2 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 11, 1951 Columbia Cellulose Part -Of TUG-BARGE SERVICE Prince Rupert's Destiny To Haul Chemicals Incuguroted o$ Result of Columbia - Cellulose Establishment A" a direct result of the estab- ihmnt.-nf the Columbia Celju-; lose Company Limited mill near; Prince Rnpert, British Columbia, ! tug and .barge service has been Inaugurated between Pugetj Bound and Watson Island for the ; HERE IS THE STORY OF OUR SERVICE TO YOU ft , -y . Or i pi '- I K A Vl'':i transporting of bulk caustic soda, chlorine Jnd other commodities. Griffiths bieamship Company ptd . VanC?uver, has signed long-term contracts with Columbia I ellulose.and the H. R. MacMll-lan Fxpnrt Company Ltd.. Pulp Division, of Harmac. B.C., for the transportation of these chemicals. The Hooker Electrochemical Company, Tacoma, Washington, (n February 1, began furnishing liquid caustic soda and , liquid ih.orine.'- ' Present, plans cail "for bimonthly service to the two British Columbia ports. Columbia f c:iulose,on Watson Island re-cuires bulk liquid caustic soda in Ine under d?ck cargo tanks and the chlortne in specially designed jtfO and f 50-ton pressure tanks. The MacMillan plant takes its bulk catfitlc soda in the under deck carao lanks and the chlorine in 55-ton railroad cars. 4 . ft m The arrangement constitutes the first time on the Pacific Coast that bulk chlorine has been transported in fixed tanks or barges. Griffiths Steamship and Hook-1 er Electrochemical worked out changes in the United States Coast Guard rules and regulations to allow the shipment of caustic soda and chlorine on the same barge or vessel. A new method of discharging also has been developed for bulk chlorine at Prince Rupert, where there is a 21-foot tidal range at this location. The specially designed 100 and 50-ton pressure tanks weu built by the Vancouver Iron Works. They were built and tjstcd at 500 pounds and 300 pounds, respectively, working iressure to conform to ASME Jode and the United States "oasf Guard regulations. GRIFFITHS BACK The starting of this service epresents the return of the "riffithi interests to the British Columbia coasting trade. The ompany, formerly known as the Coastwise Steamship and Barge mpany Ltd., was founded in '912. For many years it was in he ore and concentrate carry-ng trade between Anyox, Stew-1 ir pnd Tacoma. Following the conclusian of the ! arrangement, Griffiths Steamship" bought a LST hull "CT2." . which has teen converted to a combination car barge, bulk caustic soda and chlorine car-, ner. The barge now bears the name of "Griffco," and Is the third vessel to have that designation fcr the Griffiths Company. . The first "Griffco," 2500 dead-: weight tons, was built in Seattle in 1922 and was an ore carrier operating between British Columbia and Tacoma. It was so'.d to the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Company in 1927. The second "Griffco" was 3800 deadweight tons and was purchased n 1927 from the Los Angeles .' umber Products Companv. It Vs . vas used in the British Columbia ore trade and was sold in 1945. to Greek Interests. The new barge is 277 feet long i fiipLLiu mitt i Mmrttwfc i'twutmimMm 4 4js M By th-j HON. LESLIE H. EYRES, Minister of Trade and Industry . . . It is with sincere pleasure that I extend to the City of Prince Rupert, ahd the surrounding area, on the addition of the Columbia Corporation's pulp mill to the many growing in this section of the Province. : ' Experienced Woods Boss The opening of this new plant besides being instrumental in providing employment for our ever - increasing population, is also another demonstration of Mill Manager Is India-Born y laith in th futu-e development WHEN YOU ENTER "Ideal Dry Cleaners" this beautifully appointed store greets you for the convenience of calh ctice patrons. Indirect lighting is used throughout Wells and fixtures are panelled in grained and striatea veneers. When you come in service is given cheerfully and promptly. of British Columbia. A' your Minister of Trade anf' Industry I em firmly of tlr opinion that Prince Rupert, with the foundation well laid for 1 1 future development, is destined wnnin me nexi lew yenrs io p'' a more important role in the economic life of this fast-growing - ' ill 1 -" V i Province. m& Prince Rupert, the most northerly terminus on the Pacific Coast of a transcontinental rail- IT i way, and with a highway linking i i 4 i i it with the rest of: the North Amrtcan Continent, Is also one of British