f)IM fnr I l t f'i A A 4 A Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, June 6, 1951 n t Well Known Is. Woman Dies J I IMltJJ'UUJlJ Funeral of Fisherman - erjonau (Evening Booklet for Child I Teaches Democracy TORONTO Oi A chattv book other lesson in good citizenship. Jerry and Judy aren't troubled by the unusual names and strange accents of their new friends but accept them as a matter of course. The five chapters tell about Funeral of Joseph Freestad, 80-year old Prince Rupert fisherman who died in Prince Rupert General Hospital Sunday, was held today at 2:30 p.m. from By MURIEL HARRAWAY Canadian Press Staff Writer Salt Lake Ferry running every Sunday starting at 12 noon, weather permitting, (tf) Women of the Moose will hold their regular meeting June 6. (132c) Mrs. Alice Rudd, 87 years old' last Sunday, died Monday at Skidegate Inlet General Hospital after a brief Illness. Sire was well-known in the North, re-j siding more than 40 years on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Her husband who nredeceas-' LONDON (CP) Princess Eliza beth, the Royal sister least in Sidewalk And Fence Cedar At Attractive Prices PHONES: 116 117 or 58 let aimed at catching the eye grandfather Kovac who likes to of youngsters In the first grade I mend toys. And there's a bit of is the latest educational effort j business with a puppet-show. All of the imperial Order Daughters, ln all it's a sprightly children's te rested in fashion-setting, nevertheless has given a defin ite boost to the much-discussed 'ffl? Legion meeting story. of the Empire. roW, 1UU'' June b. Grenville Chapel. Mr. Freestad was hern In Stav-anger, Norway and came to Prince Rupert 27 years ago. He is survived by his son Levi, In the city, and his wife in Norway. Arrangements are by B. C. Undertakers. Rev. E. Soiland will officiate. ed her 25 years ago was formerly employed by Canadian National Steamships. Survivors are son Jack, man Chignon. This up-tq-date . method of adding interest to short-hair styles for evening wear was (133;)) Chosen by the princess for for Sea Cadets Reoreani I mal occasions during her recent meeting, Thursday J 11 n a 7 visit to Malta Naval Drill Hall, 7:30 p.m. Com- "The princess wore a 'figure eight' Chignon on the back of Albert & McCafferv ager with the liquor control; board at Calgary; three daugh-j ters, Mrs. Sidney Wallace, Leth-i bridge; Mrs. Freeman Tingley, Port Alberni, and Mrs. Mary I Benson, Queen Charlotte City, i Funeral services will "be held Thursday, Rev. Harold Wing-field, United Church, officiating. Burial will be at Tlell, Queen i WUlh UULbU LIMITED Main objective of this little book. "The House Next Door," is to tell kiddies ln language they can understand a bit about Communism. The order wants them to realize the advantages of living In a democratic country. There's another angle to this booklet, still in mimeographed form, which the order would like to see used in Canadian schools, t's written In story, fashion, starting off when Jerry and Judy rush into the kitchen to tell their mother a new family is moving next door. The new neighbors turn out to be a family of new Canadians. The way in which Jerry and Judy quickly make friends with Jarmila and Janis Kovac is an- munaing oincer, A. N. Ogllvie. (ltc) Attention 5 Pin Bowlers. All bowlers Interested In bowling or entering a team in a summer mixed league, please contact the Bowling alley. (Red 709). We would like to start play on Wednesday, June 13. (132c) Charlotte Islands. her head," said Peter Isala, a London wig maker. "The hair must be 24 inches long to make the full curves of the figure eight and the cost of this type of Chignon varies between nine and 12 guineas." Although the princess has not worn a Chignon since her return to London, wig makers report: "there has been nothing like this demand since the shingle days of 20 years ago." Since she attained her majority, Princess Elizabeth has worn jfi Sia r . CxerciAe.S kine Over Top in Cancer Fund Police Court Leonard C. Griffiths was fined $25 and casts on a count under the Income Tax Act for falling to make a return. Edward White, convicted' of theft of an