Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. August 29, 1931 TRICT "S5T G NEAGLE HOWARD NEWS OF THE' DIS WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE "llU 'l 1 l IH ll l T 1 ! l.l'M I T CO-STAHHim CO-STAHmw; Old Timer's Visit Here News From FRANCOIS LAKE s 1 dl-JI USTINOV L Mine Found by Luck Sold to 'Frisco Co. STKWAUT. A mine which was discovert'! while looking- for a wounded horse 'was sold this week when Owen McFatlden, veteran prospector, tinned over his recent Marmot River discovery to Vernon Allen & Associates of San Francisco. STEWART Old timers of the district. Mr. and Mrs. Benny capitol! Also C ARTOON - NEWS Shows 7 - 9:00 M REMODELING SALE Storcwide Clearance WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE triekson. are here from Seattle, accompanied by Charles Hicki. They brought their own cai- motoring all the way In m Seattle to Prn ce Rupert. Mr. IricKscn is owner of 'the Rufus A'genta property on the upper Eear River Valley and while here. Intel is lo lo ik ove runic of the other prospects in t ie district. His engineers will be in the district shortly to look Today to Saturday Matinee Saturday 2pn "W'WWw- The deal calls for a small Tri'lirr appo'nted for the 1 . ! i 1- I. P. Reed, who taught helore taking a Normal com -e last year in Vancouver. X... and Mis. Reed are at promt .tv v.r.v-.T and will leturn :.-..i.. i.i ' v alter daughter Mar-gale s wedding this month-end. 1 ;r wea'he- continues d'iiglit-imiy warm during daytime but the nights are getting chillier. Gardens have done wry well and ther" is a plentiful h)1 ol wild fruit. pEBBIIBIBIIIIllllliKVflVf!lllIlilli cTEVVAr NEWS over his holdings. j (,i:oi:.i; nwvi-s AUCTIONEER Hump (.n Xlfl and Itid l'!7 LAKE -BURNS - GtNt IiIInH CGIiNNE CMVEt ! Mr. ana m s. tni-nsou chjjji" ! preat popularity when llvinj j line and have bc-en renewing olc. acouaintanccs during the past ! week. They have cented thr jRisch liv.-. v on eeven' .j street. of the M-K Company houses in 'Burns Lake after staying here during the summer months. STEAMER VOf and Mis. Hairy Johnston have moved into the Log Cottage cash payment and an undetermined biock uf stock in the new .cn.D-iii.v lo be formed. Mr. Mcl'addt n accompanied Mr. Allen to San Francisco by planes, where final documents w ill be signed. ' Work on the property Is to begin as sojn as arrangements are made for necessary labor and equipment. It is undcrs'."""! Mr. McF.u'kleii will be in charge of the work. Tins property was discovered when Mr. McFadoen was pack-in.; supplies lor Big Four mines. One ot his hor.-ts fell off the' trail on the Marmot River, North Fork, and while trying to . cscue the animal the prospector discovered the extensive lead showing. Alien '& Associates also are taking over the Willoughby Creek property owned by Mc TOTEM t flMOUS riii(s mum Mrs. V. A. Montaldi and u.tiihu-r of Buiiii Lake joined : Mr. Montaldi in Vancouver where he has been attending i summer .ehool. They plan to spend the last two weeks , of 'summer vacation at Victoria be-! fore returning to Burns Lake to resume the school term. Misses Joyce- and Juanila Haukinson, who have been spentling their summer vacation .Hi.' A'ih their father. J. P. Haw kins jn, left on the Camosun lo resume their duties teaching :chool. Miss Joyce will return u. Csoycos. and Mis Juanlta will start at a new school when she gi'os to Pender Harbor. Blh young ladies have been very active socially during their stay. Prince Rupert KAILS FOR Vancouver Although the crop In rather light on account of thj dry season, favorable weather has al Gordon Sharun is in Burtis Lake for two weeks visiting his , brother