m TACE SIX m 1 1 A delightful toy for the kiddies 6 Qefiuine Mazda Lamps for YOU for only QQ Take advantage of the new low price now in effect and put in a stock of lamps. Each toy house carton contains 6 lamps ranging from 15 to 60 watts. Buy one and please the kiddies besides insuring yourself against the inconvenience of empty lamp sockets. Northern British Columbia, Power Company Ltd. . Don't Sacrifice your Model T Ford Protect your investment by running your Model T Ford as long as possible. Expenditure of a few dollars may enable you to get thousands of miles of additional service. Bring the car to us and let us tell you how much it will cost to put it in A-l shape. We use only genuine Ford parts. All labor charged at standard flat rate. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the Investing public, Miller, Court & Co., Ltd., publish a semimonthly market report, dealing with mining, ollsfand industrial stocks, which K Is available at our office on the' 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable service In the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S.D.Johnston Co. Lid. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert B-C. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Styl AH Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANII PRESSED Xijferjto Any Part of thr I Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 Hardly anything will bring a man's mind Into full activity if ambition be wanting. Sir Henry Taylor. COLUMBIA APRICOT JAM 4-lb. tin 1 NABOB PUMPKPIN 2s. 2 tins NAVEL ORANGES Me dlum size. 3 doz 55c 55c 25c NABOB BARTLETT PEARS ZCZn 33U -2s. 2 tins DRY BLACK FIGS 2 lbs DRY PRUNES 70-80. 2 lbs 25c 25c SUNNYBROOK CREAMERY BUT TER 3-lb. brick. Per brick EGGS Fresh firsts. Per doz EGGS Fresh extras. Per doz." $1.30 .55c : 60c 95 c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 203 THE DAILY NEWS . Wednesday, January 15. jj,. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Another Stewart Group Is Bonded; Some Rear River History; Premier Described In New York Publication of ore, from which gold, silver, lead, zinc and property were extracted, the production being worth some $200,000, which is a.veiy low figure considers it a most valuable group considering the length of time the from its situation and ore exposures ; area has been known and the In adjoining properties, the sue-; amount of money expended on cessful development of which would j prospecting and development. Most Indicate that the ores run Into the j 0f the production has come from Peerless. W. S. Bacon, mining en-: four properties the Portland Ca-gineer, also speaks highly of the nal, Red Cliff , Dunwell and Porter-property. A 300-foot diamond drill 1 Idaho, thje L. and L ranking next in hole sunk on the property cut 41 production Importance. Though the feet of ore assaying $120 to the ton, pa3t mining record of the Bear the ore Including gold, sliver and River valley is somewhat dlscour-lead. A 12-foot copper vein has aging at the present Ume. the out-also been uncovered, assaying $?.40 look for profitable mining is de- per ton, this ore including .14 gold, cidedly encouraging. The mineral BURNS LAKE. Jin. 15: The Burns Lake Dramatic Society, which is an off-shoot of the local basketball team, Is staging a! Mimoriv fr.r MnrrVi nrnHitoHnn In I dances from Broadway. WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert Clear, strong northeast wind; temperature, 19. Haysport Clear, strong wind, 16. Port Simpson Northerly gale, clear, 16. Terrace Cloudy, northeast wind, 10. Rosswood Cleatr, northeast wind, 6. Alyansh Clear, calm, 3. Alice Arm ciear, strong north-cast wind, 12. 