pas ft Pnnr- IP C OL - .peri, Llollv News Monday. June 11, 1951 , FIShtRMEN S Ct-OP 'Continued frcm Page 29 1 the beaches before thev hnri tn f If y :s!: A return for supplies. The pack- j " ers serviced the boats while tak-1 Ihg aboard the fishermen's ,urther expansion? To answer catches. ; this, a new cold storage plant Meanwhile, another "co-op" erected, including a freezer, started, the North Island Troil- with srage capacity of 4.000,-ers Co-operative Association on 000 Pounds and freezing rate of Queen Charlotte Islands Man'v i 120,000 pounds in 24 hours. Fol- Made to Print? Rupert and greater J ing m alwav "', industrial p-itentiallttes realized 'in th, er " ya" there is still no doubt that fish-' a backbone ' ' Fisheries and the Co-op storage i plant combine to .give another i 10.000,000 pounds storage capa-! city, each with more than 100,000 daily freezing capacity. i Tuna fish is relatively new for IfJsheimen in Prince Rupert but several made good catches last y Thousands of orkers Welcome t0 prince uf Its members were Prince Ru- i l'ing this, an Ice-making plant pert fishermen who headquar- i was installed, capable of pro-tered on the Island during the cluclnS S3 tons of lce a day &n:i fishing season in order to fish storage sPa for 3000 tons, the better grounds outside. This In 1947 lne old llver Plant association was able to buy two1'11 removed and replaced with packers for $10,000 each, with one of mdern design, including nothing down. Thi hnatJ ra an up-to-date laboratory. Cloe filiating departments in fish-plants, of which there are four in Prince Rupert and two in the district. More than a million RUP Prince Rupert can indeed be termed "A Fishery Capital of the World," considering that its 2,500 producers in thisa basic industry received more than year. Some 100.000 pounds of tuna were landed at local fish plants. ; RESEARCH o dollars worth of fillets wore pvim exported 1 -ten frcm ireni Prince prince Rupert rtuuert last $Jb,oO(,uuO ' last - year. And w that is only j.iv the begin- itct paid for within min n a few reu.- years. vwr , u on tne me heels utrria ui of this 1.1115 last last ma major ui n- . In 1939 uoj, exPanslon Project came fil- lling-. ' Millions The Fisheries Research board of Canada has hwn urti f,,r both uuui associations usAucuiioiis , ! " a a niiiji. jLiiiiviis more more will will have nave been oeen realized realized wfien vheVyMr- Fillets are n,c 'eiRnpti Bura and ana amalgamated H .to tn fnrm form, under r,Hnr letine leting plant plant and and an an automatic automatic .. .. . , , , . , . , . 1,1 , . , nacltamrt packaged, u-rnnnert wrapped and una ihn then another charter, today's Prince smokehouse, for marketing of lre pi OCIUCts nave oeen marketed. The mdustl y , quick-frozen. Then they are kept Rupert Fishermen's Co-nnera- curcd products. ' rrpntp? creates t thousands hmiswinrla nf of jobs inrw aud ui-irl a a liim huge ,.tl . I in in cold cold stotaee storage and and shinned shipped as as 01,, )flc mlmi Dan's Service Stats- pay-roll several years in Northern B.C. waters, and at present there are , four projects in operation two : dealing with sockeye salmon, one : with crab situation and a fourth an investigation including tagging and checking of flatfish. While new industry is coming tlve Association. I With lo iisii camps operating INTO LIVEH BUSINESS iand four Packers, the PRFCA In 1941, halibut fishermen nolcis to date an investment of were suddenly faced with a de- 51-200.000. all of which was