. ?rinCc Kurt Duiiy Incvy-. Monday, June 11. 1951 Fish Protected .as Water I Pr. Rupert Facts FOOD Significance of New Mill The magazine Pulp and Paper, published In Seattle, halls the new dissolving pulp mill of Co Provided For Pulp Mill RAILWAY AND SHIPPING FACILITIES Prince Rupert is the northern terminal of the Canadian Na congratulations' to Columbia Cellulose One of the main requirements of a pulp mill; is a bountiful supply of water, and Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. has obtained the water rights of a chain lumbia Cellulose Co. at Prince ENJOY Rupert not only a a develop OU'LL ment likely to revolutionize the economy of northwestern British COMPANY LIMITED of lakes, Prudhomme, Taylor and EJiana to the outlet of which a six-and-a-half mile wooden pipeline has been built. ' ZZZZ , mon in the Cloyah River. From this watershed a yield of j Q t inspectlon tour 0f tional Railway and the company employs a large number of men in connection with its shops, yards, vessels and train crews, and administrative offices, all of which contribute largely to the business of the port. The railway company owns and operates a large dry dock capable of accommodating vestals up to twenty thousand tons. In its yards the building and repairing of vessels, r I, '1 8C 000.000 gallons a aay is ex- ,he dam by 0ame commissioner pectea. t-reseni necus "c jamei Cunningham, he said: .reeling. 11.000.000 nallons a day which 'This Is the finest fish ladder Columbia but as a significant step in a widespread change In the industrial use of pulp. "It should no longer be regarded as odd to speak of wood-pulp Intended for dresses, men's suitings, carpets and drapes," writes Rex Vincent in this journal, which devotes a 20 page section to the new mill. "Not many year ago this field of woodpulp production was vary narrow and was referred to as only a fraction of the total production of wood- I've seen anywhere. scows, etc., require tne services of a large number of skilled will ultimately be increase to about 37,000,000. To provide an intake for the pipe line a dam was built at THE PIPE LINE The pipe-line, 48 inches In craftsmen and laborers. It has built steel cargo boats as large diameter, travels more than six as 8800 tons gross, also mine Prudhomme Lake Impounding : a . thg contour of 600, . . . storage reservoir covering -XCPDtlon of three sweeDers for the Navy. There WHEN IN TOWN EAT AT THE' GRAND CAFE "A GRAND PLACE TO EAT" ...mini Avenue and 6ixth St. PRINCE RUPERT are several other ship yards In O on their Mill Opening O Wrathalls .f; Photo Finishing COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS ' '; the port catering to the fishing pulp. This latter statement Is acres. The 23 4-foot long torn , fe u t Watson blocks the Intake of the Cloyah ; River. The maximum height of Lh tho nnn-overflow dam is 28 feet I Future water demands will be industry, building new Doais ana still applicable, but only when one refrp to the 'total produc making repairs. TELEPHONE SYSTEM and the top of the spillway, 01 met with another pip- line for feet long, is 10 feat lower Princa Rupert owns and operates its own telephone system tion of woodpulp. , In 1950, it Is pointed out. total North American production of bleached suiphita pulp for paper for market was an estimated which provision has been made by providing two intakes at the dam. The last section of the line is carried on a wooden trestle, 1,400 and the present number of con nactiAne rartCFD hptu.'Pfn 2200 and Since the dam is built across a salmon spawning stream, a fish ladder has been installed by Columbia Cellulose engineers working in conjunction with the Department of Phone feet long over Wainwright basin, 2300. The system is being ex-a tidal-water arm, to the mill. ' tended to take care of 400 appli- . ! cations. The telephone system is manu ! 