Orist. lowed it lo bo put up in excellent at the Landing. Mr. and Mrs. ! I John Scott and family are mov- J ing lo t lie Pttvrson house at the ! coiner, and Mr. and Mrs. Tustin i and. small daughter, Elaine, will move into the laneh house by l he laki-shore when the Scott j family leaves. Mr. Tustin is ; manager of tire Emerald Queen mine. j Mrs. Slater and small daughter and son are moving to one f.r work to be done on the Main Bear River Trail. The dearth of efficient labor has, so fa., been holding up the work on the , trail. condition. Announcing MEW anil Inlri mediate Torts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN wi:im:si).vv midnight Mr Marinnmi Barbara and Mis. Alf Eaglestonc and son . Lyn motored to Vancouver to j visit their former home for two . weeks. Gordon, of Prince Rupert, have Fadden. This property is situated south ol Meziadin Lake, which is acruss the divide from Stewart, some 33 miles. been staying wiin une acow familv riurinir thp holidays. Mrs. Luxury at Low Cost Scott is now in Vancouver where WEEKLY SCHEDULE Er. R. E. Wiiitmc-e, chief rpoi- ogist of the Consolidated Mln-j ing and Smelting Company, stationed at Prince Rupert, accom-j panied by his assistant, has been here during the past week making an examination of the Big Four holdings. L. S. Davidson, one of the principal shareholders of the Big Four arrived from Vancouver In connection with the examination. Mr. Davidson is also interested in the Dunweil operation. she took son Frankle for medical care. I Mr. -and Mrs. Earl Gerow and !sons from Edmonton are visit-i ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Don Gerow. For Reservations Write or Call . I l l V OK DKPOT OFFICE l'KINCE RUPERT, B.C. Harry Quickstad of Seattle, Wa-.hington. is here doing assessment work on th Silver Dollar propel ly, cn the Upper Bear River Valley. FREIGHT SERVICE Effective September 7th BETWEEN Bruce Snyder, of the US Air Force, is spending a "few days' leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snyder here. He has been training at the gunnery school in Denver, Colorado, and travelled here by air. ar-rivine unexpectedly on Saturday RATS ATTACKED EDMONTON (P Residents along 250 miles of the Alberta border are declaring war on rats tri m Saskatchewan. The Provincial A'lueuluue Department lias started a campaign to keep the pests from rodent-free Alberta. AIR CADETS There are 22.500 Canadian boys serving in the Air Cadet League. Mrs. Dorothy Ra.snni.sscn moved into her "pre-fab" home Jast week. Misses Janet Eckland and Eirian Kempple spent tha week at Outsa Lake where they enjoyed boating and horseback riding. Mrs. Louise George is heie looking over tne George Enterprise prope-ty on the Upper Bear River Valley and reports that arrangements have been made with the Department of Mines j Miss Elin Jacobson. who has ' been spending the summer vacation with her mother, left on the Camosun for Youbou where -he is on the teaching stalf of the local school. PRINCE RUPERT, BC ! at his home. He will return to Randolph Field. San AnUinln, I Texas for combat crew training. and Miss Kay Taylor and Miss Helen Leake of Burns Lake are leaving Saturday for Kamloops KITIMAT, KEMANO BAY, OCEAN FALLS Royal Inland Hospital where ; ? they will commence their nurses ; s i VAMCOUVER, B.C. S.S. "Princess Norah'.' Leaves Every Monday training. j i SPECIAL AQUfrSCEMENT JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR To Remain Open Till Midnitc Mrs. Rolf Vollan and children of Edmonton are visiting at her parent's home, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Nourse. r. :: Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE Keuil Imihii IftMMI p in. Mfimlul Ar. K.4MI a.m. 1 uil . . . . r. I :hi p.m. TueMlii .. ":: a in. WiMltiiiliiy . , At. H Ml .m. Hiurwl . . . !r. N:iMt II.M. MM J r. I 'D p m. H'l Ar. t iw t m t Ar. 3:UM i nt. KulKI . IT. HllHTt . . Kniimm Hhv O.