Sg Page 6 THE DAWLY NEWS goo — . . : G.H. Arnold - - Notary Public We offer ‘ Lot 7, Block 44, Section 7 A fine level lot on Eighth Avenue, midway between Dry Dock and Cold Storage, for $300.00 H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. }-eal Estate Bonds Insurance Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. LIMITED Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats can te docked together on one small making fees light. Large stock of repair materisls is being laid in. Several section, a | Omen ~~) re ee «ee i Lecal News Notes | Dn ee tt et rs em se ee Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasor able Prices. Machine aad Boiler Work of all kinds | Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. ijlinoleums. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. | House. fi po Mm. etiendda. Seommeris | ' ” . * si ms Opened a shoe : lissued to J. Hutchinson for the|"" Bride aoe es tr| =i Cc . » leonstruction of a one - storey ; oe ~ z M « i 3 . Simpson, corner jand MeBride, for shoe repairir <. First class work guaranteed. Full stock of rubbtrs and rul- ber beets for everyone. The | Family Shoe Store. tf $3 EMPRESS 33 BERT LYTELL “Faith” M.M.Stephens Fivancial Agent Block 8 Section 1 Opposite Besner Apartments ; ; The two for $1000 cash Taxes adjusted to October 1, 1919 M. M. Stephens LOANS . RENTALS - INSURANCE, also 10th Episode The Great HOUDINI —IN— THE MASTER MYSTERY -7 15 and y and 30 cents Two Shows \dipission 15 WESTHOLME TONIGHT Griffith Production “A Romance of Happy Valley’ Chester Outing Picture Admission, 35c and 15c¢ Two Shows, 7:15 and ¥#. aw-ti i 4. Chilli ConCarne and Hot Tomales at the CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second Ave. Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12: Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE Any PHONE 109 FQR APPOINTMENT may sho) || ——== Anywhere ||| | For Sale m™ Steam heated modern hous« He or she likes. but all near drydock, $2,500, Term®. the same {& sometimes i-Koom house, 7th Avenue, make* a difference where ) 5, $1,760, Terms. you #0, i-Reoom house on Fifth Avenue in We have thought and section 5, $1,600, Terms. worked to accurately sup 2 Lots, 6th Section 5 | i i$ Section Avenue, ply your wamls at every $660 _ 7 : poimt of the jewelry buei arene ness. 2? Lots, 6th Avenue, Section 7, near From collar bujtons to drydock, $360 each, Termes. diamonds we strive Ww Lot 25, Block 20, Section 5, $200 —_ make our store perfect, Cash This is our invitation to you to see it. We do not ask that you buy anything. You'll find pleasure in just seeing; ahd we in showing. JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Store of Worth and Beauly. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents Phone 11 ° 3rd Avenue Insurance Real Estate Rentals. i tire Fifth) frame building on Atlin Avenue tf! will be built by Delgarno & Watts } deer they brought home a good The Baptist Ladies Aid is giv-| jbag of fine ducks. They proposejing a Thanksgiving Tea at the | another hunting trip to Digby Is-|home of Mrs. E, D. Boden, 221! land on Sunday. Sixth Avenue West on Tuesday, - fe ine October 14, from 3 to 6. 2 I S A number of the Naas Riveh In- . » i dians are at present in town with Frank Dowling left for Vaneou-| xz ; } i ; \* TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * ; ’ : tascetitiibococsorttcrcccctmpoccooos® \% eraser eS Ladies’ gaitera just arrived Family Shoe Store, tf J, BE. Lord and “family left fo Vancouver last night. Pianos eorrectly tuned. G. C. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf first class baking William Blackstick, of Stewart, is at the Hotel Prince Rupert G. Arnott left for the south on “Onyx” shoes for ladies justi : arrived. The Family Shoe Store. eT A ea ed a re we found it necessary to make slight increases sak a daeehlt cat ‘ek oceaaads in price dur: ng the war pericd, Even though train. Magic Baking Powder miay cost 2 fow cent. euaie P “ more than the ordinary kinds ii is sti’ ; a ee ee, eee ae the most economical baking powd i matic recitation at Sunday night's y concert. market to-day when purity. strength ei 's.y-, Embleton left for Prince George last Mrs. Chas. Seattle on the PURITY - QUALITY - ECONomy With the increased cost of labor materials due to war conditions, not reasonable to suppose that a rvally and sold at the ol sacrifice the quality of ing qualities ,re taken into considera‘i Contains No Alum Es “—. and it is owder can be made prices. Rather than Made in ©» ia night. j . . . New arrivals in Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies. The Family sos ees — a ee : RAAT Se ES el ae oer re ae x Aes. Shoe Store. tf . ae Hees SSE —— a = = 4 4 eS | . . . — — - es: ~——— ; meen , sa » Ja : : P » : Don't mi Mr. Peyton's cornet chhitdees’s gatheds teat artived.) rhe train from the east arrived vl ta ¢ . _— ; _— ‘ solo at the Grand Concert on rhe Family Shoe Store if} promptly on time last night with Sunday night. iat #28 a