rive DAILY NEWS THE DAL Pare he Expenditure of $G10,000,000 EFORE buying Victory Bonds again you may want to know how How the last ’ Canada used the money you lcined her last year. Victory Loan Canada borrowed the money to carry on the war and to provide credits for Great Britain and our Allies. was spent ONSIDERABLY more than one-half of the Victory Loan 1918 was spent on our soldiers. This included $312,900,000, for paying them, feeding them, bringing them home, separation allowances to their dependents, maintenance of medical services and vocational train- ing schools. For 59,000,000 of the Victory Loan 1918 was paid on account of D bili z authorized Soldiers’ gratuities. emo zation 9,000,000 was spent at Halifax for relief and reconstruction after the disaster. + + + + + + Other disbursements were not, strictly speaking, expenditures, but National Re-investments. To Great Britain for example: $173,500,000 was loaned for the purchase $30,000,000 for other Foodstuffs For Trade of our wheat and cereals. $2,900,000 for Canadian built ships. ; $5,500,000 to pay other British obligations Extension $9,000,000 for our fish. in Canada. Making in all, $220,900,000 advanced to Great Britain. To our Allies, we loaned $8,200,000 for the purchase of Canadian food- stuffs, raw material and manufactured products. The Re-investments will be paid back to Canada in due time, with interest. These credits were absolutely necessary to secure the orders for Canada because cash purchases were impossible. 7 They have had the effect of tremendously helping agricultural and industrial workers to tide over the depression that would have followed the Armistice, had we not made these credit loans. : As far as money is concerned, 1919 has been, and is still—just as much a war year as 1918. Our main expenditures for war cannot be completed until well on into 1920. Thus ano.ter Victory Loan is necessary Get ready to buy. Victory Loan 1919 “Every Dollar Spent in Canada” Issued by Canada's \ ictory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Mimster of Finaace of the Dominion of Canada. : 8 4 NR of WE. Thompson. Two elect ic! report stating that $125,000 worth laveraging a good deal below ten K ON NEW -hoists ave being installed and the of ore wae shipped to the smelt lollars each, ‘WOLVES DESTROY a f Septem here was no demand for Port | DEER ON ISLAND dock is te be brought right up to durine the month of Septem FISHERMEN’ ‘date in the matter of convenience. sitys the Vancouver Province rh Simpson property and the land on) bee the water is.taid on by that! Dolly Varden, on Alice Arw lithe Oueen Charlottes did not go} Jake Le Brant, an old timer in ' . : » p . ~ = av : “” t storie yroper owl tof aii. : ; . | ttme, Mr. Moen says, they will be now an histori property, OW S i rf wel _ tthe Ketehikan vicinity, came in E jready for business. to the extensive litigation ane } Phe tetal receipts for the day from Kasaan on the Kasaan Fish . oF ' ‘ msat » s : Mr. Moen has been here but a special legislative action givin Fifty Changed Hands at the Tax | aniounted to over $2,500, but the | oompany's boat Princess, says Ork ic , : x ® : : » “ it . f . . . ‘a . 5 lrew weeks, yet lie*is already en-|the mine into the hands | Sale Yesterday But at ‘chief benefit from the sale Was ID) 11. Ketchikan Times. He stated lindueing people to pay up taxes —s broceeding stadia tee with the possibilities of, Naylor eee aus Low Figure. ee et, aes ee that the timber wolves are de- Beal Pvaration of the dock ' he = _ _ — -— of ete ; a - ti ‘ veka to the : | leven paid. pesenanee ar Ger ae the Pringe ant at the Pasifie Senta : we ing a good deal of en~ | railway ‘ is ‘ ; i = eden rhe final clean up of the pro-| REN Tae fof Wales Island in an alarming Rate mpany which is com. ivagement from the fishermen,! property, & OF! anev * ' neial tax sale for this district Miss Jean Grant, of Smithers, manner and that a band of about ft pe es ( \ : vrobehs siness here, and! SER aes ae pom 0h oe ae took place yesterday afternoon, | sister of Miss Agnes Grant, of|® hundred and fifty had been seen Will be in Aol in @ month! DOLLY VARDEN SHIPPED si a . al nae under tn oc. W. Homer officiating as auc- {he forestry office, arrived on last |at Skowl Arm. Jake also said ( a POSsession of their! party wer ss = vnoer. Lots up the Skeena river jight'’s train and left for the} that now wag the time to go after ' 5 eupervision §=of am returned) ia pest, especially in the neigh-" south ‘them, the bounty being fifteen 125,000 IN SEPTEMBER oldiet experts and is takH , \ dollars per head. “Ing laid to the} ui of Terrace, Stewart sold i ~. “hd just large quantities of ore i and about fifty lots were Louis Astoria is out ot the pe a? pe: Sane of how there Ini ut » . 7 ; "{ ' . _ ' : 7 Under — en emplaped gression saveh a th Dall rh mat | musical treat purchased in the Port Edward hospit il after undergoing & slight! Jas. & Anderson was an Alice ' . 2 . p . \ : g : Titik ‘ hy opment at the Do wneite, the taxes against them »peration on his throat, Arm arrival last night, “perintendenes Varden mine is an authoritative \°*! Sunday night's coneer|