Jffl Jfloirt;kAjstt- , 1 Pefimitdiw 27 Prince Rupert Daily Nefs Monday, June 11, 1951 ! i I 'Asbestos Latest Find- Nev Site Has Bloody History ibllrty of another terminal started headwaters. opened a limestone quarry 6n Smith Island, eight miles from their pulp mill at Watson Island. The quarry is alonr the north shore of turn Tsaida Inlet, a lasooh which affords sate anchorage for tugs and that at Tahtsa Lake, where Em-; erald Glacier Mines have been building a road from Francois Lake to their COOO-foot-eievation mine, Aluminum Company of Canada's huge tunnelling project Kill begin. Hence, it has undertaken to complete and im- Coming of the Aluminum Com- , work on a right-of-way, beetn- Then came the talk of a nor- of Canada to Kitimat Is tribe. The Haidas won a decisive pany tnern railway route, wlth much n In g at the Skeena river. "u " , ? , "ciury. speculation as to where It should j This route soon was abandon-hitherto unknown wilderness for, rinrlnc t.h? limp of thp Yukon' ot Pooler Th. l.ta.t ... u u... a barges. Activity on Silver And Gold Properties Seen Allin, Stewart, Alice Arm, Smithers, Hazclton, Coarse timerock will be used.PUDi'c travel, a major Pjeci rushi tne trail was used to trail was surveyed and In the is still travelled In parts. The I prove this road which It will use fnr Cimtimi'.l ti-intnnr frnm A m.m.fnptrr nfllnlnrrl htsill- eXpeCiQ tO CeVeiOD, a railrOaa rnrrv mH int.fl tht interior. Stlli n.int f IQnT-lUt nnolrlorohU . V, i . . rtil v. u A U'i iliauumviUI c . I - j - WUiiVi vi j i w vwiioiuii ""'V JJCI C V(T1 ItllUC Ul til IB LI ail, Willi construction headquarters atiphate, used in the pulp digest-j Jrom Terrace to the neaa oi today a well-defined trail runs wcrk was done to make jt a lts origin 10oo years ago, has Channel, has history !ers. From 15,000 to 18,000 tons Douglas a aU tne wav frl)m Kitimat to the Burns Lake. proper tote. road. Even though been dogged by only a few, but n n; , 4n k. ronnirod annnn lu i ne i 01 ancient wanare. ux uiuuuy Vnkrai fn rm- n mh watprwava Lakes District All Attract Attention 'Exploration have opened an of- 1950 production was stockpiled, battles; stt the breath of gold- a KitsumgaHum river, the Naas Prince Rupert had been decided many have dreamed of riches to Ifice and parties were out last awaiting completion of the pulp, fever; of an empire-builder's and Bell-Irving rivers and their as the railway terminus, possl-' which It might one day !ad. Perhaps the biggest news from the northern' ospectin8 the omt- mm dream .nd u frstrat.o. , - . it,, ,.rtr nrnuinrlm envornment 1 flul I ,ouo yvsirs ago. an on- oinmr ( lstrict in was me discovery or nitrn- KJ, U..V.V.. VV...... O- fh(X)t of the Haida tribe of In- administration at Prince Rurjert, -A,t asbesfos ore on McDame Creek in the Cassiar! .consolidated Mining & emeu- t 7. until rVcnUy established themselves at l.iff nvArlnflVo in cilttt v-v11 V,.,-. iH UOITlDinv fiaVP Deen stlUWUlU i4rUni onrimiof hr f ol tml h 1Ta au..uuKu u.g F - oc. ..u Kv u "ac continued u;t,resl ,n tne nortn: '""'6,d develop- for greener pastures and moV(d ttracti'd considerable attention to the entire district, rn areas. Offices were opened in ments are definitely on the up- northward toward Kitselas, on Vhcn Hiram Nelson of Fort - ; Prince Rupert under C. N. Moore, swmg. i the Skeena river. j ;son, ti -i uunuca in gum aim muie uiuu -..(,...., . ..... , Mucn or tnis may nave iu u But Kitselas was also the hunt- 1000 ounces of silver. rl prospecting trip an-er ....me, gcuiUBi,.. iu.ee iwu-umu Mtn improved government leg- lng ground of the Coast Indians flin'f ftiH ,S'atin WMCh h!lS encoura' and there followed numerous month Sr cTpartylS -"Jnir" TlX X KTZTkZ 1?,,- Zl yearsHowever, iscertam that lZIZ lnT- .is. foil .-4 -- v.. new inausirv commK iu u.c beaten trail through the valley, Silver played the most prominent part in all northern mining operations as far as production goes, with Tor-brit Mines, at Alice Arm, away in the lead. Their 1950 production figure, was roughly 2,300.-000 ounces of silver, 1,005,000 pounds of lead and 60,000 pounds of zinc. paiim.wunca in -uie area ue- North will soark closer lnvestl- mining course in vancuu-i- ,., a he had little idea what waj , Mr him. With Vic Sitlur d Ronald Kirk, a!.so from Fort rlAin, and Bob Kirl of Lower jst lif came in on the find of ,t Ho famous McDame as-itos claii.is, in autumn 1949. Xfl summer Sitler went back , MrDanie to stake the claims n Waif of his partners. The drained by Kitimat river, was es- iween Whiteiail Lake and Gar.-l gation of the posstmlrty of tablLshed through to the mouth ner uanai. in aoauion, minni.; economical mining and trans- properties were- examined in of minerals. oi we wopr iiver. m iur port.itlon " ' Canyon, which became a regular British Columbia, Yukon and Tne North ull of minerals. 'S f 5 , i t. t-... 