8tewart Strong northeast wind, 16. Hazelton Clear, east wind, -16. Smlthers Clear, calm, -21. Burns Lake Clear, windy cold. Vanderhoof Ciear; cast 'wind, -14. Second Cabin Clear, -25. Fourth Cabin Clear, -31.' Eighth Cabin Clear, -32. Telegraph Creek Clear, windy, -15. Nahlln Clear, -50. Atlln Clear, northeast wind, -30. Whltehorse Foggy, calm, -47. Carmacks Foggy, calm, -47. Dawson Cloudyf south wind, -40. District News STEWART The question of a Peace River outlet and the claims of Stewart In this connection are a live Issue even ' , , in the old country. This is indl- caled In letter received here last m1 t, 1 i- 1 1 r n n a The Peerless group of claims adjoining Premier, B. C. week from c A MackeIUIe, prom,. Silver and M. C. properties in the Salmon River district Rent British Columbia mining engi-of Portland Canal has been bonded from its owners, P. J. neer, who is at present in Dorest- n'Rniii'kf nnrl FVnnlr KpIIv. hv n Mnnr.rtfnl svnrliVflte for shire, Enaland. He says that 7nnn tt,n ,11 Ua',n, Imnriln,! tVn.nnrrV. Ti r T yrnn Tha Stewart's claim to .be the outlet Is terms.of the bond are $500 on signing of the option, $4500 1 on or before December 31, 1929, $15,000 on or before June 30, 1930, 20,000 on or betore June 3U, 1931, and the balance j. j. Little of Prince Rupert, man-nf ftUvflnn in sharps nf n rnmnnnv tn hp fnrmprl hv tho svn- accr of the Northern B. C. Power dlcate. The first payment has al- ready been made and preparations are being made to open up the property during the coming spring. Charles A. Mackenzie, mining engineer, who Inspected the property. 1926 was approximately 5000 tons being well received in the old coun- Corporation, while paying a visit here recently, said that It was the Intention of the company to use the temporary facilities at present existing here until such time as conditions warrant a larger plant being put in to meet the situation. Mr. Little set at rest the rumor that a 1500 h.p. plant would be Installed on American Creek next year. Cyril Jackson returned to SUw art last week with his bride, who was formerly Miss I sa belle Webster of Edinburgh, Scotland. They were married in Victoria by Rev. Edwin Moss. During 1929 there were 866 hos pital days In the Stewart Qeneral 1 40.40 ounces of silver and 11.50 1 deposits are of two main types: (1) , -loapltal. Trie total operating cost copper. A lurtner suriace vein 01 galena has also been found and traced for some distance with consistent values. Mineral deposits were first discovered In the Bear River valley In 1898 by prospectors searching for placer deposits, says a report by Dr. George. Hanson of the federal Geological Survey. Staking of min eral claims began in that year but did not attain great proportion un til 1908, when, owing to relatively extensive development work by the Portland Canal Mining Co., an influx of prospectors took place. The Marmot River part of the area was prospected by 1910. Marmot River Is much nearer to Portland Canal than the northern half of the Bear River valley and, If other conditions arc equal may afford, therefore, a better chance of profitable mining. Production of the Bear River district began In a small way in 1909 and has been continued intermittently by several properties. The total production from the Bear and Marmot Rivers up to and including Week-End Specials SWIFTS PICNIC HAMS All sizes. Per lb. SUN MAID SEEDLESS 2-lb. packages. Per pkg. 24c RAISINS 25c SHELLED WALNUT QUAR- 7C TERS 2 lbs a MV ICING SUGAR 2-lb. pkg ROYAL CITY APRICOTS 2s. 2 tins . 20c 55c NABOB RED PLUMS 2 Vis. AtZf OK 2 tins ROSED ALE PEACHES Sliced 2 Vis. 2 tins veins formed by open space filling and by replacement, and (2), replacement deposits. . In the December Jssue of the En glneerlng and Mineral Journal, New York, there Is an article giving, a comprehensive survey of copper and gold mining In British Columbia. Of the Premier mine, the following Is said: "Premier Gold Mining, in the Portland Canal district, near the Alaskan boundary, reports that during the first ten months of this year it mined 255,790 tons, containing about 2,076,000 oz. of silver and 87,000 oz. of gold, production has been normal and mere have been no unusual occurrences. No mention is made, It will be noticed, of the large lens of. new ore that Is reported to have en found between No. 5 and 6 levels. This famous mine, which wlttj the Sullivan mine, has done so mu$h, to attract the attention of the world to the mining possibilities of British Columbia, up to the end of 1928 produced 1.340,600 tons of ore, containing 913,950 oz. of gold, 22,168,200 oz. of silver, 7,- 000,000 lbs of lead, and 125,000 lbs. of copper. Premier Gold has done extensive exploration and develop ment on other properties. It re cently completed a 5-mlle cable ramway. connecting the Prosperity and Porter-Idaho properties with tidewater at the mouth of the Marmot River, on the Portland Canal, and it has made a first shipment 600 tons from these properties. It also is developing the Silverado group by a tunnel that has cut the shear zone at a depth of 6C0 feet. The property is on the opposite side of Bear River from Stewart." BURNS LAKE PLAY ror the year was $7300. The Government Telegraphs may augment its northern lines In order a give Stewart a better and more : regular service, it was stated last 1 week by J. J. Dore. Prince RuDert. district superintendent, who was a visitor here on inspection duties. Uneasiness Is felt here at the continued absence of Jack Harkley, well-known old-timer, who left on December 17 for the Blttof Creek mines. Bill and Tom Scott left here last week in an effort to locate htm. Anxiety Is also felt for Pete Swede-berg and his partner, who should have been in some time ago from the Rufus-Argenta mine. It is unofficially reported that two Cana&lan National boats may be back on the run to Stewart early in February. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford have announced the engagement of their second daughter, Miss Muriel Crawford, to William T. Esselmont. W. H. Wyeherley of Premier, who sustained an Injury to his eye recently, has left for Vancouver to receive treatment. Every man seeks for truth; but God only knows who has found it. Chesterfield. STOCK TAKING SPECIALS FRUITS Small. 2 for FOR SALAD 5 for J - - f.VUMVV.V.t, . . I which the cast will treat the aud- j FRUITS FOR SALAD 2s. lence to an Interpretation of some of the latest songs and DEL MONTE PEACHB6-2 Vis. 2 for DEL MONTE PEACHES Small. 5 for DEL MONTE APRICOTS 2 for ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES 3s. 3 for SINGAPORE PINES 3s. 7 for 95c 85c 85c 95c 95c 1.00 95c EAGLE BI ViBERRIES QCTo 2s. 4 for vOC DEL MONTE PEARS 2 Vis. 2 for atJU DEL MONTE PEARS 2s. 3 for $1.00 Stock Your Larder at These Prices Mussallem Grocery Co, Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 81 P. O. 15ox 675. ' flltfitYifilfil MONDAY, TUESDAY I AND WEDNESDAY TWO snows 7 and 9 p.m. Paul Page, Lola LancUnd Henry B. Walthall in tup: all-talking melodrama "SPEAKEASY" Showing the Night Life of New York. ALIi-TALKING COMEDY "THE LION'S KOAK" Sound Novelty Paramount Sound News Admission, 20c and 65c CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING C. T. 1. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Doilermakers, Hlsrksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 383 DEMAND W' n O 17) iuperi orana uppers 4T!IE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SAVE MONEY! SAVE MONEY! Try C. C. Ketchum's Minehead Coal THE I1KST ALBERTA COAL IN FKINCE ItUPEKT Save 10 per cent In weight and buy our coal, which Is always under cover and full weight. Egg, 1-inch to 3-inch $12.50 Stove, 3-inch to G-inch $12.73 Furnace Lump $13.50 WE CAN SUPPLY Telkwa Lump $13.50 Wellington Lump . . . $14 50 SEE-SEE KETCHUM & CO., LTD. PHONE 771 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing, Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving, Dr Alexander 1 most sts (IEHNF.K M.OCK DENTIST Coal? Coal? Takr adtantagt of low prlrr to pu In jniif winter mpplj fcDSON and CASSIltV-wtlXINO-TON In any quantities Alw 1'luur, L'jiy, nraln mid f'rrd. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES C8 AND 558 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOK SKEENA IlItAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FUESII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout (he City