PRINCE RUPERT SECTION V Special Pulp Special Pulp SECTION V Monday June 11. 1951 page 33 Mill Edition HEWS Mill Edition Page 33 ! " , i i I ji in I vr INDUSTRY P1CTORIAUZED " ' ' - 5 irough pages of these sections of the special Pulp Mill jtion, the Daily News is presenting pictorial features of jlurrsbia Cellulose and other new industries as well as ews of old industries, many in new faces and appearance. V , . I4- T ul . , , . THE PREMIER'S GREETING I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF SAYING HOW GRATIFIED I AM THAT THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT IS ENJOYING SO GREAT A DEGREE OF DEVELOPMENT AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THE NEW $27,000,000 PULP MILL OF THE COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY. r W"mw.'- FEEL THAT THIS IS BUT THE lORE- ' . "I RUNNER OF MANY OTHER BUSINESSES, i . . -,- -J . ; . 'j .-- I J? I Jar ' I . ... m i v - I . . ... . Ml V.- ' ' - I V t . y - v. j ) . . I H? - fr x-Zr' jf.rAf.-i . Zf -V iv , . -i - 1 h - ! - . 1 'J , . " ' i - - s " i - J' ! " - - . ," f . .-li.-: ,.S.'"" ' . ' . " ' , f - jH. ' i '"!- . s '" I , --V ..Y f , U, f -VO? , ' J y -,- 3 , , -,: I . , m. r' - V- - . - -r , . , v A S $5 - , " , .... .' . Vs ..vf. p- c ; ; -v j i . ' v"- - '-. , - T-' - ' r-s AND I LOOK FORWARD TO GREAT EXPANSION, NOT ONLY IN THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, BUT IN THAT TERRITORY THAT EXTENDS FROM PRINCE RUPERT ACROSS THE PROVINCE TO PRINCE GEORGE.' MAY I JOIN WITH ALL THE CITIZENS OF PRINCE RUPERT IN THE FEELING OF ELATION THAT THEY MUST HAVE AT THIS TIME OVER THE WONDERFUL PROGRESS THAT HAS BEEN MADE. i ) i ! i 1 m BYKON I. JOHNSON I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS FOR ITS ENTERPRISE" IN PUTTING OUT SUCH A SPLENDID SPECIAL EDITION TO MARK THIS HISTORIC AND IMPORTANT OCCASION. embodies treating forests as a crop to be harvested on an annual -basis with cutting that will not deplete the basic reserve. 14 5 1 ,..r ft , :. f ;-;:f;:.' I .1 ; .. 1 i-i. .2 : . LOG PRODUCTION A striking forest scene illustrative of how Columbia Cellulose is opening up new timber areas in the Terrace district under the forest management principle which Oliey Played an important Part in Columbia CelLLse iBu'Jclina In the mill. ir' LMl HMiMIHMhiMbkHI Li D. G. STENSTKOM . . . Consulting Enginee DR. R. II. BALL ... Co-ordinator C. II. KLOTZ . . . Project Engineer 7 11" ,.1. Prince Jfuperl uni 1 ! . - - ominvrce ' THE PRINCE RUPERT PuUic lactations Council IS HAPPY TO JOIN IN THE WELCOME TO Columbia Cellulose Co. rCltl. The Public Relations Council is here to Serve You and to advance the Interests of Prince Rupert. For Information Address: P.O. Box -958 Prince Rupert, B.C. Appreciates. the expression of confidence in the Future of Northern British Columbia as shown by the ' ' . , ........ - , t -v ... (V'N. .x Columbia Cellutc 05C ,Co.Xul ."i3s . mmm 1? - - n In the establishment of its great new plant in Prince Rupert GENERAL VIEW- Another interesting general view of the Columbia Cellulose Company Liniittd plant di been froiu Out road apprcachins from Prmce Rupert.