... -.i tfyM w Hnrice Rupert Doily isews Thursday, September 20, f9al Housekeeping . . t ... jT ' triune children like litnthett uith the freahnest fiKeafd in. j ' MEAT STRETCHING PROFITABLE NOW THAT PRICES ARE SO HIGH ; A tew years ao, when ration-' meat. If dumplings are added, , :ng was strictly in force, moat additional serving will tie gain-Ca.iadiun huusewivtj iearn;j ed. how tastreUh meat. Today they Emid u another excellent r for meat. Homemakeu meat is not rationed, every bound :mav uflen -rve creamed meat nas tj be stretrhed a.; far as 'on toast or sliced meat on bread possible btcause it is a costly with travy. These hot sandwlch-'h'i.U",S efi,omi?U kn"'et arc a meal In themselves. led that Mrs. Komemaker shjuld ; ' s'l . . ,ut fo.-th a social effort to make breast at veal or- vhoulder of .he most cf the meat which he.- lamb, a very tasty and app.'tlz-budget allows her. They say thai rsh r.,ull6; cut mcst ira-one of the most Important pointi portant of ail the meat, with the in mukn.i tin most o( meat is to addition of the stuffing, should knew how to buy meat. Often erve at least two or three mors trie uitl cf meat which a e not people. The addition of cereali so well-known and consequently l0 meat u UVJttlr way w extend not so mu:h in demand, ara ex- u. Oatmeal added to hamburger li . Every homemuker makes aM interesting meat loaf r.'jw to try tj be- 0j cxiurae, rice served witn Should t!l!'t r. ..Huau'u iui an me stews a-.id curries assUU nits of meat not Just the few fetching the meat budget. ou:,iiig. Any cui wnen properly be prepa ea ana served, may flavcrful and attractive. Meat may also be combin?d with the pastes, that Is noodles, spaghetti or macaroni. Spaghetti with meat balls Is of course a favourite in many families, but when served with diced liver and tomato sau;e Us Just as flav-rful and colorful. t ifc-S5- iatfeXtea,,.,, .-I. . .-'at.., , SiwraAa.-ia Beef is the only meat sold by grade and the reu ar.d blue ribbon-like Government grade ma ks are a guarantee of high quality. However, Ujday there is E RTA WELL A 200-foot fountain of oil spurts from (standard's 11-11 well about 10 miles northwest of Pastry or biscuit mixes are also The well-which went out of control during the nothing Inko ilie plnoe of 3IILnV WAX W1IA1 Milady Wrap ke-p fiHid ly, I'mlrrl the goo1ne and flavour of your perishable foods with Milady Wax Wrap. Y ou'll find donof ui for this money Ting 1(K) ft. roll of MronK, hraiily paper In the handy Imm with the sure cutting edge at your grocery counter , purled 2,700 barrels a day, soaking grain fields a considerable quantity ol C and invaluable meat extenders. When ,ratt- o1 b"1-1 on the retail ltews. meat pies and so on are ma.ket and these grades of beti; topped with bisfuit o- pa.itry are njt ma ked with ribbon-like crUflti thcy are not only attra3- j arters of a mile. One man was Injured when 150 -a. uluwn into the air. The well finally was brought PREPARING FOR TOUR The Duke of Edinburgh will arrive at Quetjc Oct. 2 for a month-long tour of Canada with his wife. Princess Elizabeth. This United Kingdom Information Office photo shows the Duke in his Royal Navy uniform. (CP PHOTO) it Tuesday. , (CP PHOTO brand i. Thus, if the meat has tlve but the number of servirgs they furnish is increased. today. Jit the Best of Taite, Alieayi lSp! Get cm of these (Ol.ONia !tt ration can at fifty feet with I troni Pa?e II nl P'ol. And we don't drive (anywhere he doesn't give me a ie went home and problem. The jeep's ambushed, ther letter. The Or we run Into a roadblock, urute, "I have not and 'what weapon do I grab, jin cumins to see ard what ditch do we hit, and neither the red nor the blue marks, then it is a grade C or D quality. Tins applies hi all cenUes In Canada except th; ar.eas of greater Vancouvei where C and U quality beef is identified under trovincial legn-laiioii with a stamp in brown cclou lng. All of the:e grades of beef, if properly prepared, will : a wasnapiecneniut '6 .8 j not tell me where wnicn way ao we crawl, un-it rill shoot you." '"a" s ready lor anything." Kood eating sul!sfactio;i. iters became more It was the way I felt, which For the MEAL that REFRESHES thratenmg. the was why I was so stunned'wh-n Te imporunt thin? is to re- seemed logical I heard, month later, that the ""- . vuv hu"ij DUSTltfG & POLISHING dead. And why I m:'n nas oeen oouzlit ana then was 4 ent to the man's Colonel ajhwlel room, phoned went to the trouble of learning tw " Propeny. details. in o aer to get as many serv ile and Onrifrev hart heen In inrs as i.assikle from meal It told him he was FINEST ' CF COOKING ' l.