard, G. Peacock, E. Blais, Mr. and Mrs. I. McHardy and children, H. Brudwald, W. Fulton, W. Noble, H. Norris, T. J. Volp, F. O. McGulrc, Mrs. L. C. McGuire, Peter Ryan, I. Sater, C. Lyanberg, T. Best, W. Rush-ton, J. Simpson, G. Phillips. LOSEg This Fortune Not Welcome By JOHN RODERICK LQNDON" (API The girl with soft red hair putters around the TlwMEWrtoryof Iwlovrd ?'!!ri--r linn its rhythm. Banjo solos by Mel Ringham brought out such oldies as "Wall Street Rag" and "Bye-Bye Blues" or "Get Off the Stove, Mama, You're Too Old to Ride the Range," as MC Bill "Dlx" Hilton called it Steel guitar expert was Don Thompson, a young, sober-faced man who seemed to be the only Enlisting in New Brigade OTTAWA (CP)-A total of 1998 men have been enlisted for service in Canada's 27th Brigade In the first five days of recruiting. Also 35 officers have been enrolled. Applications from another 2603 men and 217 officers are being dealt with. The drive alms at from 5500 to 6500 men. men feel Prince Rupert business men should look after this, because, after all, "the businessmen benefit by us we keep the town going," they say. Businessmen admit tins is true, but also feel that the fishermen' should themselves get after what they want. "It's no good just beefing and talking about it," is their opinion. And why couldn't some of the fish companies and heavy suppliers along the waterfront provide some facilities? they ask. Each added facility would do much U relieve the congestion. (nog; SIM MOM Shiny Mr Carton . HALIBUT FISHING HEAVY At the present rate of fishing, the halibut season this year far Area No. 2 may be even shorter than the 26 days in 1950. Up to yesterday, 6,300,000 pounds of halibut had been taken from the area as compared with 5,600,000 pounds in the corresponding period last year. The "i ""111 I- Good Place - -,Ji to Stop i . 244 Miles to ' TELKWA HOTEL rTelkwa, B.C. Just a Nice Day's Drive moves an adventure o! : lunch than with being a Baroness. Neither she nor her husband use the title, and she lines up with the rest of her neighbors for the weekly meat ration. Arthur, Baron Ravensworth, has no intention of quitting his job as an engineer with the BBC. I Kucnen in ner aupiex, matting lunch sandwiches for her young I ! husband, a radio engineer at $30 j a week. She looks like any other suburban English housewife, which I Is what she likes to be. But fate has made the girl who was just ; plain Wendy Bell a year ago at once a peeress and a girl.with a million dollar heartache. I When she was married In the village church at Cookham last ' year her husband was plain Mr. Arthur Liddell. A month after the marriage an uncle died, and he became the eighth Baron Ravensworth. Wendy, 25, became a Baroness. , This spring came another shock. Although the title is genuine, the wealth is not. Arthur had been left a gross estate of 409.000 pounds, or about $1,227,-000. Almost half the legacy is In nearly worthless real estate, Including a run-down old castle quota for the area Is 25,500,000, pounds. Most of the fish so far! caught from Area No. 2 has been poured into Prince Rupert which has had 4,215,520 pounds to date. Prices, reaching at the adventure and hiddm t a fast and suspenselui t Raft is supported thr perilous Journey by Col as a fellow Amerlcac Wide stretches of Tibet's tptal area of 475,000 square miles are still unexplored. Last Sunday the Salt Lakes ferry made Its inaugural trip of the season and at least 00 people took advantage of the warmest day of the year (un down on her luck until i officially 72 above) to visit the resort. a George Raft In Thriller Tough, crackling entertainment is provided in "Lucky Nick Cain," billed next Monday and Tuesday as the feature picture at Totem Theatre. George Raft Is an American gambler who becomes Involved in the hidden dangers of modern Europe. Assured and nerveless in the face of mounting George and the tables ar Further aiding Rait Staiola as 'a native lb on a bicycle with Gt?: and Margaret Graham plus charmers. 1 i s 2) top over 19c, are a far cry from last year's range but cannot be regarded as disappointing for such high prices had not been anticipated this year. Highest price so far this season was 19.7c, 17.5c and 15.5c paid the San Juan by Pacific Fisheries for 30,000 pounds on Thursday of this week., A larger proportion than ever of the fish is going into cold storage this year rather than being shipped to 'iMtei if Chop 5uey - Chow Mein A. P. "Tony" Crawley, operator of the ferry, says it is the earliest he has ever started the run and he was surprised the way people turned out, mostly with picnic lunches. However, there 'Were a good 20 hardy individuals who went swimming, Tony reports, and according to the swimmers the water "was just great." A round trip to the Salt Lakes