electric drill from the Chatham drill hall, was sentenced by Magistrate W. D. Vance In police court yesterday to five days In Jail and $50 fine and costs. av and colorful wedding Closing exercises of First United Church Mission Band, Explorer Groups and C.G.I.T., were held in the hall Thursday afternoon in the presence of parents and friends. A short program was presented by the Rroups. The Mission Band sang their song, recited their purpose and sang a delightful day afternoon In St. An- With $100 over their nunta t.hp Cathedrai united in mar-Miss Sally Merle Shaw Clearance Auction Sale the same hair-style. Only the length differs. Her coming-of-age pictures show hair parted on the right and swept back in soft curls lying low on the nape. Side curls framed the face, covering the ohn George Astor, both of ;a. bride was ulven awav by OF little Japanese song, "The Acorn HOUSEHOLD r-OODS AND FURNITURE .'a:her. James Shaw. She a fioor-length white crepe Song." Their closing number was ears. Today her hair is shorter Prince Rupert Cancer Fund Campaign committe today forwarded $2,100 to headquarters in Vancouver. The campaign began the second week in April. ' '.'The response was very good and for the unstinting efforts of the volunteer canvassers it is an appreciative return," said D.C. Stevenson, campaign and brushed back to expose the On Thursday, June 7th, Commencing at 2:15 Sharp jt, ag dress wun veil, ae- nncn ii i emcnli the "Plum Blossom Dance," in which they joined with the Ex-plcrer groups. ears, otherwise the style re- vlth a shirred sweetheart mains, At Catholic Hal- Too n,,rt l.nn,- m and nylon-knit yoke. vn irat i-acnuata 1 IMS StLUL AVENUE WEST Instructed by the owner, Mr. Dave C. Stuart, I will sell by auction the entire contents of the above residence .consisting of: Louise Freeman told the story wore a double string of cooking sale, June' 14, commem- In of O-lft t- . I of C.G.I.T. Louise Wood explain I I I ( ' ' 'I t V Hi ; ,-, 1 1 and carried a bouquet of o " t"'. iii evening, nnai tournament oarH nai-tw n,i iruf Dink roses. ndpnts to the bride were Lust, Mrs. Norman Lewis, two flower-girls, sister ; and a niece, Vienna Vlc- BANK DICTATES CHOICE Apparent reluctance to introduce changes in royal hairstyles is explained by necessity of rank. Tradition dictates that the Royal Family be easily recognizable in all portraits released for public distribution. Tie reason, authorities explain, is that in many outposts of empire royal pictures are cherished for many years before new sets are acquired. The same factors govern choice ed the "Time Line" and the Japanese Picture Map, both of which were part of the C.G.I.T. Mission Study of the rhurch in Japan. ! The highlight of the program was the affiliation of the First United Explorers and C.G.I.T. and the Conrad Explorers with the Woman's Missionary Society. Taking part ln the candlelight ceremony were: Patsy Dean. Marjorje Way, Louise Wood, Pegy Ann Domin jMiom was attended by HORNCHURCH, Essex. England ? Mothers with Infants ran from their homes fearing an explosion when a small Air Force plane crash-landed in the street here. The plane did not explod and the pilot was unhurt. giving and raffle, commencing at 8 p.m. Past Mistresses L O B A. sa!e of homecooklng and candy, June 16.. Girl Guide Tea and Sale. Annunciation Hall June Hi. Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, homecooking sale. Legion Hall, June 21. Queen Mary I.o.D.E. tea. June 21. Mrs. F. Thornton' inn 4th Ln Gladstone, his uncle. colorful procession down ale included seven other taids and seven grooms- One Upright Grand Piano (Hamilton steel frame) Frigidalre in excellent condition Four-piece Chesterfield Suite Four Occasional Chairs Large Seamless Hardings Axminster Carpet, 9x12 ft. Walnut Dining Room Suite, Buffet and China Cabinet to match. Two other China Cabinets Washing Machine Walnut Bedroom Suite with all spring-filled mattress White Enamel Bedroom Suite Chest of Drawers Two Coffee Tables Trllight Lamp Standard Lamp Bridge Lamp Rocker and Arm Chair Smoker Stand Electric Iron Kitchen Table and 4 Chairs Umbrella Stand . Odd Dressing Table K.'cord