t e.N.R. PROMOTION Prince Rupert Daily News As f See It Wednesday, August 29, 1951 ,0 ed States (by the backstairs veto) , unless e get excluding Bulgaria, Rti- ! But ' h r!mtlarly let us i ,,,t , 'f r mania. Albania, and Mongollo. j unless we get lv The utt'-r absurdity of these ex- 1 world war three w U: ! elusions, from both sides, is in- m fact, -'iha(: dicated by tne fact that both In any event Russia and the U.S.A. maintain must recognize cj" " normal diplomat! s relations with truce talks Ihe Am '" tt.j governments which they say als iwhj have tak" are not fit to oe admitted. fob of .shaking t 'V"'f Everybody at the UN knows Nations! 'are 'rerun what the, real qualifications tor Certainly it horde admission into UN is: The U.S.A. to say that W( ...l"1 won'4 vote to let in anv mode China i, u . 111 ' Food, Clothes, Not Cash Used in Betting on Races LONDON, Ont. (CP) Despite the unpopularity of fixes, bribes, or losing that last two bucks on a longshot, Canadians have always followed eagerly the thundering hooves of racehorses. .' f i, I.I I more V "- --' Ta.be the back-road racing of ni.: i ?....: ioriV-Huia mm opatu the 1820 London district countries which will surely vote a truce in Korea b with the Soviet bloc. In revenge r-coguie china ai h for that attitude, Russia won't the nations are sU let tn any other countrrcg. , the peace. Rji uf h:vi Him rirfit'uhmlt anti A WRITER addresses a, question to me thl'OUH'h disgraceful stalemate. "Ir, ..,.,. ' '" a letter to Editor co!. An .Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince ; Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q A. HUNTER, Managing Edi'or, H. a. PERRY, Managing Director ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c1 Per Year, f&S-- , $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 73c; Per Year, $8.00 ' Published every afternoon except Sunday by i Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Election Campaigns B;Y THE NEWS of the last two days, we see that ! there are possibly three candidates who may offer themselves as the people's choice for mayor. Doubtless, these citizens will try their best each to gel elected, for once the hat is thrown in the centre, may the best man win. ; Election campaigns always are of interest and nearly always constitute a contentious subject. Sometimes the contention is so great among tbe public that it is aroused to demonstrations. - J f , example. A writer of that era describing the nags and the activities which surrounded them says he "never witnessed .so ludicrous a scene" in his life. No sleek, nervous horses or brilliantly-silked jockeys brightened the 1820 racing picture. And there were no backwuuiis Reflects and Reminisces Slum nf vhn t. tnl .lm..,,. ... . . - - Mb lorthc, ! umn : nee "I wonder on what ground a completely ttlireivmt category 'v unstubl? uounA Mr Philpott would accept Red iroro those above. China is ul- Is not even to be admits Eric Wynne has been appointed I plungers to put cash on the 1 1 tm:a m Jc '3 Daughters drilling, danc-'nt, ,rr. a r t u i n g while three thi! UN. and reiect rf aiy a memDer oi the UN t'hma ! oi "Huiuiei without h .tin. Thvy are both wa a member of the UN front j To try to make Jr barrell-head, the 1820 equiva- i Fasskst Sp I the very beginning. thousand Richmondites watch ,irnt of the modern pari-muiuei totalitarian states war which began w!tlw, ...I.. . i t i nn I' ul mioetMin vfw II" Tu i,n rhi.. i . them capture all prizes. Job's wmuuw. The writer oi tne aDove jumps i ,v, " "V M" , '"" " " i " '"" uy Japan, k ine wruer claims Liiai. ne went i lc mistaken com:iusnm&. x ant i - - j - r- uui lti an V '1.: to one horse race "just that 1 1 completely opposed to the ad-1 " -"" might witness the speed of their m s; ion of Fascist Spain Into the Try tniy He.n cu Daughters ftom Prince RtiDert. guests of some of New York's m Moles. I-ictures of Jobs Uaughters in the n-wspapers. Irom roast to coast. Job's Daughter? on the man of Canada. And ixr,. as the Iosik westward trail is about to unfold, they will dance a sain as they follow it to the f acific where so many warm v. arts await them. general superintendent cf motive power and car equipment for the Canadian National Railways Western Region, with headquarters in Winnipeg. He succeeds Alan Beard-chaw who has retired. ! Mr, Wynne joined the company in 1911 as a caii boy in the mechanical department at Melville, Sask. He became a machinist there in 1916. After serving in various enpa-; :ities at McBride, B.C., Mr. Wynne ' was transferred to the Fort Rouge ' shops at Winnipeg and in 1936 was appointed engine inspector there. In 1942, he was made supervisor f special work at Winnipeg and the following year went to Montreal as mechanical inspector. He was BDDointed engineer of shnn mptlwtc Or i China's seat to be still held by biie ex-govei iiinent. uy tne Chiang Kai-stv.rk regime which was defeated overwhelmingly and completely expelled from all the territories which belonged to China prior to the second world war? THE QUESTION of China's seat at UN will jot become acute sorry