Jo '.. Prince Rupeir Doiiy News Thur day, Sfptemter 20, 1951 V Church Urges 7 Of u lute j Sex Discipline ,j LAFAYETTE. Indiana - - "We I definitely ttv-1 that when a pro-, pei program of Chiistian eciuca-t:on provided in sex. marriage ; and family life, the divorce rate Q, will be lowered, said a report ot the National Conference of By A LAX HARVEY Cauuuian Press Staff Writer U.S. Methodist Youth here. The LAXDON (CV Elizabeth Alexandra Marv "port as adopted ... . t "Sex. as God gave it to us," the , vv incisor is a princess in we modern manner. Aimosi .: repurt wor.t on. -is sacred, it from inf ancv, her training and education have been i snould be understood that when , , ' , . . a person makes a Christian de- lnfluenced by a 20th-century concept that members tision he docs not lose his -x nf tha Jin-a', r'sinnU' tiVwinlri pn inv irrpatpr frfpiimn i patsions. But it should also be full possession of all essential discipline." and informalitv. V ' the infisted on Joining the Aux- One incident illustrates new ,mah c f ti, virL.rv !lia:y Territorial Service, al- though tile King had directed f i, '"U ..oi(- in lli r '"Ce" incess Eliza- . ... che .huuld not be called ud com- M.'. and Mrs. E. R Schellenber t .l r . .... 7"; . pulsorily. Her course of training S from Washington, DC were the city, accompanying the i . . : - w.. mt:mlltri hfr hk a driver nf heiivv m Buflalo Evening News party yes- i -ia., . Mr. Sclielienberger is ! nn ne;Mlanu wnn :sier Mar- i of Buck- army trucks. . garet lift the balcony !i,g:iamr&ila- to rmnfle freely i Before she even came of age ; I connected with the Northern i '-dip" It Is vj&s said the sis'.-rs i sin- that he would become regent of j r--"L y- (d in ttwsuort of knocking off Great Britain in event of. her ( fcati tSneUiing tht would fathers disablement and that J a;ly as her fourth birthday she of five lcotf tnt' -valute irom the Scots h?vc bwui a sensation in Queen she would act as one who dis- Guards. But her grandmother, Victortirtrtfav Counsellors of State Put (Tth human in-..h lv,s charte the sovereign's functions ow Queen Mother Mary, goon no: be.-wanting in Elizabeth's when he is absent from the Pi-cked the bubble of Elizabeth's roinintf-lhere iia. hPPn nn ln.-lt realm. i sju-.steem. wnen me child wanted to leave a public func-; ct (iii)hi!s o.. :-: respoiisiblli- ; One of her first major public lion, insisting that a crowd out- : si;te was waiting to see her, ' yitnii Maiy sent Elizabeth out tie back way and bundled her off . hen. in a taxi. ties. possioiluy that she dunes was Nov. 11, 1945, when as ' might uie day succeed tj the representative of 'the youth of i ' throne trap, been i .'cognized from the Commonwealth she placed aj the fevciih days of her father's wreath on the cenotaph in coronaHow. Even before that the Whtifhall. Two years later, on Duchesg'if Yoik. soon to be- her 21st birthday, she recognized I come Qwaen Elizabth, sought to the extent of her duties in a instil ifjTier daughter a sense of moving speech dedicating herself : : the cowlesies demanded PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed I PROMPT SERVICE ! CHANDLER'S STIDIO jl or to the service ot tne peoples ol . the Commonwealth. A? a child Elizabeth was quick tUlCWtD PRIVATELY 21G 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 ly aware ot her royal status. On oaii drives through Hyde Park, ; lie precociously waved to cheer- j i'rince Rupert crowds on the streets. As - iVant FRESHER Her i4idies covered , a wide range, JJJ as Louis Wulfgf writes in the uook, 'Queen of Tomorrow," she was never "forced pre-ccciousjy jn a hoi house of royal learnin;. nor circumscribed in her sljudfes and entertainm-ent when .qiic grew older." Elizajietli's firt lessons came at hermother's knee in a nur-s-ery fn Piccadilly. When she reached school a it was decided fhe shulcl be educated privately. Fo: ye jrs she ketit regular school h'-'ius i.i an upstairs room of the Picadiih- residence. studying under Marion iCrawfiei Craw-lord, graduate of Edinburgh VJnive'.Y-ty w-ho became one of the Pihicess' closest fi lends. Hrv favorite subjects wci i llrlllwS SECTIONAL t MwM&mM chair I'-' mwm'K fts600fei chest ! Jk Nil-..a3950 table I W hwfJft? HV HO'f" . J deduce J to ... 4 BRAM FIAKK2 Of course! Then look for the exclusive Kellogg guarantee: "Double your money back if you don't agree Kellogg' s Bran Flakes are fresher!" (Send rmpty carton to Kellogg's Dept. 4-A, London, Cmt.) I histori, literature and languages, i She dkliked arithmetic and al- WantCRISPER BlG&RFLAml Eveiybody does! Get Canada's biggest and crispest bran flakes. Get that "bran-new" feeling! Get Kellogg's! '' sebra., She became fluent in .- Fr.nch and enjoyed the works -i ' ot Mc:"-f , Racine 3nd Corneiile. , One of her early far-writes was , -:-" Alphoe Daudefs "Lettres de "!. Mon Moulin." ...j v )' But Jur the Second World War . Elizabeth probably would nave beep te first British Princess to go ir.40 re.-idenee at a univer- " 4-. ''-t.. Instead it was decided to' . .. ! entrusj h-er advanced studies to ; f ''. Ki.- Hnrv Marten, p:fiVost of' r ' Eton Joll-eee. Her curriculum j , covci'iti such relatively abstruse iubjec-Js as tlv i..eory and law !' oi la'.xl tenure and the history of Brl'ish agri-.ulta.e. Contro- 7 f 1WM you vvamf RAN tJRAN RAKESY Shop at Simpson's new "Merchandise Store" . . . Here are your furniture and appliance needs . . . right-on-the-floor . . . available for immediate delivery! Come in today and look around. See, on display, nationally known brands and Simpson's brands of". . . bedroom, dining room, and chesterfield suites; washing machines and ranges. Priced .to respect your dollar-pressed budget. There are many good buys for you at Simpson's September Sale. You are always assured of courteous service, and speedy delivery . . . Convenient credit plans available ... h-4 FLAKES ta: m vtrsian questions were not shirked and among other things Elizabeth rj-ceived instruction on the French problem in Canada. ; WAKjlME ACTIVITIES Elizjbeth sought few special privlltes. During the war, she regist, td at the labor exchange tor pii-.servipe training and at More delicious, too! Just the right amount of extra bulk to help keep you "regular." Ask for the big economy size of Kellogg's Bran I lakes today! Economy 1 4-91. SPECIALS CHROME TABLE r? "tz.n y ill -ik" 4& we Reg. 35.95 29-93 5 Reduced to pit mmJ &m MARCONI CONSOLE enjoyed by everyone but APPRECIATED by those 89-50 Reg. 1 15.00 Reduced to m. v o.jyu.uu es&-: STOOL AND SEWING . CABINET . who fsk know You don't have to be an expert critic to enjoy Dewar's . . . only to fully appreciate its mellowness and the perfection of its bouquet. Befor you say Scotch .' . . say DEWAR'S CONTfMTt AVv w on. : .. ....... .. i TWC QODEQT SIRIPSQFJ PACDIF1C ILIMDIED Address 312 3'l Ave- W. (Box 1790) IllOIM 0. 460 3-95 1 ml ,-(3t -lygf.-yglf'r- "Dewar's SpecuiT TEE jj JolinDewar&Sonst'l mm 1 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia,