i 'j - Mi leerace iRUother, C 5)1 ) mm Monday, June 11, 1951 Early Morning fe rvn Sr.df pendent daily nev-spaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince 'Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia.. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations ' Canadian Dally Newspaper Association A. ETNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I Small Boy Safe After I To Broadcast Mill Opening iy Carrier. Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c Per Year. tragedy at Tern a " $3 00; By Mail, Per Month, Tic; Per Year, $8 00 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Diily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Half Night in Wet Bush Alone, cold and soaking: wet, a five-year-old boy spent the better part of Saturday night in the under-hrush of Shawatlans rifle ranee while his anxious Ghastly Blaze Also Sends Husband and lit-Daughter to Hospital Entire opening ceremonies at J the Colombia Cellulose Co. plant , tomorrow will be recorded by ivirs. Miriam Harrison, awd 90 , Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- Crack Train in Derailment Native Bands Colorful Feature Lending color and harmony tc the welcome when prominent visitors arrive in Prince Rupert aboard the steamer Prince George' this afternoon lor the official opening of the Columbia Cellulose pulp mill tomorrow will be the presence cf the Alyansh Silver Harmonic Band and the Greenville Concert Band, two of Northern British Columbia's outstanding native musieal organizations. They hail from villages of the Naas River. parents, neighbors and PolaLr , Rr prcerT ""at e death at 2 'clock Sunday morning at Terr. T I D 1 S - . Tuesday, June 12, 1951 i Pacific Standard Tmie) H'.gn 6:20 16 1 ftei 19:19 17 5 feet low 0:28 8 9 feet 12:47 6.3 feet ace before he was found. it 'win be a fire destroyed the frame house where U j the same evening. ! MUNCIE, iiidiana Eleven live her husband and two small children Up fc ' hall-hour program and will in-' elude three opening addresses icars of the New York Central's j ! westbound Knickerbocker pas-! senger train jumped tlw tracks' jnear Muncie today, injuring! i b Hurcid Biancke, president of Eugene Harrison, and the two children Su ar ; Columbia Cellulose Co.; Hon. E thret, an(l Mark. 18 months 5,11 sustained l' T. Kenney, minister of lands and Gen. Simonds For Europe OTTAWA t The chief of general staff, Lt.-Gen. Ouy Simonds, left Sunday on a three weeks' flying trip to Washing 2 twenty-six persons. None were 1 hurt seriously. One car burns and were taken Ked Cross Outpost Hus ' But today Warren Cavenaile. ! son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cavenaile, 1401 Frederick Street, is Is happy as ever and he "has'ut i even got a cold," Mrs. Cavenaile 1 rejoiced. j it was Mr. Cavenaile who ifound his son at 3:30 a.m. Sunday, curled up undar shrubs, some distance from the Port Ed- i ward highway, half a mile from i his home. I "I nearly tripped over him." said the haoov father, who had I t 1 1 . I I O m loresU, and Paul E. Cooper, pre-, sident of Pacific Mills and chair-1 man, western division, Canadian : i Pulp and Paper Association and, 1 1 If time permits, some of the FLASH WEATHER - - ton London and Europe to dls- ! native band selections. Marce j v, .farntmn tf Munro will be announcing. Synopsis fell along Canada's 27lh Brigade into the ! the entire Rain MISSING DIPLOMATS LONDON Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison Bidcsleppfd questions in the House of Commons today on political views of Britain's pair of van INDIAN PUZZLE If A KriTVTWtrR (rP Mnct an coast and spread into the nor-l just returned after a tiring drive' western Europe defence network i hern and central interior dur "If M ft ' I Li p"! Dlivry ! ?m$ Phon. 81 : ' " 1 : . ,: from Vancouver. Young Warren was missed by his mother when a little dog with whom the boy had been playing, returned home alone at about 6 p.m. Saturday. Mrs. Cavenaile tried to get the doi; to show her where Warren was. but "he wouldn't do anything," she said. Then she gave the alarm to police. Description of the boy and his name was broadcast and ing the night as another system moved in from the Pacific. The rain is expected to end over the southern coast during the day but the cloud will generally persist. Along the northern coast, however, more rain Is expected tomorrow as another storm reaches the Queen Charlottes. Very little change is expected in conditions throughout the ln- r i senate, me mtle be later in the morning .and burns. , According to early wo.i (Terrace there was no i how the (Ire started Th' said that he was awair ' heat and everything aflame around him. He , to the room where the r , were sleeping. One ol :', dren he lowered from a , and the sctond he carr.. He thought Mrs. Harri-, following him. Then he ; ered she was still in the house. Despite the fact jwa-s already badly bur : attempted to make k. , back Into the hou u her. But the (lames by.: gained too much heac him to make entry. The Terrace lire dfp., j was called but by the i arrived, from two miles j the frame dwelling wj I completely consumed. : i water supply on the ! would have made fire-: : difficult In any case. I Indications were tfc. Harrison may have !a. ' been overcome at i storey window. Her l terribly burned. I These were the fit sixth violent deaths in ' within a week. Last WHAT POES'THH SUN DO FOR PEACHES? The Army said Gen. Simonds Indian fie Rn lncome tax f8. also will discuss the "Important turn? Magistrate Oscar Orr de-question of standardization of ferred the case of Simon Joe of arms" wit.- other Atlantic Pact Ladner, charged with failing to military chiefs including General make a return In 1949, until the Eisenhower, western European Supreme Court has handed down commander. decision In a parallel case. Talk of King Retiring Speculation Over His Health . LONDON (CP) London's mass-circulatio'i Sunday Pictorial speculates that the King may "retire from the throne" because of ill-health. The 55-year-old monarch has been confined to Buckingham Palace for the last two weeks as a result of a "small catarrhal inflammation, a slight form of pneumonia," medical experts explained. ished diplomats. "I have no evidence jhat these men took documents with them," Morrison said. The search has turned from France to Home althour h it is now felt that the two men are no , longer in Western Europe. COMMI NISTS CRUMBLING TOKYO United Nations tanks rumbled into the anchor points cf Chorwon and Kumh-wa today, collapsing the Communist "Iron Triangle" in North Korea. Red rearguards, armed only with rillrs and marline guns, faded quickly be rc the blunting of American tanks as infantrymrn moved in and took over the anchors of the Reda vauntrd assembly area 19 mUes north of the 38th parallel. The Reds are falling back towards Pyongyang, apex of the triangle. I P TO THE REDS TOKYO Defence Secretary George Marshall said today that the Chinese "have got themselves In!) a difficult situation.'' Any peace moves,' he ald, would have to come from the Reds. terior during the next 21 hours neighbors and friends turned ou' . although a gradual increase in jn lorce to join the search. j cloudiness there will be accom-, "There were about 30 cars panied by somewhat lower tern- parked along the road. They ' peratures. I were all looking for my boy," ' Forecast the mother said. But the early North coast region Cloudy hours cf Sunday morning left today and Tuesday. Widely scat- only thj father looking for his tered showers this afternoon and lost son, and after he found tinight. Rain tomorrow after- young Warren, Mr. Cavenaile noon. Winds southerly (15i be- gaw where the boy crossed a coming light this afternoon and creek deep enough to drown him. increasing to southeast 25i by: Warren has a 16-months-old noon tomorrow. Little change in sister, Laura. ThJ Cavenailes temperature. Lows tonight and operate a service station where highs tomorrow at Port Hardy they live. 52 and 58; Sandspit 50 and 56; i In addition, the King has suf J Halibut Landings 1 three men lost thn Prince Rupert 52 and 56. when a car plunrrd ii 1 1 AMERICAN 37.000, li)c, 17c, 15c, to i Skeena Hiver. Later The. Republic of Attu, It makes them sweet . . . develops their natural juicy goodness That' ust how Sugaroaiting brings out the delicious flavor of Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes . t . makes them extra trisp and tasty. Try Grape-Nuts Flakes . . . they're . ! w eek a man was about 137,000.000 cattle, or around a quarter of the world's total. Booth, longess, 38.000, 19c. 17c, 15?, drowned when a cani sized and be was f down the Skeena. Still powdrrman employed i fered since 1948 with an ailment which blocks the circulation of the blood and affects his right leg. I Diplomatic sources close to the , court .have commented recently I that the King is looking much older, seemingly strained and tired. This could be due to an onerous . round of public duties ( he has insisted on performing. But It could aLso indicate that there is a general deterioration in the King's health. , The King's advisers already have suggested that Prince.;s Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, take over more of His Majesty's official duties and t? Pacific. Commando 80,000, 19c, 17c. 1 1 , k t st," el Pi' V I ' Ci . !- - : - ", v ' ' "'' w N 1 ! .-' i T ,- TV . " .) ' J - TC V Aft yea t f the i car , -"" "e lie I'M ma en: . : P 'Up' -'( . i . 1 ... 1 ' i ft . l r New England Feels Quake WESTERLY, Rhode Island An earthquake that rattled buildings and knocked small objects off shelves and windows shook sections of Southern Rhode Island and Connecticut Suhday. Harvard seismograph statirth reported the quakj centred 76 miles south of its quarters at Harvard, . Massachusetts', apparently off construction was killeik 15c. to Atlln. Leading Lady. 62.000. 19c, 17c, premature blast. The Harrison home .J Fulham Wins Over BC Reps RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE " GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES Phone Blue 992 PACIFIC ELECTRIC nourishing and so economical SUCAR0ASTING MAKES GRAPE NUTS FLAKES 7: theZBOMSCWEAl Bonus) setr-4S-A-ur nAvof 80MuS2 fXTKA ewcx fMt6rt ttf-ISI ' A Product af 0narl Fodi Bench road at Terrate west of the inhrmarj h aged men. It was on known as the Lanfear was originally built jet-Mike MoGillivrary. 19 15c, to Storage. Regina, 59.000, 19c, 17e, 15c. io Storage. Arrow, 38,000. 19 9c. 17c, 15c, to Storage. CANADIAN Brooks Bay, 28,000. 20c, 17c. 1 15c, to Royal. I Nefco, 51.000, 20c, 17c, 15c, to VANCOUVER P Putting on pressure after a score'.vss first shore from Westerly. ' give him a better opportunity of getting rest. 'half, Britain's touring Fulham j scccer team Saturday defeated British Columbia All Stars 2 to 10 here before 8,000 fans. 15c, ham has won four games In the s orage. . Ellf verdy, 39,000, 20:-, Call 363 FOR BETTER . . , Planning , Building or Repairing Canadian tour against a draw in , to Atlln 1 to 0 dvfeat in 20c, 17c, 15c, to i For the MEAL that REFRESHES Montreal and a Victoria. COVETED JOBS WELLINGTON. N.Z. 0 There are 40.000 jobs going begging in New Zealand, but the lighthouse service has a waiting list. Radio, improved communications and good pay have made lighthou.se-keeping attractive, but with the Tor, 30.000, Storage. Mr. and Mrs. Harris-1 to Terrace four years a; Victoria, the unfortuna' woman having been a J that time. Harrison It i of the Royal Canac Force In World War H employed at the inlirr At the same time n i in the Harrison homr ;was an incipient fin ' chesterfield at the hJ 1 Jeffries on the way w . firmary. The noise of :: TODAY'S STOCKS CABS STAR EEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING i housing shortage the big appeal is that assured accommodation 1 RADIO DISPATCHED goej with the job. (Courtesy S. I. J'rtiniMoii Co. 1.14.1" j ri-son alarm awakeneo i . riist-nver the fire i" ' FOR TAKE OIT ORDERS PHONE 2IMI BROADWAY CAFE house which he wis out himself. Other might have been ano' which would have beet-ous situation fur 'hele' department which U " ing to obtain wv but in which matter it seem to M of Terrace Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient 8ervice. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all wc-lding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builder lc Contractor TORONTO Athona - 05 Aumaque -24 Vi Beuttle 45 Bevcourt 39 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smellers 148 50 Conwest 2.55 Donalda 50 Eldona 19 East Sullivan 7.50 Giant YelLowknlfe 6.70 Ood'a Lake -32 Hardrock 16 Harricana 09 Heva 10 Jacknife U Joliet Quebec 47'4 Little Long Lac 59 Lynx ' 12 Madsen Red Lake 2 02 McKenzie Red Lake 40 wt rii'iri-Hut t , 2.41 Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders-Phone 133 Wpnther VANCOUVER American Standard ... ,22'i Bralorne 8.00 B R X J'i Cariboo Quart! 1.11 Congress ..... 07 Hedlvy Mascot 58 Indian Mines 24 Pend OrtUlle 7.50 Pioneer 200 Premier Border .33 Privateer lOVi Reeves McDonald 4 60 She?p Creek 1.40 Silbak Premier 41 Vananda 154 Salmon Gold 234 Spud Valley 09 . Silver Standard 2 31 Western Uranium 2.05 Oil Anlo Canadian 5.90 A P Con 39 Atlantic 2.70 Calmont 1.03 C & E 15.00 Home Oil :. 14.25 Todays Fligr .11 I I ' ' delayed I Low visibility ular fllaliU of Canada.. 'Air Lines a couple of h:; ; First flight got away !d U GARAGE HELPER WANTED if Washing Cars Repairing Tire ir General Clean-up Not Afraid to Work Rupert Motors Limited CHKYGIXR, PLYMOUTH, FARGO DISTRIBUTORS let your nearby gecona ihb' , . i .nil return mi- tir.fovni-nh e weal"" REGoodlich dealer help you get more mileage at lower cost per mile I i i tfrr i n ' ' 1 ' : I Mm to toe ar im M I I NeVui : ' Te-'ir CPAplane.cn , SoSndi .: - 72.00 ' f liTht from Va,Kou , Louvicourt 184 race, to 'and1 150 day. The Pne Pickle Crow , U n Antonio 2.25 Senator Rouyn .1 to ,B Mercury : 13 Okalta 2.40 Princess 1.45 Royal Canadian 13Vi Royalite 13.50 O'lr In whr yw m IMi ilgu Rock ::::::::: 7.50 iciai nm. Steep Live Electrically and Keep BURMIM6 4 "G m 4mm - IH rWr j I f lMMkM...rllinM.O'l. Ij COOL SMOKING - SLOW Cool n n ban mttettt . , . tctmtmliwl kUmi . . . hw alwari bua hum f tf.Cititk Tim. Tlur km ksmkniatt mhrnuliii rubbtr , lrrt fntmeu ml B f.Clrick iwM-(mmw twwk. Tlx nt,tt J Single Burner Hotplates Two Burner Hotplates Q!J Two Burner Hotplates 11 45 Frvrites 34.95 Hamilton Beach Food Mixer Rf? Clf? U4j ititM. tW (uipiMal ihiUm ml B.F.C4rick inad li" jmn iba .(, !. mtFUJm mdUf, rM mnmt. Irril.t )w mu pUmm. B mm u mm (U m. jr. Udrkk SUrcnm Tiw m fmm rmHtt BJ.C. Cnlir1! r'iwi 1 . r 1 w mm w 11 11 & .M 4 VVUIVV (with Juicer) iriijpe Tabwceo Aged in bulk for smoother smoking : Northern B.C. Power Co. ' . Besner Block Phone il8 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. B. F. GOOOKICH Tire dealers in Prince Rupert RUPERT MOTO RS LTD. Second Ave. at 1st Street Phone 566