40 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 11, 1951 I Co-ordinated Big Project REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS Watson Island was used as a! - The Columbia Cellulose plant storage point for high explosives' on. Watson Island is located tnroute to Pacific theatre for about nine miles from Prince ?he United Stales Army during Rupert by railway and 13 miles World War II. I by highway DR. RALPH BALL When Dr. Ralph H. Ball, Man-) ager of the Cellulose Division of ( Celanese Corporation of Ameri-j ca, came to British Columbia last January to head up the 1 Columbia Cellulose Company, he was coming home. A native or Keiowna, Dr. Ball vas a member of the first gradu-; CoiHjralufalionS ami (IJesl lUiJiti . Prosperity and Success to the Columbia Cellulose 1 - " I . . ... v., w-. -yh. ' '. -. 'I - Y fi if! : '"'v - P-O.Bok5 . rmce R upert, B ! ating class at the University of 1 I "Vitish Columbia in 1926. In 1928 1 I lie received an M A. from U.B.C., i and with a National Research , ! Council scholarship went on to j J mere graduate work at McGill ! j.iiveisity. Working under Pro- fessor Harold Hibbjrt in the i Pulp and Paper Research Insti- Lute, specializing in cellulose chemistry, he received a Ph.D. in 1931. . i Immediately after graduation D. . Ball joined th Development and Research Department of the Celluloid Corporation which, at. J. Jl. jS. J-ttrher SKEENA RIVER hat time, was stock controlled EXCLUSIVE LADIES' READY TO, WEAR ' 2i: Third Avcnii We I P.O. 365 PRINCE Rl'PERT by Cclanese Corporation of America and subsequently merged with Celanese. From the Develop -,cni and Research Organization, Dr. Bail PILEDRIVIN6 CO became division head and, in: 1941, Assistant Technical Dircc- I I tor of the Plastics Division, .1 Celanese Corporation of America. ! In 1942 Dr. Ball spent a year , ,ith the Chemical Branch of the 1 ci to tjrvvl COLUMBIA CELLULOSE CO. V. ar Production Board in Washing! on. DC, organizing expansion of plastics production and distribution of supply. At the end of this time he returned to his former post as head of Celancscr' Plastics Division. When I..! Central Research W Development organization of Cclanc.c was established at Bed WJieS for the OPENING of your Pulp Mill i Summit, N.J.. 1947, Dr. Ball be on the opening o the new pulp mil COMMERCIAL SPORT Fine salmon like these are caught by the hundreds of trolling boats which operate In the teeming waters contiguous to Prince Rupert. Taken with lmok and line, catching fighting spring salmon like this would be considered high spun by the amateur fisherman. Meet At . . . MACEY'S For Quality es came Assistant Director of Central Research and Development. In March. 1948. he transferred to the New York office of Celanese, to lake charge of co-ordinating (. h e engineering, construction and organization of Columbia Cellulose Compa ny. Shortly after assuming direction of the British Columbia project Dr. Ball became Manager of the Cellulose Division cf Celanese, his picsent liost. Dr. Ball's wife Is the former Marion Bmith, daughter of Oren B. Smith who was a prominent mining engineer on the Pacific Coast from 1900 until his death in 1926. Mrs. Ball is a graduate of U.B.C. From LUNCHES COFFEE PltS ond Our Own SOFT near the Capitol Theatre Jf f ; ' 1 '-.; ' ' -" r- 'if'":: Operating Two Pile Drivers At Your Service SKEENA RIVER PILE DRIVING CO. I'O llox 1281 . Prim Kupfrt A. Kristuiunson, Proprietor filllHIP rrnrtti mtif I As many as 600 men were used on construction of the Columbia Cellulose mill. Lw.lirr,Mi.li.IMBI, ,m JjSj 1 doiiqraluic 7 a no nd a rn Lrh .a .alrh For Adding To SPARKS COMMERCE CHAMBER P. H. Linzey, active secretary of Prinre Rupert Chamber of Commerce, has been a resident of Prince Rupert for 37 years. Born in England, he was engaged in the retail grocery bu.siness for several years. In 1932 he turned to Insurance and during the war was local administrator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Then he went back to the insurance business. He has been secretary of the Chamber of Commerce for three years and is also manager of the Princj Rupert Credit Bureau. Expansion In Prince Rupert GEORGE COOK Jeweller Construction of the Columbia Cellulose mill commenced in 1948. C. H. Klotz, project engineer, has been on the job ever since. Excavation Contractor whose equipment played a pari in construction of the great new plant which has contributed in such large measure to the new era of development and prosperity of Prince Rupert TWO STORES PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Box 1188 TERRACE P.O. Box 319 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, CA. ' , Box 1247 Phone 83 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. wifi 111 foe si wishes P o is happy to join in this welcome to t LUAflBlA CB.BJWSE From CO LTO KAIEN HARDWARE JOE SCOTT Third Avenue and Fifth Street Prince Rupert and the Construction, and Operating Personnel CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES BUILDING ll III i h a V m u I I ' ' I . 1 I m a j ULiJ. .AND 4