Prince Rupert Duiiy i"e,ys WedneHclay, May 23, 1051 I mii'i ,.J ii. ;ciai line up ui oe Hert be available. Meanwhile, the Nioisun. veteran cateh.-r and manager is looking around for a (Continued trum pae 4i r Prepare Welcome For Visitors swer Is out of town I nard hitter to tne Past- Don Mac" ! few r'Joii,es : want to get into Ted Arney is playing third base ' Donald and B. Rosedale will be baseball this year. for lor Bill. Bill, Reg Reg Lavicne Lavigne is is on on second second chuckinc chucking to to Herb, Herb, as as we well as ! Practice days haven t been too LONDON -Kingdom's towns Com- many smce the teams were form- Prt fiti'. tn the a'pathpp hut. nit. . . h IT Z and Cli" Dahl- ,irsu Jo Gior- Don Hawr.yk, last ye.r a Mj?tXC-t . Uercial player and fon ,1 t?.,!.!1 Nlck Favilll. last season's M big1,. ,. .. are at home to v ' ' cher have been flhlp tfi epf. their IttVlav tnn. .1.. :.-,.. II T7, II....1 1 i work-out In the Civic Centre gym. Everybody Is hoping for Eric "Deacon" Linney, an old- g T f timer in baseball In Prince Ru- clear skies tomorrow and if it pert, will hold down the left field doesn't rain there should be some 5000 at Work In Jet Factory MONTREAL (CP) The key weapon In Canada's defence program, the F-83E Sabre jet fighter Is being mass-produced in the sprawling Canadair plant here under a cloud of secrecy. Made up of seven tons of man-made lightning, the Sabre today Is recognized as the west's fastest operational fighter. Its manufacture has brought top Canadian executives, designers and planners under the roof of the 50-acre Canadair plant north of Montreal where 5000 workers were switched from production of civilian aircraft to fill a $10.-000.000 order for about 400 Sabres. It's a gigantic order for Canada's young aircraft Industry, but with technical ntei'UnTi-p and Manager Miner is in centre exciting ball played. At least, field. , they should get a pretty good The line-up is a little slim for idea of how the teams will work this team, but a few epures will this year. Do you cut down on your rrW needs to fit a "hit or miss' budget? Letting such a budget be bins of your life sours your enlnment of livine Get a budget-plan that fork, i f,r Jf,u. Ask for" your copy of 'Personal Planning' at your near-est B of M brarkii. ' . Personal Plamiine Xf Ml BANK" Q V !nltttr' w111 nold down centre of Britain. Various forms of en-ifield for A & O and Victor Dell tertainmentand hospitality have back afler ? ,'1; been planned. iay.oft. Dlners up In some cases. invitations have j are Don Sharp, Boyo Gurvich, been svnt to residents or their j Dav? Huber and Don Dunbar, children in selected places over- Rookies Danny MacAfee and seas, while in others, plans have j Dick Nickerson "look good" to been made to show visitors round j their manager and he's going to factories, civic centres, farms ' give them a chance to prove and over historic btiiiciinKS. ' themselves tomorrow. Another Lewes, in Sussex, will give an ' r""kle , Dcrr'fk, Letourneau, official """J1''"18 At"il aS catcher welcome to guesta from Blois, France. They . will be en- J,! . i . . Commercials tertained with rLn reentinn are going to pull . , H7i jo ni y Vy)i ,nll1v TO J ; . save ... and you'll t l . iJ liMIil T5- t RAXK". r it 'ew surprises i, the sponsors say dance, dinner and garden party There was not a chance to get at which they will be introduced to people of the town. They will the details from playing manager "Miner" Simondson. but UrUiiK tchw tomorrow will be Larry quarters of an opera company, to wawh a festival performance and ar"ev' wVftl hurler