I BASKETBALL- Prince Rupert Daily News Monday January 22, 1&51 ADIO DIAL Manitoba Gets Western Oil CFPR , 1240 Kilocycles Hardware s First Win Blackwood on &JcJe By Eosley Blacky The player who Yah four no trump is m (Subject to Change) WINNIPEG P A $110 000-a- MONDAY P.M. day "gusher" soon will be pouring first of the oil out of East St. Paul, eight CHEAP, DAIRY PRODUCTS WELLINGTON, N.Z. J No country in the world can supply tood of, animal origin more cheaply than New Zealand, according to E. Bruce Levy, noted grassland farming expert who has just completed a world tour on behaJf of the government. Gordon and Anderson won their captain of the hand. It is he and he alone whok -Magic Adventures 4:43-siock Quotations and int.: how many acea the partnership has, and tn to decide whether or not tL 5:00- International Comty. J longs the right season over Brownv.oods by a 54-to-50 score in a senior basketball thriller Saturday night at the Civic Centre. It was anybody's game all the way as the lead changed hands nine times during the game. miles north of Winnipeg. Gasoline, fuel oil and kerosene refined from crude piped in from Alberta will be produced at a new (Imperial Oil) refinery at a rate exceeding $40,000,-000 annually. This new Industry will employ should play for a alutr . t " Of course, there are exceptions did"' stP to think ft; to most statements about bridge. PWtner could have I(r LETTER OP THE LAW ROCHDALE, England (P Spinners downed tools and went Gordon and Anderson started out strong with a 6 to 1 margin high for the winners with 10 and some 175 persons and have a Soon I will show vou two lm- "e spades,, portant exceptions to this "rule." one h's hand, t But todav let's consider the Im- case the hand would ha home when one room in a fee rioht Erlcksen and Jeffrey each shot .. . T"""" but the shoemen came tory here was found to be below ;back to ,ead 21 to 18 and both 6 for lhe iose,s. It was an ex- w ,:,,.. !f.V " ,I portance of the rule Itself. the 70 degrees temperature teams fousht hard to tie it all ceptlonally clean game with only T nnis" S: 10 Rawhide &:3C Dixieland Jaza :O0 Supper Serenade 0:15 Martial Air 8;30--Musical Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm" 7:00-CBC News 7:15 CE'J New Roundup 7:30 Song for Early Evening 8:00 Eric Wild 8:30 Guy Loniixirdo Show 9:10 National Farm Radio Fui'um 9:30 Melody from thf Sky 10:00- CBC New technicians and key personrel and I up at 26-26 at the half time 2 fouls on the winners and a on j But Mrs. Keen's ow serves to stress the tZ i will be Imported. on by It was agreed unions. employees G9 degrees. Production will total 350,000 captaincy of the hand n whistle. In the second half the losers. Brownwoods piled up a 46 to 30 JUNIOR loiiH hut nttor lncUirr Teiuleino' Ilirh Sl'hlKll MacAf 09. 3. CiC gallons a day. East-West vulnerable. South dealer. Null ll vir. Abel) H A J 4 3 H U A K Q J C K Q 4 a BACKACHE? "tank nn Cnro'i,H i,i hnA if . pnnp 4 Mathews 4. Kristmanson ' A 400-acre East St. Paul FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING - Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE MMlTfcU Builders & Contractor ually cut down until the hard- 1. Chr'istenson 10, Blackaby 1, tui" 1 contain 4J store wan. men took over nt 5(1 t.n 4!) Menzies, Williamson 2. Totals tanks with total capacity of 35.- at ai.d hrld nn (nr f.h final win i -25. 000,000 gallons-lO.OOO.OOO gall- snoweu nis two aces i course Mrs. Keen signPC ! five spades. It took L (an awfully long time to -I was almost unbelievable ! that Mrs. Keen could o-.i , bidding, then show lm; , a slam and still huve in her hand. i When every Biulilen move brings short, linrti twiners time for Dr. Chase' Kidney-Liver Pills. '1 housands find quick rlfef from backache, painful joint), kidney and liver disorders by taking this proven remedy, by combining 2 treat-imts in 1 Dr. Chase's work on both (Mr. I'liiiiiiiiiili) Referees Slalta and Davidson had a busy time keeping the Conk Jewellers Stewurt 2, ons more than Greater Winnipeg 10:10 CBC News Eirikson 6, Hodgkinson, Jeffrey consumes In an wllre year. 1 10:15 Provincial Affairs 6, D. Findlay 2. Sedgewick, Find- Early in 1951, crude oil will , 10:30 -Recital HpI (Mr. M:iIit) 8 II 7 8 4 3 1- 10 8 3 2 C A 0 B 7 85 3 H-A 10 3 D 9 7 8 4 c io ft a kidneys and liver game in check. Feelings started Weuther forecast and flow from Alberta, via Gretna, 11:00 ftB rUAer'C lor!asterreliel.48 to run high in the closing min- lay. Black, Wing. Total 16. GIRLS' EXHIBITION Man., Into a group of 2.000.000- HiRh School Graham 1, Pav- gallon storage tanks. The crude utcs and Sunberg was benched in the final minute when he threw a football check into his Mr. Abel squirmed, and stared long and ha-fpot on the ceiling ; nothing there to heln v ich, Paul 2, Keays 5,. Webster 5, oil will be distributed automati- j Shier, Clutchae. Total cally through the various units opponent in a desperate attempt Leask, Mnl It (Mri. KfllJ K Q III U' 7 A H-K Q J 0 8 D-5 C J Ttr Wrlrtlnt?: Hmitli l 'rt I S H.tyi 3 .H 4 NT 6 H to prevent the ball from going ". , finally passed. And it w lunate thing he did hn 'opponents promptly tii l up the floor There was a bit of Timers-Howe 4, Hucunun, la rhubarb about it all but Ret- Currle, Bill 1, Dumas. Hamilton free Siatta stood his ground and 2, Kiltlal 2. Total-9. Knat Pun PlUW ace ot clubs and the hearts. of the 110 000,000 plant. The refinery proper has two main units. The first is a distillation plant to turn crude into raw gasoline, kerosene and tractor oil, diesel oil and stove and furnace fuels. The second- separates gases produced by distil- dgn-orf I OMcilmO A, M 7' '.Musical ClocK 8:00 CBC New 8:10 Here's Bill Good 1:1A M:.ning Son? 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary. 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:20 Morning Concert :59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit ' 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Charlie Kunz Presents 5 8 All pas Mr. Abel had a tremendous the game went on. The Brown-' INTERMEDIATE woods team lost Carlson in the Thunderbirds Hughes, B. Hr-final period on personals and lin 4, White 6, Ryan, Wells 1, Gordon and Anderson lost Dudoward 16. Jeffrey, L. Helin PORTRAIT! Holkestad. 1. Total 33. I lation and cracking processes. Films Devel(iX'd and Pr PROMPT SERVICE hand opposite Mrs. Keen s opening spade bid. He Immediately thought there must be a slam. He decided to jump raise the spades first, to establish the trump suit. A Jump take-out ofi 1 Spring was high scorer for the Hi-Gold McChesney 14, Tait. Some are blended with raw gaso 'game with 21 and for the win- Ratchford 22, Kristmanson 13,' line to give quick-starting pro CHANDLER'S STWl ners Holkestad made 16 and simonson, NicKerson 3, Morrison oerties 21G - 4Ui Street Be Phone Oretn 3S9 ft, three diamonds would nave Detn Marshall put on a smart display 8, Young 2, Blackaby 15. Total to get 12. The Gordon and And- 77, btu hptter nlthoueh the final : erson team played one of their SENIOR 2), 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air , .mlM hnv. bpfir, .he same. LARGE PATROL The forest fire fighting services of the Ontario government cover hi unai i on eer 11:15 Roundup l ime best games of the season as theyj Brownwoods faunberg l, carl-worked the ball up under the son 9, Olson 4, Thompson 5, basket with well executed pass- Lavigne 4, D. Bill Spring 21, an area of 192.000 square milts. FRAMES! FRAME I Now at this point Mrs. Keen imade one of the very few bad bids I have seen her make since ishe took up rubber bridge scv-i er-al months ago. She bid four i no trumo. a bid Mr. Abel had ins nlavs. Brownwoods fought Pierce 6. Total 50. 11:30 Weamer Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude :45 Scandinavian Melodies PAILY DEIJVSRY Phone 81 hard and were equally as good ' Gordon & Anderson Ciccone as the winners but they just 5, Dumas 2, Marshall 12, Holke- LONG-LASTING Oak trees are said to have 300 Come in and ch for that Christmas P: didn't get the breaks when they stad lb, GUI 6, currle, Platen 7, years of growth, 300 years of Smith 4 were the most needed. Boulter 2. Matthews, maturity and 300 years of old We carry a large tint Total 54. 'age. Vp-To-late MiiuUikI planned to make himself on the next round. I Mrs. Keen's distribution must have gone to her head. She LONDON 0 Sir Denis Daley in a speech at a dinner recalled i.. iniq a. n mnplna rf WRATHALL'S i 1 1 d I'huto Finishini Broadway Cafe CjcitxL 320 Third Ave enina HOW ni a.a a j poral, he bought the papers for; INTERMEDIATE Hi-Golds went out on the floor to outplay Thunderbirds and they had the avowed intention of making 100 points. For the first quarter It looked as though they wouldn't even win the game as Thunderbirds put on their best display of the season to lead for a while at 15 to 11. High School won the period 18 to 15 but it took a lot of doing. In the last three periods High u P.M. li:00-iIld-Day Melodlf' 12:15 CBC New! 12:25 Program rtesume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 1 :30 Musical Program 1:45 School for Consumers; Comty. 2:00-B. c. School Bdcst. 2. so-Records at Random 2:43 Motmuin Memories 3:IM1 ThP Muse b,)x 3:1 j Wcstorn five ?:30 Ltr'encrs' Choice SIMPLIFIED NAME A familiar name for English inns. "Goat and Compasses" is thought to be a corruption of ! !! 1 1 Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty. "They cost me is 3'2d (about 20 cenLst," Best Food 11 MIX SAND, SOIL AND PEAT FOR WINTER SEED BOXES REAL ESTATE I he said. Replied Mr. Churchill: INSURANCE will accent the burden with teresw utiu IIHr comp INCOME TAI Success in growing seeds In an it will settle quickly, indoor seed box will depend to Sphagnum moss may be spread I-1 nest Cooking School really clicked and, a: RETURNS PREFAJi J though they didn't make their, a great extent upon the soil used in a layer on top of the soil as i ALDERNEY, Channel Islands (F Mrs. Jean Jean asked magis Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. For take home orders Phone 200 R. E. Mortimc century, they piled up a mighty to uu uie oox. ii ir.is was nut means oi prince img unc kct- bi 77 scoring 27 in the final brought inside belore the ground lings fro nY'damping off and ciuarter to win ea.silv ' 77 to 33. ' .froze in til? fall, it should be other diseases. If soi 1 is pre- ' . .1 n1 1 1 !,.. 1 I 4U;.. I I lhn,.a iimI 324 2nd Ave. (NeaKl trates to blacklist her from the town's taverns as her drinking caused domestic troubles. The plea was grontoH. 'God Fncompa.sseth U.s. Vem DudOWard again put On uu& anu yiui-eu uuun micuci lutuu uy uu.- iiichiuu, mnc a good display for Thunderbirds where; It will thaw out gradually, be no need for feeding the weed-as he Scored 16 but the rest of. If you try to d.-y soil quicklv, ' linB plants u.nU1. the,y have the team weren't able to keep with considerable reat, you Will reached transplanting size, up the fast pace of the Golds. 'make it very muddy at first, and Two substitutes for soil which Ratchford went like a ball of lumiw thereafter. This will b? may be used in seed boxes are Business and Professional fire all evening to score 22, fol- dilficult when what vou want is vennlculite, a form ot mica used lowed by Blackaby with 15, Mc- a crumbly Mil. Sh w thawing to insulate buildings, and sphag- Chesney with 14. and Krlstman will do the work, so do not try to num moss. These are sterile tub- irith ii njtihfnpit mas maV. lnh i-hinirs stances which have many ad- ins his from lay-ups and Black . . Di..a refrain from telephoning. ClasMiiiw Classified Advertising u payaote j. ---- Dt,uth s word per lnscruon, minimum cnurgc ouc. w"" - Funeral Notices, Marriage and E igagement Announcements $2.00. aby on long swish shots from outside the key. GIRLS The Old Timers and High Even though you have taken the best top soil from your gardenas you should it will still need mixing with sand to make it looser, and humus to increase lt.s wnt.pr hnldint? r:i iinritv. Pent vantages, being much lighter than soil; but, they ars entirely lacking in plant food and if used the plants must be fed as soon as they have made true leaves, (their second pain with wate", in each gallon oi which a tablespoon of your garden plant food SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE V KiCt SIDN.EY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 School played the first girl HL U.DHtS & C ONTKAll FOR RENT FOR S.LE game oi me season wun nign moss or leal mould wiil upplv Srhnnl winninc IS tn 9 The Old u j PLUMBING and HEAT-' Sheet maul ', FOR RENT Suite of offices rnnrlein tn everv respect. For Timers nlavprl fair pnnneh bask- ,h ,ii ihas teen st.rred. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 , j D- - - uac mauulC even nucn wen lUL- ctball but couldn't hit the basket. 1 ted in soll t0 be use to start I They were fagged out wnen it see, Nor should plant food be ! FOR SALE liMi Chev sedan. Good tires, body and motor. Cheap tor cash. Phone Blue 970L FOR SALE-15-foot V-bottomed tkilf and 5S-h n. Evinrude outboard. Phone Black l5. (23.pl gravvl roouiiK. West. Phone M3. L" and Sons. , 1 40DERN Palntlne iiw HpeiuT 'lM" Phone Hl'uk 215 J 1' IM noon hour. P.O. information applv O. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd., Besner Block Phone 57. HI) REAL F.STATE LARGE house Four bedrooms titvitaiis. four rooms down H. G. HELGERSON LTD.. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black 899 ACCOlNTATS was all over, ana tne nnai usedi Iest too much nitrogen be whistle was the most merciful supplied for the health of the thing I hat could have happened.1 Sl.pd sprouts. H'NIOR I a third top sdil, a third peat High School Junior increased moss or leat mould and a lnu.d their lead in the junior division gharp sand .ucn as ma5ons use a3 they won 2o to 16 over Cooks. ln concrete will make a satisfa The jewellers looked like the tory ' mixture. After it is well best team in the first quarter mixed pass lt thiouuh a sieve, When they led 6 to 2 but in the ahnnt. V. ineh mph: nnrl kppntii.i -1949 Vanguard, low 1439 8lh East, (Prince Rupert) J White, Jasper; E. JacquestFOR SALE and E. Coley, Edmonton; E.j mileage. Johnson, N. Halls, O. Olsen. Mr. I nlns-and