. f PROVISCIAI. LIB3A3T, 113 VICTORIA, B. C. V CABS iTAR Doi,y Phone 81 9 I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" .11)10 PISfAM nr. VUL. XL, No. 132 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS no Group Here Today I . ; hi... n..f aulo n i iji iveiy rip kj (ing Bis Local Plant This Afternoon Following Visit to Terrace Woods ,fter viewing the principal logging operations Gates of Chonvon Battered; Communists in Final Stand ;umbia Cellulose Co. m the Terrace area, newsmen, press photographers, moving picture men adio commentators from Vancouver and Vic- TOKYO (CP) Allied tank patrols today hammered at the gates of Chorwon and Kumwha, the southern anchors of the Communist central Korean airived in Prince Rupert today for a pre-of f icial ji visit to the pulp mill at Watson Island. Thev , . - . f ' ' ''-', '' r,. , - wwirfHwiw i;-"TX" r 'ilinwmiM 1MB y Tm-r-fi C " J I . - ; A c .. I " L 1 h m from Vancouver yes- Columbia Cellulose Co. Pulp Logs Drive Down The Skeena B.C. Newsmen See Terrace Operations liy (I. A. Hunter TERRACE. Nine mil-'ion feet of logs will go down the Kitsumkalum and Skeena rivers by July to feed the new pulp mill of Columbia Cellulose Co. 1 : . .- Tl 1 . 1 stronghold. Anscomb Says Coalition To Stand In War jn a canauian rawi; vlnce M DC aircraft which Edward Martin Vanccuver Halibut Landings I Tough and confident United 1 Nations army "Is standing ot the front door now, hammering ' at the lock," Tokyo bureau As-! sociated Press chief Robert Eun- cnem at j j News-Herald. Terrace a'rP0"- Follow-, Gordon McCallum, Toronto "r ViSit,uhehrLi Lrl Night and Vancoure. ihpv will head back o p..... American ,,,-e this afternoon and , w T Gait vlclorla Coloaist lltk tomorrow morning' m Canadian Broad- Resolute 48,000, Storage, 19.8c, son reported from his army 17c, 14c. it plane for the return casling corporation. a Vancouver. . Ross Whiteside, Canadian visiting press men were Broadcasting Corporation. Mi it luncheon today Frank Turner, Canadian Presj Canadian Skugaid 40,000, Booth, 21.5c, i7c, 14c. Sea Pride 45,000, Storage, 21.6c, 17c, 14.5c. B. C. Rover 63,000, Atlln, 21.5c, 17c, 14c. .at Watson Island, opening officially next Tuesday. ion 27 Club dining room Ross Eeesley, Associated Ecreeo o the visit to WaUson Kews. ! Harry Fllion, (well known Van-lie way back to Terrace couver photographer). ;crnoon. they are stop-: R. f. Macey, The British Colli! evening at the Colum- umblan, (New Westminister), aiose river drive camp at i Mrs. Cathie Fraser, Omineca or dinner. Herald, (Terrace). FIRST AIRWOMAN First woman enUsted In the regular RCAF In the current recruiting drive was Gladys Louise Freeman of Long Pond, Manuels, Nfld. She is congratulated by Wing Cmdi. R. B Cross, senior RCAF staff officer in Newfoundland. Cntre 1 Fit. Lt. T. P. Flint, officer commanding the recruiting unit at St. Johns. (CP from National Defence) EDMONTON iff Finance Minister Herbert Anscomb of British Columbia said yesterday the Coalition form of government will automatically end ln his province when a bill providing for adoption of a single-transferable vote In provincial elections is proclaimed. Mr. Anscomb, provincial leader cf the Progressive Conservative party, said his party will continue to support Coalition until dissolution of the present Legislature, in about three years. But he said he did not have "the slightest doubt that if Canada is at war, the Coalition would not end." The company's logging opera tions in the Kitsumkalum valley now producing 25 railway carloads of logs dally were toured yesterday by 18 newspapermen from Vancouver and Victoria, headquarters ln Tokyo. Tight censorship blacked out the exact distance Allied troops were from the Red's strategic Chorwon - Kumwha - Pyongyang bastion. The Eighth Army reported gains of up to two miles, except on the bitterly defended eastern front. West, Eunson reported. Allies