ment-to-government level. form one grand union, with through i Yet we blithely Imagine that we' much the same set-up and pow- ,u . Ati!ic lr Prince Rupert Daily News1 As I See It might get Russia and U.S.A. to; ers as the U S A. , ' c u'wrauon 0, , Victoria Report Tuesday, May 1, 1951 agree at" UN, although we can't even get the Canadian govern Another school, also represent- "f &MUft ed here, believes that the present murh befer 'i 'U . ments io agree in conierence ai North n'jrui Atlantic auuiiuc Pact raci should snould be be trated tratjri ,',n un tt, .u. ... by J. K. Nesbitt VICTORIA. Some interesting anniversaries are home, dealing with Infinitely . transformed into an out-and-out KI-0 impler matters. I federation. That Is, all the west- ,, An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Associat'on. R. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: a oOo 'ern democracies, including the , tlbAS'l'ar)Mf more WtlCM we. u&i inn mwu ur ( u.o.n., oi nisn vummon wealth r . hire world government which is pre- and all free Europe, would join in reneMlioi,(ff going to be marked in British Columbia in the next! month or so. We have now reached the stage of our history where we are marking 100th birthdays and that shows we are growing up. A 100th birthday in a PI,; Loll By carrier. Per Week, 20c; Per Month. 75c; Per Year, licted in tne Bioie, oi wnicn an ouirignt ieaerai union. In this i ' "l Principe rennyson called "the parliament there' would be one citizenship, , f cjknH lib rati,, jf man, the federation of the one armed force, one foreign J. uU!red a ww , orld," we will make law on an policy, one money and one free n , A,rifans hav ntiiely new and higher level. trade and free migration area. : . in an" aim tw nd we will do it by parliamen-. But over as against this re-' m..t '" RWtrn $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00. Published every aft'rrnoon except Sunday by Princ Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue-, Prince Rupert. CANADIANS AT HO. ME the New World is quite an age. j ! Next wtek it will be 100 years i since the little barque Tory Irvine and nis wifej rom thej ary process. gionallst approach, there nr. ")si Italy. Among instead of having three-lcvej those who believe in sticking to iai J, . e h"lc SJIJt; Ireacnea victor a .rum r...B.uu, Drk Is,ands Tn ROME, ikjiu, ."b , bringing a boatload of passengeis ,., 'about a hundred and f if tv Music and Drama Festiva ' i"B wra uj one woria now. But I h viil have four-lvvei democracy. itlny of these believe that re-' the khim fJlv Ve will elect local aldermen, etc.; gjonaJ federations would actually are ri.'f, Jremil w will elect our provincial legis- make the danger of world war sue M. "future; we will elect our nation- greater, and not lesser I tl i"''n 11 1 MP's exactly as now. I others believe that th nmimn i.'.r !!'n.,:"ulilr' S.a: U'M the British Isles, people """"'"-"""""""' "", , " , V who pioneered here and became from Victoria, and called their ( people from all parts Oi ! leading citizens. Many of them p)ac; Rose Bank Farm. Still ne w0l'ld who are here to I" ISa" "ving at Rose Bank today ,s their :deyiae and means of !su.l community leaders in this 3 actual World BUT WE WILL ALSO THEN , of eneruv energy necessary nwrv Mlbn, no-v, uui sun nan; una nearly i province. pin ii comes W fi;tI, government, there are iniee It took the Torv six months for and does her housework each Canadians. I am the only offi- the voyage from England, around day. m m m m the Horn and up the Pacific Senator Macdonald, as he grew, cial delegate from Canada, bu Coast to VlctoiU. She was ou.y old, w.ote his meiuoirs: "Very;mv wlf. and Mr. DesBrUay ol Be WISE! BUY NO my iua ieei long-anu u.. mul uwuu ulu, wOT v are als0 registered as ixvi wuklu Mrs, ana incy hall have the power to make VORLD LAW. oOu i AS SHERLOCK HOLMES vould have said, all the above is elementary, my dear Watson," o people well versed in higher1 :onsLitutional matters. i All kinds of democratic believ- 1 rs in world government accept he general principle of world vessel were crowded 105 passen-1 besides sea birds and porpoises. observers. This works out fine, aeir. ThJV lived mostly on hard! Although the voyage was long for they beautifully represent tack and salt pork and each day ; and tedious I had no wish to Canada at the social functions. t.h enntain handed out a ration' leave the shin and sn manv'such as the Mayur or Home