Cabinet Dinner Wagon Liquor Cabinet Clock Rug 4-ft by 6-ft. Four Small Mats General Electric Vacuum Cleaner 6pic Span Cleaner Chest of Drawers (Oak) Bissells Carpet Sweeper McClary Kootenay Oil Burner Range Mirrors (full length tilling) Single Bed complete Lawn Mower and Garden Tools Other articles too numerous to mention. of clothes. Royal fashion never ate and Miss A. M. Stewart for j changes too suddenly. New the groups and Mrs. K. Faught styles must be adopted slowly. couple will reside In Kit- Ri. Rev. Basil Proctor and the ceremony. for the W.M.S. A gift of money NEW INDUSTRY MELFORT, Sask. (CP) Farmers of this district are being asked to supply 4000 tons of baled straw to help establish an insulation board industry here. The board would be made from straw fibre. West, 2-5. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. ! Cathedral Bzaar, November 17. i (153c) Presbyterian Fall Sale, No-I vember 22. (1530 ; giving a smooth flow to radical changes of line. Since ber marriage Princess Elizabeth has attained a quiet maturity and individual ele- was made by each group to the W.M.S. ior mission work. 'The Doll Festival recitation was presented by Patsy Dean, ANCIENT RELICS mry tusks In a Londoa centre of the world's ade, a.e estimated to be ittrs old. Barbara Strachan and Irene gance completely her own. I A sudden preference for daric.- Bellamy. Sorvicp nroierts of thp erouns ; er shades of green, blue, mul- include a parcel of clothing for berry and red re believed to hish school Eirls to be sent to be her husband's Influence. FOR BRIDESMAID You can easily make your own bridesmaid's dresses if you select a simple pattern and style. The dress illustrated is made in pastel dotted Swiss, and is the type of dresa your maids will wear long after the ceremony. Cjardc Dark colors suit her pale-rose Japan by the C.G.I.T. and a This house Is sold and goods must be cleared unreserved Terms: Cash or Cheques GEORGE JAS. DAWES, The Auctioneer Phone Red 127 I .. Phone Green 810 araenuicj .... (f $ I parcel of schoul supplies, picture complexion ana ngni Drown papers and scrapbooks depicting hair, far better tnan tfle Pastel Canadian living by the Explor- sndes wor,n in her 'teens-ers l For evening wear the princess GIVE YOUR GARDEN A DRINK WHEN TOP SOIL DRIES OUT Live After Car Plunge mm For NEW CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR WORK t Just before tea was served all ",,ul,a " ? . ' I those present saw slides on the c""ollnf and lng-haired furs-jrife of teen-age girls in Japan ! f'ncfs hfetr marriage, however. , she is often seen in the beau- t I ' , j ... . , ! tiful mink coat given her as a Gr-up leadets were Miss wedding present by the Cana- Stewart Mrs. L. G. S.eber Mrs. dian 0Bvernment. R. L. Morris and Mrs. G. Free- j man' J BIGGEST RESERVOIR I I Largest artificial lake in the SEE It, Lii T I. . GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. V 1 .. . .A - . . ueuctous LONDON (CP)-A bus conductor world is Lake Mead at the in East Ham was elected mayor Hoover Dam on the Colorado of the district. Hearing of his Rivei, stretching 115 miles. 215 1st Avenue West rhone !MH locolaie Cieam in 1 chocoltte flivoured xndwich Thin BOURBON P.O. Box 721 CEBlEED ont of Peck Frein'i 5; (Iimou! ENGLISH Biicum. appointment, he invited a bus conductor friend to be his cl-puty. HALLING, Kent, England (CP) Police have noted thieves no lt.iger use treacle to attach brown paper to a window before they smash it. Treacle is rationed, and thieves are employing cod liver oil and malt ... .... aiiciuuun lea . . , ' ml lime . . . ny time. I Eveicmp" moisture-proof ""'iht picked. Four persons miraculously escaped serious injury or death when a car in which they were driving overturned and plummeted 150 feet down an embankment on the side of the Skeena Highway near Terrace Sunday afternoon. Occupants of the car were Lelf Sandhals, driver; Glenn Carlson, Yvonne Kildnl and Margaret Giske. They left Prince Rupert in a 1943 half-ton panel of Pioneer Laundry Ltd. and were discovered about half an hour after the accident by P. K. Deane, manager of Pioneer Laundry, who drove behind them in his own car. They had managed to climb back on to nighway. Mr. Deane rushed the badly-shaken quartet to Terrace Outpost Hospital where they were treated for bruises. "How they ever survived the crash I don't know," said Mr. Deane. "The truck must have turned over half-a-dozen times over the rocks before it stopped lolling." All four are at home, nursing a few bruises but otherwixp in PIT ! obtelinclive (J3eaulij j for your living room! . : o 'A rrrm ' . 