Davis. Mr. Mosher, A. Halak, A G. Edginton. J. T. Pttenson. t To Sandspit Tuesday Mr. j Prince Rupert Daily News J;, p. As I See It a33enqer5 iVant FRESHER 'ft Wednesday, May 23. 1951 J SUBSCRIPTION RATES: about Germany Is net "111 she make art industrial comeback, but where her industrial comeback will take Iwr? I never felt I could understand Gorman thought processes and I don't feel I understand them now. I just cant understand how their fool leaders ever red them away as those leaders did first, the Kaiser and the class of which Shenton, Mr. Smidt. I To Vancouver (today '--Miss J. Vivian, Miss E. i-ane J. Fra.ser, R. H. B:icon. S. F Avis, A. a!.: MacNee, A. L. Clark. W. Shiuk,, C. Gardener. J. t'rellln. C. It Stem, ' C. Upson. j ION E,iABi $8.00, By Mail, Per !t"fcth, 7jc; Per Year, $8 00 BRAN F1AKES2 Of coursel Then look for the exclusive Kellogg guarantee: f r" "Dauble your money bai k if v a, From Vancouver (Twsduyi Miss Biallski, Mrs. Webster, Miss Webster, Mr. Anderson, A. Ber-man, A. Barber,, J. A. Napier, Mrs. M. Bold, C. Nicholson, W. Riddell, P. Prichard. -From Sandspit i Tuesday i J. linure Victoria Day he was the crest-piece; and then ' ' LONDON fl British motor-! cycles and bicycles to the value! of $18,000,000 were exported in ynu lion t agree Kellagg't Bran Flakes are fresher!" (Send empty carton to Krllogg'i Dejrt. 4-A, London, Out.) . riizgeiuiu, r. riugciuiu, n. Hitler, and the most ruthless but r. C. Chrlstw K. jones, Cooper, efliclent gang of thugs hi 1 tlnAum IP Pwona ! the first quarter of 1951, an In- j V. i crease of $2,360,000 on the aver- To Vancouver ( Tuesday i Thorson, D. Dos well, J. Bruno, R. ! age last year. history of tnfe human race. But why the Germans ever went marching down that road which led them, and all the rest GERMANY IS BACK HANOVER, GER Want CRiW B B C B H a m a ta a MANY, It is two Veai'8 of us to ruin, I wouldn't know.. SI m A-. 1 fj oibbtR FLAK since my wife and I were in Germany before. At r. i r Ul , 111 UIUC ui pcauc, LI1CJT ur, plainly beating the pants of till t their foreign business competi-j tors before 1914 just as they1 Everybody doe,! Get Canada', and cmpr bran Baku l bran-new" feeling! Get KtH, Q a n s wlaat is were again before 1939 and Just as they w'll be again before many months. War brought them ruin peace brought them leadership over all Europe. IN THESE DAYS of the new Canadianism, it is I fitting that a couple of days at least a year should be devoted to the Commonwealth theme and the old Empire tradition. Today is Empire Day when Prince Rupert, like other cities in the Dominion, with esteem and affection pays special attention and tribute to the British tradition and precept. Tomorrow is Victoria Day when the memory of the great British queen is once again honored. They are something in the nature of national Mother's Days to be observed voluntarily and spontaneously. Canada, although completely autonomous now and with little but the formal and sentimental connections still remaining, still respects and heloves her origins and all the glory and honor which they imply. There will always be a Britain in the Canadian make-up no matter what the years and the ever-changing international relationships may bring, so it is well that we again take time out to remember and celebrate the occasion which today and tomorrow mark. D a D Q a a D D CODBIlIllIIlISfllir IN SWITZERLAND LAST ! week, I did some sleuthing about j automobile sales. In a country where all the world's motor cars mm compete who Is winning out? i H The answer is Germany for In Switzerland since the begin- nlng of 1950 the largest selling : that time I reported this great paradox: The cities still lay in almost complete ruins, especially in the north. But beneath those ruins, or behind them, or otherwise out of sight, amazing industrial production was going on. Today, in 1951, the production is in full blast and plain sight. Within a few blocks of this hotel, in a single day, I have seen more good merchandise, of all kinds, than I have seen for years past in any country I have visited. There is more of everything for sale here, even than in Switzerland. Moreover, what there is for sale is of such high standards that I doubt there