. . ja , . ". 1 Jr., Prince Rurie-t Doily News Wednesday. June 6, 1951 Canada is to be host for the sum-mer empire game? In 1954. thi ; preceding winter would be i.i j propitious time to Riunch empire 'winter games. SHIPS AND Blackwood on (BriJae J -: 'I i a I By Eosley Elockwood ! CPORT I OHOTS WATERFRONT ritba' Piayers Sather, Mrg. Smith, Mr. and' Mrs. C. P. Burgess. P. Buchau, 1 E. Oshuie, Mr. and Mr l. fi Bernie, C. N. Shares. T. Kariyal R. S. Momain. Mr. and Mrs. w! Linden, Mrs. W. A. Gontlon and two children, Mrs. D. MacKuy, J. A. Strathern, Mr. and Mrs. t. Bradcon. Mr. and Mrs. J. v. Clemans. R. F. Murray, Mr.i! Rothe, Mrs. M. MCualg. Dennis Brown, W. Kennedy, J. La-Paire. Mrs. T. Eamin, Takoi Saiki, Man Kong, L. Qulnn, J. MacKinley, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hart. Mr. New, the kibitzer, was puzzled about Mr. Masters' play of. this hand. He had never seen this type of trump management before. .He wanted to know why Mr. Masters decided' to play the cards as he did! i Skiing is the most strongly organized of the winter Olympics sports in Australia and New Zealand and the ski organirj-Uons of the two countries have 'already established inter-dom- jinlon team contests on a fi in basis. The controlling body in New Zealand even made a Wd ' i ! have skiing included in the main empL-e games In 1950. On that occasion New Zealand as the N e L board, correct? Now if I could ionly ruff three cards from North-South vulnerable North dealer dummy with jack and six my my ' Now that tlx 1954 Empire Came.; have been officially awarded to Vancouver and planning is under way, winter sro Is enthusiasts in Australia and New ; Zealand arc again asking about the prospers :,t Canada cruan-iing an empire winter games ; tournament, on the lines of the Olympic winter games. Enthusiasts in the southern dominions have long felt that initiative in inaugurating such a meeting must come f om Ca tada, as the sports included in the whiter Olympics are stronger and more highly organized in Canada than in any other Commonwealth country. It is felt that as ptrps ft, About 80 passengers and freight were carried on Canadian National Steamship Prince Rupert as she docked in the ci'.y this morning. Twelve to.iri.sts took the round trip from Vancouver to Skagway and return. The following disembarked m Prince Rupert: Rev. and Mrs. Davidson. May Jons, Mr. Fielder, F. William.-;, D. Martindale, Mrs. R. Erskine, Mr. and Mrs. A. Griffiths. A. L. Sheperd, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown, A. O. Cummings, A. Riviere. Mr. and Mrs. Cha'win. Mr.i. D. K. Santena, Mr. and Mrs. H. Richardson. Miss Irene Hansen, Miss Margaret Larsen. Dr. J. K. Tamblins, Dr. S. S. Harper, Mrs. D. Thrasher, Mr. Criils. Mr. Chaltall, Mrs. Eckert and two children, Miss Y. Brown, T. S. Harriscn, N. S. Wood, Miss G. Team -to represent General Motors aguinst Canadian Legion in the- North Star Fotball Uf.Tjuo game tonight will be selected frum the following: BouJl h . Robinson, Lien, Jennings, Olson, Tail, White, Mac-Kay, Pat Wilson, Derek Letuur-neau, John Wilson, Prl.-e Dixon, Codell and Kirk. and deuce of spades, then reenter dummy to lead the queen. I would have six trump tricks instead of five. For this to work the spades must break 3-2, and thp odd? are in favor of such a division." Mr. Masters had played with the odds in the following man- host country had the ri'ilvt ta nominate two additional sp.irts outside the standard pr.gram. This effort failed and since then ski enthusiasts have turned increasingly to the idea of a sep-arate empire winter games, perhaps using the biennial inter-dominion skiing contests Us a basis from which to w.yk. (Mr. I ;ih') 8 Q 5 4 H -8 Oil D A K 3 C--A 4 3 Otrs. Kmi) (r. ,H) 8 8 S 10 1) 7 H Q J 10 0 H A 7 4 2 !