Mispressing porblem. Up until thn ed through bonds, purchased ex-only the salmon trailers h:.ri clusively by members them- Fourth and McBride hnncj Rupert has been known in the past more as a halibut Ltd.; North Pacific Cannerv, by fishing centre than for any other A B.C. Packing Co. Ltd.; Btite-kind of fishing. Actually, there is dale Cannery, by Canadian Fish-more money made in salmon ing Companyf Klvmtu and In- fishincr nnH it. pnns: it ntpc a crrp'it- vpi-noo r,nnnjir, u.. t tt rw . u PRINCE RUPERT I demajuled. Several companies also operate jmi ke-hoiises where fillets 6f all ; typ? of fish, including cod and : salmon are smoked. Alaska Black Cod is a delicacy which is renowned across the continent and much of the supply comes from Prince Rupert. SHEILFISH united but when nricw: selves. 0 . v.. w. H D. ' -,0 ciiiiT-i uv a. Xl . 1(1( U suddenly , slumped alarmingly from 50 cents to 30 cents a pound, a committee of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union and World-wide recognition has er payroll in production. ; and Sons, Ltd.; Namu Cannery, come to the far-reaching efforts Ten canneries in the Prince by B.C. Packers and Goose Bay of a handful of fishermen who Rupert area canned something Cannery by Canadian Fishing saw a means of their succor Jy- like 834.900 cases of all types of Company. ing in co-operation. In his re- salmon last year. All told,1 Licenses granted to salmon Canadian Halibut Vessel Own Shellfish, crabs and shrimp. cent book on the co-ooerative 90 000.000 oounrts of snimnn fish ers' Association annrnarhed the -. - - T-.t - ii finite XUjJril ' f',, movement in Canada. Andrea caueht which nett.ert fuhprmpn vpup nnmhA o -ma .,.ut.. hnt it i J - - --t" , v.. "..uu-., 1,1 which .,1-, u.i t. s , , , - rKf wA to process and markeL their fresh fish livers. On condition that the halibut nruue.g. imernauonai cnamoer 5if.ow.0oo. 375 wire trollers. 1.725 gillnetters. fishing will be greatly extended c, , ... ... viaung in huisc r iritis ana nine urau Sweden, devotes a who;e chan- district No 2 nf hinh Prin'5Pinpre iisnermen Became members of the Co-op, a liver plant wis ter to the history and exDansion Rnnprt. ic tha ..." erected. Membership in the associatijn was increasing steadiiv and it in tne near iuture. At least one company in Frirtce Bnyy.-rt Is arranging for crab and shrimp nacking. Millrrd CanHery and Queen Charlotte tanner Ltd.. see in this industry a bright future. Three herring reductfori plants operated last year making fer-tiliwr. and a new $250 000 plant from was thought its own marketing DPtnsr hu hnnir at Kinto v tu. T j . - "J"-- ep ou ooo at the five'.v halibut avenues should be explored. To- gether with the rest of the co- touver Island, recemlv reoorted hv Caviar "pT. ." """.Jj whM"e the fish are operatives of fishermen in the over the Canadian Broadcasti-.i? ... v...pdu.v auctioned wcrl day. UniteH province, the Fishermen's -' - Co- Corporation ' on his v.sit to the liiv nrnrln-t" uiuuu'jl 01 f tv, rn I o 'nn tm ih a f'!,.,, halTbut vessels landed . n . . u. , . operative Federation was form-d Co-op in Prince Rupert Prince Runert ri,ht" pounds of halibut in j '' '"siaiiea at Prince Ru in 1944 which employed agencio.s -Throuehnnt tant.