horses, as they cantered i ;, h Atlantic Alliance; and I over a quarter-mile course. Four 1 ,,i.;e, with moit observers in horses were started for a bet of : Britain and Francj that the 10.000 feet of boards. The rid- United States has struck a dead-ers were clumsy-looking fellows, y blow at the whole alliance of bootless and coaUess." ; tl, . western democracies by fore- Apparently the betting public, cs.tiif the tie-up wit'.i the Fran-while seldom using cash, stood M gveriiment. But contrary to in great danger of losing their Deir.iv.rat s mistaken assunip-shirt. Although he records no tion-I am no!, opposed to the such instance, the writer clots wimisskn of Spain to the UN. describe several other deals r aKlee wtth Mr. Trvgve Lie, where personal property touk the Secretary General of UN, that the place of money. the sooner the UN becomes a "I was soon assailed by a host truly universal organization the of fellows requesting me to take b.,tter. All nations should be ud-their offers," the writer says. , milted simply because they are However, there was no cash ui-nali,,,.s pr yf.ars pant we have volved in the bets. The reckon-:. Vn Uui lidinilous spectacle of ing was in goods or barter like;Ru,.sja vetoine the entiv of Fin- ro.MING I P! There's a station along the ; Once, while campaigning in the home state of hi opponent, William Howard Taft found his speech constantly interrupted by heckling from the audience. Finally, a cabbage landed on the stage anil rolled to his feet. Pausing in his address, Mr. Taft peered intently at 'the vegetable for a moment, then turned to his audience: ; "It appears, ladies and gentlemen, that one or my opponents has lost his head." Montreal, in 19-13 and in 1H48 was ! CNK between here and Prince named general superintendent of G"(Tge where a man and a boy ' motive power and car equipment j were employed, not so long ago. at Moncton, the position he held ! rodav. nine men are necessary. SFf. IS FOR.,, Hoists, AU-Stwl Dumn until his present appointment. i Have patience, and a train a day w) ye', develop. There au signs. Wlnches.all sizes Hn' Light Trailer trm-Wheels. Power All Certified 0pm;. SOT FOR BURNING for hib prftsoreiJ Labor Sticks Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor Say a Good Word Totem poles are not for burn- everyirung eise m uie pioneei lum, Aus!na, itaiy. Portusa! (tencral weldirtj conununities except tax pay-. ireian(i. We have seen the Unit- ments INDUSTRI To Arms Plan mg, yet one was recently cremated in Vancouver, the ash.'s to be sent to England for presentation to cricketers. A visitor from New Zealand calls such a practice barbaric, the totems being unique hand-carved mas- WELDING VAKIKI) The writer says the first person to attract his attention wanted to wager a barrel of salt 220 Sixth St. Thc;.e 840 pork that a horse called Spilt-; LONDON (P The Labor Party is sticking to its policy of arming Britain fully, in defiance of left-wing critics led by Aneurin Be-van, former Labor minister. The party published a policy statement today which declared the country's three-year 4.700 -000 arms program is the "minimum required to deter aggression and so prevent a third world terpieces of a culture dating the-Wind would win.When the back for centuries. Prince Rupert j writer refused, another offered tire department, in extinguish-! to bet him 3000 shingles that a ing that totem pole blaze, the ; horse named Washington would other day. knew It performed , "distance every tarnation scrap, good work, but perhaps not , of them." quite as valuable as they might j other bets onered were: 50 have realized. j pounds of pork sausage again-t r 'a cheese of similar weight; a: NOT OI'ITE! . ;raw ox -'hide against half its-; The first rain in about three weight in tanned leather, and months, in Vancouver, came a pair of blacksmith's bellows: down almost like a cloudburst. ; against a barrel Tjf West Indian war. The statement, prepared by the party's 27-membor execut've W" 1 1 V.s. J. " ,:'.v Uign Secretary Hrbert Morrison among its leaders, will be sub- ! It s always iust as well to be ', molasses or $20 in cash. jmittad for debate at the party's roeeific. It's a long time since i "I venture to say that $10,000 annual convention at Scarbor-' Vancouver has seen any clouds at least were lost pnd won, with- AS HUMAN beings, find nothing easier WE, than telling others how wrong they are; how much better they could have clone this .or that; how we would have done it ourselves. In other words, we-ere born to criticize, and mainly so because we likjnto make ourselves look more important than the next fellow. '. But we find also that such a relationship with ouy fellowman does not constitute a gateway to popularity. We should not forget, for instance, that the, other fellow wishes to enjoy the same degree of importance which we desire. If we point out to him his folly of action, he will be reduced in importance in the eyes of others, and he will not be happy. Nov will he consider us as his dearest friends. ; Now, we need friends, for if we wish really to feel important and be happy at the same time, we need also a host of people to speak highly of us. But, as in nearly everything accomplished these days, we have to take the initiative. ' We have to say the good word first. By this we do not mean flattery, for that is not sincere. With a little practise and hardly any trouble at'all, we can find good points in all those with whom we come in contact. It takes less effort than we often think to mention these goods points to people in whom we see them. We should remember that words and actions, even more than natural phenomena, are reciprocal. out a single sou or specie bcln ough early in October full enough to burst. in the possession ot anyone present," the writer concludes. 