PRINCE RUPERT SECTION II Special Pulp Special Pulp SECTION II Munduy June 11, 19&1 Page a Mill Edition Mill Edition Page 9 . : ' n I The Daily News Takes Pleasure in Presenting This Special Edition to Welcome the Opening of the & P fl H n nn HT n r s- r n n n n n s s r i n r r-i n r v r-i r nr rr n .rrar"" C Ik tBMMM 1 uim l 'H ' J s , I i ... I1 1 J Uo Kupert C itn oininuni a IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASURE TO GIVE THIS PFRdnai wnr?n 4- . . OF GREETING TO THE COMMUNITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. WITH THE DEDICATION OF THE PRINCE RUPERT Mil l OF COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY, LIMITED, WE ARE BEGINNING WHAT Ab UttlN a n iwukiaini r-AL I OK .IN OUR PROGRESS WE HAVF f 4 --- 4 ,C?V ... -M , GREAT FAITH IN PRINCE RUPERT. THE CITY IS RICHLY ENDOWED WITH TS bUl tiu , makdUuk, iii MRANSPORTATION FACILITIES AND THE iREAl NAIUKAL KtbUUKCtb OF ITS ENVIRONS. WE BELIEVE THAT COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY WILL CON TRIBUTE ITS SHARE TO THE REALIZATION OF PRINCE RUPERT'S FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. OUR PLANNING IN REGARD TO THE PLANT HAS CENTERED R0UND THE PRINCE RUPERT COMMUNITY. OUR EXECUTIVE OFFICES - - ..... ".-v : .'VF. ' A f RE IN THE CITY. OUR STAFF MEMBERS ARE MAKING PRINCE RUPERT 'HEIR HOME. MOST OF THE EMPLOYEES AT THE MILL HAVE THEIR HOMES IN PRINCE RUPERT. ALL IN ALL, WE FEEL WE ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE IMMUNITY. IT WILL BE OUR CONSTANT ENDEAVOR TO EARN THE DEPUTATION OF BEING "GOOD NEIGHBORS." J-larottl BUL President Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. THE PLANT This is the picturesque setting of the great $27,000,000 high alpha dissolving pulp mill of Columbia Cellulose at Prince Rupert which is being formally opened tomorrow Her3 rail and ocean meet to make a uniquely strategic site for this'major industry. (Photo by Wratham HAROLD CLANCKg PRESIDENT, Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. 4 "ini i ) y LA i I 1 -m, A 1 I ;l '! . - t 1 r 131 X 13,l7 129 ,T """ 128 i ) 'oLA l iJ BRITISH ( c. f 1 "nJ'aVa e J (ftV Highway IS Canadian V 1 tXrY iissliiay VI CUViC"!.m,',S8 Hil National ""T Vfl f(ljr Kilsu infill um" f'jl Rways " A A Vl Prince Ilupfrt& "tvr W'hiteboitom Lake 'y Ik! GEORGE 5CHNFIDER VICE-PKES1DENT Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. G. H. RICHARDS VICE-PRESIDENT Columbia Co. Ltd. THE SOURCE This unique map shows the various timber areas within 0 150-mile radius of the plant at Prince Rupert which the Provincial Government of British Columbia made available to the Columbia Cellulose. Co., Limited. It is a sufficient forest area fo maintain the pulp mill capacity in perpetuity. These tracts were granted under Forest Management License No. 1, and constitute the first of the type in the Province. The area of the forest is 600,000 acres ranged along the Skeena and Naas watersheds. Fifty per cent of the forest growth are hemlock trees. Most of the timber is non-resinous and therefore well suited to the sulphite process of pulping.