-, rlmW; Credit irninnP'.Lu .l!."S tllnpp R'rt. American and Pertb" B C' Pa(''rs for reducing Eiinns Co. J!ll n Chicago and New York to "red. vessels fish on -the ' 01 ' the fishermen and farmers are crmen with facilities o ,artB(hart he"lnf . iok u,v and .sustain new ma - tending more and more to banking and loans The "f k t' i 8Trl"nd', oVlding they are , An important by-product of k".. , handle their own affairs throU,h frefiit union iTrXjinSa yQM Ule ih "mit of f h a"?Vn,fl. M U I his, however - mean l an en- toant- Americans will fh'1 vi amln-A oil indu.stry, w'hirh sueh co-operative bodies and to it lays claim for the lar-e per- e. sell ."""r V aW"uat" " me i;sa- my mind this represent a hr centage of Prince Ruuer' fhher-; " c"tr" al f'ince Rup-rit "-." n w uie lnecime or '"S industry as far ns the Co-ou vurer nri mA mm, n ,,t- .u't. w ' ' . unrall if thev Pet iuti hAii, fishermen and has owned new rnnrerneri r. mo.r.. ,k , -.s ooau ana price ,u the - -- " fi"l1 fiFH in in thio this aia. D': Prince " ' " Rnm-vt. on ejichange. HrVrrf"erd- -fV m,Lani thui; tee ot feedom and pro.speritv homes. Twice in succession this large storage facilities had tn h- .f.., Fishermen's .":""""" C-:-op'rative --"ij-.-iuuvp Asso- Muc- But. besides oxides salmon salmon and and hali- hali- maintained ,nrt ,H,t cold stoiage'plaiit was built on than man any r,. " amount . " ul of . political union i m ha.s --- received receivea . the me .. gran,1 grana . : asso-coereion." Mr. Woodcock ended, achievement award, symbolic of t. there is much activity in has bepn "Derating a liver MAIN PRINCIPLES outstanding accomplishment in ' other types of fishing Th lars-' reductIon Plat for several years. Main Main nrin-in!p prinjiples followed fnllnrf i, bv the the nrnvin. province. , est edt catch ot,.h ' of ' herrine """"Bver r ver record recoro- 1 . . i ; recentlV modernizing - iis equip. int. ouuimls or rnnse Rupert, using lake ice irom r.,r:.. m. ',-iV,.T' V. .:".' .... Pioneer Packers of Canada Biiti-h columbii UI "-lermtn came :n laiu ana to- i was iaKen trcm No. 2 district "", ''"'., '"" n.K.-1-nrane arf: clay lts assts al $1,000,000. i test year-120.00e tons, Zf1" A 011 ls Proc,sspJ r netting to After 0 the Second WoHh w-, rt ,. them ma'keu tn; 1-ne "T""' 0ne vote' re" 1 Throughotit the course of its the fishermen $3,250,000. , each year even wider nh'l were ougiit gardleas of shares held. Fnnce RuPp'' snw Its first and , -hr n (u:e and fall, the co-operative Almost year-round fishinu is t eo!d ? COIU STURJOE k!0 " '""'M"I W a ten,, that "rkig toJShTb M Z te MS'"!' d Sior,e Company. Tta hse financed entirely by members r,f a, t o i, three" solution for a crisis." according boats engaged g in thi tvnP tJP6 nt , Pllnfls and having a daily the PRFCA. WoTa TLTlTl hv. "-a. man! , fishing, 'SJl'L. Prince Rupert Branch Head Office: Calgary, Alia ' - "sn j. uie rnrta. Flat-fish havp lnlrn,h, .rcuis uas oeen ' sn nave introduced the u nil. , ,i , .. operated bv n r Pt.,, ,, New Era of Industry in BDdlUStS" rince KioiDer Good for the Countn M IS GREETED BY Producers and Suppliers of PRINCE RUPERT c EDIT UNIONS ARE GOOD FOR YOU SAVINGS INSURED LOANS INSURED NOT FOR PROFIT NOT FOR CHARITY BUT FOR SERVICE FRESH - SMOKED - SALTED FISH Holders of. 1948 and 1949 Provincial Achievement Award Membership Savings $1,250,000 Cheque Writing Service in mm iru EST. 1908 PRINCE RUPERT Our Speciadies KUHcKT ririirrMirn' utiiAll prince NoncKvltN b LKtUM UNlun FOR THE FISHERMEN SMOKED 'ALASKA BLACK COD" SMOKED SALMON 'HADDIE-CURED' COD FILLETS KAIEN CONSUMERS' CREDIT UNION FOR THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY Affiliated with B.C. CREDIT UNION LEAGUE and CREDIT UNION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION