31 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 11, loi "ohm Pn pi 1 I t Un r) m F3 r n rvn Ml in n i rag li H III" I 1 i ITU y IkaJ - Xfc-Jfvl Lay vj Kb Site. N ill L2) m lyases If a, ,'3 1 Am H ill C AMI (PA . U 1 Fishermen Have Found It Pays to Co-Operate rr fc - , I- ii I,. ii I , " J t- . J"f U 1 A t 1 5 . - i. '1 HERE IS a Multi-Million Dollar Business Built by the Effort and Money of the Fishermen; Owned and Operated by the Fishermen. is r ' -4 -" - J . BAKER?,, FULLY MODERN and up-to-datv. in every way was established to serve the needs uf fishermen at sea. Today it is wit. uf Prince Rupirt's leading bakeries of delicious bread and COLD-STORAGE PLANT freezes more than a million pounds of fish daily and can hold more than 4000,000 pounds, such, as these tiers of frozen halibut which remain ready at alt times for shipment in refrigeration car s, ' ...... .4 xr- L A Modern Cold Storage Plant An Up-to Date Ice'Plant Ten Fish Camps Four Packers t Liver Processing Plant 0 Smoke House 9 A General Store ' A Modern Bakery A Restaurant Membership, oven 2.500 Total Assets, $1,200,000 t Annual Business $4,250,000. Store Turnover $1,00,000 PRINCE RUPERT ,-T--ii'fiffy r'r'r-y--'-'i'Yr'Yrt'Vf',-,-MfrrtigilMWi-t-W-Tfi Fishermen's : the North's IJ PICTUR5SQUE SETTING of Prince Rupert's waterfront stands the million-dollar plant of Prince Rupert Curopera,M,ve Association, startifd by a modest fresh-liver red uction unit. Today it handles a major portion of fresh, and; fi'(jw f i.slx production. It u ASSOCIATION 1000 HOME INDUSTRY toofag Totally Produced and sold, by 'Prince Rupert Fishenmen J"" (wit DEMOCRATIC CONTROL ONE MEMBER - ONE VOTE NO RACIAL DISCRIMINATION 5ALMOI These products produced by Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association and sold across the world. e "II Pays To Co-operate"