fr?.m COULD YOU HELP? The GYRO CLUB has undertaken to collect, pack and ship men's clothing for the Central City Mission, Vancouver. This organization outfits between wxt stI 700 destitute men in the summer and more in the winter. All persons having articles cf men's used clothing which they wish to donate may deliver them to the CIVIC CENTRE, or call 231, or G41, and Uk clothing will be picked up. .MEN'S CLOTHING ONLY Shoes to Hats, From the Skin Out ? ? CAN YOU HELP ? ? ,I,NG WITH CANADIAN S IN tVEV WALK Of IIPC SINCE 11 from United States and Canu-jdian determination, the Sabres are now rolling off the mile-long I assembly line to take their ! place over the Korean battlo- fields. I These tigers of. the skies co;;t about $300,000 each and are he- mm ijan:i'm!i'iii later go to the Sorth Bank Ex- y , i "V" 0 hum, ntteton In the hibition in London where they andT Okanagan International will bo officially received. League. T,, . , . 1 Another newcomer, Bill Gunn, Ilford, Essex, has invited 24 from Penticton, Is a. left-hand young people between the ages batter on whom tn., commercials 'ing produced under an agree of 1 5and 20 from Renkum, near ment witn the North American Arnhem, Holland, to slay for a b$cfe secrefio are pinning a lot of hopes. He will play the infield, although he L? rated a first class outfielder as well. Filling a big gap in the Com- This advertisement la not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Columbia. m 0vfc(fes(cces$... B-H "f NGLISH" Paint for all exteriorsl r. nviauon corporation, a U.S. week with families where thei-j firm, for use by the Royal Can- are boys and Kills of ccrresprmd-adian Air Force. I jng ages. ' It takes 7445 pounds of alum-! ..J inum. 1733 pounds of steel and 1 chl!drer from Halland have 500.000 rivets, bolts and other also been invited tu Keynsham, small parts to push the fighter Pret,v Somersetshiij town near through the air In excess of 670 Bnsto1. for the festival months, miles an hour. j At the Canadair plant where ecutive vice-president and gen-giant Trans-Canada Airlines eral manager of Canadair, be-North 8tars are also built, a lieves that his plant can handle competent Industrial operation 'any aircraft orders the govern-is located for the handling of ment wants to place. "Availabil-the most complex problems in lty of supplies from the United aviation manufacture. States would be the only brake James GecMrey Notman, ex- on output," he .said. Sporty Economy ! HOUR I k vi:in i i;i.e: $1475 at Tiince ltupert Blackwood on Bridge By Eosley Blackwocd Raining hood up! Shining hood Car on the market! Easy to handle down! Spottiest economy -easy to park! Takes four. 0 I.ockhref Hydraulic llrakes Dmer's neat ml jiiHialile I.artie luuudiir rtiiniiartinent 4lom-collhtrlU'tioll, body Rust proof Another situation where you need to postpone pulling all of the opponents' trumps is where the trump suit itself offers the only entry to an estab Ask for demonstration drive TODAY! lished suit in dummy,. 8outh dealer OXFORD MOTORS LIMITED She took out just two rounds j of trumps, leaving the eight 1 spot in Mr. Masters' hand and At your nearest Dealer's Diatriltutors or Itritish Vtilumhia and Alherta Phone ItV. 2l:i:t Itritish Car Outre 2211 W. 4th Ave. tne ten on the board. Then she led her singleton club. Mr. Masters went right up with the ace. Prince Rupert Dealer for Morris Cars i He cashed two diamond tricks H'Tngllsh" Paint makes home-upkeep dollars DAN'S SERVICE STATION East-West vulnerable lr. Ahi-I 810 7 8 H 8 3 D A 8 7 5 C K Q J 10 Mr. M:ilnr Miw Brakh 8 6 3 8 9 4 v H Q 10 . H K 9 7 4 2 l K Q J 10 l- 3 C A 141 C 8 7 5 3 Mrs. KlH.ll 8 A K Q J 2 H A J U 6 D 8 4 a c- The bidding: oturther. i and then led his last diamond. Mrs. Keen trumped but not with the deuce of spades." She trumped with the jack. 322 McBRIDE STREET PHONE GREEN 605 Its double action preserves and beautifies! It deuce was used to enter dummy I with the ten of .spades and off 4 Ids colorful new charm to outside walls, doors, f,."