Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 11, 1951 4 . Dutch Fighte, Just Walk oil Bridt Blackwood on i ' r- . 1 r General Motors Still Hopeful The General Motors has been having difficulty In fielding a full football line-up but is hoping to turn out a team as seiec- By Easley Blackwood aSiencjeri ANTWERP p A cross-ruff hand can be a complete cross-ruff, Champion Suwr Ray scored a technical knl& Yanks And Sox Split NEW YORK H New York Yankees cooled off the Chicago White Sox 2 to 1 Sunday for their third straight victory over Che American League leaders but the Sox came back and pounded out a wild 11 to 7 nightcap victory. I From Vancouver i Saturday here vou never lead a round of trumps but try to pis icu miu bci inwo me winning jan ae Bruin Sundan u column. Their team for tonight s Netherlander decided k " game will be chosen from Boul- had enough He s'rrii e hl ter; John Wilson, Arrre Lien; R.'the ring in the rniZ" 0ut ' Tait, Glen Olsen. Jennings; Mc- eighth r-und DeBr fc Kay. Mercer, Pat Wilson, Rod tntly, did not like IiVPPlr Robinson (captain), Letourneau .' easv treatmf "06"isw BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAl'GE (Sunday) New York 2-7, Chicago 1-11 Boston 9-8. Cleveland 6-2 Philadelphia 7-5. Detroit 11-9 Washington 9-3. St. Louis 10-2 (Saturday) New York 10. Chicago 5 . Boston 1, Cleveland 5 Washington 7. St. Louis 8 Philadelphia-Detroit rain. NATIONAL X Sunday) Brooklyn 2-4. Pittsburg 1-5 Cincinnati-Philadelphia, rain. Chicago 1-7. New York 6-3 St. Louis 5, Boston 4 (Saturday) Pittsburgh 4, Brooklyn 1 Cincinnati 5. Philadelphia 4 Chicago 1, New York 10 St. Louis 1. Boston 6 PACIFIC COAST (Saturday) Portland 4, Seattle 1 San Francisco 1, Hollywood 2 San Diego 0, Sacramento 1 Los AngWes 7. Oakland 4 Mrs. e. Judge, m. Stevens, p. make all of your trumps separately; or it can be a c km. r. wiison, Mrs. j. smith, partial or modified cross-ruff, where you can afford cLtaTT BputrBbourghR' b. to pull some but not all of the opponents' trumps. Charles, E. Martin. j In the latter case a careful , - From Sandspit (Saturday i G. counting of your winners will At trick five, then, Mr. Abel Wing, D. Bradford, J. McKay, usually tell you just how many, laid down the ace of hearts. He Mi . Boyd, Mrs. Lindstrom, J. P. trump leads you can afford to tnen le(j tne Ke 0f spades and McDonald. make. j followed with a small spade. To Vancouver (Saturdayi L. ' ,.ki1 i ruffing with dummy's seven of vulnerable Pirson, E. Walker. 1 None l?fb,e hearth Next came the ace of VANCOUVER VICTORIA SuAtiay, 8 p.m., Coquitlam T2esday, J2 Noon Camosun Williams, Pride, White, Dixon round. Robinson han aa n and Kirk. I In thp Bniir. could havefini,heath stepped back nH t. V.'1 DISEASE PROBLEM nut out. "Willi Although Canada's death rate from tuberculosis Is only one-, sixth the rate of 50 years ago,' clubs from the board and then a small club which Mr. Absl South dealer North (MIm Brash) S H Q J 7 3 D 8 6 5 2 C A 8 7 4 AUCf ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Suifday, Camosun, H p.m. F)lt NORTH QCEEN C8ARLOTTE ISLANDS t 2s. Coquitlam ( June 8 and 22 5 9 p.m. rW SOVTH QUEBN t'lARI.OTTE ISLANDS Shortstop Phil Rlzutto made an error that left the Sox to score lour unearned runs In the eighth Innings after two were out. Boston Red Sox regained possession of third place by twice downing Cleveland 9 to 6 and 8 to 2. Ray Boone, Cleveland shortstop, made four error, two in the