had "battled all the way back to the gates of Chorwon . . . exactly where they were six weeks ago when the Communists' first spring offensive was touched off." Then, main lines were four miles from Chorwon. Armored patrols have stabbed two miles closer. Official estimates place 300,-000 Reds on the battlefront. lift ENTERTAINMENT ! O. A. Hunter, The Daily News, labor Irked By New Move Of Management Campaign Against Unions Claimed Pt. Edward Townsite Lots to be Auctioned night at the Terrace Ho- (Prince Rupert). visiting newspapermen Mrs. James Dunn, The Interior atertatned at dinner by I News, Smithers). rrace and District Boa. d Bert Cannings, Station CKWX, ,de with President Alex I Vanccuver. ;ers in the chair, Mem- j Bill Brawn, Station CJOR, Van-to Terrace village coun- couver. ; tiie executive -council f Less White, Station CKNW, :ice Board of Trade were New Westminister. Joined by confreres of this district. They saw how road build-1 ing is being combined with log production by high lead and ! caterpillars, opening a forest! area where 40.000,000 feet ofj logs will be produced this year. More than 100 Port Edward townsite lots go or: the "auction block" a week tomorrow, June 14, with idance. uckeVftothTePr eU.Cttn: n'-uj Pri?8 f r0m 100 to trucked to Terrace, then ship ! VANCOUVER (CP) New labor controversy opened yesterday with 'Slanders, opening a brlel vj. r, ruiucs, u v e r n in e 11 i norl Kir ra it in A7a t cnr Tul a n1 The rest U being driven down 1 f nt ' Rupert received his instructions late i ol speeches after the ictowledged the great auctioning $100,000 in Gems Recovered the rivers. j tot had accrued to Tax Boost Sanctioned OTTAWA (CP) By a standing vote of 42 to 28, Commons yesterday sanc reports that logging com-! panies are searching east-! ern provinces for wpork- Formosa is Delinquent tough the advent of it Cellulose. One lmport- yesterday. Lots to be auctioned are contained ln lots l-ll, all having road frontage averaging 70 feet and are from 100 to 140 feet .nt was the assurance of MONTREAL ft nlscnvprv nf a So far operations have been in timber leases up the Kitsum-kalem River. Now the company Is entering Its No. 1 forest management licence area and will start patch logging almost at once. The forest management survey staff of 25 consists large ers. Bjioyment for all peo- locker tlcket ln a cnocolate box Itiistrict who had the tii.h i.h h nt deep. NEW YORK 0 Unless Na- private dwellings built on the tionalist China makes a shall not contain less than stantlal payment by January 1 D-Day is Observed General Eisenhower Returns To Beaches of Normandy OMAHA BEACH, Normandy (C-4enersil Dwight n .Eisen- . hower came back to Normandy's beaches today for the first time since his armies wrested them from Adolf Hitler's Nazis seven tioned the bitterly-opposed 25 per cent increase in Management reports a shortage of workers while labor officials see the new move as a campaign against unions. Fred FieDer, imancial secre 750 square feet, according to on. her United Nations dues, she raniilaHnnc nnnlinnhl. in U , . ly of university students and $100,000 worth of Jewels hidden ln a 10 -cent luggage locker. Jewels were the property of Mrs. Archie L. Mayo, of Mallbu, fall fplAlh " tt'hr, caiil tViow war and capability ol ; It was an lllustraUon 1 bis corporation and : leliows were able to o((Uur lor tlie mutual ol both all tokards de- graduates, mapping out an area s , , ay lose ,ler ueneral Assemoiy Port Edward regulated - area. of iqoo square miles of. forest vol , , general sales tax. tary of local 1-71, International viin-iaia ircuiui ui uiijueu Sta The vote came as the chamber Kitsumkalum and Naas stolen from her hotel room last j 'n,..t!?e. Woodworkers ol America (CIO), H of the great north tions finances reveals today that the Formosa regime owes $5,731,-192 dating back to the last half of 1949. ey Little of the Terrace Friday. However, the "foreign i jLl w?i onirX . . Tsionn miu ,. . ,. the Watson Island mill going woman who was questioned sa d 100.yea"r re! , perpctulty on a she found them In a chamois , foreslallon basls. bag on a chair In the lobby of Mpa.na,hiiP rmh.mhia r.nn. Calls For Conscription of visage commissioner important acknowledg the happy co-operation i M!;s- Mavo's hotel- structlon Co., which has pene- 3 Columbia Cellulose and1 Mrs- Mavo rePorlea lne lneI1 trated a road seven miles up years ago. The occasion was the anniversary of D-Day, celebrated on the once blood-soaked sands where Allied troops blasted opon Germany's "Atlantic Wall" to make possible the liberation of is tt all operators of the dis-1 10 P"re eamer yesiernay ana Kitsumkalem River, expects to aereby all timber of the 1 chlcf of Detectives Wilfred Bour-1 get m another 16 miles this year OTTAWA Mayor General charged that big business is trying to flood the labor market to weaken the position of trade unions. "When labor Is scarce, workers get a break. But not when there are unemployed around." . National Employment Service, however, reports shortages . in logging and the mining industries. "A strong demand for labor in the northern area is developing," said a report from employment services today. i anri pvpnt.ua.llv the onerations I roits, commanaer oi tan- could not be used to,aen sala ne fot B llP on lne iivantaKe. the Columbia ' "foreign woman" who held the ; wni extend 60 miles over the I ada 8 Slxtn Division in the Sec- Europe. being able to absorb , secret to the theft. j divide into the Naas River val- j ond World War, last night called which the district saw-' ronce aeennea to menuiy tne , iev 1UI ""''p "i manpower voted through a slow clause by clause study of the bill implementing budgetary changes in excise taxes. Vote, in effect, confirmed the sales tax boost which by custom, went into actual operation when it was announced in the budget April 11. Balloting proceeded by repetition of opposition arguments against the increase, which lifts ' the tax to 10 per cent from eight per cent, and by Finance Minister Abbot's reply, he considered it preferable to another rise ln income taxes. Progressive Conservative, Social Credit and CCF members voted against the increase and won support from Matthew McLean (L Cape Breton, North-Victoria) and J. L. Gibson (Ind. Comox-Alberni). Other Liberals supported it. White Sox Win Again NEW YORK D Veteran righthander Randy Gumpert turned In his fourth consecutive victory Tuesday as he pitched Chicago for Canada's reserve troops. He The D-Day commemoration began in mid-morning among 9832 white crosses that mailt id been heretofore . un- woman. The newspapermen we"-e tilize. 1 guests of Columbia Cellulose Co. The hiehwav from Ouebcc to i overnight in Terrace and a.- L Johnson, woods nun. tolumbia Cellulose. Montreal was extended and com- rived in Prince Rupert today to pleted in 1736. 'visit the pulp mill. Allied dead on a hilltop ove?-looking the beach. Some 300 French people and Americans attended, most of them carrying bunches of flowers to decorate the graves. Loggers are scarce in Prince Rupert and the situation will be aggravated later in the month when hiring starts in volume for the Alcan project. told 200 former Canadian Women's Army Corps officers and other ranks at their annual reunion that the Army's method of gaining recruits by press and radio campaigns is not good enough. He said it is a pathetic sight to see reserve force units on parade today. "I'rred to the co-opera-Wttn his company and "l oiwrators. each con- m to the prosperity of n was all a very tlrrumstance. And still, Mjfd Mr. Johnson. TODAY'S STOCKS "Ol operators were c- (Courtesy 8. I. Johnston Co. Ltd.). rinif more employ-ll'n Columbia Cellu- k Turner, manager of Fulham Beats All-Stars Reception of Guests Well Planned by Hugo Pulp Mill Visitors To