IK IB It IB o . . A MMBIBIft IS an IVmW rf' W V JB.Vj.JLJa, This Resolution Get your Drug Store Requirements at lswm7T3l IB .. ..onire 7j3 A1 ti rw m Pioneer DrueeisLs IRD AVL f, SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONF.S ft't20C Three Graduate Pharmists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnci from Prlnc Kuiwrt u.v s:wi p.m. ;3 In A nuc U M SMI III tffnt Print Kuitt. H.C. T r .utii tlrkrt void to Victoria iil Seattle jnd tujccuit thecktJ hroiish to netimaiion Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will lie In Effect From )U EMHEIl 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 jrther Information Enquire At Local Office B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangcll. Juneau and Skagway ipeember 38. January 11. 25. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Jan. 1, IS. 39. Pnn-jess Mary -Ocean Kails, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 pjn. Agents For All Steamship Lines i,') . hard. General Agent, 3rd Ave Prince Rupert, Phone 31 LAN AD AN NAT DNAL fir m .mm m j w m. mmmmlmmwimm 9 ks w m t .m w i m wk mi f ji mm STEAMSHIP AND THAIS SERVICE C'llinffs from PRINCE RUrERT Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursdar 10:00 p.m. AW.y'.W t iv VOX and STnWART caeHVlfednesaT at I p.m. lor OUTll and SOUTH OUELN CHARLOirE ISLANDS, lortnlrhlly. IV -- Ltll TK.MNH LLAVi; PKIM'F. lit I'KKT Ml ,ltV VKI)VK-IHY aiil H.HIIIV .it ll:w it in. ir HHNl'i: ! 'im.i :iMOVTON. WIVMIKI all iwliiU (Irrn ttuwlit, liiltrd : air-. AOKM'V ALL IICCAN ATE.t)lfllir LlNr.H City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ae I'rinie Kupert Phone 2CU COAL ! COAL ! I ? UBINA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.00 ALBKRTA EGG Delivered, nor ton 12.50 ALDEIITA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD it SI AKKIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF HIRCII AND JACK PINE MUX ENDS Per load $1.50 I'OX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 MO No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No 2 Spruce Shiplap . . . r , .$20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2vl and 2x6, 8 to 14 S4S, No 1 Common . . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4SJgo. 2 Common k, . .$22.00 Kiln Dried FlooriiiKeiling atul Finjah, Tlouldmgi ' Lath. Shingles Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, 11 C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Itelnll Yard, Cow hny. Telephone 423 If Jour paper. docs not arrive, telephone the office Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, I)r. J. It, C86. E',, .Baseball Good music, good good time. Friday, Home. Gosse, Phone Team dance, punch and a 9 p.m Elks' (14) George Keep of the CNJI-. investigation department arrived in the city from Prince George on yes terday afternoon's train and will return to the interior tomorrow morning. Mrs. C. H. Kankinson and family arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smith-ers to take up residence hero, Joining Dr. Hankinson who has taken over Dr. J. A. West's medical practice. !B.C. of the Canadian National Railways, would address the club ; in the near future. Mr. Chappell has been prominent in Rotary af-j fairs for some time past . CARD OF THANKS ! j j WiU aQ those who so stead-. lastly supported me in yes- ; today's1 election please, ac- If i: i ! cept my warmest thanks. i j ' ' ' , S. L NEWTON. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my sup- porters in yesterday's' election. And I w4sb sueeess tst my op- ponents who were victorious. Sincerely, GEO. B. CASEY. 4.4..4,,4-4-4.4.4.-4 ! CARD OF THANKS To the Electors: I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the people of Prince Rupert for the magnificent support accorded me in yesterday's election. GEO. W. RUDDERHAM. CARD OP THANKS To trie Electors of Prince Rupert I wish to tender my thanks for electing me by acclamation as School Trustee in the elections. L: W. WAUOH. ' , CARD OP THANKS It's a satLifactiouito me to think that over tire hundred, local people voted for me yesterday. I thank you for electing me. I hall do my best to make good. II. F. PULLEN. CARD OF THANKS JAIES nLiVCK Desires to convey his sin cere thanks to his manv friends for their successful support of his candidature at the aldermanic election yee- terday. I 1 1 1 M : ! THE DAILY NEWS , .., FISHERMEN'S MEETING