Mrs. H. O. Foster and Nor-1 PUBIJC ACCOUNTANT stairs Fullv furnished in excellent taste. Ideal for rooming house or large family. Reasonably priced. Terms available. For further particulars and information apply G. P. Tinker & Company Limited, phone 508. UD ia. n."""v ,t,1,i I"0 Stone Buitdins!. NATIONALLY. KNOWN NAMES LliiK-belt Soeeder Shovels; Cranes: .Draulines; Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. second period the Juniors out- coarse,- particles in a pile, to be ' '! COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 388 BOY'S WAXTU A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Pli"nR 88 Wartime ' 4, BU i'ou Koad Maintenance FOR SALE Small scored thorn. iu to 4 and took used in the bottom of the seed each of the succeeding periods boxes. The finer soil is then to win handily. Christensen was filled in to the level of the box; man Brown, Vancouver; K fc. Falardeau, Prince a-oore: C. E. Mayo, Port Edward; 'J. A. G. St. Laurent, Ottawa; Fred Nash and Ed. Hamlin, Terrace; Constable F. Wiemken and A. R. Crist, Masset; J. Kokoruehz, Fort William; E. Oranbeik, Watson Is also McClarv's Triumph oil stove (new burners last Kept.l, r.auiurneni, uwen iiamsneu Buckets and Kock Gianuies; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forkhft Trucks: Nelson A nood opportuH younir.lads Mt ; llfliveiiii". --nuiirl ,iii Phone I washing machine and, otner fuiiiitiiie. 131)3 Gth Ave. E-.ist. (20pi PERSONAL ;.. ..'. i)iiu Nei land; J. L. Costella, ttuieaaie. uticitet 'jjailers lor atocKPiie , tiuu buow Xeinovai: Rice fort-i able Centrilunal Junius; National Dramine Scraoeis and i Uiicket-s; National All Steel and leave your f j and plume nuiu . RORIE & LAIRD PRINCE liUPERT ASSKSHMENT DI8TIUCT y VV.. bswiiiills. Jm.nV?: N National Hiona F YOU nre contemplating: get-fortabie tinlJ r,.n!.,, ip .,,,., now WANTKI HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all' its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 rtnl.irv Screens uini Colivt.Vi , ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS ii i 11 it i i ' i 1 1 1 r )i i i i n i is the time a.s steel supolv tuil uiloiniatKm lrom Na-i nunal Maitnner Co. Limited, Viiicouver. li.C. HI). Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 verv short and D'"lces expected to rise sharplv. Thorn Sheet Metal. Black 884. (tf) WANTED 2 or ! If aot. Phone K? ('OR SALE New chesterfield TASTY, freshlv baked Dies with NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court of Revision undir the provisions ot the "Taxation Act" respecting the AsBCSsment Rolls for the Prince Rupert Assessment District for the year 1951. will be hold at the Court Honse. Prince Rupert. B.C.. on Friday. February 8th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., January 20th. 1051. I relt. WANTED -Ouiet dieaued business man require furnished r nished self-containW' able suitei centfal. Permanent This dvtrtisement It nol publijheti or displayed by the Liquor Control Bord or by the Government 4 British Columbi. beds: beds comoiete: utiNunt- biscuits and biins are now beint; ed chest oi drawers; sewmg at the Rupert Bakery Ltd. machine; kitchen stoves; heat-1 Phone 643 for orders, ers; hardware; colfee tables, (M2) end tables; bedroom suites; i brand new carpets. Axmutster, CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop-sizes 2' x 4'2'; scores of other. er batteries and radiators, useful furniture at lowest; Phone 543 call 629 6th W prices. Sue 14. C. Furniture, j City. (tfl "?acK 324' NORTHLAND Dairv milk