-rwwiP'y' went Mrs. Keen's three heart: mutters, trim: Anrf H.TJ ,Pn1i"ib, ;., lasers on the good clubs. ' - ' - 6TWJ vtm al protection to all surfaces exposed to sun, Note that if thwe rounds f , South IVnl North 1 8 Pass 2 C 2 11 Paso 2 8 3 S Pass 4 8 CLIJ Did, sleet, snow or rain; Pass Pais All pn.s Write now for free B-H booklet, "Color Is trumps had been taken beginning at trick two, Mrs. Keen not only could have missed her contract she could have been down three triek.s, winning only five spades and the two red aces. the Key to Brighter Living " Address Box M, Station E, Montreal. ft MAY 24th CELEBRATION B-H Paints, Varnishes and Enamels cover more area . . last longer . . . save you money J Mr. Masters opened the king of diamonds and one of dummy's entries went out like a light. Mrs. Keen won the trick with the ace in dummy. She saw that she had two losers in diamonds, .one in clubs and one In hearts. In fact, she had three bad hearts unless they could either be trumped in dummy or discarded on dummy's club suit. Well, trumping them in dummy was out because the second round of hearts would have to be lost before any trumping could be done. What about the club suit then? There was enough clubs on the board to offer a parking; place for all three of Mrs. Keen's hearts, provided she could get to them at the proper time. Here is how Mrs. Keen played. p t'H Pamtt, Varnhhei and Enameh B-H LSMTS f WHERE YOU SEE THE SIGN: Programme of Events Queen Uicoria eJaij I THURSDAY, iMAY 24, 1951 'tod where you'll find friendly service ond helpful advice. i SPORTS tmi : i it PARADE Prince RupuiS Civic Band ; will lead the parade. PRIZES 3 prizes for best dressed boy or girl. 3 prizes for best decorated wagon, baby bugg.y, tricycle, etc. 3 prizes for best decorated bicycle. $10.00 for best decorated car. $50.00 for best float In the parade. (No application forms . are necessary) Races and Snorts for all children under the age of 14 years in the Prince Rupert area. THE ONLY FUR COLD STORAGE VAULT IN NORTHERN B.C. 1:00 p.m. GRAND Pl'EEN'S PARADE (Route of parade: from Civic Centre up Second Street then uu Tiiird Avenue to Fulton Street, up Fulton Street to Sixth Avenue and Roosevelt Park i 8:00 p.m. MAV QUEEN'S CROWNING (in front of grandstand at Roosevelt Park) 1:09 p.m. CHILDREN'S SPORTS DAY (for all children cf Prince Rupert, 14 and under) 0;30 p.m. BASEBALL GAME (Opening game of 1951 season) 9:30 p.m. DANCE AND GAMES (Civic Centre i Music by Howard's Rythm Five 2w, ted 'life1 Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing 'mi, , MONSTER DANCE AND GAMES CIVIC CENTRE 9:30 P.t.. Featuring For The First Time In This City "HOWARD'S RYTHM FIVE" FIRE MOTHS THEFT 0 COMBINATION TICKETS $1.00 FOR DANCE AND SPORTS DAY TICKETS ON SALE AT BALL PARK AND DANCE SAFETY FURS-T 1N li SCUBY'S FUR VAULT ANINQ GLAZINQ REPAIRS REMODELING HDGC3 LI PC MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Buildrri & Contractor, Phone 974 FREE PICK-UP SERVICE nf Town Customers Ship Express Fully Insured TWl advertisement not published ot J, I U, vU- I i . r r1 Dn,reJ -J Out unpioiu vy i'i liuui witiiui uwa'M W th ovcLnm'it l Bntiih Columbia