is another country in the world which could compete with it, on a price and quality basis. It's better than Is selling in Canada. HERE IN GERMANY YOU SEE not only all the thousand-and-one things which Germany herself produces, but you see an abundance of imported articles. The windows here are chuck full of the luscious ham and other meats which the poor old More delicious, too! Just the riisht amount of extra bulk to help keep you "regular." Ask for tlie big economy size of Kellog'a Bran 5 lakes today! j ftwov 14 mi ! ada remains a vexing one. Of small car in the Volkswagon; that is, the little streamlined aftair which Hitler's engineers designed, and for which he collected the mony from prospective German buyers, but never delivered. The Germans have many really super-cars on display here now. PART OF MY TIME HERE has been spent In trying to get the answer to this all-important question: Where did the money come irom to rebuild Germany? Obviously much of It came Irom right inside Germany for the vastly rich people here are AM course, one could perhaps solve it the hard way. Mr. St. Laureirf. did. He made himself Prime ! Minister first. And the new resi- 1 deuce is a dandy. ray.- Reflects and Reminisces f Tons of what ' Is called malt Wo have tin; following units in stock for immedutr Two WTon Forqo Express MoJd-, i Fluid Drive equipped) D D D D 0 a D n Q ft ID j matter continue to pass from j coast to coast and in between. Ni wspapers and letters, of ! rcur.se, are of real inmportance ' and must be handled and inci-! j dentally are subjected to higher j ; costs. But there's also a mass of ' stuff adding its weight and labor ; British have not seen for years and which, In fact, whole families of young British children still vastly rich and getting riche.-. But, also quite obviously, enormous sums came In from outside, through two channels. The Western allies poured in large sums, through many official One Plymouth Savoy Suburban Thl." vehicle is My, ultimate In smart utility traiv hi the impular prire field. Communism ia incompatible villi the way of lift which Canadian know and V vhkh most of ua 'wii-.Ii to retain. Commiinihm preaches hatred, resents co-operation anil depies eolleelive bargaining. t It lreela destruction; it destroy sensible thinking, individual lilerty. Communism destroys all surplus value, even individual initiative and reward. Communism in power controls all ihe, machines of production all labour in every phase of its existence. It controls the armed forces, using them to iniMse its will on the people. It controls the courts of justice, allowing no appeal to its mandates. It fosters the so-called union security clauses to take away ; I, the voluntary rights of workmen sit that they may le regimented to its ovui ends. WHO CAN HE BK? "Who controls Alaska," somebody remarks, controls the wcrld." There is a suspicion that an old fellow resldinscsointwliere away up north, not so far from the Baltic, has an idea liko this. to the department. How much of it is ever read, a; even opened? Sounds like waste. nave never seen, mere is no ration system you can buy whatever you can pay for. And the people are buying and paying lor plenty. I saw them buying everything from bananas, dates, plans, of which Marshall Aid was just one. But foreign busi-ntss men, mostly Americans, also Rupert Motors Limik pineapples and other ' tropical Kl,.. . .,i th.ir A shipment of eggs from Holland, was received in eastern Canada last March. Yet, Cana CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH. FAItGO DlBTMHim governments as levers to help them get favorable terms of pur-chat, which they might not a D a D u n D D 0 a L a R 3 a a Q a a a Nearly every man who can recall a boyhood spent mainly in the country thinks of his first experience with a public holiday be a trout fishing trip. It's May 24th,. of course. Somewhere convenient , also of course are brooks and a few ponds, or a dian poultry has usually managed to meet all demands. And now comes word from Holland that a consignment of fresh strawber- imports, to motorcycles, sewing , machines and combination radio- j phonographs. ,j r WHEN WE ENTERED GER-1 many this time from the south and travelled for hours