1 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 11, 1951 Potential Hydro-Power Production Speeds up Prince Rupert's manufacturing industries in 1945 numbered 25, employing 1.294 men with a payroll of $2,651,675 and a Rros.s value of production of $9,788,217. Two years later the same num CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO Columbia Cellulose Co. O Mitchell & Currie Ltd. BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS A source of potential walvr power t.f 1.803,000 horse-power lies within the Prince Rupert area, greatest of these being the Kut.suk-Kimsquit system and the Tulitsa-Keniano river, a potential respectively of 910.000 and 845,000 horse-power.. Other sour-res are smaller rivers with an average potential of 10,000 horsepower. Present development of power ' t serving Prince Rupert is 13.800 ' horsepower, of w hich 7.500 is ' hydro. 111 Electricity Everyone's Handyman Electrical "Hands" make work light. They serve vour home and business. They turn the wheels of industry. Wherever they are used they make ber of industries operated with only half the employment, half the payroll and two-thirds of the production. Today it is estimated there are iu new inaustries, tnree times the number employed, five times the payroll, and at the end of the year, 10 times the production value. licensing of fishing effort fishermen, fishing vessels, fishing gjar comes under this department, as do also all regulations and enforcement and inspection of canned salmon. t The Federal Department of Fisheries is responsible for the (conservation and management of Bll fisheries except shellfish t oysters, clams, abalonc, etc.i and marine plants, all of which come tkith'n provincial jurisdiction. All BOOST INSURANCE REGINA itK) The collegiate board has decided to increase to $1,200,000 the amount of fire insurance carried on the city's high school buildings The amount previously carried was $1,070,000. possible new methods, new processes. , Less toil, and greater efficiency. to the Columbia Cellulose Company we wish every success on the openinq of their vast modern development at Watson Island. , i L ' '-1 As this enterprise enters producfion and progresses, so' may the citizens of Prince Rupert realize the opening of the long awaited era of greater opportunity and prosperity. Prince Rupert Stewart, B.C LARGEST ICE-FREE all-year port on the continent is Prince Rupert. Combined with the CNR transcontinental terminus and a trans- provincial highway it has most of the advantages of an all-strategic centre. nrp a t j r,- , n 1 Ka to n. c C ulose CiiQ)auii I j ijpivirr' . . I ( A New Home I ' f For You, Too on their new plant their management their staff in the mill and woods See Our Home Designs Especially suited for Building in Prince Rupert We have many modern plans from which to choose. llkCsiffi7 Limited Albert CEMENT SAND GRAVEL BRICK TILE GYPROC LUMBER PLYWOODS MOULDINGS DOORS WINDOWS PAINTS ROOflNG, ETC. PHONES 116-117 and 58 PO BOX 160 PRINCE RUPERT, c