-rmi IhIIm Imiih-hii liav . trtiiruutrr , Double your money back if you can buy better! SPECIAL DINNER EACH EVENING from 5 p.m. till 8 p.m. Air oiii;-ic)o orders Phone 13S Drop in after the show for some real tastv "food I.I. t:Wl.. It' Mrs. Taylor Jensen is visiting at the home of Mrs. M. F. Nourse and renewing acquaintances In Burns Lake district. Refrigeration and Cool Room Stowage Availablt ' f vt.ii in .sell it. advertise Mrs. C. Gibson and children Frr ight Sh pmenls Accepted and Delivered at Our Pir Foi further particulars of scmre and also rates in e(tc apply to Asrnt, Prince Rupert, B.C. are holidaying at their cabin at Lake Kathrine. Smithers. HPOflTAtJi JOTICE - i Mrs. Charles B e a 1 1 y and daughter, and Mrs. Beatty's mother, Mrs. Munroe, have returned from Victoria where Mrs. 1 Beatty attended summer school. : ,4 ..a ;.v i i . "vi. V -.IS r" 9i ' --''V Mrs. K. Engstad returned from Victoria where she attended summer school. 1 M1M1 J. J. Gordon of Calgary is visiting his niece, Mrs. W. A. Antilla of Southbank Forestry Unusual Values Department. ; Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey White, Burns Lake, on August 17, a son, Gary Allan. Geof Woodall has been appointed magistrate for Burns Lake. i I Yes, when you drive up here you're putting your car in expert hands. Our attendants have had years of experience and traininq in proper car care. They know what vou need they hove what it takes to keep that car of yours in "new" condition longer. Drive up here, today! the forest (ire hazard recorded history We are now living through greatest in because of the unusually dry weather. Few forest fires would happen but for man's carelessness, resulting in fire-blackened acres of valuable timber country and wasted years of superb growth. Average fire loss is 300,000,000 board feet of timber per year, costing millions of dollars. British Columbia depends for 53 of its livelihood on timber resources. Last year the value of timber production amounted to $468,000,000. FARM PRODUCTS Canadian field crops in 1949 were estimated to be worth $1,420,299,000. MEN'S , Brogues vf Oxfords ENGLAND 21-Pce Breakfast $ Sets 32-I'icc-e Breakfast $ Si t.s 21 -Piece Bone t.slg.95 China Tea Sets HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELPl footweol ion F - KNOW AND OBSERVE FOREST FIRE REGULATIONS. IMPRESS ON EVERYONE YOU MEET THEIR RESPONSIBILITY IN GUARDING BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FOREST CROP. Diliiier Sets, from P7 fi pieces at. .. k i '' I Including beautiful Wedge-wood and CnuKlon King's Platei SPECIAL Migiish Hone unma t ITS AM) SAI CKKS at 68c Blld 97c THIS WEEK SPECIAL Good Selection of Superior Auto Supply Ltd. ASK FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF FIRE REGULATIONS Standard of B.C. is making available copies of the provincial Forest Fire Law in handy printed form. Ask for it at all Chevron Gas Stations in the province. O Thii advertisement inserted s contribution to British Columbia's most viluabl basic resourct. Pt'N'f HIIOWI. SETS 7.95 SANSON'S Chiito Shop LAMP, COFFEE and OCCASIONAL TABLES at 7 Ofn Disco1 (cWR0t - Mm mm j w GORDON & ANDERSC Fire King Oven-Ware mirror finish easy to clean . " , BAKE PANS PIE PLATES CUSTARD CUPS MEASURING CUPS UTILITY PANS MEASURING PITCHERS Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED Third Avenue f -" S". 1' -. Advertise for Best Rsl