resort takes about 40 minutes running. FISH FOR TSRAL STOCKHOLM 9-0r dred tons of deep-frwr, fillets, first Swedish el HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 fish to Israel, formed p. he fresh fish markets. at Gateshead near Newcastle. I Various duties and legacies' totalled 267,496 ($802.4881. And this must ba paid out of the per-jsonal estate which totalled only ! E164.219 ($192,657!,. So the young tension, he untangles an Intricate and persuasive melodramatic mesh. Filmed almost entirely in Italy, the picture goes from squalid sections of the undorworld to beautifully Jagged peaks along the sea coast. Through the scenic shifts cargo of the Swedish linvr Vlkingaland on be maiden voyage to the Mediterranean. i.Tlirrn and Barorress are a lot worse off financially than If they -5 , i ' - j The Relief, Capt. Merrill Sol-lows, sold the first halibut on the exchange this season, landing 18,000 pounds and bought by Bacon Fisheries. Fir,st carioad of fresh halibut shipped ear.t tins season was loaded by Bacon for the Chicago market. Most of the waterfront shops are experiencing two great shortages these days: materials and labor. There Just aren't any extra skilled tradesmen to be had in Prince Rupert, they .say, and in nearly all cases soma ousiness has to bo turned down MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FRASER HOUSE I Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor JUMPED IN TIME nnd never got the title, i Despite this, letters have poured into their home from all parts jof Fn-sland pskine f n slires of j the "fortune." It got so bad that I their solicitor gave a statement ' to the Dress asking that no fur-j ther references be marie suggesting that ha had inherited a for-111" p. "The executors are having great difficulty with persons I mpntionrd as legates In the or customers put on a long wait-, Q R AN T II A M, Lincolnshire, lnS list- ; England Arthur Bradley Tradesmen in greatest dt- was 1(loking in a store window mand are sheet-metal workers, wh(m h. s(ttt, the of 20 Sixth SI Phone 649 welders, electricians and ma- a motor-car, apparently out of c jmuiaii. AHiiougn an uiu snop contro, bprini, down on him . 'Viiii HffnMiftrt-r ' p uj -- - -- nry-" '' Canada's greatest faipa ' Jq horn beauty r t ? . For Action Advertise! p z pay union wages, employers wuh njg ,f he jumped to Lrtra,"thrUnm' 'ety and the car crashed Into better deal" elsewhere, with the store. will." said the solicitors' letter, "and wo fcl that Lord and Lady Ravensworth should be allowed to meet their problems without further publicity." Meanwhile Wendy, or Lady Ravensworth, is more concerned with making up Arthur's mid-day VERSATILE MAGICIAN Dr. Tex Morton, hypnotist, sharpshooter, cow boy impcrronator and mesmerist, who will be showing a', the Civic Centre here next week. III lt-VH'1 OKM THEY PAY OFF board and room thrown in and plenty of chances to work overtime and double time. Then, again, they say there are no nouses or rooms for rent and that is a big reason It Is hard to get help. One employer felt that there are not enough young people .ntcrestcd in learning trades; that there Is actually a shortage jf tradesmen In the whole province and that this supply will occome much less iri view of Alcan activity in the north. "Why, I bet when the aluminum outfit starts work they'll oe able to take every welder and machinist In the IT'S EASY IT'S PROFITABLE iiunduy, 8 p.m., Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon CaiiKKiin I.K'K A KM, STEWART AND POKI SIMPSON To Use dllk . ROOM DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form I 1 GORDON & ANlUKJwn "Duke," a black Labrador pup of magnificent size, was a pas- Sunday. Camosiin, 11 p.m. FOIt NORTH l EEN CIIAItl.OTTK ISLANDS ss. Cunuitlam - May 11 and 25 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QITEEN UIAKI.OTTE ISLANDS r.. Coquitlam, May 18 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNfR Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 For the MEAL that REFRESH FINES7 OF MODRN PLUMBING Is a wise investment. In terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMBING SaanicH BEST OF FOOD Moving, Packing, Crating , Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 NIONE 20 FOR TAKE OUT ORHKBS BROADWAY CAFE n ca 1 1 Nu i IT'S NEW! IT'S EXCITING ! : , STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL! ford:s British Built CONSUL See it soon at Number of Times Enrloscd Plcosc Find ' I : " ' v ' " " rur Y0L:' iLONDIE Talking in His Sleep I (WWKiTcseNy tj awake ptr- yy') -b si mWi&k wM SMI Uc per word per insertion- c.n. Number -of words 25; cost, 75c. S IX mbernons ror price ot tour. Minimum charge, 50c.) Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS .. Prince Rupert, B.C. Name . Address Phone No.