before we saw a single trace of war dam otherwise have obtained., fWho knows? ,' But recently the three Western ! ries will soon be sent. How about cream? SPEAKING OF HALIBUT PREPARE for the 24t powers got a little shock when ! jy they took a sort of confidential i B3 "Gallup poll" amongst the Germans in tha western zones. tj A halibut weighing between 150 and 200 pounds was caught age, I said to myself, "Well, after all, only a few places in the south really got blasted." Did the Germans know that lakt. The boy will have next to no money, which is just as well. He cuts his own rod, digs his own bait and takes along the same line and hook Xw used last time. And is for a $7 50 or $10 basket in which UJ stow the catch, lw does without. He strings the trout on any old branch. A pebble can serve for a sinker. Yet, it's been i . i rvnniirnt! j off Alberni last week. Believe it ! or not the people alons that i part yf the west roast refused to BALLOONS NOVELTIES TOYS they had been getting large-scale financial help from abroad? ' The answer was qulte'lpialn rjc, the Germans did not 'know. That is, the great mass bf the German people do not know only the small slice of official people and politicians at the top. I consider it- an ordinary incident. !"What?" exclaimed Jimmy i Bacon, up in Prince Rupert, when ' someone told him about it. "You 'tell me there was excitement?" j He gave an evil snort and grin-' ned again. "There have been It regards all religion a swell day. Perhaps every boy is not Jike this one but thousands are or have been and back home he's a hundred per cent happy and healthy. Just previously, he'd also been hungry. as imiisoiious liquidates them Miperstitiou and accordingly. But now, here In the heart of the industrial north, the cities which; even" two years ag&, were an indescribable mess of rubble, are well on the way to being rebuilt. Ot course, in a great city like Hanover which I believe was the second or third worst bombed city in. Germany there are still hundreds of ugly shells of old ruined buildines Some of the busiest shopping blocks still have no concrete sidewalks. But whereas two years ago the Germans had hardly made a move to rebuild their own cities, today they are well on the way to completion of the job, with German skill and German thoroughness. SO THE QUESTION FOR 1951 n E C n u a D 21 several big ones in Rupeht, so far this season. Only they ranged around three hundred or so. Excitement? My eye!" The housing problem in Can- nfirriiTV mm A. L. MacAloine of Vancouver, supervisor of the Royal Bank of Canada for British Columbia, is flying into Terrace from Vancouver today for a brief visit. Grant Stewart, manager of the local branch, left by car this afternoon for Terrace to meet him. Mr. MacAlpine will return to Vancouver from Terrace but expects to be here for the opening of the Columbia Cellulose mill In early June. I.C. FEDERATION OF TRADE t INDUSTRY NOW!! n m FRENCH FR( Jrie wants to aef'iwnea- AU 1 O M AT I C ALLY with a ' $3495 Just one control to set and your "FRYRYTE any food to perfection. NOW ON DISPLAY AT dots tool L tf Northern B.C. Power C Prince Rupert, B.C. We have just received a NEW SHIPMEK ... ol Lj Matured O mf and ty If Bottled fj3 ft England .WW j. JJj""1 1 1 . STEAM TRUNK YOU HAVE PLANS that are Important, too. The things 'you want most, the worthwhile things, have to be planned for, saved for. That's not easy, these days. But here are two suggestions that may belp you to realize your own particular dream; First, decide what you want most, bow much it will cost, and open special savings account at The Royal Bank of Canada for that one particular purpose . . . then save for it. Second, use the Royal Bank Budget Book to keep yourself on your course, and to avoid careless spending. The budget book does not suggest how you should spend your money. It does provide you with t simple pattern to belp you PLAN YOUR BUDGET TO SUIT YOURSELF, You can get I copy at any branch- Ask for one. whileours'c nrP compl THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Prinee Rupert Branch . D. W. G. STEWART, Manager CI 15 ROYAL NAVY DEMERARA RUM fashion footwe This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia