Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, May 23, 1951 ocal No Holding Rupert Now and PERSONAL PL, Was . 9mpreSiive Women of Various City Churches Combine in Presentation Women from the missionary societies of several city churches gathered In the United Church hall Monday evening when the play "Beauty From Ashes" was presented by the Women's Mis Prince Rupert and Central British Columbia have hit their stride and there is no holding' them now. So convinced Is C. H. Orme, pioneer city druggist, now 1 making his home in Victoria,: SPECIAL! Alberta Deep Scam Meeting of Job's Daughters, Attention all Elks Meeting Friday, May 25, 7:30 sharp. In- j for May 24 postponed to later itiation, installation of Council, date. (121c) party and silver march. (122c) ' Salt Lake Perry running S.O.N, whist and dance. Fri-' Thursday, May 24, every hour day, May 25. Whist 8 p.m. Dane-1 from 12 noon, weather permit- who is revisiting the city for a; 75 "B i" to music Dy Mike' ting. (121c) PER TON uiusn. Keiresnmcnts. Every few days. Impact of the establishment by Columbia Cellulose Co. of its new pulp mill here Is obvious to Mr. Orme in the hustle and hustlp nf t.hp n!t.v snmpfitnT tn body welcome. (122c) IordCalyert sionary Society of that church. I 10 SACKS '8.50 be contrasted with the old day.".' "At least a few of the pioneers have remained to see their dreams and their hopes for Prince Rupert come true," he enthused. KLOX KLOX CLOCKS. Take a look in our window this week and you'll see more kinds of clocks than you ever saw together before. Big Bens, Little Bens, chime clocks, mantel clocks, kitchen clocks. myste;y clocks. John Bulger, Jewellers. (it.:) S. R. Smith. wui nas been identified with Prince- Rupert branch of Canadian Bank of commerce, !javss tonight for victoria to enlis; with the Royai Canadian Air Fo'ct. PHONE. 116 -117 or 58 Ibert & McCaffery ?a T1 Tl. ' i - Served with pride aJ on those special occasions Usxat 1 I The fyjyal Canadian Mounted Toiicc travel film, "Nonhwest Pasagc.' 'an exceptionally fine film, which has been doing the rounds in Prince Rupert lately, was shown at the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today by Sgt. Lance 1'oUeitou. President E. D. For-'.va.d a in the chair and there was a good attendance of club m.mbcrs with a low guests. ATTENTION MEMBERS LOCAL 180, U.A. A special mect-( ing has been called by President O. E. Holliston, for 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 23, to be held in the Common Lounge, Civic Cen-: tre. All journeymen entitled to i a vote are requested to be in I L- when only the finest ?a LIMITED l: - a-. ail. . ... I,,,. iUt n will suluce And, with the arrival of the Aluminum Co. of Canada, even greater things are in store far this whole area. Mr. Orme is here during "Clean-up Week" and he notes plenty that could be done to make the city more attractive in appearance. The pioneer business man thinks that it Is time for younger men to take a more prominent part in local affairs. Opening worship was con-dusted by Mrs. Keith Faught.- The piay in five scenes depicted the changing attitudes of both Americans and Japanese as Christian fellowship grows. Stage settings produced a genuine Japanese effect, and ccstumes were authentic, several being loaned by local Japanese. Particularly moving was the "cave", scene after the bombing of Hiroshima. The cast was. as follows: Ladies of the House of Ashlda : Grandmother Mrs. C. J. O. Olson. Mother Mrs. L. G. Sieber. Haruko Miss A. M. Stewart. Servant Yoshie Louise Wood. American ladies: Mr3. Lydia Worth Mis. J. S. Irvine. Mrs. Mary Good Mrs. Andrew Thompson. Mrs. Nevva Think Mrs. Owen Green. Radio commentator was Roy Sieber. Director and narrator was Mrs. G. McClintock. 7 o p. r in i Hon jror " JEjIHTI I Ctosiriec for Results Sinnttnu fitivnli Oraaqe dt lion on ven Lutheran tea. May 26, Card Party Catholic: liall, May , attendance. to nominate a new .slate of 31. officers. This Is a called meeting. There is a penalty for non-attendance Geo. 8. Weath-crly, Business Agent. (121) "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" Job's Daughters Jamboree,; May 31, June 1, 2. 1 Queen Mary l.O.D.E. tea. Junci 21, Mrs. F. Thornton's, 400 4th! West, 2-5. Tea and Home cooking sale,! 1 Virf 1 pAcine Museum to Mrs. W. Thomson, worthy mistress' of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association, has left for Princeton to attend the annual LOBA convention for British Columbia. The lodge, at "is last meeting, made plans for a banquet to be held June 15, Mrs. E. Barber being named convener for the affair. The next regular meeting will be held June 14. At the close or the meeting refreshments were served by a committee with Mrs. M. Wide in charge. BABIES LOVE PACIFIC uatnoiic Hall, June 14. C'luHnn lUllitW. 1 . HL l SI Past Mistresses L.O B A V YV1 junejOpen Soon of homecooking and candy fied Steam Boiler frigcration and Pipe Welders The WMS president, Mr-. Keith Faught, presented Mrs. 10. McClintock with a small gift on behalf of the Women's Mission Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, homecooking sale. Legion Ha.l, June 21. Crr:iIicU Operators huild Slacks, Fire Annual Meeting Last Night J. II. Black Rc -elected Chairman The Prince 'rtupert Museum will be open this year from June 15 to SeDtember 15. it was ch;- - and Tanks all sizes hotel arrivals AN OLD SOLDIER Continued from page 1) Homogenized lor easier digestion, always uniformly good, Pacific Milk is recommended by doctors for Inlants' formulas. Increased Vitamin D content makes it a vital, food necessary for building strong healthy, bodies. Get Pacific Milk for your baby today. DUSTRIAL ary Society. Mrs. Olson commented on a group o( beautiful projections of local scenes. Mrs. G. Freeman was pianist. At the close of the evening tea was served to the cast and guests. CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED MHERSTBURG ONTARIO for the seat of war, landing at i cided at the annual meetine last LDING CO. Pusan on southwestern coast of ! night of the Prince Rupert Mu-Korea. While still at sea, pre-jgeum Board. Applications for the E. Phone Own 884 (Prince Rupert) O. A. Bell, Ira Good and F. J. Hardy, Vancouver; Fred Brown, Victoria; Mrs. M. Wood, Orlando, Florida; A. M. McNee, Seattle. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. cauuons were laseri to saicguara ; position of custodian of the PACIFIC MILK Museum are now being received. The Royal Botanical Gardens' at Kew, England, wei founded! in 1750 and originally covered yacuum packed and homogenized JOHN H. i the contingent from infection. 1 Such a course was highly Impor-1 tant. In Pusan, for example, there Is no such thing as sewerage. There never had been and, what is true of that southeastern port is equally true of cU jwhcre througnout tht J. Harry Black was re-elected chairman of the Board with Geoif Hill, vice-chairman and Canon Basil S. Frockter, secretary-treasurer. Other members of the new beard are Miss Audrey Wrathall, ULGER NOW IS THE TIME TO V W W mm dm cpresentlng the Business and Oj'foilH fljjf vr: nm VU IHV Vtl TV II II Asphalt or Cedar Shingles FOR ESTIMATES SEE i n Bulger Ltd. T.i: i 1 Avi'iiuc phone mm GREER & BRIDDCN LTD. po. imx 721 a miiiir . 4 KINDS TO SUIT EVERY TASTE Wc have just received a new shipment, of i;. Ti kins. Crating Wins and General late and Stcirase. R:ia')!r and Effi-rvirf. Also asen's for Utviid Air Co. Ltd. :en. Acetylene and all '57) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The Princess Patricias had not i'rofessioral Women; Dr. Duncan ! br-n long ashore before the I Whi m ;re, representing the Jun-1 stench from lack of sanitation ioi Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. i iincl many oilier causes became, ! N. E. Arnold, representing, the ':. f cemed, almost overpowering.1 C,;t of Prince Rupert, with mem-1o a shipload of active, husky ' bcrs at large, Gordon F. Forbes, young men fresh from a land 1'. Earl Anlieid, Nigel Hale, Jack like Canada, such spectacles of Scott and Larry Stanwood. filth, igno.aive and disease wre Complete satsfaction was ex-naitf to endure. i pressed concerning the work of HUNGRY AND POOR the Urflveisity tvam of experts Korer.'s civilian population has who rc-oidcred and re-classified ;iuffered. and continues to tuffe.-1 'he disp.ay last year and Proas the war lengthens. Food lessor Hawthc:ne of the Museum ?rortaRe Is acute. Nearly every- o. Antnropoiogy at UBJ is to be thi.-.g In the way of clothing, 1 tnanked. she te. , and above all, good fare 1 The basic display is now con-and plenty cf it has bscome ' siciercd a tnattjr for some civic badly reduced, or in many in-! pride but r.eve: theless, there Is F'a'.uvs can hardly be found, room in the Mussuin for the dis-Nurmrous children beg and their P ay of some small private col-impovei ished appearance pre- lections and articles which tlv; sents a grim enough picture. j Museum would fc-j glad to have NO CEMETERIES given or loaned for the summer. "Kircan people." comments i i'hanks were expressed to sev-Corporal Johnston, "do not have '. eial business houses and lndl-bui ial grounds. Therj are no ; vidua'.s who helped the Museum cemeteries, as we understand it.' ! In this way last ymr. Smjthr (liedtciieidd I pSAY'S CARTAGE ORAGE LIMITED A and Park Avenues Flumes 60 and 68 W-MASTER ECONOMICAL Driftles cooking 1 rcduies food ahrinkafce and c"n serves nutriment. 2 LABOUR-SAVING Exactly the right heat at the flick of a switch. i Jf K REELS Reduced Come in and see our selection of DEAL-CRAFT and SNYDER COCKTAIL TABLES COFFEE TABLES LAMP TABLES EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME GORDON & ANDERSON 50c each iWRATHAI i 'c j ri"'ii I'iiiishinjr 1 Third Ave. W. A body Is just placed on the. It was decided to keep the pround and covered with mater- membership lcet at $1 per an- i lal until there is built up over , num and a membership card this body what becomes a sub- given lree admission at all times. rtant'ai mound .It is liable to Members of thv graduating class , to placed or seen anywhere in j at the High School are all to re-1 the countrj. or on a hillside. lecive free memberships. The: Korea's cllmale turns as cold admission charge for non-mem-1 a- below zero. There, as well, is bers will remain at 25c until such the opposite extreme.' The conn- time as the Chamber of Com- try is ruggeu .or perhaps more mercc or the City Council arc j than that. Indeed, there are prepared to underwrite a budget mountainous regions and some of about $300 annually. j irntures of training can be clas- The meeting went on record as I sed as ttrenuous. ; remembering gratefully the In- I I Some of Britain's most renown- tcrest and help accorded the ' :1 regiments hava already serv- Museum in years past by the I cd or are already on duty in late Canon Rushbrook and C. E. j Koi .a. These included the Argyle Cullin. j I -uid Sutherland Highlanders, a battalion sharing in most of the Churchill, seaport on Hudson , For the MEAL tboTREFRESHES i liday Togs AUTOMATIC You let the control 3 ctotk and o shout your other duties and pleasures. FAST Hijth speed units instantly 4 ready for use. No waiting. No waste. for PDDLERS BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING army's major engagements for Bay, was discovered by the Dan-more than a century. , ' ish explorer Jens Munck in 1019. Stork Shopp KNOWING LANGUAGE It appears most convenient to l'OK TAKE OIT ORDERS PHONE 20 BROADWAY CAFE MteQ Stem PAMER know more than one language, i in the Far East, particularly 1 should one" be in Korea. As a re-i suit, there are many interpreters land language books worth cultl-, vating. It should Interest this I Dominion to know that while ! t hr name of about every other land is found in the Korean CLEAN No smoke or swt to SMiit 5 pots, walls, curtaim. 6C:rwL All the heat coes into the food nont into the kit then. to Rupert Let Us Scxutu (jowt u good reasons for electric cooking They add up to: Less work Tastier, more nutritious food i ; Long term economy ' See your electrical dealer or come in to i inspect the ltcst models. SAILS FOR pniViJOY Va ncouver "' Inter Mingii'-, mat cannot oe saia oi . Canada. ' "Among the more elderly of the Japanese people' remarked Konncth. "there dses not appear , much change from how they were before the war. But its different with the younger men and women who ha j grown to like the Americans. There's no mis- i taking that." 1 '"ecliaie Torts t 0ch Thursday 7 ""115 p.m. i i.ETCHIKAN f.S).Y ilv, ,..., M.1IH , Lujiir SAFE No matihfs, no flames, do 7 stove pipes to overheat. ACCURATE Exactly the riftht 8 temneraiures fot exactly the rijtht length of time. 'V lit r,.t. v Let us sec to your car's needs, through regular check-ups on Tires, Cattery, Radiator and Crankcaso t " vwi, 'w Reservations Wi ite or Call ' " V OH, Dlil'OT OlIlCE "UNCE KUPEHT, BC. i A3L. Superior Auto Service LIMITED Hi i i STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS Third Avenue ac Park Green 217 Till! dvtrtlsentn b "Of BuWlo or dispUved Hje Lltiuoi Control