1 1 TO KEVERSE POLICY (ContinupJ from page 5) Prince Rupert Daily News Monday January 22, 1051 116 i Wallace's Department Store under government ownership. Coal deposits not yet opened up have been restored to private hands, although most coal mines are still government concerns. iymo hi ii Mm II ! i ni H if 1 j e f, i t i itm ii t Another state enterprise which i i 1 1 1 h I Wv'M W' -' 'fT7 Jf ii-.i III II I' i Tropica na has been passed over to a public company is fruit Importing, but the government will retain an Interest for the present. Government critics claim that Warkir Bros: Everywhere! Spun Lovelies! Wearable Earth Shattering 1 its greatest failure has been its inability to check the rise in prices and "put value back into the pound." Many of the controls It has abolished have resulted in prie'e Increases and it has raised rates for many gov N L Story Or The RanceWars That Split TheCreat 't ernment services in an effort to DIVIDE! check losses in state departments. The government, however, maintains it has so far been unable to do more than check basic causes of Inflation and ha? , 1 i , - Sizes 12 through 20 and 38 through 44 Canada's Leading Dress Val ue ldi Mondoy - Tucsdoy not vet had time to attack, I i 1 P m. . 9 p m. J prices. It claims that one of the main causes of inflation was the former government's use of re-verve bank credit to finance s;ate enterprises by the use of paper money. The new government .A- has stopped recourse to the Reserve Bank and has instead successfully raised a big internal loan. m I ; , -v- .''i. Nicest sign of things to..come Spring and Summer crisp, washable, wearable Tropicana Spuns at a low price only Tropicana can feature for like quality. Low in price . . . high in wearability. In a scintillating array of gay colors. TROPICANAS TROPICANAS TROPICANAS TROPICANAS WALLACES DEPARTMENT STORE Ideas For Taxation Ltfrtilmlit. il-ii i In'Bli1 4 jS-l xi-Jssiaci&saa. &m$2' LONG DROP A shifting load of lumber swung this truck from Vancouver's Second Narrows bridge approach and toppled it 00 feet into the water. The truck hit the boach and bounced into the inlet. Driver A. D. rhillips, trapped in the cab, was seriously injured. (CP PHOTO) ) m i mm By EDWIN S. JOHNSON LONDON Hard-pressed for a new source of revenue to meet the nations' mounting financial commitments. Hugh Gaitskell, Another Adventure For A! anson-ls Alert As Usual Chancellor of the Exchequer, has been offered a list of ideas to consider before the next budget. Tbe suggestions were offered "for what they are worth," by Leslie Gamage, president of the Institute of Export, before a group of paper-hatted businessmen attending their annual frolic. It was an event where serious speech-making was taboo. i CARROTS I CANNED FOODS FIND HAPPINESS HERE- ; Shoplifters should k' Retting wise to the fai-t j that it does not pay at Al Manson's. The alert jeweler ' had another of a series of similar experiences early a Do you know ymi can now purchase to-dny's NKS Hi:HAI.I to-day? JUNKS NKWS STAND Papers are tlown lr 1iHy by CP A. Canada Land of Milk and Honey 'If you want to get money, tons hor Aninn ( nun c, hrom ( ormanv iuuruay anernoon arm actea wun cnaraciensuo of money," Mr. Gamage taunted . . . ...y r,v . . w.,, wv.. ...U..7 lcooness and effect Ab a rosult) a tray of rjngs wasthe chancellor, "why not tax Life in the country, even in this weather, proves' soon back in his store and an arrest had been made. lay but those S()me 0I 0Ur poii-i nlpMsanr, and pomfortahlo fnr Mr nnrl Mrs Richard " "" " 1 Acioxoh ACHnph ivarson ivarson was was stundina standing ticlans ticlans drop drop with remarkable on the street oul.side the store consistency." Have a Good Meal! NEW CITY Kraupner. They are living at their son, Hugo's, cot- tage at Prudhomme Lake. CLIII)C AKp This time last year, Mr. and Mrs. Kraupner were 1 3 Ii 1 1 D U living in a small basement room in Chemnitz, Per-' if f ATCJCf)f!tiY many"" in the Russian zone. Food 1 If A I LlXl lVjll I when he observed a man pick1 To roars of laughter, he listed up a tray and conceal it under these further possibilities: his coat. At the same time a boy,! Tax official jargon. Danny Neuiekl, inside the store Tax the avenues politicians ex-on an errand, also observed the plore and the stones thoy leave incident. The proprietor was unturned. notified. j Tax armchairs those in which The man made off with Man-) sit. the critics of England's crick-son and the boy in- pursuit west et team in Australia and of any-along Third Avenue, down Fifth ! thing else they know nothing BAPTONE The Wonder Well Paint was scarce and unvaried, fota- xne eottage overlooking oeauu- formed the lul Prudhomme Lake is heated toes and turnips $1.50 a quart $4.95 a gallon ereater Dart of their diet. But by an oil heater. A coal range i Steamer Cainosuu Takes Dusting ( hilcotin Delayed by Hecate Straits Gale Street and into the lane between about. even in those circumstances, for the kitchen prove of little j there were birthdays and other , trouble for cooking and heating, i occasions that had to be cele- Light is provided by a gasoline- Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd CAFE FULL COURSE MEALS or . Phone Blue 92 FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Second and Third Avenues. The' Tax all grousers and unofficial boy saw the man throw the tray strikes. under a parked car immediately i Tax the vote of thanks to If there was ever any question brated. The occasional two driven generator which starts a milk in the rations soon as a switch is turned on. It i of the seaworthiness of the con ounces of C;- D-;r ON QUALITY GOOC lull I I ILCO ALL THE YEAK them up. If they could not nave ets inciuaing a moaern raaioanu -"- '"'"Zl covered. Thev were not valuable. rr'un ..m -t the real thing, they at least made believe they did. Heat in the little room was almost en record piayer. ii tney want to Mcuomoe says, n. was seiiiea u XIII,,n Xlvll;. " "" .., - get in touch with the city they ! wWchj" ' their Salurday bv tne testing third t.me in a f cw purposes puTposeth me "armch armcnair ir' cHUcs critics oi o" have merely to warm up h, hU steamer rnmosnn Camosun wis was tivn fern"' weeks , i, Mr. , , Manson foneJ nas an radio telephone station "Blue-i politicians. You will agree that tirely lacking and there was no Korf Thoir hnmo in Phpmn v. hirrt" nnrt ca 1 Pr nee KUDert " " " . "iwuuiu ue lair Jui(oring or Ladies and Gentlemen LING .1 . ! ROUND That is what our business depends on. We do not believe in a high mark up in order to make cut prices later. i i k o morf .fi.r.hr,no nhmra Deri on me rezuiar wee.iy voy- j---"j Mr. Marion wa? working in the from Vancouver. As the ui.-i. lain rr.u. ..... ,v. the ase The living room of cottage "'Ul.li wuuvt - WW-. -J, 1 lun:heon hour was ending. thc!b?ck of hio store when told tha WEDDING COLLECTIONS YORK, England (P Canon C. C. Mackay, a Yorkshire vicar, is a. were xnos, pu..a,8. m u Cam0Sun entering Queen Char-! a man haci run out of the sure y' room iimsnea wun ucw l"e St. straits aits ran into ' the me ful'''i''i a irav of rums. Mr. Man- Last summer the aging couple cedar slabs. Articles of Indian son caUf,ht h his maa to the rear irce oi an au-mue eaiLsouui r- --r,r,Dr ooi o hro i ori hu m a mi f act nrp fin pverv nook and . ... the tailor i taking collections from wedding I spectators to help .maintain hU u. v.v.n.s-.-v .... j ----- -- - 01 lnc aione oiutjv ai whi-h cauiiht her on ... tl,l-j l,lrtv.rfni nnMg .nrnor nf tho rnnm nrt inff the tiSI gale WIll.11 UUfclll lli-l r. Vhen he was caiu;at the m-n ocvciiLjr-tiiiiu uii u.ivj n.v...v.j .ww... . tv.o ct-irlu decid- . . ,.,..! .i . i. ...n u LllH aiai uumu uuai tc. ai Phone 649 f '2'20 Sixth St came to ianaaa io spenu uieu wua, jrev i.k ou w v M,.rnmhp r.m i.n ir. rrrortedl t. hav9 said: "What's church. Criticized by parishioners, lie said: "We often get people at a wedding who are never seen again." Goletas instead of the regular the matter wMft you? You've Rot declining years with their son room that they seem to belong and daughter-in-law. Here they ( there naturally. One is constant- Gordon Channel and take it vnur r:i-;s fcrk. let me ko." M; found the graaaaugnter, Mrs. iy fcurprwea as ne uuu. u - Sstraisht on the stern. Meantime Manson said he then put a ham MlcKey ruager, wnom uiey iiau iic nau uui miuu ncriuuoij, , .!.,. v,,,,. had . not seen since she was a baby . was there. Consistent Value and Good Service has stood the test of time. JOHN BULGER JEWELLERS Plumbing & Heating wireless aerial been blown mcr iocs on tne man s arm am down and dishes had been swept 'ook him b'ick toths --tore, whore from dining saloon tables as pas- he called the police. Two peoplo servers romDleted their meal. Ii, were in the store at the time of girl, and a great-grandson. 