first game accounting for five unearned runs. Pittsburg Pirates split a twin there are still more than 4,000 A nVEr)Tif deaths yearly. V C K I I J Tj Vancouver ( today i Mr.: and Mrs. W. F. Stone, George Fairbairn, Mrs. Fairbairn and 3 children: H. F. Perley, A. E. Tas- j si, Mrs. Tassi, J. C Browning, C j A. Thorpe, T. J. Scully, Mrs. M. K.lvert, Mrs. N. Klos. j (Mrs. KfFH) S-l 7 4 S so. C(iiMlam, June 15 and 8$ 4 (Mr. Ialr S K 9 8 2 H 8 2 D J 10 C-r-K 10 6 S 3 ruffed in his hand with the six of hearts. j When this held, the contract ; was assured. All of the remain- j lng trumps in the closed hand and dummy were high. There was no further damage of an: overruff and Mr. Abel cross-ruffed the hand out for his 10 tricks. i When you have a cross-ruff type of hand and you can afford one trump lead it Is wise to PATRON SAINT : H 5 4 D A K Q 9 C S J 8 bill with Brooklyn Dodgers, the National League leaders. Ralph Klner hammered out his fifteenth homer of the season with St. Jerome is regarded as the patron saint of translators for ' hi;', masterly translations of the Bible in the 4th century. "j trlnce Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phon-5o8 , , , South ( Mr. AhH) S A Q 10 5 H A K 10 6 D 7 4 S C 2 The bidding: South Vtrst North 1 H Put 2 H 3 H Pass 4 H Fete Reiser on base In the' eleventh inning cf the nightcap" to give the Pirates a 5 to 4 vie- j tory. Ralph Branca won his fifth game as the Dodgers took the op jner 2 to 1. take it. Kast Pass All pan !hk tdvcrtlinicnt b not publlihcg or dlipltytd toy (he Uquot Quid " " " ! "VCPQRT ! Western International (Saturday) Victoria 4, Salem 3 Vancouver 7, Wenatchee 1 Tacoma 1-0, Trl-City 4-4 Yakima 2, Spokane 4 ' PACIFIC COAST (Sunday) Sacramento 0-2, San Diego 2-0 Seattle 5-5. Portland 0-2 Hollvwood 3-3, San Francisco 5-0 Oakland 6-3, Los Angeles 5-0 Western International (Sunday) Vancouver 1-9, Wenatchee 4-8 Victoria 0-7. Salem 3-6 Spokane 2-11, Yakima 0-2 Tri-City 9, Tacoma 2. HOT, TIRED FEET? Soothe them Mr. Dale opened the jack of diamonds against this four- CLMSB Em m neari contract. Mrs. iccu uvei- took with the queen and led J three more rounds of diamonds. Mr. Abel trumped the fourth By The Canadian Press quickly and effectively. Get fast-drying Minard's Liniment nib it on. Feel coolness get relief, quick! round with the nine of hearts, i Fourteen amateur stars. On the third and fourth dia-drawn mainly from the playing mond leads Mr. Dale discarded : fields of Oxford and Cambridge, his two smallest clubs. jwlll Irom Liverpool July 24 COUNT IT WINNERS for their tour of Canada as Now Mr. Abel took a moment j representatives of England's (CLOSL'RE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Unpayable In advance. P.ease refrain from telephoning. Cla.soirkds, 3c ptr Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c, Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Draili Noticei Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $200. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. WARDS TIMBER SALE 53 118 Sealed tenders will be received by to count, up nis winners, ne saw famed Marlebone Cricket Cluo. the Minister of PorMts at Vtrtnrt. i that he coilid take five heart t ph hv R w V Robins formrr pc nrt lfttor than 11 a m, on the AVWW IIUU "KINO OF PAIN' .INIMEFJT IN MEMORIAM I TENDERS WANTED ! tricks and the two black aces- Englandi Middlesex and Cam- ttZV UcATeViV TJ'. .seven tricks In all. Therefore he bridge university ace, the tour- CTZtli': In lovlne memory of John QR SALE Tenders will be re-! D,-- SoAKuei needed three more lor his con- wjj sai jn the Empress of sam. and oiar on an ar-a covering Wick, wno pa.ssed awav June li. j invco i-niu lor scuj ceived bv tne unacrsianed up aleei. Ulaas. tuijucr, ituu. tk tract, rie aecioea 10 iorego uie France. The eleven will play in parl 01 B 1 "uawo on i4a. i spade fmesse and try to pick MontreaL Ottawa. Toronto. St. cSTiI ai.1 , lournev "Kr " on. emonM 88 We nuuesi Kiauuix. fiuniut d) uienl inaue. Alias iiou t xvietais Liu., vwor bi. up all 01 tnese aaamonai iricKS Catharines, Ont., Winnipeg, Ed- trict. , by ruffing spades in dummy. m0nton. Calearv. Vancouver, piw win be allowed for re- mnval of timber There were four trumDS on iri.i t, p, th Thinking of tne past and our 10. ed one gone: None know the depth of our ueeo regret. But we rememoer when others forget. 1 oadlv missed bv your loving wife, daughters and lamilies. (Up) j-.mver, b. c. rtue rt..i 6357. m BSINESS Ol'POItTlNITIES YOU CAN EARN weekly chw similar to: O. W. H $21M C. LeB. $117.00; L. B. J123O0 ih. hn,rrt nH nnlv thrp tnartM I"'"" " u " "'"I Piirther particulars of the Chief the board and only three spades flrgt tlmf!i games against repre-! Forester, victoria, bc, or District to be ruffed. So Mr. Abel could sentative Canadian teams arePcrester Prince -Rupert bc. afford the luxury of Just one scheduled They will be plavedi M28' J4' 18 trump lead. This could cost in Toronto Calearv and Van-1 ' to noon ot Monday. Julv Bin. 1951 lor the o tne motor vessel "North Star'' together with eauioment situated theieon. ue.oiuing to the estate of Karl Emil Olsen deceased. The description of the boat is as foiiows: ienuth, 35'; breadth. 9'5": depth. 4'5 "; ton-n.iae six: powered bv a 110 HP. Chrysler gas engine. Highest or anv tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: tuicuv cash. G. F. Forbes. Administrator of the Estate of Karl Emll Olsen.. deceased, rio'-rt House. Prince Rupert. B.C. 1139) PERSONAL noining ana mignt conceivao.y couver. an overruff by one of - 1 prevent touring team Is regarded 1 (j the opponents MjCRIMMON In loving memory 01 Euzaoeth McCrimmon, who passed awav June 10. 1943. J. l. McCrunmon and tam-l)v. (Up) tun aitib I as connaeraDiy stronger man j the eleven, captained by O. C. ! Newman, which toured Canada In 1937, winning 12 matches an4 i losing one. Six matches were j drawn. The defeat was suffered ! in a two-day match at Toronto. Keu-ai tales assure stao. earn. lies wnn Hi-'iest Corwt-ation, .introducing to Cana-nian niaiKei.s new ivwrs n. euaranieea lamn bulbs am tluore.-cent tubes. Unlimitet. maiKeU! Sei uirert 10 .Mm nicrcml. institutional and industrial accounts and sav liiem iiioticv You Wiirk In at rv -'ui, territory. Paid 20'' commission weekly on order,-, received. Write todav for complete Kit and no investment! Box 118, Dtlit News. 1137c ri t? or when Hon. R. C. Matthews' j . j eleven won by 10 wickets. The ; players cnosen are nut oiuy : 1 NATIONAL! X KNOWN NAMES REWARD for Information lead- Linu-oe.t Speedei Snoveis; , ini l0 recovery of large rubber Cranes: Oramines; Adams stolen, from entrauce of Road Graders: Litueford Bros. 3rd Avenue store. Phone 522. j Black Tod Road Maintenance! uf 1. taumment; Owen Clamshell 1 Buckets and Rock GiaDnles; ! GIVE the folks at home a treat j T, L. bmith Concrete Mixers; . . . cet one of our dcliciou? Clark Forklifta Trucks: Nelson I cakes or Dies. Ruoert Bakery Bucket Loaders lor Stockpile! Ltd. Phone 643 for orders, r.f) , and Snow Removal; Rice Port- L, - 1 1 able Centrifugal Pumos: Na- CASH for scrap cas.,. braM cop- ( amateur cncKiers, uut iua'ij LuJies ond Gentlemen LING . the failor 3 v ' t A oiice-in-a-iiir-unie onwn-t tunitv to en'shlLih vou-wt ifl a pil-navinsr business, A full' j enuloneit rate in a Bond loca l tion for dav antl nUht trad-1 r,w nni ) nn tiittcsi. 