'It t-l. Ala-ska. No options were taken Tne problem has been to find battleground. Silver Dliver Standard OkailUara Mines Mines Ltd, .LAU. .!.... (;.. unrt nn .lnmt stakpri . . v.nr lh,.,it inn ,mgr nun anonrrtln'ir ,jr airuuiieu p."' ul i.a.i.-.pu..awun v.i.cK 3. . . have 1J Deen mikine ' ereat Kalns , cmvict Exploration for cai , Ha7Pim "oi.tiiUN CM&S nas one Part-' out r' enough to make mining pay. to historians, a sailing-ship cal-, 1U Hie Ui ax. . , . . . . . . , ..,, j, ,!,. , 3(i(ifl and IB per cent of capl-.; rfiaris when a company is '.Hied. Nelson gets a quarter where ' mill "," heads ' were the . ne-ueu uy ...umi, m ...... ...ay ,ed t KiUmat and traded off - us,, I,.,, . Whitmore, -and further nvesti- whether or not the asbestos , I highest treated by any mill in gunpowder and lead which aUons of Nitiina Lake area will deoosiU at. McDame Creek will waSi S S. PRINCE GEORGE luxurious liner, one of two Canadian National steamships which call regularly at Prince Rupert. It Is One of the most modern liners on the Pacific Coast, and is B.C.-huilt. She Is here especially in connection with Columbia Cellulose opening. uie province uue w n.Su B-i" h. mrl,, 1 ,h. be H..Inn.rt develoDed v extensively in the take nover the same route again ana usea against tne miseias Columbia Cellulose Company ;.near future. ore in one vein. More than 21,-000 tons of ore were milled with production of 897,420 ounces of Cunvi-fs: is expected to make (twve developments at Mc-.,:ne iliif summer and It is .mured other big eastern com- silver; 1,741.800 pounds of lead; zinc, 3439 pounds; cadmium, 44,-470 pounds, and nearly 21)00 ounces of gold. Other recent and prominent iiue.s are hieniy inieresiea. S,s:ecn liarci-rock gold mines liie ili.-trict either operated mule extensive developments the developments soon hoped to go j impriiveinents during o , : l Urt,.l .-. i rw.. i ai inin nn ill I II Li.iri in liic iiui.ci- vear foians-1 aKU, on vue i 1. -are the Dor-,r ton-Smithers area 4a River, was the largest pro- Gold Mines, Western U an-f reen ii.th 35.904 ounces of gold ium Cobalt Mines, Glacier Gulch Irom 95.6(J7 tons of ore. ad Cronln Baoine. A new mlU Sbk Premier, on Salmon has been installed at Dorreen, wt, milled some 85,000 tons w Indian Mines, across the designed to treat 50 tons a day and a mill is being installed at ,er have made a special agree- .d: w.th Silbak who will mine Cronln.- where conslderab e amount of ore Is ready for mlll- 4 in;.; their ore, starting this 01 the 11 placer developments,' To most of these properties jime produced to any large roads are being built with the r-r:t Knowland mines at Atlin ! view of heavy developments this ia production figure of 8250 summer. It is interesting to note L2 Indian Mines (1946) Ltd. A Shver-Letid-Zinc Mine preparing to produce new wealth fi r B.C. In 1951. Weeur.su;,-r shares of this company ta be an excellent "Buy" .it nirictil price. Full Information on request. iMitistii coiinipDQa Pacific Securities Despite the tragedy of war, the past decade has been one of outstanding social ,and economic advance in Canada, and most particularly in the Province of British Columbia, Economic development coincident with an influx of capital for industrial and mercantile ventures, along with enlightened public investment in hydro-electric, highway, railway and related construction, have resulted in very substantial increases in Wealth and population, and in social welfare, health and educational advances that go to make life for the people of British Columbia more complete. Vancouver, B C itl-SIt! Credit Foncitr BUI;? Glacier Gulch Mining Co., Ltd. (N.P.L) SILVHt-l.FAO-ZINC PROl'VKTV SMITIIF.RS, B.C. Information and Prospectus Available Mdtl-U Wist llroadway Vancouver, .C. Shore Offering 35c Economic and social growth of the magnitude seen in this Province can only occur in a political orea enjoying the rights and privileges of stable government operating on sound economic principles. In British Columbia we find the favourable conditions for such progress which cannot continue without financial assistance, both of a capital and current nature. It can truthfully be said that aided by great natural resources and a secure faith in the future, sound governmental financial administration has made these improvements possible without placing any undue strain upon the economic system. Given the opportunity in the coming years, by those factors of international economics and politics beyond provincial control, there is every indication that British Columbia will assume an even more important place in the industrial and social development of Canada. (oncjra In (a I ions to Columbia Cellulose on the opening of a new plant from DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A mining company which will shortly commence production in Northern British Columbia. Indian Mines (1946) Ltd. HEAT npi?T--Tr '"9. 800 VV. Hastings St., MINE LOCATION Vancouver, B.C. Near Stewart, B.C.