1 Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Kraupner Today Mr. and Mrs. Kraupner "are happy in their new homo. i Luxury Steamer Prince George nave just about an tne pnysicat Sometimes, however, they be- " h h alarming to nas- occurrence and one, Dannv t mm comforts they, ever dreamed of. ' come lonely. Since early in the, H,,rii,v tho oi.ci.in foj Neufeld. recovered the tray of i year, their son has been able to;,, ' . th f.am,,N,,n marto her rin. Mr Mnrsnn said. get to the cottage only on the; across lh Queen charlol.e' John McPhlc of Toronto, who week-ends. Normally he gets out ! g0nd in tne continuing gaie arrived a few days aso from for several nights during the if shi ,g oflicers called iL Vancouver, appeared before week. When he arrives, his . ,.lo eas swell ., How. Magistrate W. D. Vance in city mother's face lights up with joyj tn ski'Pper admitted that Policc court tnis morning charg-Both Mr. and Mrs. Kraupner are ,.' ,ho ,trm .ho r un- ed with theft and was remanded Hollywood Cafe SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or CaU happy to live in Canada which Qgun had e encountered and f"1' p'K,ht days..Bail. was set at; 7 and I k y 1 ',that she had amply proven her IU- There have been other com- miU honey seaworthiness. The Camosun ar-' MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS . CRANE PLUMBING FIXTURES PHONE rived- in port at 1:45 yesterday i ""i"""s afternoon and sailed at 11 p.m. recently. Wc Specialize in DISHES Alice Arm and Stewart " r for Bachelor's Method Stops Baby Crying LONDON tt Wearv parents when she will return here tomorrow morning to sail south at CENTENARIAN COUPLE ' ASMUNDTORP, Sweden W --Europe's oldest married couple is Nils Petter Jon.sson. a retired CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE whose slumbers are broken byinoon' It CHOP SUEY CHOW m 1 1 m lor Repairs and Alteration? Junior's nightly howling might take the advice of a 36-year-old PRINCE RUPERT. BC. Smith & Elkins Ltd . Another Union Steamships farmer, and his wife Bothikla. northern liner was out in the They Hre botn morc than ion storm the steamer Chilcotin. years 0id and on December 29 After leaving Masse t Inlet Sal.- observed their 77th wedding an- OPKN I ltOIM 7:30 r.M. to 3:30 A.M. bachelor, Lord Mancroft. "You hold the child upside down and you give it a short sharp jerk. This creates an air .ro. Box 274 OTTO urday evening on me weeiuy niversary. voyage, Capt. Harry McLean de lock and stops it crying at once. cided, for the comfort of all con- mAmimm mtUeMmmm CLONDIE In the Red with Bumstead By CHIC YOUN The ouicker vou want it to'cerned, to wait out the gale TVI''JI' U ,i!!i-!i;n: i m'umi I ""I I ' l'il!in,ill!l!:H,:!,lllll!!!!i'ili!!!IIH!ii1 i r...!nii!i'!nflml I Z 654 . I 'i!'" . tjlil- -v-v. Li'iiIll!iM'LlL , (WHO J ( IM THE PLUMBER"' . (at THE PATE . 'QADOV GAve ME "V 'tfK ( AKEV VUI? WIFE CALLED.. u 5 i,raANHd' stop crying, the harder you Jerk. Lord Mancroft, speaking at a banquet, said he would not want it thought he did not like babies. He was fond of little girls up to the age of seven. 1 J ovine. Packing Crating wnicn was raging up necais Straits at 100 miles per hour, so , anchored in the lee of Tow Hill. With some subsiding of the tempest apparent by that time, the Chilcotin started out at noon yesterday and arrived here at 6:30 last evening, sailing at 3 p.m. in continuation of her voy-, age to Vancouver. ! S5c pi doicn (Mid iot cmptMt. PUsit kvt them rcdy when tK driver alii. Shipping a.mi General Cartage and Storage i Tkt dvirtimcnt it no( ptibliihcd or diiplaycd by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ntnplete, Reliable and Effi ient Service. Also agents In December was the ICth month of the old Roman calendar year which began with March. ot B'rtirh Columbia. o.v P. rinlin q at ;anadian Liquid Air Co. W or Oxygen, Acetylene and all 'Idlng supplies. UNDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 68 TOURISTS AND" FISHING OSLO (P The winter's fisheries in Lofoten, northern Norway, are expected to attract hundreds of Finnish and Swedish tourists. Chartered motor-boats will take the visitors to the egal Printers 222 Second Ave. Phone 24 fishing grounds.