YEA TRAM STORM 36 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 11, 1951 ! " - ' UK' , s J.: I ; n k4 P - '1 -'"till Expansion of Timber Industry Has Brought Amazing Development A twentieth-century Rip Van Winkle, asleep for only 10 years in the mountains behind Terrace, would be amazed on awakening to see the changes which have taken place in the district due largely to expansion of the timber industry with Columbia Cellulose drawing heavily on the area. "3 Mr, Winkle would see 2500 people eager with anticipation of greater things to come instead of only 800 residents scat to manual arts and home economics classes in the near future. An active Parent-Teachers' . ir-iiiviLii ixtoiLts at me neaa oi sKeena kiv valley, in tne centre oi nines oi arame, ncn land which str.tches to the base cf the mountains. In ten years population of Terrace has urnwn from some 600 to 2,503. Columbia Cellu sc Company started its woods operation from i thij point. tered throughout the district yea tht car lie ma err organized by ele- I -.Iif -V jj w5. tx, i tif k I Association. Ten years ago everyone knew mentary school principal Miss A. TERRACE everyone else; a stranger was strange not for long. But today all that is changed. And with this change, community affairs, activities, have quickened and grown. .. Lips, has set up a dental clinic for pre-school and Grade I children. Each week P-TA sponsors an afternoon tea for parents and teachers at the schools, and W:-;... , x ; -ill c iri rerrace May Become Food Bowl For Area members help make costumes . i" : - ' , illl. I i 'I The Civic Centre represents for children who participate in k "- - . ' " ' ',11."-, V" - i , j one of the main gains accom- concerts. Mrs. Dudley Little Is I " . t. K-' J- !V . " - i 1.1 pnsnea Dy trie community. Tne p-TA's president. Business centre of important Columbia Cellulose logging operations. Incorporated as village in 1927. Area cf village corporation, 700 acres. Estimated population, 2,500. Highway, railway and com- Kail tiU'e L ay.aKr, ' Boy Scout and Cub groups are . ' .V t, y, JfX V' iT, "J T " fostered by the Group Commit- . , s ,.j' - . t tee, which is behind the boys in T, - , - " -oi. W'1.--. - ' 1 all their activities. Summer V s V . v- i '- , ,, i by Alf Yoxall, the centre's first director. It has since emerged mercia! aircraft transportation. P,. . " ... ... . i .... ......... .i' .."".. 1 Lake, a well-known summer re KomD become nno of thp v, town's show Power Supplied by B.C. Power RICH HEAVY SOIL AVAILABLE ' 1 : With some fifty-thousand acres of potential farm J v;and, and with several thousand acres already under "'cultivation and producing, Terrace looks forward to (('coming a food-bowl of the Northwest. Openinj of Columbia Celluo'se " , - - - -, : 'ompany pulp mill already has creek, but the Dutch farming j- ? stimulated ' business and industry specialists feels his people are - nd will invite a greater demand equal to cope with the problem, , ' r farm produce. as similar conditions exist in HoL- , ( A government furvey, started lanl-"Jl 1947, reported many areas of Other Dutch farmers years ago CommLrslon. sort within a 100-mile, Just 20 mile.s from Terrace. places. The auditorium is lined with Water Reservdir - - capacity. Girl Guides and BrowniPS 140,000 gallons. j aluminum foil - and the large h0 fhp harki nf nn artiuo Bank Royal Bank of Canada, stage Is finished with a back- Girl Gulde Association, which is Weil equipped volunteer fire : drop, wings and curtains. Cele- wording toward a girls' summer department. : uiauuna sucn as uunmuon i-ay, o r...i:on Government Tele- ' Labor Day and New Year's Eve ' I . -- -VM.-r . f a-aimVVmiiiwmirlmmmit-H-Ttf--?-- phone, and Telegraph Service. camp. Once a year, during Boy Scout and Girl Guide Week, a grand rally in the Civic Centre gives thp ormins nn nnnnrlnnitv if r ich, ich, heavy heavy soil soil awaiting awaiting only only preceded preceded Mr. Mr. Doorman. Doorman. Peter Peter Va Van ( oads and clearing for future de- Stolk, for instance, came to Ter COLUMBIA Cellulo.-e Company, Limited, Lugging camp at Ten ace. View of We t Kalum logging are held there, also the Kinsmen May Day festival and the annual Fall Fair. Newspaper Omineca Herald. r.1 d Cross Hospital. roaa (west Kaium Koad) constructed by the Columbia CVUuiose Company looking north r-lopment. ,' race before World War I and has towards the Company's timber lands. -Photo by Elwood M. Payne. New York Facilities for sport Modern schools ,A recent development comes developed his -!0-acre tarm the Include snow wnat they have learned i ith the purchase of a 160-acre Dominion government is using it Recreational facilities Civic bowling, basketball, badminton t tnel weeklv mcetines and roller skating. Other activi Six churches minister to tne town- A public Health unit looks . :.rm by L. R. Doorman, a Holland as an illustration station. Mr. Van Centre, Theatre, ball oark, unsur- graduate in scientific farming Stolk even grows black Hamburs! pas-Jed fishing and hunting. ties sponsored by the centre are community's spiritual needs, after