'j I ' I Really, you should know how delicious food taste when flavoured with Colman's mustard from England. Prepare it, in your own kitchen "easily; simply follow the directions on the label. Write to Reckitt & Colman (Canada) Ltd., Station FREAN'S mmm NENGIISH BuuL Canvas Hose Which Leaks Through Mesh Spreads Water Evenly Over Garden T, Montreal for free recipe book "Culinary Art". . wmam Veteran gardeners have long RJappliance 'practiced the maxim: Give a plant (or a garden) a drink when it's dry. In other words, do not keep the soil wet, but let it get thirsty between drinks. A cood soil holds both water AND "ECTIUC RANGES where the soil dries out quickly. The soil must be soaked deeply whenever rainfall is insufficient to provide abundant water. That mvans, when less than one inch each week falls on the garden ln summer time. Let the hose run without a sprinkler, so that the water falls upon a board which scatters it and prevents washing out a gul- SNYDER Sectional Chesterfields EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME GORDON & ANDERSON good condition. Mr. Deane believes, after examining the car, that tne front spring shackle had snapped, causing the car to swerve off the highwayThe vehicle was "badly wrecked," according to Mr. Deane. KCJLECTRIC I iwuss uiskc saia sne wasn 1 ER0 SOAP ley, or un a canvas hose which feeling too bad." "But I think that was the and air at the same time. These are held in spaces between the so particles, called "pores." When there is an excess of water, air l.v driven out, and the plants suffer for lack of it. This occurs ln gardens when water stands on the surface; and is the reason why quick drainage of excess water is ro important. 1 Lack of water, on the other hand, is also harmful to the leaks all along its length, and Lit (Is Scxtnu Cfftit sp-vei as a portable irrigation ditch. N ow luckiest day of my life. I don't j see how we were saved.'' 59c plants. A balance between air Stork Shoppe Moke your choice now from our large Mock of lovclv Ladies' Shoes! Clrt ' s 'neral From two to five tons of agricultural limestone may be used per acre m clay soil to give It a granular structure. This makes ihf soil .asier to work, and allows air to penerate more readily. As much organic material as possible should also be used. Two time-honored practices r w considered outmoded are ll.j sowing of sweet peas and the planting of asoaragus roots ir trenches. Sweet peas planted two inches deep have proved to yield as well as those planted six inchr i down; whilj they have less trouble with fungus diseases. The fashion for green asparagus, cut above the ground, difooses of any need to plant asparagus roots six Inches deep. ana storage Reliable and Effi- Also aBcnts for and waler must be maintained. A plant will make the best root growth when it is drying the soil down. When the soil is soaked, and the excess drains away ciulckly, frash air enters the soil to take the place of the waler. The roots reach out for water as ih" fupply diminishes, and vigorous giowth results. An alternating cycle of thorough watering, and a period of drying out should be followed. But watering should be thorough enough to wet the soil as deep as the roots go, at least. This cannot be done by sprinkling a brief period every day; that Is bad watering practice because it moistens the surface Let us sec to your car's iiceJi., iiiruugh regular check-ups on Tires, Battery, . Radiator and Crankcase A1E Superior Auto Service j LIMITED IP! & CARTAGE 'OR AGE LIMITED A Complete Rorno of Colors and Sizes fashion footwear , i and Park a-,. '"ill. it...- . WiliS STUDEBAKER AUSTIN DEALERS rRl" Third Avenue at Park n. n,. """cs ou and 68