'II! i , ', fifteen whole cents for a la s of beer. How about the frclli charge? ildcllhViil: on GARBAGE AND SNIFF quirtd,' though tactfully, where tne stuff came from. Or had it been deliberately dumped to near heme? Norman Macintosh, pion-eer newspaperman, enlightened them. He said an old barge, piled high, was towed out, and It . & ,v: J Garbage d'sposal was a Prince Rupert' problem o'l of , thirty t .years ago and still remains more It will become the basis of a platform if. as many politicians expect, a general election is called this fall. The 3.000-word statement called "our first duty peace." It said an arms program "cannot be reduced unless there is a change for the better in conditions w'iiicb madj it necessary." These conditions are blamed on Communist nations led by Soviet Russia. Bevan had urged immediate negotiations with Russia in kn effort to end the arms race quickly. His party said the arms HHitl II iHHHi ' i, i ,.-,.... in ' . ., 'contents left in the bay. The council of the day, in it's wisdom, ' barge was called the "Sniff l 1 ; i 1 derided to cast city debris into a:ht." Tourists starod, but neglected to sniff. They might have been thinking of doing so. Some looked a bit that way. Mac cne of the world's best and safest harbors, the situation left small room for argument. Soon appeared tangible evidence of a blundei. winegar Ton sovi when you buy the bir thrifty gallon jut imleod of smollei bottlei. LONDON ! A group of 24 F'.rst. appeared quantities of Construrii ri'bbish on scenic shores. Boating girls all between 17 and 20 program "can be carried by our economy without too great a strain." but -further taxation "must be levied on a small min- parties returned home full of arj learning to become expert picnic fare and suppressed indig- drivers to help Britain in emer- ority who draw large unearned : nation. E 'lipping interests com-' ency. Feesiiave been paid by Incomes from private fortunes." . plained. Tourists sometimes in- the Royal Automobile Club. I Company Clean Streets WILL Dd YOUR JOB CHEAPO! T WAS a forward move by city council to decide on the purchase of waste-paper receptacles. .They 1 s. & , w'h. , ' j VV V. -I I CANADA POST Pi-IICI-H ' i XA i-fe!5r.lH' ' W l Roofing Sidirg Alteroliom . . . . . . Estimates Gladly Giverr Blue 182 GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS have been need here for some time, for there is little "so unsightly and reflects so poorly on tho cleanliness of a city as paper strewn indiscriminately on sidewalks and streets. We hope now, following the installation of the receptacles, that citizens will think each time before they decide to discard a read newspaper, chocolate bar wrapper or other paper refuse. In certain Canadian cities, by-laws have been passed which make it illegal to discard waste of any kind on city streets. Clean streets are a reflection on the community and so are dirty streets. Model MS9P with Pump OK-Einamna all your onry $189-50 Building Canada ... by making her smaller! ...for only At Canada Post Office makes Canada less than 24 hours wide with "ALL UP" First Class Mail Service FAVORITE ARTISTS Now available Northern B.C. Power u ' Besner Block I'lione' 210 SOT1 Prince Kupert, B.C. It lined to take five days for mail to travel from Newfoundland to Hrilibh Columbia. Now it lakes less Irian 24 hours with Canada Post Office "all-up" air transport service for 1st Class Mail! It's a tremendous advantage in communication for this fut growing nation . . . and it costs you just four cents! Toilay, all Canadian-addressed 1st Class Idlers (opto one ounce) travel liy air between all points in Camilla sefved liy scheduled air lines .whenever space is available. Of course, the familiar V Air Mail stamp still assures U,p priority when you have to be sure. -DECCA 45's- at Rupert Radio and Electric REFRESH For the MEAL that 0 5 IMPORTANT! For ln priority Air Mail nrrviee, ure to attach rorrret porting. Ihmhlr Pontage lu is roiln'trd from rweivrr if postage in intmrTiciriit pitrlif-u-larly rrtatly oo overdraft Air Mail. Jf in doubt have your Irtler or parcel weighed. Addrew dearly, comrtfy, comidrtrly af without ahftrpvititwn. CANADA POST OFFICE BEST OF FOOD .AVi 7H r . 1 1 at yZ'V-X v FOR TAKE OUT ORDEIIS PHONE I Hon. G. Edouord Rinfret, K.C., M.P, Pojtmaiter Ctnsral , $ M W. i. Turnbull, Deputy Postmaittr Canaral BROADWAY CAFE