= MATTER OF an $400 GIVEN IN CASH PRIZES. . rut application for the issue of @ Presh Certificate ¢ Title Lot Nine 9), Block Thirty-one “1 ist Prize $200 Cash. Section Seven (7), City of Prince Rupert » bat { . Ma» 923 2ud Prize $100 Cash. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it is 3rd Prize $50 Cash. my mtention to issue after the expiration : 2 - a of one (1) month from the first publica Special Prizes, $50 Cash. tien hereof, a fresh certificate of title t These prizes go to those who secure the largest number otf pa seer sreegates. Hy a. name a . " . ® Sti "ut ‘ pie, ier er rate © ithe new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decidei! | was issued the 22nd Maren, 1911, and . yumbered 427 by points which are earned o1 new subscriptions as follows: re oe MACLEOD, _ City Circulation. Out of Town Circulation. |i any pogisiry vomies, ee $ Month; The. ..... 75 point } Gucinciein Prinee Rupert, 2 . 6 Months, #4 150 point: | 1 Month, 50c. ...... 50 points 22nd day o epiember, 1919 ‘ear, & 006 5 Mo 53 - 35 : WATER NOTICE eee 1,000 point 4 Bones, 63. .+.63 520 350 points DIVERSION AND USE ' 2 Years, #16 2000 pomi- , ete: Be ee ee R00 noints ; TAKE NUTICE that Northern i Fist Renewals, City or Outside. ertes Limited whose address is Wineb On every dollar collected, 50 pts eee Mag yy B. €., will apply for and use 4 cubic feet per SPECIAL CASH BONUSES. second of Welter Out of un | un-nas : creek which flows north and drains int Anyone turning in ten fully paid up new yearly subscriptions | steamer Passage about 200 feet West of| ; a eek e aa. { . . *ts a starter’s rx | West boundary Lot 4054 | oe) first week of entering the contest gets a arter’s bon The water will be diverted from the| Le) . stream at a point about 180 feet N.W or] the 5. W. Cor. Lot 4954 and will be {utly fror industrial’ power purpose land deserihbed as Lot 4954, District used upon the Range 5, Coast Anyone during the course of the contest securing 100 paid yearly subscriptions gets a Century Bonus of $100 in addition lo any prizes or cOmmissions 6 therwise earned. This notice was posted on the ground oe ; mee pap " 7 : i . “i bes m the 6th day of September, 1919. A copy; ver mmpelitor, whether the winner of the four hig priz of this notice and an application pursuant} tv not stauds to make a subst \tial sum, according to the amount | terete and to the “Water Act. 1914,’ saullonkadl will be fied in the office of the Water Re : 1 ! order at Prince Rupert, Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with B. ¢ Nominations for the competition should be on the form het wiih and its receipt at the office starts the competitor with 1 the Compsrofier of Water Rights, Parlia i “ . ment ulldings, Victoria, C pots. Nominate yourself ov a friend, but each contestant can itty days oater PP ‘aret acne Le nominated only once. this notice in a local newspaper i , ] NORTHERN B. C. FISHERIES | wrrnp The contest manager wil! be in the office only from 4:30 to Applicant f each aflernoon, when every information will be given intending By W. A. Bauer, Agent The date of the first publica atjon of this notice is 8th September, Dajly News ‘rinee Reonert competitors, NOMINATION BLANK IN iN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA. MATTER OF ACT PROBATE BRITISH | hereby nominate as a contestant in your Prize Competition: iN THE rian THE ADMINISTRA Name _— IN aa VATTER OF NATALIE CONDO, TATE Pie, abe CHE ESTATE 0} DECEASED INTES Address TAKE NOTICE that in order of Honour F. MeB. Young, made the @4th day of September, A. D. 1910, | was appointed Administrator t« the estate of Natalie Condo, deceased, and all parties having elainis against the said estate are hereby required to furtish same, property verified fo me, on or before the @6th day of Oeto ber, A. D. 1919,.and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the mount of their indebtedness to me Yorth with . His Nominated by David H. Hays NOTARY PUBLIC Royal insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited, London & Lancashire Fire insurance Co., Limited, Lendon & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire ineurance Go. JOHN HH MeMULLIN OMecial Administrator __ Dated this 26th ay of Pr September 1019 Grandview Hotel FIRST AVENUE Now ©) Rooms Wee hone General Real Estate Agert Gor. Second Avenue and Second Street. or Month in person. H. St. G. LEE, Manager, ; : ° E. W. MARENTETTE, Manager, : : ESTABLISHED OVER i Savings Department Deposits of $1. and up- ward received, and Interest and withdrawn, by mei! a easily, readily and +s —_ ores. VONTRE eee ‘PAS allowed at highest current ; > rates. Savings Department 7% ¢ ee i accounts given specia! i ha “4 aitention. ¢ 4 Deposits may be moe, safely as *—~B! PRIN ore that the fix! they have Whole of the and ures of 8. Mussallem & Lid., from the assignees and from now will run that business in conjunction with their own. purchased stock Mus are here Old customers of 8, sallem & Co., Ltd., with imvited to continue tradme with and we cap assure then of lowest prices, quality service. us bes! and prompt (iive us a call, or PHONE 123, 18 or 36 Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd. Economy Store s17-419- Fifth Ave., FE. 423 Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con struction, Repairs and Adterations First Class Staircase Work and Finishing Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONORETE ®UiLDIWC ——_—___——_ am | SMITH & MALLETT ; PLUMBING AND HEATING Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, of Becond Street, Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 - “ head rHE DAILY NEWS Page 2 Pa MN ie al ah ean siciaieiiiealiatia th ta a etree rartrennstntiaiieaimme —y - on sansietttananmasatataassasimammmaamsamiaiainn ts —— — — i 7 fy wi! an ASK _ HON MACKENZIE KING AILY NEW (DOR THE DAILY NEWS | ENDORSES NEW LOAN PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA sit : . ; ; ~ , » The News Thorough endersation of the Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The ! iil * alas ‘ 7 . |, @re you logical in your use of modi. | \ictory Loan, 1919. Is expressed Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. | cine ? When your stomach ts alling hy "1 w..7 Mackenzie King, : ; * Borr you take something that reaches ws . : H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. } the stomach, bat When the trouble the Liberal party in the on ie in your lungs or breathing pas [Pominion, in a letter addressed ; ‘ » "SQ. sages, do you take something that to th Minist of Finance, Sir SUBSCRIPTION RATES: gets there direct? This is where ||, Deaytor rhis is his letter City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. 0 many people make a mistake os ear tte: teed wal By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year pee eas te ¢ eanenan ok leased to join with you in com. - : ‘ premised re ’ To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.5 ee element. Wail an Gt Ue Tees an inte tke. Cai eae Ae ane TELEPHONE 98 Then ak wonder why they receive people of Canada LELE NE 5. no benefit. . : . : ‘ ; For ailments of the lungs and It is imperative that Canada’s TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. breathing pesssane eho hegtent wate edits should be pron gd Contract Rates on applic: tion. _. ‘ment ts the use of a remedy that fs ‘As the Government finds that breatheable and therefore capable borrowing is a necessity to meet! October 10. 191! of reaching the lungs direct. ; o oblinatte ‘te im every! DAILY EDITION. f Friday ctobet » OF Peps is that kind of remedy—@ ([°\)s)'ne oF oh ae ts ° A breatheable remedy in tablet form. vay desirable rat re amount} When Peps are dissolved in the ired should, if possible, be} | mouth medicinal vapor is released v ‘thin Canade iteelf. fi an ae ines and breathed to all parts of the | ‘''* nctahe or ei , at * ranch lh weretore ' s oat eas P ‘e Rupert people who are mechanically | bronehiat ties eae the minute Gir ; : \ good many Prince Nupert peoj bon i their| *ells_of tlie lungs, soothing the t@ = [inay be over-subseribed by citi- inclined have been bifiiding their own houses They 7 theu fimmation end consegnent irrita- sens of the Donivinion, spare time nailing boards instead of einige ball. They have} tion, healing the sore places and You appreciate, of course, that found it to be a good kind of recreation, and as a result they have} eed: CREDITORS’ TRUST DEEDS spoke oes a erate Ger ee er y. aioue 3 oe" kh & B.C. AND NEW PAPER TOWELS “Disraeli sale iat England did not love coi ons. y is| : ; - Sy a not much in the practice of free, constitutional government th at | AMENDING ACTS. FOR THE SCHOOLS reg ite as »ste ss ant of the British] core Great Britain has not tested. If the judgment o ‘any See |. eciudtadn bil samtadiien’ aaemhins ‘tanks Hhliaded people is against coalitions i! is because the fruits are faction, |, iwrence, carrying on business as a con \ meeting of a ‘Sehool Board irresponsibility, instability, sectionalism and parochialism. They chy aed se eb : Vacca of}was held last evening The know, because they have learned by experience, In Can&ida ¢X-jrrince Rupert, B. C., broker, all his per business was mostly of a routin« ike ; : m ai sonal property, real estate, credits an ; : perieuce ts teaching the same lesson. It was perhaps wise s idl | Tects, Which may be seized and sold un jature, such as passing accounts necessary that in the despernte emergency of war all partisan | der exreution, and whieh easigninent Dears ind reading correspondence. con siderations and interests should be set aside in the Moth r| TICE. is further given that a meetiag lenders are {eo be called for the Country and in Canada. This was not done in the United States, | of tie creditors will be pel ae ee k, eplacing of the water pipes in where as great unity of sentiment in support of al! military and Prince Rupert, B.C. on Monday, the 6th] ihe Borden Street School, large: patriotic objects was developed and maintained as in other|);)° J in ten -elttedian:” tee tie sipes being required in the build countries. But the constitution of the United States, designed to | ours ee ee abe eee ing. assure popular sovereignty an:l guard against military despotism, | ‘ied With the undersigned, verified by The city schools are to be pro- : “ siatt r deciaratio r lends itself to autocracy and concentration of effort in war. in| NOTICE is further given thet, on end] vided with sanitary paper towe! war George the Third was no! so great an autocrat as was Wood- | Sadie Gil pereoed te meal fo19, ' land the racks for them will be row the First. Nor do the experiences of the: United States in | assets or the said Robert | awrence among nade by. the pupils in the manval } erent ? : y } the ers S entities rereto av e the Civili War and in the Great War necessarily condemn t Ne | ate Onis . the aa wl item, he shal ' raining school. Pic > ; ; then have noti« ma that bh bs net het American constitution. | Hable for any assets any pers = of | is i “If coalitions are valuable in emergencies they do not ensure | so distributed ‘to. any persons 0 s¢| Queen Charlotte Istanders can- | orderly and responsible government. At Ottawa we begin to) “Mim yr val) for then par bed i z is} 10t do better. than mail their} have legislation by rhetoric or, as has been said, government lry| 20m day of September, A. BD. 194! iprinting needs to The News Print! : MICHAEL P. MeCAPPERY i ; explosion. A score of extremists to the right of the Speake! Assignee. | Shop and get the work dene| uniting with the Opposition, may impose any revobutionary me annette) Comply Gad well. sure or any empirical projec! upon the country. The Cabinet JUREN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND pis. | must submit, resign or order a dissolution of Parliament. The)! rRICT RECORDING DISTRICT OF situation would be even less satisfactory if Mr. McKenzie, w o} SKEENA i leads the Opvosition. did te display a considerable degree fi i ee a ' a at ; Peter Plempa, ‘ common sense and Ateadiness. Under the two-party system! ppiy for a lceme t pros] for coal there is some assurance that (he common sentiment of the coun- | 2i.f2¢ Pelmoloum overs tne following de try will be expressed in legis'ation. Under a coalition, section- |%™ Island Commencing at a post 7 nied at il e alism thrives and the national interest is subordinated to personal | miles north of the north east corner of considerations and passing jolitical exigencies. Ministers jie aa" chatel ee roe aaniak — ' upon a bed of torment and sense of imsecurity pervades the thence $0 rhains east te point of com country.” oe didi. wine Located July os ore _— The Mussallem Grocery EE Dated September 25th, 1919 Co Ltd. Economy Store NOTIOCI wish to inform the publi Phones &2 and 200 Ormes Lim ited We have a Kodak to suit your special requirements. Full range from Vest Pocket to I Everything in Kodak Supplies Store P 3rd Avenue and 6th Stree! irda size UO. Box 1680 ., Li — “ Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowe: PEE Efficiency” Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays, 5 (0 Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from ) to 3 Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment rH! Your 12 ony WEDNESDAY For Southern ue Passenger ae rs 8.8. PRINCESS ; For Vancouver. Victoria and Seaitie ''° Seplember For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, September 3rd Avenue and 4th Street et ett Oa stewart Masectt Vo Monday, rrince George, City Ticket Office, Meals and Berth included 0" S.S. PRINCE RUPER S.S. PRINCE 6 SAILING THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, oO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX &.S. PRINCE JOHN AND PRINCE ALBERT Wednesda it p.a rt Clements and Buck en Charlotte Is! TRAIN SERVICE W*dnesday and Saturday 4 Edmonton and Winnipes, mak all points east and soul AGENCY ALL OCEAN eranmenme LINES For information and reservat S26 Third Avenue. Ph EO Lowest Rates to all bas! via Steamer to Vancovve! Canadian Paci 8. 8. princess MARY ALICE n Prince Rup October 6, 17, Skagway, { Q 4 - om “es Alaska, fr i 15, 22; Oeclobet peRVvICES CANADIAN PACIFIC OOEAN SEN Por rates, rerervations wa W. ©. ORCHARD, Genere! agent Subscribe for The The Leading Daily of Northern Britis e 260 eee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILNAT rn Points and the Railway | Sree 1 rom Prince puper rine Rupert, vee ae a T EORGE OCEAN FALL ert B.C.