Columbia's principal ports providing an outlet to tire (Continued on Page 16 f ' M . f I 'Ut I 1 Canada and Australia. Born In India, and educated in England, Mr. Jones came to Canada as a young man. His HAY JONES early experience was with the ,. C. R. Jones, mill manager not.ino,, miii. t fi i PANT STRETCHES This mo chine will stretch to original siz' any trouscr that may have shruni duo to materials used in manu facturc without ore-shrinking. RAE JOHNSON1 Rar- L.' Johns jn. j-mager of the Wood Division of Columbia t "lliiJose Company, brings to his direction of the Company's Port Edward F crest Management Licence broad experience in sus-U'ned yield management. Trior to joining Columbia Cellulose; in Jur.j of last year, Ai Johnfon had for seven years 1-r"n chief engineer of the woods div ,sion ct the Longview Branch ol the Wyerha.user Timber Co., and associated with Weyerhaeus-ff since 1928. He parti:ipated in the development of the Longview Branch's" 500.000-acre t'mber area and its conversion to sustained yield management as the St. Helen's "free Farm. At other .mf rr had been in charge of arious phases of the engine tins prr;rram. including mapping, rai icad and truck road location Fn' construction, logging layouts and development of new eouipment. Mr. Jorjnson attended the College of Engineering of the Uni-vemity of Washinsion. and is a l-ieniNr I th. Society of Ameri-'"i Foremcrs. by 50 feet-l -am with a loaded 1flf! of 8 feet. It is equipped v'th six individual tanks capable of ca.-ryir, 1500 short tons (50 Ts'ir. soda se'utiom and fpecial tank equipped to carry 150 tons c " liquid chlorine under pressure. The plans for conversion of the bi ge "Oriffco" wrc carried out b- Carl J.' Nordstrom, naval architect, Seattle, and the conver-' 1 rork was performed by the Victoria Machinery Depot, Vic--ria.' NMV MOGUL , i The Griffiths Company also p.f-hascd the former ATR type stef.m tug "Logmac" for os in thi operation. This tug recently underwent conversion from steam to diesel at the B.C. Engineers and Shipbuilders Company, Yancouvr. . B.C. Th; new tug's name is "Mosul." the thi-d vessel tc have that name. It is 157 led long and has a beam of 33 feet and a 18-foot draft. The new "Mogul" is equipped w'th f 1600 hp. Fairbanks-''rf 10-cy'lnd"r CP diesel engine with offset 2.5 to 1 Farrell-Birmingham reduction fear. It ,r 3'st equipped with radar. ji th: r.cw Columbia Cellulose raf,..r company, and with the pulp mill at Prince arso.vmg Wayagamack Division of the R-jport, brings to this position Consolidated Paper Corporation, twenty years' exper.-.n:e In the where ne was assistant to the jvyp and paper industry!n Pu,n Mi Superintendent. In 1937 Mr. Jones went to Australia Sperry :t?ering gear, and gyro to assist In the design and start-etmpas; and th'j latest ship-to-1 Up of the first Australian chemi-shore ladi-. telephone. The con- :Cal wood pulp mill at Maryvale, ersion of the new tug was car- Glppsland. ried out ty Marshall McGinitie, Mr. Jones returned to Canada rf McO.nitie and McDonald, con-1 in 1940 to Join the Howard Smith oiiri.it, engineers. i Paper Mills Organization, and for Th? Griffiths Company also the seven years prior to his asso-ha available the sister barge ! elation with Columbia Cellulose, ' Griii.on," foimer CTI which is he was assistant manager of the now being utilized as a log-carry-, Beauharnols Division. lng barge on the British Colum- An active member of the Tech-tia coast, There is the distinct nical E-ction of the Canadian probability that this barge will Pu'p and Faper Association, he is be converted to transporting p. tormer member of the Tt-chni-rh- mira:s and o;h?r cnmmoditl-es ca' Council. He is also a member t r the pu'p and paper industry of the Cost and Management o-i th.- Brfiish Columbia coast, 'institute of Canada. DRY CLEANING and Wash Room, showing two dry cleaning machines, three woshing machines and three extractors, or dryers. a!3 lit! ) i V U (.,; t rw Sl 1""' '" I n O O n CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES I it' 1 1 r ' 4f- Jin' aidcdcu litroat Finisher for men's suitcoats. This machine THESE THREE STEAM press machines take care of garments that cannot bo finished on the Adjusta-Form and ' suitccat finishers.. will make a beaumu. men's suits without sh.ne sno of seams and pocket mu.. any other press marw. BIA CELLULOSE CO. LTD. Moy Your Future, So Closclv Linked with Ours, be crowned wth Success. P. O. Box 99 Phone 858 HUGO KRAUPNER. Manager, end Staff of IDEAL CLEANERS and LAUNDRY