BOY'S' H'lNDKKKAKIORS-Aliool and KaI)alfUlles tailored for perfect fit. Now at a give asaypn a..,; HOYS' M'lHNlL HOOTS-Strongly and sturuily buii-of wear. Sizes 11 to 13 and 1 to 5. Social M HOYS' AND GIRLS' Itl NM.NG SIIOKS and 0XF()RIk Foot, the vtry best. Selling out at old pritx-s . BUY of rum to keep his passengers friends made on the long voyage.'', reception in the City Hall, contented. Now and then, in a: Some other famous British I sit in on the actual discus calm, the men fished, and so Columbians arrived here also, a sions of all the problems con hop and 'ave at government, as stated above. But .here are sharp differences as to -he best means of getting world overnment. One school of thought believes : that it is wiser to start with re-; gionai federations. For instance, ; ;h'ie is strong support here, es- j pecially from the Italians and j French, for the idea of a United , States of Europe. Its advocates! believe that it would be a good ! thing for all Western Europe to PRINCE RUPERT'S largest and most comprehensive Music and Drama Festival to date gets under way tomorrow and continues until the end of tho week. Pull programs for adjudication will be participated in by talent drawn not only from the city but various parts of the district. The entry list is larger than ever before and the items for presentation more varied the program being of such scale that it has been necessary to go beyond the confines of the Civic Centre to find venue. The Music and Drama Festival is, indeed, a splendid institution in the cultural and educational life of :he community. The widespread interest that is being taken in it speaks well for the progress of city and district along these very desirable lines. Festivals of this kind need not be regarded merely as competitions for a few people with special gifts. They should be thought of as a means of bringing to all our people the knowledge and understanding of music and the dramatic arts. Prince Rupert people will have the opportunity this week of learning more of. these arts by attending as many festival programs as possible. Organization of this event has entailed a great real of thought, effort and time by the committees ir charge, led by the president, Mrs. Earl Becker. They are to be commended for their good work and the part they are playing in developing a very important phase of good community life. The success they have attained should be gratifying to themselves as it should be appreciated by the community at large. some variety was added to the century ago, in June Robert corning world government, monu. j Dunsmuir and his wife. They o0 Men and women who have be-; came around the Horn and stop-; AT THIS POINT I THINK I come famous in our history were! tied off in Oregon when their1 must include a little note about aboard the Tory. There was first son Jamss was born. Robert what we mean by "world govern -young William John MacdonaldV Dunsmuir was a Scottish coal nient." a Scot. He worked hard in this miner and he found a new seam What is the difference between new land and he made money, of coal near Nanaimo and so al- the old League of Nations or the He became Mayor of Victoria and most, overnight became a multi- present UN and the kind of world a Canadian Senator at Ottawa millionaire. He built Craigdar- government we want? and he built a fine home that roch Castle in Victoria for he The difference is that the UN looked like a castle, on the water-, had promised his wife that if she k a mere association of sovereign front in Victoria, and he called would come with him to the New nations. It has power only to his castle "Armadale." World he would build her a castle, make recommendations. It can- Capt. and Mrs. E. E. Langford But- before the castle was ready, not make LAW. and their five daughters were Ribert Dunsmuir died and his In the UN It Is as If w-e were SEE THEM TODAY ! aboard and they started the first w.fe lived in her castle in lonelv trying to govern Canada by hav- farm at Colwood. where the widowhood for 18 years. ; lng each provincial GOVERN- Royal Cclwood Go'f Club is to- The son James became Pre- MENT send appointees or em- daV. Thev hflfi with them nhnflrrl mnr nnH T ipi!tfmornf nf Tlrlt- Dlovees to Ottawa to trv to make .WAGONS ond TRICYCLES Now on Display shin a mastiff dog and a goat ish Columbia and he built Hatley agreements on the way to run all j Ui sn there was frfwh milt mim on,! v,rv ihr mondnn oirrht miu. Canada. We in our own exner-1 ' then. from Victoria that is now the ienee have seen that such an ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blink- Canadian Joint Services College, arrangement never works out. j 1 i i -,, . ... .. MTn n n 'f nlrmm U f.,t l uuin were aooiiru too, wan Mrs. Kooert uunsmuir and nis wife " kcv l" -j ailv.-rtwinent m nut imbli-hed Blinkhorn's li-year-old niece, had eight daughters and two and Qupbec governments to agree; , ,t,H vol liv tlie I.iquur Control Martha Cheney. A few years sons, and James Dunsmuir and with the rest whihe we vainly try IWtl or by the (lnveniincnt of after their arrival Martha was his wife had eight daughters and to do busineas on tht govern- British Columbia, wed to CaDt. Henry B. Ella and two tons and it was a dynasty ' iPPiji they built "Wentworth Villa," one as romantic as any founded in of the fine big early-day homes California by the bonanza kngs or victoria, on Fort Street hill. who built their mansions atop Others on the Tory were John San Francisco's famed Nob Hill. Civilian Def ences i I i II . II W.i K. v M. I i 1 I- 1 nRINCE RUPERT has been named as one of five HELP WANTED r vulnerable target areas in the province of British Permanent positions for suitable men. Mo t P' working conditions. Top wages. Two weeks holiday i after one year employment. 50'-. Medical Smites A f i es paid hv firm. 2 First Closs Automobile Mechanics. Report from Parliament By E. T. APPLEWHAITE, M.P. BURNS LAKE'RUILDING I have been doiife what I could during the past few days to persuade the government to acquire a site for a federal' building in Burns Lake. The obvious and spectacular growth of the community, together with the limit&l ground available, makes' it, I think, imperative that Columbia should war arise out of the present crisis. President Truman of the United States said even yesterday that the world was now on the brink. Speaking last night, Hon. W. T. Straith, minister of education, who has been entrusted with the organization of civil defence on the provincial level, emphasized the urgent necessity of communities getting organized. Now that we have been officially designated as 1 1 First Class Automobile Body Repair and Painter. Helper ond. Clean-up Man for gc garage woik. Apply: a vulnerable area of possible enemy attack, it would should pick up a couple of lots for this purpose Rupert Motors Lklm appear to be about time that, without excitement or at once. i 'T CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOKfi 1 will admit, quite frankly. ment -nat this is an lnte; im bu4- that I consider it would be t get and that he would be reluo-wasted effort. howrvcr, to try tojtant to come to the conclusion ?earr thdSlnll - 1 net policy looking to mate-iaN to ournoses mo e nr. an annua gent than office buildings is the bud8et of four billion dollars, it is quite Impossible to lay down panic, we were beginning to accept a realistic ap preciation of the necessity of getting prepared for' possible disaster. In view of the general outlook, it would appear that time is running short and that we should not be delaying much longer. If attack came tomorrow, o, are afraid that Trince Rupert would be in a state of panic-stricken chaos. If we don't know what to do, we should be finding out without delay so we may act accordingly. permanent policy when no otie knows whether we are going to nave peace or war. If the sit un -tion gets worse, taxes will have ,to go still hlher but. on the present polny a policy with which I agree. Atlantic Fisheries Either St. John's. Newfoundland, or Halifax, Nova Seotia, will become the permanent headquarters cf thi International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, as a result of the decision taken iat the first meeting of the Com-1 mission held in Washington, D.C., April 2-10. United StatJi other hand. If there should be a better prospect of peace, then these interim measures can e dispensed with. This budget is a true reflection of the worldwide uncertainty, as the decision Imjustgoing to the bank, Ann" Jcrtjifure fai.iafje fan Jotlatf "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1. to provoke a world war, if made at all, will not be made by tin Canadian Government. Commissioner Hilary J. Deason, chief, offices of foreign activities, Fish and Wildlife Service. De Abbott's Qualities Mr. Ab bott's outstanding qualities were partment of the Interior (what a a question by Alan