Tour City A comprehensive report of arrangements made for the 150 or more guests to the city and opening of the Cellulose plant was made to the Chamber of Commerce members by chairman Hugo Kraupner, who received high commendation for his efforts. Fifty cars have been made available by members of the Chamber who will personally drive three guests each on the well-planned tour. White Sox to a 10-2 triumph over Boston Red Sox. The conquest, the eighteenth in their last 20 games, enabled the White Sox to maintain a 3 game edge in the American League over runner-up New York Yankees, who crushed Cleveland Indians 9-2 to halt the Indians' nine-game winning streak. In the only National League day-game, paceV'etting Brooklyn Dodgers nipped runner-up St. Louis Cardinals 3-2. The victory boosted Brooklyn's lead to 4'4 games. Sal Maglie turned in his ninth straight National victory as he pitched New York Giants to a 3-2 triumph over Cincinnati Reds In the night game. wnadlan Press, Van-fan of the visiting iien, spoke brleflv at "ace gathering. Others Area 3 to Close June 25 Official closing date of halibut fishing area three has been set at midnight, June 25, it was announced today bf the International Fisheries Commission. rcai were Emery Cleaves, 'sident in chares of nub- Little Long Lac 60 Lynx a Madsen Red Lake 2.00 McKenzie Red Lake 45 McLeod Cockshutt 2.51 Moneta 30 y2 Negus ' .73 Noranda 72,50 Louvicourt I6yz Pickle Crow . 1.50 San Antonio 2.27 Senator Rouyn 17Vi Sherrit Gordon 3.15 Steep Rock 7.25 Silver Miller 1.55 Upper Canada 1.50 Golden Manitou 7.34 ceianese Corpora- "nlca; Mrs, Catherine 01 'he Omineca HpralH- VANCOUVER 0 The touring Fulham soccer team last night defeated B.C. All Stars 2-0 in the first of a two-game exhibition series. Teams meet again Saturday. Before 8,000 fans, Ful nningS- st.at.lnn rmw Sroadcj casting Corporation; ham scored their goals in J,he Vancouver photog Each car will be provided with first half, Bobby Brennan tally-' kZLTr?! ht. t fx. two stickers displaying its num oeesicy, Associat- News: Duncan Kprr Total landings In Prince Rupert of Canadian boats ffshing Area, 2 were 9,003,000 pounds at the close of the area season, May 28. U.S. boats fishing area 2 landed 528,000 pounds. Area 3 landings to date total 435,00 pounds for Canadian vessels and 1,714,000 pounds for Americans. 1 "f the Atsivlotort ot Trade of Central 3-2. lra" ader of the Ter- VANCOUVER American Standard 15 Bralorne 6.00 B R X 03 .Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Congress ' .07 Hedley Mascot 55 ' Indian Mines 22 Pioneer 2.00 Premier Border 31 Privateer 09 Reeves McDonald 4.15 Sheep Creek 1.50 Silbak Premier 39 Taku River .05 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 2 Silver Standard 2.30 .Western Uranium 2.00 Oils A P Con 38 Atlantic 2.95 Calmont l.io C 4 E 14.25 Central Leduc 2.00 Home Oil 13.50 Mercury .12 Okalta 2.45 Prin;ess ' 1.47 Royal Canadian 14 Vi Royalite 13.50 TORONTO Athona .05 ' r Aumaque .21 , Batt)e 452 Bevcourt .40 Buffalo Canadian 19 Consol. Smelters 147.00 Conwest 2.70 Donalrta ... .52 Eldona .18 ' district Board of ber which will correspond with special cards given to the guests who will be instructed to get to the numbered car. The Prlnte Rupert Taxi Association is being requested to co-operate by not being on that part of the dock where the volunteer cars are placed, between the hours of 3 and 4 p.m. EXTENSIVE TOCR Ths ln,,r c tn h SIX fnllOWS: Snowstorm In June Gene Bearden started his first, game for Detroit Tigers and blanked Washington Senators with four hits in the American night feature. Tigers won 4-0. St. Louis Browns backed up the four-hit hurlinir of Nprf rarvtr wold Lynum, Terrace 'iiDerintonH. Pa Cellulose, and Mrs. Last years 'landings here by Canadian vessels were 9,055,000 pounds, but because a "great deal" of camp halibut were forwarded to Vancouver from here, the Commission feels more fish from Area 2 were actually taken this year than in 1950. 