PAGET FOUR .... 0 . Smith's: team won the third and deciding game of the High-; School Softball League play-off series on Monday afternoon by the narrow margin of one run. The score, ten to. nine, was Indicative of the play. Smith won" the first game of the series by the same margin, the score bemg eght to seven. Stlnech forced tfce erle into three games by winning the second, six to five. Yestef-dajrt Tiotory gave Smith's nine the chntnptonsMp of the school and of a league In whieh 50 'boys partlci pa ted. First to bat, the Smithites found Pitcher Moxley easy to hit and the field! easy to penetrate Due to. a hfcrd ball Moxley got very poor backing: Kanaya, always assure hitter and dangerous on bases, was- first to bat and first to score. He was followed over the plate by Domlnato. McRae got to third but, over anxious to score, was caught and run down between third and home. Obata chalked up another run before they had to take the field. Anderson was the only one to score for Stlnech In this Inning. In the second inning Kanaya again got to third but Stinech's fielders were used to the ball and held him there while they retired the side. The Smith team likewise allowed no runs in the second. Ross got to third and Moxley to second. Stlnech replaced Moxley as pitcher but was no better at holding down the other team. The third inning saw five runs cross the plate for Smith. The scorers were Obata, Bill Tobey, Morrison (Roy), Smith and Kanaya At bat, the Stlnech team turned around and did to Do minato just what the Smithites had been doing to their pitchers. And he Smith fielders were found as badly wanting in handling sizzling drives of that hard ball. Hale, Anderson, Hanson, Stlnech, Ross, Moxley and Bremner all raced across the plate before the rally ctould be stopped. The score was now eight all. In the fourth Inning Stlnech was pitching splendidly to retire the side in one-two-three order. But Domlnato was equally on the Job and duplicated the feat. Smith led off the final inning by pinch-hitting Kanaya. Kanaya was equal to the task and scored again followed by Domlnato. McRae got to third but was held there while the next three were put out by a combination of good pitching .by SMneeh and air-tight backing by his Infield. At bat the Stlnech team got only 6na run made by the cap tain himself. Ross got to third; Hanson made sure of his title of "Foul-Ball King" during this Inning. Morrison pitched' for Smith in this Inning and made a very good lob of It. The play-off series has been so keenly contested that it. really needed three games to decide which was the better team. Theirnarrow margin of superiority is indicated by the fact that the Smithites were only One ran aheadon the total score of the whole play-off, the totals being 33 and 22 respectively: Smith: Kanaya, Domlnato, McRae, Obata, B. Tobey, R. Morrison, C. Smith, ePachy. Catcher, McRae. Stlnech: Hate, Anderson, Cameron, Hanson, Stlnech, O'Brien, Ross, Moxley, Bremner, Johnstone. Catcher, firettmer. SaoraKeeperD. Rice. Umpire, Mr. GlllilancL rr PLAYER IS tEELEASED Frank Fredcrickson, Veteran Ice Star, Let Out Unconditionally By Pittsburg WINNIPEG, Oct. 21; Frank Frederickson, veteran Ice star, was unconditionally released by Pittsburg Pirates on Monday. Last season he managed the Pirates. His successor Is Cooper Smeaton, former referee-in-chief of the National Hockey League, who will manage the Philadelphia Quakers this season. Tho Pittsburg team has been transferred to Philadelphia. FOREMAN WINS OUT Newly Crowned Lightweight Champ of Britain Kayoes Bristol Opponent MANCHESTER, Oct. 21: Al Foreman of Montreal, newly crowned lightweight champion of Great Britain, last night knocked out George Rose or Bristol in the sixth round of a scheduled 25 round bout, the prize being the famous Lonsdale Belt presented by Lord Lonsdale; '' The fight showed Foreman to be superior in stamina and hard hitting. Rose's clever boxing, gained him the edge in the first two rounds. SPORT CHAT Miss Aldls Thorlakson was winner of the Individual championship for co-eds in the recent Manitoba Varsity track race at Winnipeg, in the Javelin throw Miss Thorlakson established a new record of 107, one Inch. She also won premier honors In two other events. Miss Marion Carstalrs, the motor boat racer interviewed on her return to England from the United States said: "I have come home intending to attempt to create a new world's record for motor-boats. I shall make the attempt on Lake Windermere in April next. I do not think there is any more danger from driftwood on Windermere than anywhere else. In fact at Detroit we raced with great baulka of timber floating about" Daily News nulck results. 'Want Ads" bring ARE LEADING Grotto la Second Place and Operators In Third In Local Crib-bage League Moose 14, Seal Cove 13. Eagles 15, Oddfellows 12. Toe II. 13, Elevator 14. Operators 12, Grotto 15. P. R. Hotel 15. K. of C. 172. League Standing The standing of teams to date lsf as follows: W. L. Pts. Six Musketeers ,.