i J PRINCE RUPERT TODAY (Continued from P.ise 25) ?6 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday. June U. 1(151 IHDUSTRIAl WELDING CO. We build all-steel boom boats. Workmanship and satisfaction 100S. guaranteed. PRINCE Rl'PERT FfiOXE CRFEN 834 Kitimat Project Vi!! Affect Economy of Entire Country (The Daily News takes pleasure in reprinting the following editorial which appeared on the front page of the Omineca Herald. January 2. 1951. The Herald is published weekly In Terrace by Cath and Tommy Fraer. The recent news of the signing of an agreement between the Provincial Government and the Aluminum Company of Canada was received by most Terrace and district residents with great rejoicing, by others with a skeptical attitude that it would ever reach realization still others felt a slight reluctance, : in that their comparatively quiet also offers heavy industrial op- orderly life would be disrupted an" tlle few indifferent who portunities. ' . - . , . have no conception of the ma -However. Prince is not Rupert nitude of the ject and tne "a!! work and no nlay.' Tne mild far-reachine benefit to the coastal climate offers excellent country as a whole i i ll l ! Kitimat project gets under way there will be 100,000 tons of aluminum going, to the Siales at $330 a ton, which would be a new exportable of $33,000,000, ,and with additional export to the U.S. by the Columbia Cellulose Company, now almost ready for production in this area, what would this do to the balance of exchange? It wouldn't just help you and me but everyone in Canada. ' Because of this development our town ls going to grow, and change, and build beyond our fondest dreams of progress. This will be a great satisfaction to the pioneers who have worked and planned and strlved toward this end often with little help or encouragement from our southern B.C. neighbors. A.s one American newspaper puts it: this vast aluminum project is to be developed in the "wilds of British Columbia." This, then, is our chance to show what our so-called "wilds" can produce and the important part they can play toward Dominion and international expansion and progress. This industry had been attracted by the potential hydro-elvc-tric capacity. In the Rupert area itself there is a potential of 100,- 000 horsepower and only 10.4A0 horsepower is at present 'developed. Water consumption in the city is around 3'2 millon gallons per day with a potential of about, five times this amount from the present source. I Electric power is not the only fuel available in the area, however. There are five oil stations in Prince Rupert, with oil and gasoline storage and distribution facilities for the entire northern coast of British Columbia. There is ample coal in the district and several mines in operation. The Columbia Cellulose draws on these reserves for its power supply. ! Many excellent industrial sites aiv? available in Prince Rupert and some of these have water- : : front facilities. Port 'Edward, near the Columbia Cellulose mill, I ' i now mm COW BAY BOAT WORKS DESIGNING - REPAIRS FINE WORKMANSHIP - ESTIMATES Starts with your W Canadian Pacific ASe ' ' k V - A. P. Crawley Green 3!U sailing among the lovely Islands rn.an , , M HMTIB,rMMrfl,'j Our attention has been drawn to a few facts which give food protected from the full force of uie x-utjuc uy in.- viieen v.nar- fnr thnnuht onH or Co - . wnerey-m plant-consult your canadla, P ABcnt can tell yi,u h,; when you will gcl thwe' how the beautifully Canadian Pacific sliim t pJanes and hotels win i11;lk( trip speedy and comfort, Travel in comfort tn In 10 years population of Terrace has increased from 355 to mora than 2,500. Activities of Aluminum Company of Canada at Kitimat and current woods operations of Columbia Cellulose Company in thvj Terrace area, tends to make this the fastest, growing centre on the continent. Vancouver and - Victoria O $39.90 one way N I. $71.85 return Y J. D. NOT MAN IS 01K AGKNT AM) VOl Its AT VHISVI Ruin Sir Huwpruey Davy, British siif-ntist. made the first and possibly greatest step toward the production of aluminum, a.s it is known today, when, he passed electric current through alumina (oxide of aluminum i and. isolated the alloy. lette Islands. The skiing on the jng on local mountains is excellent. The To begln witn thls $500 ml!. city itself offers most of the re- lon dollar aiumlnum plant t0 creational facilities that can be come lnto being but 40 miles from found in a larger citv. Its Civic town our will be one of the Centre is the admiration of many greatest, if nol the greatest tn-majrr communities. dustrial achievements in Cana- Citizens of Prince Rupert, In dian history, their