- 8 D-J 1 b 4 C-K J 9 7 C Q 10 (Mr. Mustrrs) 8 A K J 8 2 H K D W 10 U c u a 5 a FEATHERED RESEARCHER MILD EN HALL, Wiltshire, England (CP) Roman pottery ami-three skeletons were unearthed on a poultry run here. The discoverer was a industriously-scratching chicken. VETERAN PREACHER CARDSTON. Altn (fp Archdeacon S. H. Middleton, who retired two years ago, has now given up all diocesan duties. For 40 years he was principal of St. Paul's Si-huoi on the Blood Indian Reserve. I ner. The opening lead the queen ! ff hearts which Mr. Abel won I with the ace. He returned a j heart and Mr. Masters ruffed jwith the deuu of snades. H j laid down the ace and king of I spades. ' Then he crossed to the ace of diamonds, led a heart and ruft- THEY PAY OFF The bidding: North East South West 1 C rtiss 1 S Pass 2 3 Pass 4 8 All Puss "Well, it's called a dummy reversal," said Mr. Masters. ""It's IT'$ EASY IT'S PROFITABLE ' To Use the same as if I laid mv own ed 11 'ilh his six of spades. Next he led to dummy' king of dla . hand on the table, then walked j around and picked up the dum-! my hand and used it as the closed hand but of course you do all of this in your mind. You just visualize it that way." S "I see tnat,' continued Mr. monds, played the last heart from the board and ruffed it with the jack of spades. He entered dummy again witn the ace of clubs and led the queen of spades, picking up M.. Abel's ten spot and discarding a DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Writo Them Yourself on this Handy Form ; New. "But tell me how vou knew this dummy reversal thing had ima11 club from tne clused hand to be used on this hand. nuw in? quern ui uiuuiuims furnished the tenth and de ciding trick. ''It didn't have to be." replied Mr. Masters with a smile. I -was Just playing 'with the odds.' Look, count the winners. If I lead out the opponents' trumps 0y Seagrams Sure Seagrams "V.O." Seagram's "83" Seagrams Croum Royal Seagrams King's Plate Seagrams Special Otf air passengers as soon as I get the lead, then I iFrom Vancouver" Tuesday -win five spade tricks, right? And B. Jenkins, F. Mcintosh, D. Can I win three diamond tricks non. L. Miller, T. Uromson, Mr. that's eight. And I win the ace McLar, Mr. Lennox, of clubs that's nine. All right! (From Sandspiti Tuesday where is the tenth trick com- fc,.. white, B. Burton ing from-out of my pocket?" (To Vancouver. today-F! Ar-Look at all the suits and try , nott. J. C. Payne. Mrs. Pavne. to -find the tenth trick." lie i. v s5,rfrr, m i.h.hi. Thii tdvtftisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boardor by the Government of British went on. "Nothing doing in the ' Mrl. -0. Juhann' R M. Steuhew red suits, thats for sure. If the CLMS11IT W. Wachincka, i. Chapman, R. A. Little. R. L. James, H. H. Mac-Donald. J. V. Drinki. (To Port Hardy i today J. Smith, H. Anderson. opponents' clubs break 3-3, that will give it to me. But the odds are against such a division." ODDS FAVOR 3-2 DIVISION "Then what about the trump suit? If I could lay down just the ace and king of spades, the queen would be left on the (To Sandspiti today O. Tough. (t'LOSl'RE TIME Ifl a.m. n day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable in advanc. P ease refrain from telephoning. Classiriet Word pr insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Funeral Notices, Marriage and E ngagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE .ICE. Number of Times Enclosed Please find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) FOR SALE WANTED SI Pi'v ' N ' ' ' - tcv'.; 5 Air '',4 yea the ,1 ' ' car ' ne ma , - err ''' ' - '. wl f - t . i 1 J (I M. CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE HansuardT low mileage. Applv 1439 Bth East.: (134cl FOR SALE English motor scooter. Phone 793. (133d FOR SALE New motorrvcie Phone Blurk 548. U37pi SWAP WANTED - TO? PRICES PAID tor s, steel, brass cooper. Honest Rraitiiu! Pro. nient maoe. Attis Metals Ltd.. 2511 f-wr couver. B C. r'bwi 6357. WANTED Anv tintiirc iiiu accRiniiKKiatiun. DjIIv Newii. j Name Address phone No SWAP Good used vacuum clt.iner lor rowboat. Phone Blue 970. Box 1628. Hti fKKSO.NAL GIVE the folks at hot . uel one ui out cakes or Dies. Rw Ltd. Plume bi if CASH Itir scraD ess;, n NATIONALl V KNOWN NAMES Lum-beit Soeedei