1 Prince Rupert Daily News the long layoff, due to the fire hazard the woodworking mills i also desperately need the logs I Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, September 20, 1951 As I Sec It LETTERBOX i Kidnapping In Russia Uv-KlL Ty (TQ CTI Wfl SAN FRANCISCO The Am i in ore to get rjacK onto full time. Moreover, there is a strong probability that B.C. will suffer from a fuel shortage this winter, due to sawdust shortage Itself a byproduct of the long woods' closure. No question arises here of the right length for regular working week. The long dry spell has created a general emergency. MR. MILLARD seems to me to erican Federation of Labor ycs terday assembled evidence to put tndrat dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Buijcrt and Northern and Central British Columbia. niDcr "I Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations ) Canadian Daily Newspaper Association .HUNTER. Managing Editor.' H. O. PERRY, Managing Director V SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I.rirr Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, T- ll0; ' fly Mail, Per Month. 75c; Per Year. $8 .00 fef I published every afternoon Except 8unday by Juice Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Ltion Exemption Up r HOSPITAL FINANCES Editor, Daily News: In reply to J. D. Tucker's letter re nCHIS. Mr. Tuekw may be1 substantially correct In his ul-lci;vd statements attributed to! Dr. Horshry but the facts are I slightly dilferent concerning the; local situation. "Hospital Insur- I am o Act." which came into j lorcc Jan. 1, 1949, and subsequent amendments are quite clear in ' their Interpretation as to 'Capl- j ' nrt 'Operating' rerpunsibll-' u i i help prevent it before the United Nations charging Russia with engaging in kidnapping In Western Germany. Material has been assembled to show that persons are being snatched irom Uieir homes in Wist Germany and elsewhere and spirited behind the Iron Curtain. be absolutely right in his point about the refrigerators. For the Prime Minister to tell i the people of Canada "boost production" is simply not good DURING CHILDHOOD ...FOR THE YtARS AHEAD! )SK intt'i-i'Ktcd in the raising 0f funds for char- hie causes are pointing to a change in the cor-n tax set-up whereby larger donations may talked about the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan. It seems to me we should adoDt uy. Similarly 'Upkeep' and 'De-picriatinri' are clearly defined. Orii; nally a depreciation allowance was nrovided as Dart of 1(le this year to such causes at the same net cost t year. Labor Kight 2 to 1 HERE are three items in the news' which suggest to me that Canadians should do some thinking: , . Hon. C. D. Howe has arrived at Geneva with a strong Canadian delegation all set to block a U.S. attempt to have Japan admitted to GATT (General Agreement On Trade and Tariffs) C. F. report says Fear In Canada is that if Japan is made a member oi GATT she may be able to offer gooos on tne Canadian market at far lower prices than now prevailing, and thus .eriously injure Canadian industry." C. H. Miilard of the United Steclworkers says it is non et cost of a $500 charitable donation by a cor- i d.mo nnl i(in Aire ion asi year was $oua. i ne i;o mnerence rep- enough. The cold truth is that the people of Canada can't even buy back the factory products which they themselves have produced. This is partly due to the refusal of the government to put in across-the-board controls, as we had in the Hitler war. Hence most families have to spend their whole income on groceries and rents and have next-to-nothing left -over lor other product. But it is partly due to refusal of "industry" that is the business leaders at the top to face the facts of life. They are trying to beat the old law of supply Its the "tax saving," which was equal to 30.6 per two policies with regard to goods irom Japan. Where they compete foods or goods produced in Canada we should protect our own fair-cost standards. But in the vast field where they do not so compete let them, all in the cheaper the better. The more we can divert trade fiuin tne U.S A. to Japan, and other countries, the better. For in that way we cut down our far-too heavy adverse balance of trade with Uncle Sam. I- BCHIS but early in 1950 this was : withdrawn and a substitute maintenance allowance of 10c ' per adult patient day provided lor. The amount in Prince Ru- prrt's cai-i is approximately j 5220 pn year-obviously inade-; quat for anything but minimum 1 nr-rnml iipk"-p such as painting: ant' repairs. While it may be contended t that BCHIS did take over an! op rating unit in r-RGH, the 1 heatin" nlant at that, timp was! hit, year due to taxation changes a corporation . r i .a IliaKe a tunu iuuuuii ui .pun at me same net $:!