5; KIHG solo; :0:1s runts " TL MMeWeJ flafiMlll iM m t P ft A K . Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, March 30, 1951 Terrace Topics 1240 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL ! SHIPS AND CFPR T picture of thm oil (Subject to Change) "WATERFRONT 3 YEARS IN THE EVEN $1 -Arrived 1 1 MAKING 1 board CABLSOM Terrace Church Marks Easter 5 Terrace Red 5; Cross Drive ! Capt. E. Bolton came to port ! Thursday with a 35 kilowatt generator diesel from the Cas- I CcpslcT fti Hit WSBlHsg TERRACE The young people j TERRACE An enthusiastic meeting held in the lounge 01.01 the Knox unuea cnur.cn the Outpost Hospital on Tuesday contributed largely to the serv- ices held there during the Easter i YOUTH'S I DRAPE 1 PANTS siar Cannery. His ooai me sunbeam, with deck-hand Victor Spalding, towed the diesel on a barge. The engine will be shipped south for repairs. Skipper Bolton says that the ice has gone on the Skeena with he normal amount of trouble caus LIGHT UP ot HOTEL FRASER HOUS evening, under the chairmanship of Morris Wightman, the Red Cross Dilve got under way with the canvassers being allotted their districts. The quota being set at $1800, it was decided to start the next day and try to have the whole district finished by Friday. Weather conditions have delayed the campaign, but to all appearances the local canvassers are going to finish on schedule. All These Features: week-end. The church was almost filled on Thursday evening with children and parents for tne Candle Service. During the evening, film strips of the Old and New Testament weie shown and colored slides of the Resurrection. Thirteen children of the Sunday School participated in the Candle Service, leading the Passion story us written in St. John. One by one they each biew out their candle I aj they finished reading the ! iiiblc portion. The girls' choir "g ' sm ! Ml ' ' J ed by the breaking floes. Four thousand pounds of Oolichans were brought to Bill Bacon Thursday by Capt. S. Sankey from the Naas. Many a citizen is seen heading home with a large brown parcel or pack of these "mysterious fish." Weather again has held up the parade. But the Atlin Fisheries managed to get packed away 50,000 pounds of raw fish, of cod and- soles in throe and one-half days work this week. Perfect tea is so easy to make with n, v dt rJe toSS Wide K-ee Narrow Cuff Tab Belt Loop Smooth Gab - Self Match Belt All sizes for Trcn Akcs and Youths. The cors are "in the groove" and the style is "extra keen." . . . Hurry down and "get in the swim." FR1UAT r.M. 4:30 Sleepy Time Storlee 4:45 Stock Quot. & Int. 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10 Rawhide 5:30 Now I Ask You 6:00 bupper Serenade 6:15 Personal Album 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Saddle Rockin' Rhythm 7:00 CBC Newr 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Watcha Know, Joe. 8:00 London Cavalcade 8:30 Opening Night 9:00 Burns Chuckwagon" 0:30 Canadian Short Storief 9:45 Christianity and Literature 10:00 CBC New 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Nesbitt Reporting 10:30 Riverside Rancho 10:55 Interlude ll:t)0 Weather 11:06 Sign off SATURDAY- A.M. 7:00 Musical ClocS 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 HIU and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotion 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty. 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weatnei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period contributed three numbers. Th young people taking part in the .service were, Bruce McColl, joe Sparkes, James Wold, Larry, Larson, Alan Smith, Brian Martin, Carl Philip, Bonnie McColl, Joan Gavan, Mary Ann Brandis, Karen Lestrange, Hazel and Shirley Reynolds. On Easter Sunday morning, in the church, made lovelier with hyacinths, daffodils and Easter lilies, the girls' choir, under the leadership of Mrs. H. Seaman, sang the Spiritual "Were You TEA BAGS 10 YEARS AGO MARCH 30, 1941 Unable to attain good prices for fish livers, the Prince Rupert boat owners and fishermen plan to open a processing plant on the government wharf. Machinery will be installed in the TERRACE George H. Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kidd Best of Terrace, and Margaret Ann McCrae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair McCrae of Haney, were united in marriage on Monday by the Rev. A. C. Shindell at a quiet evening ceremony in the manse of the Pentecostal Church. Witnesses were James Walsh and Miss 6hirley Best. The bride was charming in a suit of rosewood velvet, with small grey hat and grey accessories. Her corsage was of There.'" Also, "blng Children, fnrmer nlant of the J. H. Carson BOYS' and YOUTHS' SPORT JACKETS A cuinolpte stock for all size boys and youths. In Uie pa.' t the in-between size boys have bev?n hard to fit. Not this year. We've gone all out to fit every age and size boy. SEE OUR DISPLAY Sing" and "This Joyful Easter- 1 Co Project committee are Capt. tide." I Emil Peterson, Capt. Ole Ste- The subject of Rev. P. H. Mai- vigi R Akram and c Carlson. OF letts aaaress was ine len Ap- Adjustments for radio station pearances of the Risen Christ. 1 spring flowers. Miss Best, wore a teal K1 ' His address at the evening serv- CFPR which has changed its frequency from 580 to 1240 kilocycles were made today. Radio will be on the air tomorrow. Over $81,000,000 has been spent for war in British Colum MANSOK suit with grey accessories and corsage. A wedding supper for the bridal party followed the j Rupert Men's and Boys' Store : J EWELLE Meets Mary Magdalene." Tha senior choir sang, "Ride on, Redeemer," "The Wondrous Cross," and "From Olivet He Rides." David Hamilton directed the senior choir. , Just Around the Corner 217 Sixth Street bia since January 1939, Olaf THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERV 998 522 3rd Are BOX Hanson, MP for Skeena, said. Whan Lee Quoy, the new Chi PROGRAM OF DELIGHT (Continued from page 3) 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 Saturday Magazine 1:00 To be Announced SAFE AT HOME OSLO (CP) A three-ycar-o'.d VIEW-MASTER As soon as weather permits and the highways are open, the newlyweds plan to drive south on a honeymoon. The groom is employed by Carl Pohle and the bride, who came here from New Westminster early last summer, was a nurses aide in the Out-pcsU Hospital here. nese camp cook at South Hazel-ton, starts a new job, first on the menu is pitching out thj previous cook's pies, cakes, bread and cooked meats, with Norwegian, girl believed lost was found asleep under her bed after a posse of 150 Oslo police, lire-men and civilians had searched work being rendered with an unusual degree of unobtrusive-ness which la too often a lacking factor with accompanists. It was the end of the Alaska Music Trail for Miss Davis and llac 2:00 Dance Music 3:00 This Week 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Rec. Interlude 3:30 Saturday Pops Concert the excuse "Him too dirty', writes Anna May Ullman from Hazel ton. for her for five hours. e va REELS Reduced 50c each ' WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing ' 320 Third Ave. W. PHARMAC roads to all heavy hauling. Mild weather and some rain are softening up the roads making all transport very difficult. TERRACE I OPICS 25 YEARS AGO Miss Williams and the former, at the opening of the program,1 took occasion to tell the audi-ence what an unusual and exciting experience the tour had j been. Further, she felt that the 1 arrangements of such tours was1 t a worthwhile contribution to 1 the cultural development of that ! part of the country. ' 1 I Miss Davis' program was 1 as follows: Mrs. Norman McNabb entered the local hospital on Tuesday Mrs. N. A. McLeod, accompan HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9o.m.to9 for special treatment. led by her four year old grandson, Jimmy McLeod, arrived last MARCH 30, 1926 With his 'face and scalp torn off in a fignt with a grizzly, trapper Tom Geany was found dead near Prince George still gripping an axe, his only weapon in the death struggle. Jack Yar-zeau, a trapping partner, found the body on the north fork of the McGregor River, said the week from Edson to spend al Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M. Giggey three weeks' holiday with her ' and son, Michael, are leaving on son-in-law and daughter, Rev. 1 next Tuesday morning's train and Mrs. A. C. Shindell. j for Vancouver where they will SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to 2 Chop Suey - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For OuUslde Orders Phone 133 PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert 7 p.m. to 9 spend the next three or lour ' Logging and lumber opera- j weeks and where Michael wiil tions are being held up in Ter-1 have a thorough medical check-race due to the closing of the up. police. As cutting will begin soon, George Waddell installed electrical connections at the Rial sawmill at Seal Cove. .. Plane 79 : SIXTH STREET AM) THIRD AVENl'E For Results ADVERTISE NEW THE PROGRAM "Man Is for Woman Made" (English) Purcell-Britten. "The Plague of Love" (English) Dr. Arne. "The Laird of the Cockpen" xvady Nairne (Scotch). Arr. by Dunn-Thomson. "Lullaby to an Orphan Boy" (Austrian) Arr. by Hilda Davis. "Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye" (Irish) Arr. by Heroert Hughes. La Ballade de Jesus Christ" (17th Century Benedictine Monks Begging Song) Arr. by Weckerlin-Barr. "La Belle est au Jardin d'-Amour" (Old Ballad) Arr. by Weckerlin-Barr. "Paris est au Roi" (Anon. 18th Century Court Song) Elected to the . Rupert East Gymnasium Church Women's Athletic Association, attended by twenty women at last night's meeting, were Miss Jean Mac-kay, Miss Eileen Osborne, Miss Mickey Casey, Miss Jean Mac-Kay, Mrs. Squires, Mrs. F. Vic-kers under Miss M. Casey and ROYAL Month End Specials 2 Days On SAFE BUYS Hie easiest-writing puttalile- ever kilt!. Mrs. Beale. Besides specials on rugs, a 25 Saturday and Monday 1950 Monarch Sport Le Retour de Marin" (Breton percent discount on French clocks in all sizes and prices Is : offered In al ad from the Mus- sallem Grocery. i Because his wife walked his j beat with him when he was 1 With MAGIC Portable SZ IIMi m ' !Only MARGIN ' ZTi Ballad 1 Arr. by Helyett Dauphin. Flannel Pyjamas Ladies' Flannel Pyjamas . . . warm and cosy. "Kaddish" (Hebrew Prayer for the Dead) Arr. by Maurice Ravel. . Sedan 1950 Ford Custom Fordor 1950 Chevrolet Sedan Al Condition Immaculate throughout . TRUCK SPECIAL 1950 Ford Vi-ton Regular $3.95 to $4.50 drunk, a Seattle policeman was diimt sed yesterday according to a Canadian Press dispatch. 2.95 To Clear "Out of the Mouths of the Third Grade" (Poems by Third uraue School Children) Music jy Hilda Davis; "Comln' to School," "I went to My Aunt's," j "My Mother," "My Daddy," "Cat 1 and Dog Fight," "I Always "WEAK" BACK? Many my they get "cold in the backer the kidneyi to easily I That't why thousands keep Dr. Chase Kidney-Liver Pillt always on hand. For this reliable remedy is like two treatments ia one-works faster to relieve painful backaches iue to faulty kidneys. lr. Chase Stumble," . "Tne Pocketbook," , "My Church," "Spring Day." j American Songs, Mt. Courting Pick-up Bob Parker Ltd. FORI) - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert. B C 1 1 . Flannel Nighties Ladies' Lovely Nighties. Regular $3.50 to $3.J Now 2.95 Silk Nighties Songs (Traipsying Woman). a name ycu ca depend on. 51 Idr.CHaccc 1 m Uoin Away" (Traditional Folk Song) (Ar. by Landeck) 1 Be early to make your selection of these Nighties. Regular $3.95 and $5 y5 I CCC IT "Magic" h 0 registered trade mark pf Royal Typewriter Company, Ltd. HERE TODAY Special 2.95 a" 'torbig. or ' The frog Went a Courtin' " (Traditional Folk Song) Arr. by Hilda Davis. "Mary, Where is Your Baby? ' (Louisiana Spiritual) Arr. by Emmet Kennedy. "Go Down Death" (Louisiana Spiritual) Arr. by Emmet Kennedy. "He's Got de Whole World in I His Hands'' (Louisiana Spirit-I ual) Arr. by Felix de Nobel. "Drink to Me Only With Thine ' Eyes." Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping r.id General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED McRae Bros. L UMBRELLA SPECIAL lfi-KIB UMBRELLAS Regular NoW 4.95 $6.45 to $7.95 Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and fiJ DOMS' DEPARTMENTS' Phone 649 220 Sixth St "Arkansas Traveler." The Business and Professional Women's Club provided the usherettes for the evening. They were Miss Honora Silversidcs, Miss Frances Cross, Miss Mary Landry and Miss Frances . ' BLONDIE Situation Wanted! .-ByCH j -"llllllllllllllllllf II liPPlH II I ""i S "S, jf WWV DOES THAT 'k (TnT tferi : DAGwooa (tell him ) T , (oj prune-faced f iiV j MP. DITWEP5 i f I'M BUSY J I GOAT MAvE TO PHONE v. CQ fi&k SfeS ) -v(JU31 I Arriving here from Edmonton on tomorrow night's train, Mrs. J. D. Standring, with Linda 4, and Donald 3, will make their home here with Mr. Standring j who recently Joined the Daily News typographical staff after ; working on Tlw Edmonton ! Bulletin. -."Hospitality and ' Good Food" That Is Our First Aim rhnne 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe Col S. D. Johnston, officer commanding 120 H.A.A, Battery, R.C.A. here, left on to-: day's plane for a military con- ' j ference of provincial reserve army commanders in Vancouv-j er. He will return Monday, j cLdJ R!rmDt " PbIisd or displayed by the Liquaf Ctrol Board or by the Government W So&fc ColvayL