0: 1 are also perlormers of note in other branches of sport. Oxford and Cambridge contribute x men each with Middlesex and, Gloucestershire county clubs' ) tinna DrflB no Hrraneri antl : " oiwrie aia nuraiuii The most ixwerful gasoline .your car can use . 'actuated' Shell Premium! !20 fixth S Phone 649 543 call j29 eth vs I ,,rms t , reliable party. Phoiv Phone City j I sending the other two. i Following are the players that I Rcd 892. (tlr FOR 8AI.E General store m REAL ESTATE Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.U (tf) ERN ters. a s 0 one three-won. house. $),8()0 Terms 0;U' vto-k H. W. Sorenson. Pacific B.C. 130' MORE SPECIALS Nice clean "Large Fours'' on hleh side of 5th East. Extra room at rear. Some terms. 8 Room revenue house good 1 n p . d .rofeAAi- FOR 8ALE-r-t:ew ana used furniture, haidware. end tables, rnpiitl nr .' "a mnra hH pnm. UiSineSS cm Monct LOST location. Easv terms. will accompany Robins: M. M. Walford, Oxford and Somerse:: J. R. Thompson, Cambridge arul Essex; I. P.' Campbell, Oxford; G. H. Chesterton, Oxford and Worcestershire; J. J. Warr, Cambridge and Middlesex; W. G. Keighley, Oxford and Yorkshire; J. N. Bartlett, Oxford and Sub-sex; Alistair McCorquodale, Middlesex; Dr. E. K. 8cott, Gloucestershire; A. H. Brodhurst, Cambridge, and C. R. D. RudJ, Oxford. Diete. bedroom suites, small 0 g wartime, iunv iurnisn- 1)t,T H.ind tooed Burst a' size carpets. Held glasses, used' Priced low for quick sale. J.C. 1 dance. 1 lta.e Dh Dno, n7 e 45: logging boots, sewine ma- ( $2700 will ndle .; ' T. NORTON YOUNGS chines, radios and bicycles, also other useiui household! Real Estate and Insurance I , WANT! T) TO RENT articles at lowest prices. See Phone 4ol and 648 j B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324.' (137c) .uavtfi- to RFNT Snw PLUMBING is a wise investment, In terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMBING SaanicH HEATING HANDYMAN HUME SERVICE (tt-CI, ki No ts Down Payment hoiie or arjartment Kir pa" enimp nnrl snillll C 11HI. f""" vour lot now and build while FOR SALE - Bedroom Suite. Buys ou.l?."Jrf marine View j'tr..?, lots. Select Vi.r 1 1 a 52 (136o MAUfSARET McLEOD JPTOMETRIST Room 10 rTONE BUILDIWO comolete. Bed Chesterfield, Vou buv. 50' bv 150' lots local- 1 vVANTFD TO RENT-Furnish' ed on 4th Ave. East nearj""; ,M,fMrni.shod house Adul' schools and all services. Prlc- no 110 children cnunrui. Blue oue 8U3. (USD ed as low as $750 with onlv tl rwr mnnrh in VianHlp Art toe nmrxDn liVr finriidP SlUa Buffet. Coffee Table, modern Eicctrlc Heater. Floor Lamp. Phone Green 980 before 6 n.m. (136c 1 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Hiiildlng and Repairs of all kinds WOOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS For Your PAINTING and ' DECORATING See SPENCE & MATIUK Green 917 Phone Black 215 (evenings) nutfUif fnr Knct aoiontlrtn ho'" lor rem. nvwy 'Qv , FOR SALE Win6 studio lounge.! The good colt Archworth and a lot of bettors' money was left at the post In the running of the $5000 added Orpen Memorial handicap at Long Branch racetrack near Toronto, 12 year.? ago yesterday. The 1939 King's Plate winner was far behind .it the finish of the race, won by Mona Bell, who had been second In the 1938 King's Plate. 