-56 25 56 Grotto 50 31 50 Operators ...45 36 45 P. R. Hotel 44 37 44 Eagles 42 39 42 Moose 41 40 41 Elevator 39 42 39 Orange Lodge 38 43 38 Seal Cove XI 44 37 Knights of C. ...........34 47 34 Toe H 32 49 32 Oddfellows 28 53 28 The Dally News can be pur- chased at MAGDALENA, Sonora, Mexico. Oct. 21 A quiet village of 300 l Magdalena 354 days of the year, but from October 1 to. 10 it is th shrine of St. Francois Xavler, patron saint of Yaqui and Papago Indians, and the Mexican peons. i In celebrating St. Xavier's birth- J day, the village was thronged by more than 15.000 Indian and peon pilgrims, who came, as they and I their ancestors have each year for I more than two centuries, to pay Six Musketeers are still leading I homage at the mission dedicated the Cribbage League. They have a in 1891 My Father King to Saint margin of six points over Grotto, Xavier.' 9 last-year's - champions. Operators They climaxed the 11-day peranum' third place. Last night's j0d of cessation and worship b7 weekly games resulted as follows: , fnine bv the wooden lmaee of. re- 18. Oranpp Ijvio-o Q sir' MiKtptwr 1 .n. m . t,.i ellningv St. Xavler, which is dress ed in ecclastical garments tattered with age. Rhode Island Vets Decorated With Verdun Medals PROVIDENCE R.I., Oct. 21 A great throng of spectators cheered as 140 Rhode Island veterans who fought at Verdun during the world war were decorated at a local armory with the French government's Verdun medals. Presentation of the medals was mode by Rev. Jean Baptiste Ptliegen S. J., one of France's most distinguished war heroes who himself holds 26 citations for service in the world struggle. A special citation and an-expression of appreciation of the Freneh people accompanied each medal, Having made a. special call at Claxton In the- Skeena River to load salmon. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned Xo port Post Office News Stand. 325 iaO-thU afternoon-from Anyox, Granville St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C Smithers Drug Store, Smith-ers. B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. General Store, Anyox. Stewart and Other northern ppihts and will sail at: 3:30 p.m. for the iouthi NATIONAL MONUMENT Sunset Crater, volcanic territory within the Coconino National Forest In Arizona, has been set aside as a national monument. The area set aside contains 3040 acres Air view of Shlbe Park, Philadelphia, wbcra opening gome In 1930 world scries was played between St Louis Cardinals and Philadelphia Athletic For the East Monday, Wednesday antf Sat-! urday 1WM a m j From the East Sttnday, Tuesday and Thursday .3J6 p:n For Vancouver-Tuesday 2J3G p.m Sundays 9 p.m.1 Thursday 9 p.m ! Friday II p.m i October 5, 15, and 20. . p.m ; From- Vancouver Sunday 4 p.m .l Wednesday 1OJ0 p in . Friday . p.m Saturday lttiJO a m October 11 and 22. For' Anyox and' Alice Arm Sunday 7 p.m. For Naas River and v Port Simpson-Sunday 7 p.m From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday 1EW a.m. For North Queen Charlottes-Saturdays 11 am. From North Queen Charlott Wednesday 3 From Anvox and Alice Arm I p.m.t Sundays p.m For Alaska-October L 11, and a. From Alaska Oct. 5, 15, and 26. For South Queen Charlottes . Mondays 7 D.m. From Soath Queen Charlotte Thursday a.m.i RftturdAva . am 1 Tuesday 1130 a.m.' Thursday 8 pmf.r For Stewart and Premier Sunday :. 7 pjrt. From Stewart and Premier Sunday rt 8 pj Tiesdaya L...". 11.30 .am Thursdays 8 pin. Get the Ad. reading habit. It pays. . How to moke DUTCH PICKLE 1 quart green cucumbers, 1 mll cabbage, 1 quart onions, 3 red peppers, 1 quart green tomatoes, 1 large cauliflower, H cup salt. Chop ail fine and pour on enough hot water to cover. Let stand half an hour and drain, then make a dressing of the following; 8 tablespoonful Colman's D.S.F, Mustard, 3 cuprsugar, 1 tea- spoonful turner lev 1 ciip 1 flour. ' .' .:y - Mix with little vinegar until smooth, add mixture to 2 quarts vinegar stirring -con. stantly over fire, until thickened, then pour over ITSC Tuesday, ut - J HTITJ .Hill ii u- fca -MMM"'f,Wr" I, . : ii r : : : M 1 Ull&WT ' T" A NEW STANDARD Or PEKftMUN uk i 1 m i m wfi h'Tn r7" w wr-.f-i- '-a: iuu t cm i rrr niTTrm rt i n r .. f yx .1. '-r" : ! . , IfT' 4 a w - V -s. I II-' 7 V iT S MHMMi V -NT A . ,'--'''' --el. SB 1 ' :m mmm.mKi . awvjs io3rw i. " IJHEli -5r 1 0' : ' 12 for15c. ,'. CV?S5SJgl " : m d i i-rm i mfi;l:M IJI Alb " Befter Cigarette ,fa .A-'. : r" rZZZZZZzr 'h-M Mexicans Throng Mail Schedule f " ,:rms Unusual photograph showing Ralph Wilcox, Tay Brown and Ernie Jnne Or fatrort4 'iiJVlPo Plnchert. Trofan football stars. Los Anirples nrpnarlne-fnr nnATiinif Sif. Franrnix X milf r I JittMn&e' ---- o --- f- I . - ..A nW; i t.- V III 1 f I I Healr F. Needhams encountered tough going in bu h: t'ween Hearst and Nlpfgon, Northern Ontario, duriuw ! to-cotttt, all-Canada trail blsiuj tour. He will be firs: wawuKw wpsnoai using, ran.vay ngm-ol-way. u n If the first course be deliciously piquant, success usually crowns the entire dinner. MDXO";Consomm6 served hot with dainty saltines or golden-brown toast -makes a delicious first course not too heavy, nor yet insipid. Just right ;4i .itlii'h , I'. i, . In Tlntot4an'd lQCubeiH i r ,n Puts In the Beef OXO LIMITED, 1910 St. Antoin Stmt. Montreal - w 1 i-iliifl Kl to )).. 1 Try a Daily News Want Ad