32 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 11, 1951 WVCf RUPERT-GATEWAY TO ALASKA CityolChunhl 1 Tl,.,.. I. hJh Jcr " a cimrch or.., nomination in Prin," Rf! " the need, of J venor more, they ar Roman Catholic Baptist. Christ,anS; ety, Lutheran Church V Baptist, Salvation A mv y- s' drew's Am-tiJ i YUKON Mr. Applewhaite's Message It is a great pleasure to join with others in this special edition of "The Daily News" to congratulate the Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd., on its official opening. Like all pioneers, Columbia Cellulose,' Ltd., has had to meet and overcome many difficulties, has had its trials and tribulations, and has experienced unexpected delays and setbacks. But it has succeeded in bringing , wishes from the community, they its plans to fruition and the should receive active and practl-visible result of all this effort Is j cal assistance in any way we can there for all to see the great I give it, for they mean work, pay-dant now officially opening at 'rolls, houses, expansion and Peter's Anflfcan iZT, United. First Prel ail1 Gold, copper, nickel coal zinc, in that order, iedc 1950 mineral production. Watson Island. The Company prosperity for all of us. In IBM riiroM t , To Prince Rupert, to Terrace, I " and to Central British Columbia, E. T. APPLEWHAITE, ..ucu i,ooj,uuu,000- ind taxes totalled $2,060,000,000 jut' "Vvb Dw Orv) f 7iti 1 JPr2 : PRINCE RUPERT r-tv ALASKA JU V, I would say, Congratulations on acquiring a sound and valuable industry. And to the Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd., its sponsors, management and staff, Welcome, and may your venture in Central British Columbia be happy, profitable and pleasant for you all. EDWARD T. APPLEWHAITE, Member for Kkccna. has also attained that established position In the esteem, yes and affection, of- the community, which Is reserved for the pioneer who "stays with it" and wins through. The opening at long last of a pulp mill at Prince RuperHs the realization of yet another of the hopes of the community. We may all take a lot of satisfaction from this. It Is just another of several definite proofs that Central and Northern British Columbia Is taking its rightful place in the economy of Canada. This operation, and others which may de SYDNEY S. GONICK Optometrist ' MEZZANINE GEOKGE COOK JEWELLERS I'KIM'E Rl'PKHT TKKRU'I Canada's railway mileage of 42,979 miles of single track is exceeded only by Soviet Russia and the United States. velop from time to time, deserve more than just casual good h best WIS es on your ; DELAYS which have besot Alaska's becoming a stktc, the international situation and, perhaps more than anything else, ' Uie thralldom in which the territory is held by the influences tf the port of Seattle, have slowed down for the time being Prince ( Rupert's trade with Alaska. However, the certainty still exists ' that, as Prince Rupert becomes a major Pacific Coast port, it will likewise become the real and logical "Gateway to Alaska." ' Advent of statehood is expected to break Alaska's shackles. This map shows the position and proximity of Prince Rupert only fifty miles from the tip of the "Panhandle," in relation to Alaska. It fIiows the famous "Inside Passage" which is also the route for a proposed car ferry service which would connect the transcontinental railway and highway terminus of Prince Rupert with southeastern Alaska ports including nearby Ketchikan, the capital of Juneau, the highway port of Hatnes and the railway port of Skagway. opening ' f : General Cartage and Storage Facilities Fur Industry Is Important ported was close to 600 mink and l a few marten. 1 j No long hair fur seems to be i apparent in the coastal region. I I However, foxes, wolves and coy-! ; otes are in abundance in the central section, even along the Northern British Columbia I' Furniture and Piano Moving Pool Car Distributors Complete Service Packing - Crating M.mber of Canadian Warehousemen's Association BUSINESS AT PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert's Business Year 1949 Year 1950 Bank Clearings $15,700,000.00 $19,500.000 00 Post Office Revenue 75,264.00 80,293.00 Municipal Tax Collections 334.52394 350,322.51 Custom and Excise Tax Collections 413.271.18 568.684.00 Value of Building Permits 362,569.00 349.832.00 Water Consumption iGals.l 2'i million daily average Electric Power Consumption (K.W.H.) 23,504,645 2 5.390.355 lipping always has been the frontier settled Canadian National Rail-1 country of the trapllne. About way north line, including Hazel-half of British Columbia furs ton. Smithers and Vanderhoof. i come from the area north of! A few wolves were taken last latitude 51 the Prince Rupert vear near Prince Rupert but no Game Area. j cougar were reported. j I Although much of the fur ! JappinF, ls belng looked uPn j caught in t.hu inrff with a different attitude lately. ! quarter of the entire province espelalJy n?tive Indians who, does not find its way to Prince LINDSAY'S CARTAGE and STORAGE larming' their trapllne taking Only two natural harbors inj Canada's northern neighbor, the world excel that of Prinze Alaska, was purchased by the U.S. lHa'!faXc Va from 1867-Scotia. The other is Sydney, i Australia. only so much and leaving substantial stock for breeding purposes the staple resource of the Rupert, this city comes in for a considerable share. During the 1950-51 season an estimated $200,000 in furs of all kinds were handled in the raw state by three buyers in Prince Rupert, major portion of that amount being Prince Rupert Corner Second and Park Avenues I In 1950 Canada's mining our ' duction passed the billion dollar value for the first time in history. iisnerman s winter Income will , last for a long time yet. ! Our forests are one Most of the trappers along the niost val"ab'e assets. cuuai, are commercial fishermen who follow that business during the summer months. The provincial game department has for many years followed a program of education among the trappers for conservation of fur-bearlne c animals. ongratyldtiODis miiiK.- j About $150,000 in mink was Hcmght on the spot, which would mean about 10,000 or slightly iitider at about $15 an average ier mink pelts. bother furs include marten, dtter. b-eaver, a few fisher and (!rmine and a modest amount of muskrat. i In the Prince Ru.mrt area there iwe 1.300 registered traplincs, llooo of them belonging to native Indians, 300 to whites. j A block in the "extreme north hSh! central section of the nr.i- Wecom e COLUMBIA by vlncc has been set aside as a trapping and hunting ground for s f'-w bands of nomadic Indians which still have not been registered by the Indian department. CELLULOSE HOWE . and McNULTY Second Avenue PRINCE RIPER-E I Most or the traplines fromi MAILORDER COMPANY OFFICES Yicn Prince Rupert gets furs' .'te located on the coast. Mink cfcught in these areas vary con-! sk.-jrably in quality and size. Tfland mink are usually more variable than those on the mainland coast. The past season was ujmxually good for mink, but Uapping conditions were ex-'mely poor, according to trap-irs. ISnow and Ice along (he coast f?r better part of the mink season made It almost impossible 11 leave sets for mor than one 1 Us k " 'J v. - 1 'if iff SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS O I y. largest single catch rc- ABBOTSFORO ARMSTRONG BRIGHOUSE CHILLIWACK COURTENAY CRANBROOK DUNCAN 1AIT HASTINGS VAN. KAMLOOPi KELOWNA KIMBERLE tADYSMITH MISSION . NANAIMO NELSON NEW WESTMINSTER NORTH VANCOUVER PENTICTON PORT ALBERNI PRINCE GEORGI PRINCE RUPERT OUESNEL HEVELSTOKE IALMON ARM TRAIL VERNON VICTORIA VESTVIE WHITE ROCK VANCOUVER Bill Scuby 9 Various Locker Sizes Parcel Service Lockers for: Sportsmen, Game Birds, Fish, Big Game. Vegetables - Fruits All Kinds of Fresh Meat. Meat Sold in Quantity and Kept in Storage for You. Canned Meats Fruit Juices TW. Simi-on't M.ll Ordt 0 .... you. Str.t., idly l. cff you quick, .HortU oppjl With MMtV-WCR - &09 by Siv Ux moiwy Exclusive Furriers Row Fur Buyers Northern British Columbia's ONLY Fur Co'd Storage Vault Wc arc proud to serve the people of Prince Rupert and the district during its vast expansion. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Box 1362 - Phone 974 fcmpwn'. Mail O.d.i 0le.. THRIFTY PRICES FASTER SERVICE CONVENIENT TERMS UHmetim r Monty KlfunJ ..in r ri ' i.i int. "At m 230 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT 312 Third Avenue phone 460