13 Hrince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 11, 1951 o 0 o orvo mi JJ ''TrvY J;J f 13 o) To) mJ)) .-TCUOV . ' . UKi..!' ' ' . t:0'j; :, it, i. St rib I J, , . t . 'til 111 nil' 5 ? . V'!' 2A dv Cii . ... ? Vn y'T i i i 1 1 111 ""BWW 1 mr' J 1 -iJf 1 'A ' k; -.'f'1 "3 I" j mnviiL mi our i: "1 ' M I I . a j . !l J. ... MENDiNG MACHINE All WTW- mint It socks arc mended free of charge. Socks arc ulso carefully pressed and folded, and tagged for :,afcty and convenience. 0; -rSaX V- XI X NEW PANTE'X shiit finishing I unit and roirt folclinn tnhl I V 1 PSS"X!3 -.-" I , " ' ' I I 1 in' IB "1 J ' Nin i "TTi l,J . - .... Ui dL..X . tJJ NISHING DEPARTMENT shows oil the new and .-nuipmcnt installed recently. In front, the stenm tmg board is equipped with-a vacuum and com-nir attachment. Centre, is the new ''Puffer Set" m vacuum finishino board. Rear, the "Adiusta- Ibis is an c5wlv n-w rlrpnrt-' menf to n'v- utmost satiefne-tion in a finisiicJ shirt lo our customers. Separate operations are prformrd. . L7 the collar id suitccat finisher. and cuff press, the yoke and body press, which delivers a most beautifully finished shirt in iiio new "Snirt Pax" package, designed to protect the collar from being crushed. 53 ; S?ivW Jf mtmm M i V N 1 i i i- x REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped with a new power tailoring machine and a power mending machine. All necessary sewing supplies are kept on hand and we are able to take care of any repair or alteration desired. (V.AT V jl T J71UJaL. WITHOUT SHINE it in wm- K rR'EM AMD PATRONS: 1 Pi'uir-. through the medium of this special Issue of the W'-i'ilkh-d ut this important time, to. present to you a short 'ynr Mi,- most Important parts of our facilities used In our 0 serv.-" you. It!"'S ""' n'nT,i' showing every piece of equipment In our'' s"lr 'hat you w(ll be nb',-: to appreciate that we have ' ' "ntl most mortem machinery at. your disposal in a plant . ' ""-'ulshrd as the finest of its kind In Northern B.C. "p'1 nlli'1('t is lo serve you and serve you well. All of out r"'nPcr'tlve and anxious to cxtettd the best of fi n-'11"1' P: oit nee- tlie finest, quality In Laundry and Drycleaning : SUIT COATS LADIES' JACKETS OVERCOATS DRESSES . 1 ".)r S4i,' "'k you for your valued patronage In the past which, hope, eentlnuv! for many years to come. 'I'M iiif.,l,J " .vou all. on behalf of myself and my staff, cordial STEAM -AIR RNISHINC sm",re wishes for the best of everything In the future np laiiri p,ns)p,lty, created by the opening of your pulp mill at a'Ul Ultl advent (,f tne establishment of the Aluminum cloul "'..lesx will bring to every one of you in Northern B.C. Sincerely yours, HUGO KRAUPNER ASSEMBLY LINE and checking department where garments are carefully inspected and orders made up. ' j. PI TT Prince Rupert B.C. 1 jj Ha? Q iii INI 1 ;