'' 'V 1 If oft I (L; , . r .i in hi u.i.e-.. - r !'." .JJ -- ----'""o"-"- IV"" "I V 1,1 -''i'-'-i? ' '-J"' '"ill' x .- 1 -Iii 1 WA - . ' J ! l- V ' "7'r At v y 4 nip riia rKn if1 ii u ii ii ii n ii ii on IbtJIL n f rr' i 01. It means millions of dollars spent on property, materials, construction and equipment in British Columbia', r. Itfmeans a new industrial development ... It means niom people employed on a permanent basis and the promise that more will be employed in the future ... It means more payroll dollars buying more groceries, home-building materials, clothing and services; dollars circulating in the bloodstream of this Province's economy ... It means British Columbia is taking a more important place in world trade and commerce through the intelligent use of British Columbia's basic resources. P,rt " rvAxxniP- Pmwtruction of the EXAMPLE: With a potential em- EXAMPLE: British Columbia coal is EXAMPLE : Deposits of limestone, ffiKsrs: raJr-. &trs , a It the most modern ot ployment in its production. The plant itc of 200 acres, nine miles from Vplrted. Celluiose is a new industry t Prince nnce Rupert Rupert. British British Columbia Columbia labor IaDor "its its type type in m the uk world. wu.u, Capacity is - for tor the the Province. 1'rovince. It it has nas helped neipeu to lu raise wjH wm use use over over 100,000 iiaj,uuu tons rons a a year, year, miles from the plant. Quarrying and processing of limestone represents further employment and payrolls. was employed in its construction and 200 tons of high alpha cellulose average family earnings in Prince of which w .jj come from Telkwa Bntish Columbia materials used da.ly for production of acetate yarn, Ruperi :tc among the highest in - plastics and other essential uses. Canada where possible. f rteg,, igi Vww4? H m SIMS f$Si immn mSIM fei TttViiiiiillmlliilltai. nBSiuiiawiJjStl EXAMPLE: Products from this new - -- EXAMPLE- With the first Forest EXAMPLE: Through its own deep- EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: Dam Darn construction construction at at wharf, the mill ...... has ready Prudhomme Lake by British Columbia M-macrement Manaeenien't License License granted granted by Dy the tne sea sea shipping snipping wiww, n. .o.r-, nuu.w.mv.,,.... , - mandril . . . ci b of coastal British Rritish Co umbia materials. - n1mKia al narts uiwfrnm pmt,t i n nmma arrpss access to IO 111 I'diis ui .w.. lanor rrnm Drilismuiuimia uwiuwio, EXAMPLE; Rail facilities, used to industry are - of high D strategic import' . transport 'uil logs luys and auu coal CUdi to iu the ujt plant am... ... .-v". from interior noints. will play an iT, a nrnirr.im of Columbia and the world. Railway RlinniiMamnle fresh water for present production, a valuable contribution immediate part in shipping rolls of' scientific logging assuring the and highway connections at tide- anj future requirements. It is brought to the security of family life not only . bleached bleached pulp pulp eastward, eastward, a a Btimu- stimu- regeneration regeneration oi ot ou,r forests, forests, a a pro- pro- water water 'provide provide links links wan a" Par " through through a a pipe pipe line, line, with with part part of of the the in in British British Columbia Columbia but but of of the the entire entire W payload traffic in British . tection of our heritage for generations of ; Tjl way bored through solid rock. freedom-loving world. I ' 1 1 t 4 i-nnii - '-uuimhia s northland. tu CELLULOSE COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B. C 11 Prince Rupart Daily News Monday, June 11. 1951