'nyestorday, before their CARD OF THANKS Job's Daughters wish to express their sincere thanks to the public of Prince Rupert and district for their generous support at the recent Jam-borae. , Particularly thanked are those merchants who contributed so liberally with merchandise for prizes and raffles to make this event an outstanding success. dtp 1 WINNIPEG (CP) A June del- for a 10-1 win over Philadelphia ,c MUsumkalum woods ' W'J ninm.r From the landinir dock to the uge of snow, rain and sleet to- Athletics in another American day drenched a wide section of League game. southern Alberta, breaking Wote Rucst.ii r.r fi,.mui I r-anoHian pish jfe C,od Storaue , v VUIUIIIUW vi..v.... . ... I a i,,i 'niont nirnnrt. rirv dock water- 7 ln the Terrace camp I front installations of Imperial, , rcra'Uhbh broueh th Home, Standard, British-Ameri six each ten minutes, ln Consecutive numbered order, starting from 1 to 6. They are expected to maintain an average speed of 35 m.p.h. Royal Canadian Mounted Police force will have officers in dress uniform at the dock from the time of arrival of ss Prince Oeorge until all cars have left for the tour. BOY SCOUTS Boy Scouts in full uniform will assist in lining up the cars and directing the guests to their numbered car. Drivers are Invited to join the visitors to dinner aboard ship at 7 p.m. to further cement the good fellowship expected to be created between the visitors and Prince Rupert people. The Daily News will place a copy of its special edition of about 48 pages ln each stateroom. Over 8000 copies of this unique edition commemorating the opening of the Cellulose plant are now on the press. A special invitation has been extended by Club 27 for the drivers of the "courtesy cars" and their 'passengers between 5 and 8 p.m., if time permits, , BASEBALL- " Dart v . can oil firms, the Atiin uisn down telegraph lines and disrupting communications. Snow was continuing at Calgary and Lethbridge today with more than three inches of snow in the last 24 hours. Temperatures fell to 32 de- Lah-jrH ... rr,,-Qn irnvprn-mnnt. QOCK. rv, -"""'an racillc Air ""f"j - 3 nii,,i.i . . nni,pt hmip r uin rentxe. main American Boston 2, Chicago 10; New kkin. f,,.,..y.rpraln hi.sinPM sPPtlon AcroDolis Hill, grees last in Calgary and Lethbrld.e r'phliaiT I lth Lloyd Moffatt as ren Street, Shell Oil, eleva-' Rn stvwar nf r,.i... tor. ocean dock, both the nc night. St. Louis 10 ai. . i. v. ruiiiTc . , ; g'"eer. miss,-"-': Cars will leave in the order of "iin R w i p...i Brion Beats Champion LONDON Cesar Brlon. rug-Red Argentine heavyweight, spoiled Jack Gardner's bid for major recognition last night when he outpointed the British and European heavyweight champion In a bloody 10-round bout before 50,000 fans In the White City stadium. Oardner had a 17'i-pound weight edge, 210Vi to 192i. National. I St. Louis 2, Brooklyn 3; Pitts- i burgh 8, Boston 0; Chicago 3, TIDES - - ATTENTION SALMON FISHERMEN Special MeeliUp of thp UPAWU will be held V KKNKSI1A V, June ( it 1 P.M. Metnipole Halt, Prlni'e Rupert KIDAY. June g at 8 P.M. Commuiilt.v Hall. Pt. Kdward Secretary Homer Stevens will be here from Vancouver to report on negotiations. A vote will be taken on the latest prl- offer Philadelphia 2; Cincinnati 2, New York 3. HIL Thusday, June 7, 1951 i Pacific Standard Time) High 2:27 20.0 feet FOOTBALL TONIGHT Kick-off 7 p.m. GENERAL MOTORS vs CANADIAN LEGION tast Sullivan 7.45 Giant Yellowknife 6.75 Ood's Lake 32 Hardrock 16 Harricana 8 '4 Heva 10V2 Jacknife 8 Joliet Quebec 48 ;i y Mlss Sevens, Woni ,oi fleer, the press W Colmbla Cellu- C vl Terrace afe: ' i ..VISITORS I ' CT'ir7 ancouver Sun. I wre, Vancouver Pro- I Wenatchee 12, Vancouver 7 15:34 17.6 feet Salem 3, Tacoma 4: Trl-Citv 10. Low 9:11 3.2 feet Victoria 4; Spokane at Yakima 21:07 8.9 feet postponed, rain.