-m. best; of ; FOOD t reading a book the Jeep. They'd turned off the mt-t be cooked rcp?rly. It sould UITTC Knocked. Knocked. ! !MSR. the Main 8uuply Rout", I neve r be cooked tjr quickly re- r. jlrll AMU slid the Colonel, j ,jened. In the door- j . u-d. white-haired ' on to the side road leading to gardless of the kind of cut, for the hew Battalion HQ. There j quick cocking shrivels the nrat shouldn't have been any danger ' and tend to cause shrinkage. FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE hand was a nund holding bled a little, ed right at re-the but the rrom mines. Because the Da.-, The e are many kinds of meat tallons tanks had already been extcndM wl)1,Jl wh(.n used will over the road twice. ; Kive nlol.e meiit servings. Meat is It was raining, as It can only i ditlt -ent fram other foods in In V,.,-a anrt tfeA lun omilHn't 1 It w.4 z. 11 ' 1 nArA flanmir e old man dropped ; ,. . ,v. t,, i,m -ri,.. a.'. . ,v,. .,u' f b(,Run " Tne rolled back down the hill to take I however, it may be given added i removed the .gun, a run at It. At the bottom of:E'rt io sav nothing of adding For the Young Ladies the hill, though they didn't know f.icd value. Tomatoes, onions. ! : . it, they ran nght over the mincjreiery and parsley etc. all add for the second time without ex-j flavour and food value. Perhaps piorilns it. J it may be stated that vegetables They started up the hill again : r? one of the most common and. If they'd made it, the mine meat extende-s. Such savoury might be there yet. But the dishes as stews, boiled dinn-rs. wheels slipped in the mud and,' raeouta and meat pies mlsht be uwit lit rhurnhiB the ieeo made by adding almost any It's (he large-size, "time-saver"' mitt, with pre-shrunk, washable chenille dusting surface. It Justs, trashes, polishes. And it's Jree! Just buy a bottle of Johnson's Pride at regular price. Your dusting milt is banded right to the bottle. ra.,' ft . l. ? .m to a chair. The . fi-tmn the Colonel 4u brought the old IV" nes. allowed him fy: his son was dead 'v is not hiding him Joey became friends, 4 ki pt up a corres- . iated by the Col-I Weren't you tak Viance?" 4 Not at all. Had a $v book, of course." lokled up another ' t'r interesting one. ! : to substituted a Sent me parcels. ' f'lkv Called me by comuinaiicii 01 vesi'Lwuica w the ever popular Penny Loafers Wine ; . Black Grey & White slippec) back down the hill. JOHN H. AA, A, B, C Widths -with your next purchase cf Johnson's PQIDG And how you'll love Pride! It's the new ever seen on wood. Remember no . '"lrdi BULGER The churning wheels unoov- j ered the mine one of those anti-tank box mines the Chinese were using and the explosion was pretty bad. Killed them both Instantly. The thing 15, of course, the mine should have exploded a dozen times before. When the tanks and trucks were running over It. But the Chinese soldiers had buried It too deeply, which was why it waited there for the Colonel" In his Jeep. On the part of the Chinese, it was nothing but sheer Inefficiency. 1 looked at his Johnson's Wax discovery that waxes rubbing. without rubbing. Just spread it on . . . Get Pride and your dusting and polish-let it dry . . . wipe lightly. You get the ing mitt at your dealer's now , . . uhilt richest, longest-lasting wax luster you've the supply lasts, 10T. 'f'ier time Same Old Price $6.95 fashion footwear maybe. John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue o new! waxes FURNrruRe without rubbing! t" S to catch your r d up. shfiok hands, I saw of him he was b 4 again. t n young soldier t y, wasn't afraid to J-e Colonel, during f the airfield. "EM- "vou don't know He s an expert on os. Shoots holes In - f f I if &IRECTOR New iReserve Manning f F- Is Group Capt. t., 41, of Weyburn, Capt. Gilchrist. Jn'over Europe in J'orld War, but es- turned to flying 1 P FOR , . . Dump Dodles. ples. Heavy and Fr Frames and fT Take-Offs. flpd Operators f Pressure and welding )STRIAL JNG CO. f' T't--H v' '- '$: S. r. uirrn hh