deliv- QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine parts and service phone or write above ti. M. UAUUI11 I, Court of Revision. I (It) . Tillev 86(i. 9 am weekdavs. ejCovedi Grina 1AJ( i , TOP l' are w " 'S.Vn for SC' I eriifl 24p npr nnnrf. Wlm nfiu steel, brass conpw.. rtW'l II,.o.. t-rfirlllie more? Phone 18 for dailv delivery service. (M-29) FOR SALK Firewood and kind-1 lina. Kaien Transfer. Red 962.1 (30p) . .Tr,,i Alias, LAND REGISTRY ACT Certificate of Title 10601-1 to the East Half of Lot Nine Hundred and Ninety-one (991), Queen Charlotte District, said to contain Three Hundred and Twenty I320 acres, more or less, excepting thereout and therefrom Five (5 acres of i:ie South-east cor nirui, i,il"'i.n o,iiir Metals Ltd.. 250 P , REPAIRS SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block G08 3rd Ave. W. Phom HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS We have the largest and nicest stock of Chinaware in Prince Rupert. " DINNER SETS couver, B. L. 0357. FOR SALE-Findlav Furnac.ette " 7"R.IB"p coal and wood heater. Phone w?JPh RJAJ?S77PromDt, t e'; ficient service Oeorne Cook Rr.,i 04s (19o)i usp! jLcd-245' - - - Jeweller. Satisfaction euaran- ner and excepting also the North REWARD """ Z ,t II Prince Rupert, B.C. hone 347 P.O. Box 374 letd. east Quarter of the North-oast FOR SALE Electric ran-jette. quins inree-i ;. aiiarlnienl to reu. VVll . w2ekEA8 satisfactory pr,f of to fe c0tliUun- 1424 Pi( , OIL BURNER 1. UalorOni'r'.S. SPKC1AL1ST -and reoairs. G. Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS of the above Certificate of Title is- eon.) li, I a nun,, it Vrnwt Rnrlrlvfle' D Hiiusciii. Bl;n:k 5(13 ltd RALE lleintzman piano . I i'i i Crlimn lin TrilsL Wo. 5955 1 has been rwrt. Please phone Arnisti cles at 342. WANTED - Rel'af,, help with h"'S,f niter two small LOST flkil in this office, nollee is hereby $20(1.00 Buffet $21) Oil. Blue 621. Kiven that I shall, at the expiration I 1W)'J olh i.u.st. Zipi LOST-Llaht. blue btidete bird Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 787 311 Second Ave. W. Reward. Phone Black 877. 523 to 5 p.m. Mi" iVailV 1 Fi-lrtnv BOX 19. Ba" 1 PHONES Black 334 Red R!4 P.O. Box 1670 of one tnonth front the date of tne first publication hereof, Issue a Pro- FOR SALE McClarv stove, wick visional Certificate of Title in lieu, burner. KOOtl condition. Phone of Bald l'ost Certificate, unless In the I Black 300 alter 5 p.m. (18pi nn Ave. t;ast. - (2(H meantime vaua objection be mauc v. O CUPS and SAUCERS WATER SETS O TEAPOTS VASES KNICK KNACKS FOUND I me In writing. WANTKU 1" "',.i,Hl!- room ai-i uiui" - Hv of three aaunfe k. I DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince ;.uoerc. British ColOnnbla, I this loth day of January. 1951. A D I Train Schedule FOR KENT ROOM FOR RENT 806 St. Phone Black 115. oi city. w " News. FOUND Green wallet. Owner mav have same bv calllne at Dailv News office, identifvln" and pavint? for advertisement. (lf Fraser (23p ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (44) WAIN 1 RU nlrtCS iAat Phone Bl MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. For the East-Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. From the East- FOR RENT Furnished double room, close in. Phone Red abuui.ii. ROOM AND BOARD GORDON & ANDERSON LIMITED 8(i60. (tn IMl if you want to sell lt, adverlls. FOR RENT Sleenine room ROOM, AND BOARD for working WANTED Three pr at man. Phone Black 6U0. (If) unfurnished. WD"' Tuesday's Thursdays and Sat It. News ciassuieoa. . aiS 4th li:ast. Call alter 5. (23c) urdays, 10:15-p.m. UOX U'JI.