generous hospitality, The growing world-wide de-proudly'take a visitor to their mand for aluminum makes lovely Legion club which was speedy completion of the pro-built bv the Deoartment of Na- ect of vital importance. j ticnal Defence as an officers' When under full production it ' wardroom during the last war. is estimated that 300 ocean-no-Th Canadian Legion purchased lng ships a year will call at the build'ngr and property from the Prt of Kitimat, then to be a War Assets Corporation in 1949 city of approximately 50.000 and pronjDt'v converted it, int,o a populat.on. What will this mean centre of- which thev may well to Sk.eena wid Bulkley Vality be proud. The establishment now farmers? A natural, easily -ac-nclu.des.the veterans' premises, f edible, unlimueu market for an auditorium, general offices, a their Prduce. ladies' lounge and recreation The proposed Nechako dam """i." The lounne and dining W'H bring Ootsa Lake up to the room, ot the fc.oui.iXuilv furnished ntiiKht of 13!) feet above the Club 27 overlook the harbor with Present level, it Ls estimated. 1;. its. colorful sunsets and northern wil1 make an "inland sea," V-rt'!)la.vs. The genial shaped that will b between 300 atmosphere maintained in the 400 niiles lcom end l" r'0'-chit is tyoical of the hospitality WtaJ for culse ships a resort ol Rupert itself. '" 1,1 Ul8 niountawis j. provinci.U . park and Burns Lake would be the gateway. Aluminum salts, found in vol- The diimming of the NechaW can districts of. the- Mediter- and the diverting of the water, ; ranean, were first used in medi- west would take, approximately I cine, and the dver's art by the 10 per cent of the 'volume off Romans, in the B.C. -ra. ,. the Fraser River what, might: .. . . u ... 'thw do to avert flood waters . throughout the entire Frasr Bri.a , , , Prince Rupert area includes valley district' communities of Butedale. Car-; Atythfi present time tne Cana. lisle, Georgetown MiUs, Klemtu, dian rate of exchange from the Kwmista, Port Edward, Port Es- United States is about four per smgton Port Simpson and cent penalty, with the balance biceena City.v of trade agairiiit us when the WILFORD ectrical Works Ltd. flights such as this have not been immmmnn ci v, i,..,ti r, . .. . . ARMATURE AND MOTOR REWINDING MARINE AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING CQYLE BATTERIES EKOLITE SOUNDERS - KARR DIRECTION FINDERS SPILSBURY AND HEPBURN RADIOPHONES V . ri 4'3 atrvi.e do..,. m , ItMQ ., , 7 ' W1C ""-y'uo o.v.s mospnaj insurance. 1,948. Hospital construction is probably the most important ohaMs of the Insurance r'non14 "g "ot;cUid beds available to the citizens of the Province. In the past two years t , CCunf'thav been Paid U "ehaif of beneficiaries ranging from $20 to more than S'n r " rVmfC counts were paid in the United States, Australia, South Africa Mexico, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. Phone Blue 391 Box 13 ii i 1 1 1 1 i ii in ii : RVIM uour MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES FOR EVERY CITIZEN OF EVERY AGE GROUP am ,"" i MAXIMUM YEARLY FEE PER FAMILY INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS ADULT . 'TEEN JUNIOR $12.00 $5.00 yearly 3.00 " 2.00 " V. -! J FACILITIES Three Gymnasia Auditorium Lounge Rooms Public Library Billiard Room Craft Workshops Lunch Room , - Canteen Sun-lamps - Showers . Photo. Darkroom Meeting Rooms ' ACTIVITIES Rup-Rec Classes Badmintbii - Basketball Handicrafts - Art Club Square Dancing Organized Games Symphony - Band Little Theatre Boxing - Squash Handball - Table Tennis Billiards - Clubs University Extension Courses Special Events ii - .A Avail Yourself of the Many Facilities Offered to Make Your Residence in Prince Rupert both Pleasant and Permanent V DR. R. G. LAROE Chairman of the Board of Directors ' DON FORWARD Oeneral Secretary o fj;,' a .-- ,. ' J til 1 ,.-. . S51IS ! 3 li i As the name impJies the Civic'Centre is meant to be the focal point of community life. With the advent of Columbia Cellulose Company, the population of our city is showing a steady increase. ' We welcome these newcomers to Prince Rupert, ond invite them to join with us in making full use of the facilities available in the Civic Centre Building. " The. staff of the Civic Centre Association welcomes the opportunity to serve the personnel of the Columbia Cellulose Company. We are prepared to do our part in providing program arid facilities to make the leisure hours of all Prince Rupert resident1; pleasant, profitable and permanent. A membership in the Civic Centre is more than a personal investment . . . it is an Investment m Citizenship. iBfl1 CIWBC MM k mm. mm'mmmmmmimmmmm ..- T rnp --riff-- ' i