PRINCI RUP ERT OMMUN1TY 21 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June IV, 1S51 sport loving social loving and well dressed ! u I patterns and loud stripes, of gaudy panels and flairish dc- I cording to style artists. suite. The lounge and the ph,,,v Bmurt. rOntiiii-rs exnect drape "'Fci , nt-oKs-shirtc Dress-shirts remain remain fnr for Champions of ndoor Sport vr ' Modern Facilities Here jackcU may well be relegated to : most in plain C(J,urs and pasu.lg pi.lcts wiu bt, a liUie higher this history, say fashion experts. witn lne Uci(l niore .M Ule suUi st,ason throughout the clothirrg' A more extreme version o Mr. i bone-stiffened cut-away collars, lines, but it w..; be another year T uses a slight rope effect In j The extreme Windsor is living beiore the doubling price in raw the- shoulders and emphasises i out its popularity, as well as wool will have its effect on re-a full back. Pants are still feat-jfused collars. At present, young tailed merchandise. i ured in drape, with probably amen buy three to one soft col- mllcr pleat.. ,, . , ,ars for the fused type. Before square dancing was Concerning Cioth and mater-1 And ties have finally sobered introduced in Prince Rupert's .al, the trend is away from over- j up from their colorful spree. Civic Centre, little of that form popular gabardine to woolen Smaller 'patterns and regimental of recreation was carried on in worsteds, diagonals and pic n j stripes are coming back in place the city. . Your Style II (( (j f ' V' ,i New styles in men's wear this spring are not a;s radical as they are pre-dominent. Clothiers in Vvith means for recreation limited in i'rinco Rupert compared to larger centres sports plays a major role in the life of this community. In the winter basketball and bowling take the lead, witn runner-ups of badminton and skiing. Prince Rupert's Civic Centre, with its lanrC. JulIV-modcrn -.-lr.fchmrris finri snrvlritor !!- pics. The tartan sport jacket is ex- Prince Rupert will play j r pected to gain popularity here' this summer. When first intro-. 1 lip the famous "Mr. T'iauced the brightly-hued plaidsj model in Sllit Coats, they loused many heads to snap; gymnasium, is the home of bas- commodatlon lor 750. ! KciDan. rnrice winners ol the British Columbia Senior "B" V- Meanwhile, bowling in Prince, arouna m consternation aim i n,mrri hafi i niton a firm jitun.i SUV. many a snide remark. But Uiei 4 ff f f competition, Prince Rupert Jets comfortable, full cut and light Snce tne new alleys were opm , ((., kllow, as his year also took the Inter- ctl. Mana8cr Art 'laylor says al1,,,,, jndon Square, Is impress- weight apparal has found great national Trophy, winning ov-i over ii least 1000 i mm i nri.,.ir. i .. r-.,..ia reecDtion in manv centres, par-. ai,...i. . . . Kwv.. inc riin lulls ill . - ' - . maana Itaiuj Ol MCliaKClia ana n,.jv,.li, 4n hnwlinir rtiirinw thpl.., ... .i... ir.,lm,l States. It "CUiariy among college siuaents. VnIKil-n ' " Q " HIK1 I" I"- winter season. There is a men's 1 accentuates high, narrow shoul- Other iporuwear win lv.r to riuin u.:n,ocr i to April i league, a women s league ana rirs oivine the wearer a long- more sober colors, subdued me city leagues operate under a mixed league. With recent management of the C.vic Cen- operation of the ' Sunday Club," tre. Ad players are members there is bowling' every night of er and straighter appearance greys, blues and browns, with ex-with a trim waist and hipllne. ception, perhaps, of the newly Eastern Canada, which seems introduced wrap-around jack ts. to be setting the pace for fas- Of corduroy, they .will come In hinns on t he continent this year, greens, maroons and yellows. oi tne rrince nuperi Amateur thc week. ' Civic Centre Badminton Club, t will also strive to have men lean But it's in T-shirts that colors to single-breasted, two-plci-e will run riot this year, with bold Basketball Association, whicn (has full jurisdiction over them. Doji Forward, Civic Centre director, Is northern rcpre.scn-; tative on the executive ol the is a favorite snort In Prince Rupert and competition , ih - six-month league wrles. More than 1000, or y HI . of Prince Rupert's population goes bowling. with 125 members play every Wednesday and Sunday on eight fuil-s.ze courts. Frequent tournaments, are open to members, and inlcr-club tourneys are held, the Annunciation (Catholic) j B.C.A.B.A. . . Three leagues the senior, ln- Community Hub tcrmediate and junior, play-ofl clua and Sons oj Norway club near the end of the season lor -competing. Mew Swimming Pool! A popular place in hot weather is the Gyro swim- ming pool in McClymont Park. The pool is 30 by 75 feet, fenced in beautiful surroundings and has two i:vcrbmly(;es learn to romp and play with local trophies. Representati ve I It may be raining, snowing, .s ana at leams are tlle Prince Rupert b.owing a gale or it may be ) rli,.,, ""!--'' i.'.c ""-j uui, muu jets, made u of players from st winter was the own problems of give and take, three senior teams for play with tool, clear and crisp- on a winter night, albeit a Prince Rupert ooy or girl, or adult, will likely have a date with one r. tne .unties classes, con- In more advanced stages of the ' out-f-town teams, such a.s the Mm Eileen Cross, tiny-tot instruction, rudiments lamed Globetrotters. Vancouver of British Columbia of rrvmnasttcs arc taueht to nre-1 teams, traveilina U.S. colleee diving boards. It was built by. Fnnce Kupert uyro Club for $10,000 and donated to the city. It may be surprising Hut in 1 ; mrsf uriresa. pare tho children for junior Rup- teams ana international tour- j "' - truss thought Prince Rec classes. This active body, neys. a port city like this only a few A unique feature in .he econ-iH'oule can swim, but accessible oniy ot rnncc Rupert is the taxi dhtr "pretty swell, classified as to ages and sex,1 The other "rep -lean.' is Uk" n a rceent letter of goes throuiili the most strer.u- Bo-Mt HI RainmaKcrs, cumm is-1 C!f fl I I flC It".' it'll i.U... 11... UUn ll'BMUV II H.l .J Vtl UUI.UIIIg V V. V V W .IlkUIH 11111 i re and keep-fit exercises. These School teams. They play out-ol- -trk course, which classes, together with the tquarc- towners at home and In Alaska, Not Tweedy beaches are not one of the many business! In the .city of a scarce features uf Prince Rupert, al- u.uou population 17 taxi stands though nearby Salt Lakes offer - pc.aie moic than 100 cars. some recreation, I But with the new pool, swim- j Hrst B.C: Indian tribe to be ming is being taught regularly under "white laws . m ommuitpr. par-h summer Last '.nlran:hlsed ics in either uphol- dancing group, end each season sucn as me wrangeu, reiers- dellint; of furniture with a gruna gymnastic display uurg, anu tcniKan nigiiM.njJi , XweeQS have never reached ; and sewing, was which "winds up" the .arge scale teams. They play under sthojl p0pularity in Canada, although iiWrnoon and even- activity carneu on in nre vivic . . they are eagerly purchased when f ba children iear-.ed to swim are the Metlakatla band, who C. c. Senior oentor available available In in the the U.S. U.S. Of Of courte, courte." , , . ... . , ... .. have have incorporated incorporated their village M Cross' stay here centre uuring wie wmiei uivuui. . me jets enterea a. his the reaction in tne summer months, now-- " iw mc mai. uu m uw, m Britain mey are staples. - under the Municipality Act. i HOOPLA stars are at home In Prince Rupert, three-time holder ot Senior "B" championship of B.C. LaUst victory of the Jets was over PeiUicton's Omegas, from whom they wrested the Star Cup with sensational 'shots like these. (t a lot and had ever, the Centre is not idle. Its taxing away irom rort Aioerni Reason for this, clothiers believe, Civic Centre piarouna stau. Metiakatla, population 153, lies spacious, auaiuinum is oiten uluiikuuii, iuhuw- is tnat many canaaians nave m when in operation, tne pool is arross the harbor from Prince: .... !,'. t. i i ri it voar tho Tote aoiin f rrtprir i i n i; Rupert. I f friends of a lot of "sold out ' to audiences oi travel- --s ule past purcnasea tuiiauuii- supervised at all times. i wr mpf hi'furp nnp ling coneeris. wvu-Miown oiiifio . . .. : ----------o 7:r mauc vwccuo, vi imww. HuoukJ In the finals. But last year they in material and workmanship. lest to Penticton. , These tweeds, after little wear, This year they regained the have become baggy and ill-, title from Penticton. shaped, causing great dissatis The basketball court at the faction and a general swearing-; i spurUng a suit she and virtuosos, brought here by lit winter, said of the the eufertalnment committee. ... '.:.(! Miss Cross was a i Then, the highlight of the f-nial teacher. We summer activity is the four-day r.A ... 111.- V..,w " . rin.i,.nl iJflTllhr A IT'hiph X ', i it i v.. X-.1 I Pi Q : v-a. .....u. - ! Centre Is 84 by ' 44 feet, with glass off of tweeds, I of entertainment Miular schedule the being a feature Ji.:ains through the for all, is also a maior event in - Clubs-There's A Hundred October money ratnng lor me enmes a to May are Tut; " classes each continued opera! ion.-;, , . 1 of the com-j Administration atternoon By the centre Is carried out by iiwm more than 200 munity ; from ages 3-6 were an association comprised of rep- i . With more than 100 clubs and organizations in : aii part of the clubs, who support the centre Prince Rupert from w'hich to choose, residents of this e ree y Di. ereaimn program with donations and elect an ex- little difficulty finding compatible a.SSOCia- irrctor Don For- ecutive body. . J . . . .. .. , . from 2 30 to 3 30 MembeiThip is open to ail and tion. And a "joiner" one who is easily talked into ncieci inio ini. in.!. two Ho- dc- subscriptions subscriptions form fom the w main , , membershinshould be in his element. I :u'ki t ih. t ...... iu. c n eimimrt. nf riallv ouerating costs. The $200,000 building and' There are all kinds of trade Wore the young 'tins equipment therein was bought unions for the tradesmen; poll- clubs and for sport lovers no si,.,, ii,,,. 'i,n h, from the Canadian government tical clubs for the politicians;, art, end of associations; nearly every ..... ,i, t.. .. . .,v. i..ub f.. ort etc ann i i -i the art of group cn- for $00 000 in Marcn, imo. py uiu i.iui tu - tervice ciuo is lepicuciucu, association. It was built In 1044 ethers; re'iglous associations, wen as business, professional and for YMCA War Services at a cost young people's clubs and worn- entertainment societies. f V-V'V- WAfff Vh H fn " '-Al U it I r""- ul ,M ; 1 v i- ;M Hi j 1 i i ' J U) -, " I !' t The "T o d d 1 e r s" 1 held W'dnesday af-;"ikes in the thrro- -A t'iider. where they of S15f0nn and furnished at an en s organizations. There are even two licensed For the sportsman uieie aic clubs wRn a sUong mcmbc.r.ship additional cost ol S-J&.uuu support. A newcomer is not long here beiore he is tackled for member IV ship in one organization or the ' other. It is not difficult or un- j rational to assume that a high, percentage of this city's 12,000. population are members of tome-thing or other. Those who arc ?L ft not, probably ai i antisocial, or have some other such disease. In Prince Rupert, therefore, you need not be left out in the cold, or without friends, tou Beynon, Ray Spring, Don Scherk. Herb Morgan. Jim Flaten, Jo-d Davis, Rupert Holkestad, Syd Scherk, Art Olson, and Alex Bill, their coach. FKINCE kurERT JETS. British Columbia Senior "B" champions again this year, defeated F?nticton Omegas, who took the crown from the Jets in 1950. This is third time Prince Rupert holds the .championship. From left, are Ted Arney, Sonny who have been given tn u oppo. tu.iuy 0OFF i the summer heat are these en thusiasts, f Rupert Gyro Club. Gyros also super vise play-ground equipment in city parks. , can always be a "joiner." iwi i iinn iii mil tmitiWtimmmnm Congratulations to the People of Prince Rupert for Their Progress and to Columbia Cellulose Company Who Helped It Wallace's Department Store Rupert People's Store Ltd. Rupert Men's & Boys' Wear Universal Star's Stylewear Poms' Department Store Fraser & Payne Abel & Odovves W. F. Stone Annette Mansell Acme Clothing Store t ii c .'iif.tS.' Lee Ladies' Wear Sports Shop Watts & Nickerson B. C. Clothiers