B Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June U, 1951 ' (Continued from page 1) INDUSTRIAL dent, CPR, Vancouver. E C. Mapson. Vancouver. Fred H. Merrll, San Francisco. Joseph Michalskl, United Press Association, New York. John Morahan, New York Herald-Tribune, New York. Harry B. Murkland, hemisphere affairs editor, Newsweek Magazine, New York. A. G. Natwick, Crown Zeller-bach, Corlcomas, Washington. Dean Nesbitt, Nesbitt, Thomson & Co., Montreal. J. K. Nesbitt, News Herald, Vancouver. Rpnatnr Richard L Neuberger, W. Hooker, vice-president in charge of sales, Niagara Falls, N Y., Hooker Electrochemical Co. G. D. Humphrey, assistant manager, B.C. Pulp and Paper Co., Vancouver. Leo C. Kelley, general superintendent, Alaska Pine and Cellulose Ltd., Vancouver. I Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister I of lands and forests, B.C. gov Keystone Wf '-.- ..iH ILL. Tkj, i V ernment. of Main Street 'TV . I . Oregoman, Portland, Ore. R. S. O'Meara, trade commis-; sioner, B.C. government, Victoria. I Dr. C. D. Orchard, B.C. Forest Service, Victoria. I Charles Parlin, New York. R. W. Pearson, National Trust Co.. Vancouver. j Richard W. Porter, editorial Walter Koerner, vice-president, Alaska Pine and Cellulose Co., Vancouver. R. W. Lambourne, San Francisco. Lyle Lodwick, associate editor, Nation's Business Magazine, Washington. D. R. Maclaren, vice-president, TCA, Vancouver. a F. McAlDlne. suDervisor B.C. ..Jul W t "a.V tf-mmm- 1 VK." M. Vancouver. - 1 ' 8. Bydney Frost, general man-1 ager. Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto, i j Ralph Geer, Argus Research I Corporation, New York. I Ernest Q. Geier, chairman of, the board, Duplan Corporation, New York. t Frederick S. Gilbert, assistant publisher. Time, Inc., New York. Sandham C. Graves, editor, Victoria Daily Colonist. . James F. Griffiths, president, James Griffiths & Sons Inc., Ta-Coma. O. Cameron Guile, Canadian Cellulose Products Ltd., Montreal. I Charles Gundy, Wood, Gundy ti Co., Toronto. ". Kingsley F. Harris, technical editor, Canadian Pulp and Paper Magazines, VWU J J. K. Hart, Everetiu Wash. ; Hon. John Hart, ex-Premier of British Columbia and president, Gillespie, Hart-& Co., Victoria. '-' " ' ' J Carl H. Hauers, , assistant treasurer, John Hancock Mutual LMe Insurance, Boston. ; E. M. Herb, presklfrrtf! .'Westminster Paper Co. Jd.r New Westminster. ! U Hon. A. J. Hooke, minister of Economic affairs, province of k ' ' Alberta, Edmonton. Albert H. Hooker, western sales manager, Tacoma, and R. director, Paper Industry, Chicago. Barney Potts, Vancouver. . r " icfl ! Donald L. Pratt, raircnua Publications, Los Angeles. W. H. Raikes, superintendent. Bank of Montreal, Vancouver. . F. H. Russell, Nesbitt-Thom-son Si Co., Vancouver. ! Samuel I. Rosenman, New York. The towns of Canada are vigorous places. Early settlers built them beside great oceans, turbulent rivers, towering mountains and rolling pastures. And each town's character and industry came from the surrounding countryside. Helping to build the industries of many Canadian towns is your bank ... a branch of The Commerce. The manager is a neighbour, a professional man who gives service that comes with long acquaintance. branches. Royal Bank of Can- ada, Vancouver. j R. A. McEachern, editor. Financial Post, Toronto. Dr. Frank E. B. McGilvery, Vancouver, formerly of Terrace. Fred S. McKeen, Straits Tow-in? Ltd., Vancouver. G. W. McPherson, Great West Life Assurance Co., Vancouver. W. G. Macher, New York. W. G. Mackenzie, president, B.C. Eridge and Dredging Co., Vancouver. Leander Manley, manager, Canadian Pulp Si Paper Association, Vancouver. William Manson, vice-presi- H. D. Ruhm jr.. Bates Manufacturing Co., New York. Alfred Russell, World-Telegram and Sun, New York. R. C. St. Clair, assistant chl;f forester, Victoria. and Canadian towns depend on each other, and upon the men women at The Commerce. They are good people to know. Sydney Self, Wall Street Journal, New York. Kerth Stran, H. R. McMillan Export Co., Vancouver. Fred Smelts, Labor Relations Board, Vancouver. Lawrence K. Smith, manager, Pulp and Paper, Seattle. Robert L. Smith, U.S. consul general, Vancouver. R. L. Solloway, manager, Frank Waterhouse & Co., Rupert Men's orfd Boys' Store v. For FAfHER'S DayP1fe The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" EDWARD BOULTER, Manager Prince Rupert Branch Col. A. W. Sparling, headquarters, B.C. area, Canadian Army, Vancouver. Dr. J. D. Stenstrom, Victoria. J. N. Stephenson, editor-in-chief. Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada, Gardenvale, Que. Dr. Lincoln R. Thiesmeyer, Vancouver. Robert Thomson, secretary-treasurer, Standard Life Insurance Society, Montreal. O. B. Thornton, Montreal Irust Co., Montreal. Brian Tobin, associate editor, SPORT SHIRTS TIES DRESS SHIRTS SOCKS SWEATERS BELTS SLIPPERS GLOVES Z At Dad's Favorite Store '7 t 5. f Rupert Men's & Boys' Store; , H. -f '.. few. ..ml r i i - r. Victoria Times. . L. Turcotte, president, Puget j Sound Pulp and Timber Co., Bellingham. Hon. Douglas Turnbull, min- j Ister of health and welfare, B.C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiki i t m . '- ,, t .Sur ii- Uf. - w"' g government. Rex Vincent, vice-president, Bulkley Dunton Pulp Co., New York. Hugh Wcatherby, editor, B.C Lumberman, Vancouver. Jacques Weber, president, Bloomsburg Mills Inc., New York. W. C. Wells, Victoria. 'A. H. Williamson, Vancouver. Al Wright, Sun Life of Canada, Vancouver. J. A. Young, vice-president, Pacific Mills Ltd., Vancouver. - " ' - .;. .; - v. ' vvvr ' ft ill ii mrr r'-T'-mmn ivA Tn . . !m mmm w S-' Totem Pole Gift Shop "GIFTS that are different" Best Wishes to Columbia Cellulose Company Pr. .Rupert Facts WATERWORKS SYSTEM Prince Rupert owns and oper . R E S S COLUMBIA CELLULOSE Plant at Prince Rupert represents $27,000,000 worth of confidence in B.C.'s future. The comoany operates jjnder the first forest management licence to be issued in this province , and manufactures pulp for rayon, plastics and chemicals. Factory is built at Port Edward, a few miles from the city, on an island. SHELL OIL COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED offers congratulations to 211 Sixth Street PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. "INDIAN CRAFTS" ates its own waterworks system. The monthly rates for water are j $2.00 less 10 for prompt pay- j I ment. The distribution system is adequate for a population substantially greater than the present 10.000. Rrncwals and extensions of the distribution system are paid uf, of profits. The City Officials havn indicated that over the CILUiOA CELLUl next five years it may be necessary to borrow about $250,000 to construct a new main line from th-3 reservoir to the City. i tSi r i SCHOOLS COMPANY on the Opening of its new Port Edward Plant - n On completion of the present building program authorized, Prince Rupert will have adequate school facilities for at least five years. General services in the city of Frince Rupvrt have been found by Columbia Cellulose people to He vastly better than they had expected. This Includes shop-Dint;, clubs, recreational facilities, etc. THEN YOU'RE READY TO EAT AT SMILE'S CAFE At the Waterfront, Cow Boy Rupert terminal and distribution centre is equipped for railroad and water shipments. Shell has been serving industry in British Columbia for over 36 years with' refining and manufacturing facilities. This magnificent new plant near Prince Rupert represents further substantiation that Canadian industry is making great investments in northern British Columbia. And to supply and service this increased activity, Shell Oil Company's Prince nut; r If It's Biiilding You Want -! FIRST Consult GREER & BRIDDEN Ltd. YOU CAN BE SURE OF SHELL Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 215 First Avenue West PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. mfci . .. .!.,! -1 .. -J fii . i , GENERAL BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS For Every Kind Of Construction We take this opportunity to Welcome to Prince" Rupert another' Industry .... COLUMBIA CELLULOSE CO. SHELL'S new Prince Rupert Terminal is the distribution centre for the neighbouring coastal and island area. Located on the waterfront, adjacent to the Grain Commissioner's dock, railway tank car loading facilities have been installed to handle large bulk shipments of petroleum products. r 1 ft 5T f- T