095.000 tons, whereas production i of dissolving pulp, such as . Is j being manufactured by the Cel-j anese Corp. subsidiary at Prince j Ruptrt, is estimated at nearly 1 800,000 tons. I Wrwn the full effect of ex- For the ascent of the spawn- Tha 411-irij'h nii-vd linn uhinh ..... . . ,. .,,.. 15 TAXI Ino- salmon a series of concrete , ", D1" lne -lly 18 Brauuauy Ktonn S3? SmW , cmMCt' ftullhl,nlne "iwrrklng towards an automatic taffies form pools one nigner wim Watgon isand puip mm D tes the of than the other until crest Columbia Cellulose is 35,000 feet pansion such as at Prince Rupert! the dam is reached. A similar long. At two points it goes SEWERAGE SYSTEM is analyzed it will be shown j form of descant puts the salmon lake goid roclc by meang o Prince Rupert is adequately that dissolving pulps are being, on the other side in the :e; ved by sewers. 1000-foot tunnels. produced in North America to a water. - ... . for SERVICE greater extent than Is bleached ; Another s a 1 m o n - conserving ; sulphite pulp for market mills, feature has been constructed for Greetings To (oLiinL o via R. E. MORTIMER REAL ESTATE. ond INSURANCE 353 Third Avenue T , i i Is Happy to.- join in Congratulating : COLUMBIA : CELLULOSE o5e 't t ...,M.. " 1. ." -1 ' s j -1 i I1 -i For the past decade, consump- the small sockeye fry when they tion of cotton, wool and man- start down the Cloyah on their made fibres hag been increasing, way ts tidal water. The fry are but the consumption of man- ( led into a concrete storage basin made fibres has Increased more and are prevented from entering rapidly than either cotton or; the pipe-line by a diesel-driven wool. Part of this has been due screen which picks them up and tc tha more desirable character-j "jet propels'' them with powerful istics resulting from use of high- streams of, water to safety into ly controlled chemical fibres such the mam river stream, us being produced in British I The whole scheme was design-Columbia and part to cotton and ' ed to prevent any damage to wool pricing themselves out of commercial runs of sockeye, certain uses. ' spring, steelhead and coho sal- from For the part it will play in the progress of our community, we extend our Best Wi'.hc; to Columbia Cellulose Company Limited To- H Company Limited Columbia Cellulose Co. (Member of Florist Telegraph 8ervices and International Florists SERVICE ALL OVER THE WORLD FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone 777 P.O. BoxlO . . .. On the Opening of its Great New Plant ! A Hearty Welcome to PRINCE RUPERT . - .... ' I . t. 1 . , . This Northern Area will benefit greatly by your establishment and operation. Island City Builders' Supplies Building Materials and Pittsburgh Paints 505 McBride Street 8 a ok Toe R Northland Dairy BULKLEY VALLEY DAIRY PRODUCTS o y q in CANADA OF i Extends Congratulations to A COIUMB t ,rT ... v ,"1 t iimm 1 ,mi- ... A Congratulations . . . TO THE Columbia Cellulose Company On the opening of their new plant PETER PAN GIFT SHOP BOOKS - CARDS - NOVELTIES CHINA WARE SOUVENIRS SMOKERS' SUPPLIES I for Service and Dependability ' CELLULOSE I I ALL 3S3 TAXI ANYTIME .... ANYWHERE A. E. SMITH LIMITED COMPANY LIMITED On the Completion of its Pulp Mill Plant at Prince Rupert. Wecome and Best Wishes THE SUCCESSFUL CULMINATION OF THIS' IMMENSE PROJECT MARKS AN IMPORTANT MILESTONE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS AREA -AND DEMONSTRATES A STRONG FAITH IN THE FUTURE OF OUR. NORTH. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA shawSe mink DIHYBRIDS FOR SAPPHIRE . SILVER BLUE ALEUTIAN and KOHUK . NORTHWEST MINK FOR NORTHWEST RANCHERS 400 TO CHOOSE FROM Special Prices for July Delivery T. N. ROWE Owner and Manager 11th Ave. E. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. P.O. Box 13SOB VISITORS WELCOME who were pleased to supply all the fruit and vegetables during the construction period, Congratulate Columbia Cellulose COMPANY On the opening of this great new Prince Rupf rt Branch: D. W. G. STEWART, Manager : Terrace Brpnch: H. M. WIGHTMAN, Manager industrial undertaking p" m