(I2. This is due to the increase by legislation "tax saving" to a rate of 50.6 per cent, 'or larger amounts the increase is proportion-r instance, the net cost of a $10,000 contribu- and demand, (which they claim deeply to leveret. Although their wa.. houses ARE chuck full of un.'old goods, they do not lower the prices to the point where the goods will move. The 75,000 Made-in-U.S.A. refrigerators which flooded into last year was $6,010, after a "tax saving" of practically worn out and beyond hope of uny satisfactory mend- I in-; or repair. In use for several ! years and designed for less than 1 half our prevent requirements, ' no amount of maintenance could j fcrini; the plant up to today's ; need. It might even be charged ! that, mnnpv hns hppn u-atrri in 1 $. This year for the same net cost of $6,040 a tjihution of $12,226 may be made, the "tax sav- l..mimtinir to filRfl J -- ; 5! ft ffiMMffl our market came in because the business men south of the border are smart enough to unload while the unloading is good. MR. HOWE'S Job at CJeneva brings Canada down to earth, after all the plain poppycock his favorable change might be borne in mind considering making donations, ithout any additional net cost a corporation iciease its contribution by 22 per cent, his news will be as satisfactory to the prospec-intrihutors as it will be to the collectors. Mothwl Oivo) your chil-drn th banaflf of this pro mi ting now method of attacking tooth docay. sense for the government to advise more production to beat inllation when warehouses are bulging with goods that can't be sold. He cites the importation of 75,000 USA made refrigerators in. the first six months of 1951 "while Canadian firms can't sell the ones they have made." B. C. loggers, who have been made Idle all summer, due to the dry weather and consequent fire hazard, are advised by some union leaders not to work overtime even at pre-ni.iim rates of pay. . HERE are three cases where it seems to me labor leaders are twice right and once wrong. It seems to me downright nonsense for union leaders to advise loggers not to work overtime for a few weeks when the whole economy of B.C. may be crippled for months to come ior lack of logs. Apart altogether from the fact that the loggers' families need tne extra money to make up for 1 k SHINGOLEEN t mean not only that corporations can make trying to do this already and to continue would be about as satisfactory as putting paint on a 1920 half-ton truck and expecting it to haul a ton. Payment of BCHIS does not, as Mr. Tucker says, include allowance for replacement of new cqulpm.nt, but only for maintenance of that already in existence. Now Prince Rupert must have new equipment and Prince Rupvrt citizens arc responsible equally with BCHIS for their fliare of the cost. Mr. Tucker's interest is commendable and I hope he will find it possible to Join and support the local Hospital Association in Its efforts. C. O. HAM, Chairman, Board of Managers. me net contribution as they did last year, but lax saving" concession can act as incentive for a to raise ineir eyesignts in determining the In preliminary teats conducted with this famous formula at the University of Illinois Foundation, com after cat of reduction in the incidence of tooth decay was reported. No wonder it haa caused such interest in dental circles! Now the manufacturers of Lis- terine Antiseptic make this same formula readily available fa you and to your family. Use Listerine Ammoniated Tooth Paste regularly, as directed, morning and night and right after eating. Lambert Pharmacol Co. (Canada) Ltd.,Toronto. Shingoleen is a BAPCO product and an ideal finish for Shingles, Fences and all Rough Lumber construction. Supplied in fifteen attractive colors Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. ttnt of their contributions. They will have the turn that the effectiveness of their charitable ,'4ion dollar is really enhanced by 22 per cent. 3 i Machanical action cleanf nttr- f Chemical clln reduc 0 mouth iridity. Mouth acid-ily encourattes decay. 0 larps tut Iwt h arr nruslted hfllta brt?ak up antl rfntovo li M A attcay-broeding dtTKmts. forming bactfria- AT LAST a radio-phonograph that adds a new note, of charm to any home setting . . ." says w cause of decay. iuw weariness "I jNKW kind of weariness is developing these flays. After extensive studies psychiatrists vejmu lii'il the conclusion that our complex times nci produced this new fatigue. When mild it is T-TZ'. . m r r i W I CTFD I IMC ' wj. t t in "Ik . 4 1k famowc Canadian iHtarier nn-ru avyrg.::.::iaa"Mti'f . ... LfCFNSfo er mivmnr Mo4 to Cunad. 0F ILLINOIS fOINOATICNf tu I - ? If J I - nervous fatigut1 when .orious, nervous ex-ni. At the bottom of all such fatigue is, essen-'loiednni, worry, resentment, unhappiness. iligue can stem from physical causes, so be-imping to conclusions have a physical examin-it is advised. owever, if the doctor finds no flaws and still tired and indifferent, there's a good chance Mr, Bcaulac commcnti on tha adaptability of tKe RCA Victor May fair t Canadian horn settings as shown in this living room of a model homa recently completed by Lake-shora Homes Ltd. in LEONARD f REFRIGERATORS 1ur tau t. You vr lost iiitprisr in life, let some Dorval, Quebec. Says tN(t, BeAULW( Mr. Beaulact Meetreil "The Mayfair Is excellently proportioned . , . Hs tines ore in good taste. The full length doors add to its attractiveness ai a compact unit. It should fit well into any modern setting, but I think it b equally suitable for 18th Century doe-orating schemes." if it frighten you, let some anxiety get you BEAUTY e feature CONVENIENCE EXTRA FOOD STORAGE illt llnrl't Inuri'jif 1 5j'im' doctors say that merely discovering what 6 -XV-O ii-'-, f 6 cu. ft. $344.50 8V-2 cu. ft $431.50 Wi cu. ft $461.00 l!.iis and facing it can make tiredness disappear. think it not so simple. Fatigued people must ! i balance work with absorbing outside in-, . to take an interest in everyone they meet, to 'f'plit'ir minds lively. IV cure for non-combat fatigue is not rest -it iftiun! GET VALUE Qda LEONARD AT NORTHERN B.C POWER Co.,Lld LStrftWe Passage for TJmlaij Besner Block Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Sti WBrt. K V-. "Be strong in the grace that is In Christ Jesus," ia.a.W II Tim. 2:1. f"; "'''.'"i'v".-:'. PLAYS ALL RECORDS SO PERFECTLY, ORMES CLEAN, QUICK SO EASILY! MB COOKING H ft The Pioneer Druggists 2-turntable design! Listen to it for tone) And look at it for its exciting new decorative possibilities! Whether your favourite room is modern or traditional, simple or sumptuous, you'll see an inexpensive but highly rewarding "new deal" just ahead. Your RCA Victor dealer will be glad to demonstrate the Mayfair. The quality is RCA Victor your assurance of superb radio and record performance. The Mayfair plays your own choice of music on any and every speed of recordperfectly, automatically, with an case of play that can't be matched anywhere. Play it yourself just to prove how , much easier it is to play RCA yictor'i PHONE 81 RCA Victor's Mayfair Radio-Phonegraph Modal V-405 " The Mayfair features RCA Victor's ex elusive Simplified 3-Speed Record Playing System. There's a separate automatic player for "45" records, a second automatic player exclusively for "78" and "33Vi" rpra records. Famous "Golden Throat" tone system. 'Push-pull' radio for more powerful standard broadcast performance. In choice of finishes. Only $229.50 In walnut (iligbllj bigbtr in iloiuU af wuboaujX PPAN GAS RANGES j . At upert Radio and Electric For NEW CONSTRUCTION )rcaVictor WORLD LEADER IN RADIO . . . FIRST IN RECORDED MUSIC . . . FIRST IN TELEVISION and REPAIR WORK . SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. 815 1st Avenue. West McRAE BROS. LTD. Phone 90S P.O. Box 721 faa"" aW