sanitation and school ; nursing, as well as a baby-clinic. u iv-tcte yuipiiiwiy uiuuca i.i, Thev are' Antjti-fln f!hurh nf SU Hflat-' Drama Club, directed by Stan thew -Knox UnR d church; HOME FOR AGED J ( nd applied agriculture. Shanes f"a peaunes successiuuy 1 under gia"s- For severfcl years with the col- 'i , nidation headquarters of Can- Wlt-h the use of suitable fertiii- ,. dian NatirJnal Railways in Mon- ztl'3 and scientific management, f , '-eal, Mr. rjoorman expects to be 'thers have shown that only 10 Lang, and the Choral Club, un Roman Catholic Church of the A provincial Home fo tne Sacred Heart; the Pentecostal Aged, loftily located on the der leadership of Jim Norring ton. 0 GElr t-rr rNS .art V... nil I. ! iake'se Lake ramping resort. j Churches Anglican. Pentecostal Roman Catholic, United. Cerviv: organizations Board '. Tit de, Canadian Legicn, Kinsmen. 1 wo hotsls, two auto courts. Chai' of Board of Village O.mminsbnirs, Ed. Haugland. r-re-ider.t cf Board of Trade, Oii-'andsrs. nuicn. rmiKuum nan oi je- ' 4 .uiuwcu uy umiiy ui jus cuuili.1 y- --tt-"-- " Bench with commanding view of the Kalum, Skeena and Lak- ; ten to open up a 4,000-acre basin Along with other parts of In the summer a ladies' soft- hovah's Witnesses, and a new ball club travels under Ontrp cant rn., Ai,rofiL.t r.,... lors. rpTtat Chuh U to be built "T' tnJ f the "e.WM t ' )r truck-farming. This area, ist south of the Skeena river, i is i Terrace, is nearly all swamp- northwestern British Columbia Terrace is looking to the future for fulti'.nvjnt of a long-term The Centre Is administered by this summer. institutions of Terrace. There men from all parts of the prov- an assoe.ation with representa- Behind the town, oh the hills, ,! t ' , ind, drained by a slow-moving promise. are gathered to spend their ilV-e m Tl J tives from each of the town's stands a 10-bed Red Cross out ilp.- " Hit organizations, which combine to post hospital. Formerly Brigade of llILTlt sur"u"din;s spacious beauty conductive to J lorm the hub or Its social lite, heademarters. the double "H" the happv enjoyment of declin- venues presiueni is oen uoaas. building has been converted by ' 1 ""J-J-- S" ... 1 -'v-.iaMt A 'ng HomC 1 the Red Cross Society to meet daysm?e ?f ORGANIZATIONS The Masons, IOOF, Oranrje all hospital requirements. Ter World War II. For a while it W W 3 nt pi ... " - - 1 v f -- v. . M 1 " k . ' , was threatened with demolition Lodge and Canadian Legion race people shared one third of have their own halls. There is the cost, through public sub- dui. me ",c. v people " y U1 or Terrace 1L a Women's Auxiliary to the Le- scriptlons, and paid It In three 'r.e Celved in H the possibilities of t',in nri RehPlt-h IdBP vPa a useful function and, due to their persistence and with the Influence of Hon. E. T. Kenney, MLA for Skeena and mlnistsr, of lands, It was saved and fin-; ally utilized for this humanltar-' ian function. i ' Kinsmen meet twice a month Serviced by a matron, Miss j and are devoting this year's Mabel Taylor, R.N., four regis-! service and proceeds to the Civic tered nurses and two aides, are Centre. men's, women's and children's I Reconstructed schools have an wards, and the nursery which I enrolment of 400 of which 53 holds five cots and an incuba- are high school students. Mod- tor. Delivery, operating and ster- ern classrooms are contained in lizing rooms are modernly equip-ja converted army "H" hut, sup- ped. I plied with new desks, black-1 For the staff there are lounges, ' boards and adequate lighting. C. living quarters, kitchen and din-W. Michlel, chairman of the lng rooms. ! school board, is looking forward ! Three doctors service the COLUMBIA Cellulose Ci mpar.y. Limited, Logrring Camp at Terrace. Harold Lynum, superintendent of the camp at Terrace, ai door of office bu.lding. Fhoto by Elwood M. Payn. New York A five-man board of commis- j sioners handles the civic affairs,! COLUMA Cellu Company, Limited, legg at the head of which is Em'.l I " Haugland, cnairman for more ' Winkle should stay awake. But be troubled with many rude than a decade. 'even if he decides to go back to awakening from the and Citizens of Terrace think Mr. sleep, they say, his dreams will roar of a developing city. ca.v.p at Torraco, Mens quarters; office Photo by Elwood M. Payne, New York a ouildirigtMCook houre. 1411 v 'HI . r .. ; -rn : r r :r ; ! 1 1 1, 1 :i ui. .i i : 1 !'i i( liiiliHililiiiiliiliiltiiiiiiiiii ''" ' 1 lll...llUilMlil.L.lllll.lli.ill. .llllililii:. X 111 III iii!!ii;nuiiiMiiijiii(iiiiiiiit;iiiiiiiiiiiiii!tiiiiiifiMlllllllllhltllllll We Take This Opportunity to Join in ConqralJalions and Bed Wishes to is OLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY 1 ' j '!;' .I ;: K ';: (v mi ,:f, i.l. ,1 r ce Terrace Drags i; ' chine a Shop and Garage 1iM III! II ' It H tltt r Terrace Building Sup ply Ltd. Johnstone and Michie! Ltd. Skeena Mercantile Shoe Store M. ill. Terrace : i - :! :f j Terrace Ba! L H. Smith ltd. argents, Robin and Sait ery .iil : mmmmmm m raiBilinia iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifliii mnmmm&s&SS