Lennox-Boyn, Conservative. "ever shown to better title! advanta i, was elected chairman of thanln ence of lnU budr the Commission, and tho vie--1 hw'd?f :hairman is United Kingdom ! get' "etated: whuen speakln? a Commissioner ATA Dob'on on tlme. that he had not in-fisheries adviser. Ministry of A- f"ded to do so as (to quote Mr. Tinillt lira Q rA E1! I'hari nr. U U. Abbott) -Unlike the leader of Some authorities described this as the first occasion in modern times in which a Speaker All Colors, Includinq. White cd irrn conu O 05 to S. whom will serve fr v0!r, the Opposition i Mr. Drew) I en. I William flnhori M.,rti deavour to avoid repetition a had apologized for unfairness or a minor impropriety. Parliamentary correspondents, however, recalled that Col. Clifton Brown himself had apologized three years before to a Labor FASHION FOOTVm Speaker's Apology ! Infrequent Event LONDON (CP) The Speaker of the British House of Commons, Col. Douglas Clifton Brown, celebrated an anniversary with .in apology. On the day he started his ninth year as speaker. Col. Clifton Brown conveyed to the House his regret at using the word "Impertinent" to describe biologist at the St. Andrews, N B. I""ch M P03811" a"d he had Biological Station, was cnpointM tatken,an hou,r and twenty min- he actinff executive secret secretarv a rv fn- ulDS w outmie uoui wiiai back-bencher. conceived to be the economic the period July 1, 1951 to June Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bond WHILE THEY LAS sailed this afternoon on the She'll soon be back her cheque cashed, her deposit made, her bank bonk written up. Mrs. Johnson's is one of the 3,200,000 new bank accounts opened during the past ten years. Like most people nowadays, she relies on her bank to safeguard her money; she expects her bank book to show how she stands; she finds bank cheques convenient to pay larger bills. The chartered banks appreciate and depend on the confidence of depositors like Mrs. Johnson. For the money which Canadians keep in 8,000,000 bank accounts provides the basis for bank lending. Safeguarding these funds is the banker's first concern. Camosun for a three months' visit In Vancouver and Victoria, 30 1952 position oi canaaa ana the bun- This 'first meeting adopted 'etar, P""POsals which he had rules of procedure a budget and 10 make- A real- deal nad 060,1 established a number of per- said about the fact that the manent standing committees Tevenu for the last four or five Once again it is impressed upon earshd A" each, case ereatlv me how far ahead of the Easi ee.1ld "e estimate whic'i we a-e cn the Pacific I Mr Aboott had mads at the time Elections Committee Tn? 0' h's budget forecast He nolnt-pecial committee on revision of fd ,outt jhat '"variably he had the Dominion Elections Act. nf indicated the basis on which his DKPAKTMENT OF EDUCATION TEXT-BOOK BRANCH FREE TEXT-BOOKS AND RENTAL PLAN which I am a member was set timatea had been made and no last week. Chester McLure ' 11 is Mainly, better for a Conservative of Queen's County i Minister of Finance to be over-Prince Edward Island raised as:63"1""" than unduly opttmlstt';. a question of privilege, tne com- j , plaint that no P.E.I, member hi Mr- and Mrs- c- Peterson and - KTnF OUR COMPILE FRIG I DAIRE refrigerator Selling at OLD PRICES! EVERYTHING T On Private schools who wish to avail themselves of free text-bole Issues in Grades 1 to VI and or the Rental Plan in Grades VII to XIII for the school year 191 1952, are required to register now with the Text-Book Branch, Department of Education, Victoria, B.C. Will principals of all school concerned please make application immediately to the Text-Book Branch for the necessary forms and detailed information, etc. !on the Committee. As Princs El- ' 'hree children left today on the j ward Island, has a g -and total of i Camosun to take up residence' in j four members in the House, and j ' the south. ; there are now at least eighteen " On of a series by your bank standing and special committees of the House, I can't quite sn how P.E.I. is to get on all f them. After Budget The long biui-wt debate is now over and the budget ha.s been approved 'n principle. The uncertain state of the world was well summed up in Finance MSnLster Abbott's state- PO RTR A ITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE "HANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert P. O. BARR, Offlcer-in-Charge, Text-Book Branch. Victoria, B.C. GORDON & ANDERS