39 Prince Rupert Daily fNews Monday, Juae 11, 1951 . . . mi e?3ViN& ALL UN riuiinL,!? - - -3NLT v Vv-i i New York uftiee of General Chemical Company. In November, 193y, he joined ihe Barber Asphalt Company at Perth Amboy, N J., as project en- : gineer on an asphait and petrol -' He Directed Big Change Tr.j Northern British Columbia pany made a capital outlay dur-Power Company Limited serves ing the past year of about the- City and industries in the j $506,000 lor additions and exten-Prince Rupert district. The Com-1 slons to Its power system. ! Mr. McRae's Greeting I would like to join with the many others in welcoming the officials of Columbia Cellulose who have come bo far to witness the official opening of their plant at Watson Island which now stand as a land ' r. H. KI.OTZ l eun refinery. H'a carried this ' A . ,- When C. H. Klots arrived !n j project from design to the letting Prince Rupert tn January, 1949,' ot contracts and construction, the sit Ux the present Colum-' and resigned in January, 1942, to b:a Cellulose purilied pulp ni!l ! Kn the Central Engineering De - a J '? -i 7J. ft k oi ueianes'a corpora- America. mark in the potential industrial progress of Prince was a n feiand. tK,nnt only j par; me ment Rupert and District. They should not only be w1,! Klotz has contributed to corned but also hiehly congratu doefc which is utw t the mill's I many Celanese projects. He was cliK-i aeaett. j fidd project engineer in charge As Projert Engager. Mr. Klotz' of completion of a new weaving lir-i he i!tructiri t theiplant at Stanton, Va.. and from X r I t i ;atd for having the fore..ight to piunfer ww major industry by establishing a pulp mill m-hieh it IN YOUR INDUSTRY O I HARDWARE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS I certainly au asset to this ar.a. It is to be assumed that otrjr primary as well as secondary industries wiD follow their lead. It is also fitting that a word of praise be passed to those nva of various occupations, tradf and professions who contributed their skilled labors tintil the oiiU whtcii began actual opera-1 January 1944 to April 1947 he 'Uou- in iid-April j'as project engineer at the Bora in Brekville. Ont.. Mr. EridKe water, Va., plant. He also IkMi received a BachvSkjr of i enginwred the expansion of the Science degree in civU engineer- I Stanton plant, and the Hopewell, uwt frta New Turk Cniversity in Va., plant. 1 1S35. From 1S3S tuiUl 1838 he In April 1947 he began work on .was apprenticed engineer assist- plans lor the Columbia Cellulose i ant to tije master mechanic at Prince Rupert plant, working in Oenerai Chemical Company in Montreal and New , York before Mgewa.fcer, New Jersey. From coming west two and a half y-;:us S 1938 through ISCiS he was in the p r r m-yinPhT-ig liUM ar BiTtfir mmm!3k J LJOZ final completion ofjthis project. Through their efforts, the Columbia Cellulose Mill at Watson Inland is we!! cfminrwten and the most modern mill of its kind in the world. The official opening diy marks the passing of the "construction phase" and the passing to the "operational and production phase." With the transition have come the permanent personnel lor the mill Comort is the word for Canadian National travel. Whether you ride in coach or parlor car, you enjoy roomy armchair ease a the miles sneed smoothly McBride Street PRINCE RUPERT I. U. MeKAE, MX.A. life and activities. "Welcome" Columbia Cellulose i by. Stretch your legs when so 1 tY idUu. Mn.. -4not t-io o and woods. I am sure everyone -1- ; j will welcome them as residents umbia bp sucee8sful. 1 of our district and trust thy j. o. McRAE, ! will enter into our community i M.L.A. for Prince Rupert. CoiicjralitfalioiiS . and Best Wishes Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B C. minded, by a stroll to the smoking compartment or dining car. The hours pass sw iftly and pleasantly. You arrive refreshed when you go Canadian National. WA i come to 4 mfitiiniiM'f? ! " it PRINCE RUPERT . j Superior Auto Service Limited . i i t Siudebaker and Austin Cars -x 1 if''lx V Congratulations Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd. On the completion of your high alpha Cellulose Pulp Plant AT WATSON ISLAND In this "major industrial development of Northern British Columbia. We wish you every success in the future. Mi'tubers Dominion Chartered Customs Hot.e Brokers' Association CUSTOMS BROKERS A. E. FIELD G. R. BRETT Box 847 PRINCE Rl'PERT, B.C. Box 378 We Join Prince Rupert in wishing The BEST to COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY THREE SISTERS CAFE " Centre City - You'll sleep wunrJIy In the toothtno quiet of Conodion Not tonal night-trovel occommoda- m art o delight tn ;0ii Notionot'i inviting ten. Your favourit. tempting' preparfd. -My ierfd in a cheer ing otmoipfiere. 1 1 a mm i I i , - 4 - iont, berlhi or roomt . , air-conditioned for your comfort. Travel by train for depend' cble, all-weather service. Phone Green 217 Box 928 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. a i; 'tern By adding to the self-sufficiency of Canadian industry . . . and by contributing to the economic development of this area, the Columbia enterprise is helping to assure the continued progress of om country Canadian General Electric salutes the Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd. on its forest farming project. The pulp plant near Prince Rupert will provide, a welcome new source of the high-quality cellulose needed by the textile and plastics industries. 8" a . ELECTRIC GENERAL EQUIPHGNT was chosen by the Columbia Cellulose Company Limited f rti'; M'1 Pi if -i' i -mat . A. f , PI 11 P K :!fU I 1 i " i3 r G-E Metalclad 15000 voll magneblast Switchgear installed at the new Columbia Cellulose Plant. G-E 45-ton Diesel-electric Locomotive hauls heavy loads to the wood yord. G-E 1 000 hp, 3600 rpm Motor, driving high-pressure hydraulic barker pump. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED . Head Office: Toronto Sole Offices from Coast to Coast