Shovels; Cranes: Draiuines; Adams Road Graders; Littleford Bros. Black Too Koad Maintenance Eauiuinent; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Roc Graooles; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson Bucket Loaders ior Stockpile and Snow Removal; Rice Portable Cenlnluual Pumus; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel O a so line Hoists; NUonU Portable Snwmill.i. National Rotary Semens and Convevors. Full Information frvm National Maclnnerv Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C (tf FOR SALE S-olece rhesterfield srl with custom tailored slipcovers; 5-uiece ivoiv bedroom set with soring and Osterman int;i'ss: 1 steel double bed, r-omolete wlih spring and mattress; kitchen tabie and chairs: small oak tabie; brl.lne and table lamns: 14-foot ladder: S tennis ra;-ouets; 3 '.atm betl?ureads. 2 double and 1 sinsie; full lemrth mirrors; oak smoker'i cabinet: bov' bi-evcle. etc. Phone 630 alter 6 Utpi i P4 LOST LOST Car licence plate number 211-487 with tappet. Please leave at News oft ice. tl32pi LOST 2 strand strlnu of pearls. Keepsake. Reward. Phone No. ii Si. fjino Hotel. U33i)i uie6A cine eSSionci per batteries and 1 rnuue atj -can C'hv HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE f55" 654 j BRICK and tile work I a ape;-iailv. Proms Black 836. Doucioaai N1. FOR" RKN'T - Twin i Breaklast it neiear East tnd. Oouosiie .uo Si.u. Puuiie p.- I 'fi mimiiKimmi urn Bt'SIXESS OPPORT1N1T1ES A 'once-in-a-life-tlme" opportunity to establish vourself In a well-pavin biksiives. A fully equipped cafe in a hk1 location for dav and "niirht trad for on!v $2,200. Lowest of terms tu reliable party. ' Phone Rel 892. (tic I FOR SAI E Oenerai tore with post ofiice, ttood living Quartern, also one three-room house. $4,800 Term 5 nhis "tuck. H. W. Sorenson, Pacific, ac. ' . U37i)i ... IN THEIR SKINS Mrs. i-riticula A. Elsie of London, who is 100. attributes her longevity to mating potatoes with their skins on. Highlights o; her birthday were a telegram from the King and an anniversary dinner with 115 suest s For Your PAINTING and DECORATING , . See spence&matiUk Green 917 Phone Black 215 (evenings) GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS ' OIL BURNERS MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 rKNE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 ' ' WlrH Vf Ltquor Control Boor m by th Qovftninoot (CP PHOTOi ; . FOR SALE New i,a used fur-. nuure- hardware ., end tables, che.-its of t;am beds complete, bedroom suites, small siae carpets, field gla.ves. u.sd locMic bouu. .wwin? ma- GARAGE FOR HENT in 3W) block east w and 7th Avenues, r; 5!)3 i - FOR RENT-Four to with furniture for -in with harbor view PHONES Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1S70 REAL ESTATE ' scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 also other useful household articles at lowest pi ices. .See ' B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. Hf-ci FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, dinette suite bedroom suite i radio, oil ranae and heater, t.asv washing machine. 2 beds j complete. 217 8th Ave. West, ! V-i11 aUpr 3 .m. Phone Red ! . 732: H34pi FOR SALE - Bedroom Suite". complete Bed Chesterfield, I Buffet, Coffee Table, modern FOR RENT -Room m able apartment foi ; man. Phone Oreen 41 U-DRIVE CARS f 711 Cirenville Coun FOR RENT Sinele room. Blue 43J. ROOM FOR RENT- Street. SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SPECIAL VALI'ES WARTIME 8 fullv furnished choice location. New paint job, $2700.00 will handle. HOUSEWIFE Dream Four rooms, full cement basement, super-modern kitchen and bathroom, beautiful furniture. Verv reasonable. REVENUE or family home Kiht rooms, three now rented. $1800.00 cash will handle this for Quick sa;e. Several Other Good Buvs T. "NORTON" YOUNGS Real Esiare & Insurance Phones 451 - 648 Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 21? HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Ouarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 II ELF WANTED A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, CA. 353 3rd Ave. W. Box 1247 Phone 88 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 128. P.O. Box 526 234 -3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. BOYS AND GIRLS' bovs or J,' News routes, f for summer relifi. ter their names nc News. ' WANTED - Woman washing. onf.hh" automatic riish-w ehine. Call at Ciu ROOSEVELT PARK District Five-room bunaalow livins-room, two bedrooms, bathroom, larire kitchen, basement, hot water heat. Newlv painted. ' Five minutes to Post Office. 1 lie most powerful gasoline your car can use , 'activated' Shell Premium! Dining Ro"1". " u " vVANTEDMWdle HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street. Phone 655 g nun- neaier r ioor Lamp. Phone Green 9G0 before 6 n m. 136c I FOR SALE Full household furniture lncluclinu bedroom suite chesterfield suite, electric stove, garden tools, etc. 419 5th East. Red 707. I 132d' FOR SALj; Good "Connor" washer, $50.00. 6-piece dinette -s u i t e. natural linish. red leatherette chairs. 1344 Hth East- (133ui FOR SALE Used vacuum clean-ers. all makes. General Electric. Hrover. and tank mode s. Phone Blue 970. ufl FOR SALE One chnrtVcViirone electric heater. Phone Black 609- (132p) FOR SALJ Ail ivorv McClarv nil rai-ne. cheap for cash. Phone Black 959. (133pl SALE B.ibv stroller" Wtie J!2l: (133p BOATS FOR SALE Price $5 000, half cash. Immediate possession. Armstrone A-'enrles. Phone 342 or ""d 192(eves.. (133c) FOR SALK 100 acres farm and, timber land hemlock, vellowi cedar red cedar Creek Point.! T!.. - I Tt..nt'B colussi's music store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 Woman w W hft,i i while moth; II. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 Phone Mrs. ivi. FEMAliTrert'forn DerrteButDSrf3rdA WAf"-Coi,olef ri'M iici i.MHiiu, near num a Inlet. Also homesitei Annlv W. Sim Hunt's Inlet. Porcher Is. or call Bavview Hotel. ( 13tipl RORIE & LAIRD I ELECTROLUX Sales and Service ' R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine pai ts and service phone or write above. I 559. FOR SALE Rooming house close in. harbor view, partlv fur-nLshed $2,000 down, rentals win tak care of payments. Box 113 Dailv News. 133pl FOR SALE Newlv decorated wartime 4 Large garaae. some r i. .hnnr-n lit- OOdrt WANTOJ-' " rskfl1 erv clerks. AmjlV So1 or orv Phone QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 iiiriuiiire j,nu wnn wu ash. 1404 1st Overlook. ( 132pi COULD YOU HELP? The GYRO CLUB has undertaken to collect, pack and ship men's clothing for the Central City Mission, Vancouver. This organization outfits between GOO and 700 destitute men In the summer and more in the winter. All persons having articles of men s used clothing which they wish to donate may deliver them to the CIVIC CENTRE, or call 231, or 641, and Uw clothing will be picketl up. MEN'S CLOTHING ONLY Shoes to Hats, From the Skin Out ? ? CAN YOU HELP ? ? Cleaner Cutting Saws lace Pharmacy. RFPAin bVAn OAT R YrA41... n,. f '1 , Tour wo will eat cloo-nor, o truer, fit whn ft led on PSMr our pre m ion machine. Quirk TntaiS ervico on all type of iwi. bring your saws in today. W Old uwi retuoUied. U ' FOR SALE $500 Bares "Driftwood Oueen ": 20' x 8' x 1',': a vears old. Has Nortliill chor and Star marine ronver-vuFAPf- t0 lnstal. Moored Yacht. Club: see owner aboard .lIlole' ' tf ) FOR SALE Trollin" boat fullv ricrtrpci 35. Jpno-tv, 0VPrall 9' beam iced nacker gillnetter possibilities. Red 183. 137m oi,rj waiiinir iuui. nished or unfurnished. Terms arransed. 1345 1st Overlook. 133o FOR SAI R 5-room house cloe in seinl-hasement owner. 534 6th Ave. East. (tfel .Uerrsatisfact'o.' CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 PRECISION SAW FILING WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 OnTBOTNER f ACCODNTAVTS 1:115 PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B. (Agent: Bus Terminal) ADVERTISE PirRLIC ACCOUNTANT, trtcnmn Tax spectnMst. S O Furk atone Buildlngr Red 593 20m ' ' ' ' , J 629 6th WMt