good sized passenger list. Many . * . . : C. Pp. Reil i rat . rhe “Nora” will leave govern-|of her passengers were bound for ig ‘ . sil, v 0 operates i > » ‘ ‘ , p ment wharf for Stewart and way/th® south, making connections th the G. T. Rin g cannery on : Langara Island, left for Vancouver last night. points tomorrow morning. it \. IT, Broderick, manager of the Union Bank of this eity, southbound last night Special cash prices on our ep- stock of floor oilcloth add : : assengel Barrie's Furnitutel! hk. Db. Orde, who has been spend-|! ing a few days in the city on} business, réturned to Vancouver | last night. in Seetion 2. The house which is valued at $2,200. Charles Balagno and Will Ed- The munds returned from their hunt- D. FE. will hold their monthly ing expedition yesterday after- neeting in the city hall on Wed-| noon. They visited Pillsbury Cove nesday, October 15, at 4 o'clock. | and though they did not get any ‘ . i ’ Queen Mary Chapter 1.0.) i | with the was a ¥ Prince George. See ALBERT ©& McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building ie We handle RR Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber . C. Mill’s Fir Cement Shingles Lime Plaster Brick Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. their gasoline boats. They arejver iast night to resume his} loading supplies of oil and pro-| studies at the University of Brit- visions to take to upper points on/ish Golumbia. His sister, Doris the river for the winter. Many of|is also a student at the institu-| the Indians have been in Prince Rupert and vicinity all summer and are now returning to theii homgs where they will spend the winter trapping and hunting. TWOPERCENT TRUST FORMED ‘ec ©ceR eo eee eee aeaeees CFR AEE SCRE THO e visgntaatne St) EN VANCOUVER for three men. Apply P. O. box 895. 242 Five einer i WANTED To purchase 30.30 Vendors of Soft Drinks Bound | carbine Winchester rifle. Munroe Themselves Together for : Rrothers. it Mutua! Protection. i _- — i Vancouver, Oetober 10,—A two | per cent trust is being formed| here for protecting the interests! of retailers who vend two per cent Tem-! lporary officers have already been | chosen and steps taken to oppose | 1 proposed measure of the City ;Council to confine the selling of} two per cent to bars of hotels. Quiet pressure has been brought to bear on the Council by ithe hotels of the city to have the} itrade which was theirs} Week-End Specials Provisions end Fresh Meats BREAKFAST Bacon, Sliced, per lb,. LESS, ink BREAKFAST BACON, taking piece, Ib... — .52 1-2¢ Sucar Curep, RoLLED AND Bonep Hams, Sliced, |b, CooKkep Ham, lb...... ins j beer and other soft drinks = once Pork Sausace, |b........ 25e Stew VEAL. lb. 20 brought back. As there are hun-| Lec VEAL, Ib. . ; dreds of vendors of soft drinks | city outside the bars, the action would injure a ‘great many o&the small retailers. | li is to protect themselves against | iin the proposed VEAL CUTLETS, lb. 35¢e Lec Murray, lb.. MuTTON CuHopPs, |b, PorK Cuops, |b. =v Stew Beer, Ib. ithis and other inroads on their} Pot Roast, Ib... Qe jbusiness that the new association SIRLOIN STEAK, |b. 40c B\ is being formed. if Rounp Steak. Ib. 35e §, The Vancouver City Couneil is ROASTING CuIcKENs, Ib. 50¢ jvery favorable to any of the big} ONTARIO CHEBSE, lb... B5c Biinteres.s of the city. It is the| IMPORTED LiIMBUKGER, Ib... 50c §|28me council that put the jitneys| lout of bu iness in order to foster | jthe interests of the B. G, Electric | jRailway Co., but they have been | asked to stay their hand in re-| gard to two per cent legislation | until such time as the other ven- | dors can make themselves heard. DiLi. PICKLES, per doz. HEINZ SWeer Mixed Pic«k.Les = A sili ietiin ied onli oda QUEEN OLIVvEs in bulk, pt. 40c —————— ae Rupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212 ——- ’ : We have a few nice gilt edged | - |invitation cards that are different | from the ordinary. Daily News| Phones 41 and Red 391 3) opie. tf For Hire by the Hour, —-— Day or Week Many new lines in men's shoes, | pasneibnhnestcinihinprinninndecmantasasta | Plhom Picnic and Fishing Parties Tripe round Harbor ee ee | J. MYHILL-JONES Spirella Black 257. Corsetiere, the eye quickly. See them at the! News Job Department. j Two-color window cards take! POPP PIO AE LS OLDE OEE OPO PE ODS © DOCS ' 8 ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. 7 Be Prepared! Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHOOL SHO Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 — SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE: FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. TURNBULL’S Pure Wool UNDERWEA j ADIES who know and appreciate the ec-nomy of PUR: wooL UNDERWEAR select TURNBULL’S It is 100 per cent. pure wool and both Union and Canadian mede. It stands any test of wear: We have them in both ton pieces and combination. Prices from $4.00 to $9.00 a suit. We also have some fer Girls and Misses. Jabour ‘Bros. Ltd. Third Avenue ee »