'A K'Ph!Ti" c"r ""'h Phone 342 or Green 297 ieves.1 ' uduy with - working counter and ni'M naifi I11C) mn !. in ." K,,ilrln kntli ton lrll In. PHONE BLUE 5!)3 PO BOX 1184 PHONES Black 752 Red HD4 PO. Box 1R70 nouseKceuing room. ' 1344 8th FOR SALE 100 "acres farm and roR rent Sleenin" rnom I" East. U36pll timber land hemlock, vellow I '.L Call iiH" 4 cedar red cedar Creek Point.. ,' mi ith wpsl (' FOR SALE 5-olece bedroom 1 Poreher Island, near Hunt's 1 - Inlet. Also homesltes Annlv W. for RFNT Sleepin Sim Hunt's Inlet Porch"' T j glue 433. room. (138; STEAMER Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver a. id Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. or can uayview Hotel. 11311P' FOR SALE 40 acre farm. ?ome fulte eood condition: one " o m d 1 e t e set Encyclopedia Brittanica Phone Black 508. 1 1062 11th East. (138p) I TOR SALE Used vacuum clean- I ers. all makes. General Eie?-tlr Hoover, and tank models. Phone Blue 970. (tfi ; 111. - SCOTT McV4,HWJ I CHARTERED ACKJjiNT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. f Phone 347 P.O. Box 174 inps. erxid soil, reasonable. ' 41 U-DRIVE CARS Itime SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS u a.m. to 5 p.m. (ieo Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 21? 711 Grenville Couit norne see vour self or write P.O. Box 431. KitwanRa, BC. 139d Ralph Guldahl, Chicago pro-,, fessional golfer, won the United States open golf championship 14 years ago with a record aggregate of 281 for the 72 holes.1 He had a final round of 69 and j his total was seven under par for the Oakland Hills course at ! Birmingham, Mich. Ben Hojanl set the present record of 276 at Los Angeles in 1948. FOR SALE l McCullan ' power PnB"cAI - Fmir OTr'tlm, ;aw. comolete with chain and FOv,R,ALf,-r t"a.. 1 1 K.ATERS and AUTOMATIC F1XX)R FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services .SOIIDON I). RONSON Oil Burner Spfciallst 733 -St h Ave. W. Black 503 bar. Phone Black 333. (138p) r'ed l"slde and nnlnted out-slrie Elerfrlc flrCDlace Rea-sonHble nrice for cash. 133 8th West. Phone Blue 155. (tf-nci FOR SALE Small green rug. 7" I U... lO'd'i 1 . mi 1 1 ROOM FOR RENT- 806 IW Street. ; WORK WANTED QUALIFIED . stenoeranrier (lustres 120- position. Box News. . -, EXPERIENCED female Jv , clerk desires oositlpn. I J21, Dally News. Jiii-IIEI.P WANTED . For KETCHIKAN M'hUNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations nv It, - UlCWf . A "IClKI Il'T Green 288. (137c) A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell. C.A. Box 1247 Phone 88 PRINCE RUPERT, B: ! ' MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 528 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. GIRLS, Krnj,p ROYS AND FOR SALE At Port Edward, two-room dwelline on skids. Fully furnished, oil burning ranee radio, etc.. AdpN E. H. McCorriston, Port Edward. B.C. (141p) FOR SALE Larr- four wartime, excellent condition, level lot. Iiioeed. Bargain for cash or 'i;in arranged. Apply 13(11 Overlook (138pl BOATS FOR SAM! FOR SALE $500 Barge "Driftwood Queen": 20' x R' x 1 ': 2 vears old Has Northill anchor and Star marine conversion reid" to instal Moored rlub; see owner aboard "Oriole." (tf ) j FOR SALE 14-ft. boat, inboard motor, sails nnd rir.v 'n'co bovs or ciris News routes, vr'r chVi ild m- The Provincial Government has an administrative building in the Jl y housing Government Agent, Land, Forestry, Public Works, Mining, Supreme Court, Sheriff and Police Department's staffs. The Dominion Government has a Fjderal Building for the Post Office, v Fisheries, Customs, Indian Affairs, Harbour Master and other departments. for summer rei i. - n nail i!; pr their names now. tf-n; HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP'fl '- Permanent Waving , Beauty Culture In all Its branch" ;" 204 4th Street, Phnne 6S5 News. coLUssrs MUSIC STORE Anent-s for the finest ir Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED VN' RECONDITIONED i)n 4th- St Ph Blaek SRW WANTED - Middle of Jf It. G. HELGERSON LIMITED HKAL fcSTATE & INSURANCE Phone 94 Evenings Black 8tHi Willie in " ; u-,i-Hv J" Phone Mrs. MacHaiav. hearini? aid in good condition, FOR SALE Rooming house close reasonable' navy blue serrje In. harbor view, rartlv fur-ei.H .1-0 44 worn twice Rox nlshed. $2,000 down, rentals , lis. Daily News. (138c will take care of payments. j Box 113. Daily News. (136c) adYi-nheXS. FOR SALE-3, bedroom house. HELPWANTED-Clern previous exneneinc ml, sarv. Write Box u. fa nKMniir par. lnnu re feri 1. 1 wninii im. um.. hot air furnace. $V0OO. e.isv UOUIK LAIRD Union Prince Rupert Fwhr- ELECTROLUX Sales anc Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box if For genulnp pat ts and service phone or write abov News. . ...!.n nrorer men's Co-op. (1391 u:i.UNTANTS Hi AUDITORS Ht'MiiT Hun k Phone 387 FEMALE rick lor rei.ui ' s. 'store Annlv in r.n . pert Butchers. 3rd Ave. fnr hotel-a'," terms. Anplv Art Murray, . Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE House, six rooms, bath and riantrv, 2 good lots, near hiph and da" schools. R40 7th Ave Fast. Black 205 Full Drice, $5000 cash. (141p yUALlTY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave MAC SHOE HOSPITAL '"O? MK 16-ft. oHon Chris-Taft hnilt with new hWH reed m,rtne f"lnn. , 1-, eyoilent condition. Phnne Blue 792. (138o) f'O Hi ix 130 w?r:1E5olo uer month. CUaner Cutting Saws 559. CARS FOR SALE FO- ALF 1 049 Monarch snort Tour will ft -liir, irr hr u fllnl filed oa on -iHM FOR SALE 5-room house close in. ?emi-hsement owner. 534 6th Ave. East. (tfc) WHTOM HKPAIRS- wir p'recinion nion machine. mtfhm. mrH irH itjl lT " rHn First class condition. I service, rf1 all type irwi. KHW in today. Jt ' rvtooUied. m flolont Call 99. (140c) Brmc your ur Jeweller. ' 014 nn FOR SALE Furnished house. 1 Apply after fi. 1336 Overlook. (141p CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES n.c 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 motorevele. (137p) -TT DTTCWTI'Ti WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day. or montH ' Phone Blue 939 enalf- FOP RAT v, New Phone Black 548. SWAP ACCOUNT A'TH L r nlai-K nil.' PRECISION SAW FILING 1;II." PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) POTB1NG AND nnE.TlSfl , shept, mem! worj. r" (tl1 Thi nrlverilsemrnt i not pn-.illslied or displayed by the Llauoi Control Board or by the Government of Krttish Columbia. PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN1'. income Tax specialist. 8 O Furk Stone Bulldlni? Red 593 (20tni SWAP Good used vacuum cleaner for rownuat Phonn Blue 970. Box 1626. (tf) call 629 6th wesi.