A mass meeting of fisher- men, and all Interested in the fishing industry will be held lne 'CityiHall on .Saturday Jan. 18, atf'frm. to'ois- cuss the proposed regulations of the provincial government. The meeting will be held ! under the auspices of the Northern B.C. Salmon Fisher- men's Association. The busi- ness is vital to every fisher- man, and a large attendance is requested. (15) Will Lamble sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. t Mrs. J. W. McAulejr sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a i C. R. Gilbert bf Terrace arrived, holiday visit to Vancouver. in the city from the Interior on ' yesterday afternoon's train. He' Mrs. Huntley Watt sailed last and P. O. Shalcross, who is expec- night on the Prince Rupert for a - vea to arrive irpm Vancouver wiw- noilday trip to Vancouver. in the next day or so, will adjust the insurance following the destruction of the Masonic Hall by fire Tuesday night. At Uje Rotary Club luncheon jMinrHv PrMMmt flonrerp rtrv. Miss A. M. Barbeau sailed Inst night on the Prinee Rupert or a business trip to Vancouver and Lelsewhere in the south. ; A. J. Buttimer and J. P. McMll- bn, well Sfceen River nt r,nn,,nrt thfct n t nh.n. knpwn, can- fori Uea. tot tilght on the peU, assistant general manager Prince Rupert for "Vancouver. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Biles' Basketball January 17. Dance, Friday, Valhalla Lodge whist drive and dance, Friday, January-' 24. Werhhovm ; piano recital Wednesday. January 30. C.N.R.A. Sixth Annual Bill, Auditorium, Friday, Ftbruary 28. i3 ; I -OathoUe Women's League Spring' Sale, April 24: '? ; .? . 1 CARD. OF THAKg ( I wish to iBank all those who voted lor me yesterday in the aldermanic contest. It. F. PERRY. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all Uhose who supported me for alderman. AUhough not elected I am mucji pleased with the good running I made. FRED W. WESCII. ! ! ; I i GAUD OF THANKS ' To the Electors: Please accept my thanks for the splendid support given jne at the polls yesterday, when you elected me alderman. J. H. PILLSBURY. CARD OF THANKS v To rill my manyv frrerTds who supported me in nyjsn- didature for Adermarii I wlh' to tender my sincere thanks. P. H. LINZEY. PC j i OARD OF THANKS , Atong with those who were elected yesterday I wish to extend thanks to those who made possible my re-election by acclamation last Monday. 'MRS. T. M. SPENCER. ;,'.,,. Miss Lorna MacLaren sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Lelf Erlkson annual general meeting for election of officers (or 1930 will be held in the Metropole Hall tonight at 8 p.m., followed by a social. Den Lipsln sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will visit with his family which is- now in residence in the southern city. AM. A. J. Prudhomme expects to leave probably next Tuesday, for ! California to spend a well-earned 1 holiday. He will be away from the city for six weeks or two months. C. H. 8awle. publisher of trfe Omineca Herald. New Haielton. Is a visitor in the city. He arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train and will return to New Haselton tomorrow morning. Provincial Constable Robert Gibson sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for the south, having in his charge C. R Holdcroft, an elderly local resident, who Is to be admitted to the Provincial Home at Kamloops. Owing to a typographical error, there was a slight confusion In the list of officers of the Ladles of the "ova' Purple published yesterday. ;lt should have read: loyal lady, Mrs. Bert Morgan; lecturing lady. Mrs. W. P. Armour. I A. R. Hunter, who has been acting As customs officer at Stewart , for the past two years and a half and Mrs. Hunter arrived in thej city from the north on the Prince Rupert lust evening. Mr. Hunter will resume his duties at custom 1 headquarters here. Herbert Holt of the Dlgby. Island wireless station staff, who has been spending a holiday in(, Vancouver, will not be returning here as he has been transferred to the) j Point Orey station at Vancouver. His phre at Dlgby Island is taken! by Wireless Operator Thompson of, C.Q.S. Newington who. in turn, Is succeeded by A. II. Robson from Alert Bay. 1 rAGE THREE aamaaawaax I Saturday Mill Closed For Ten Days Seal Cove Plant Ceases Cutting in Order to Undergo General Overhaul In order that the plant may be! ly N-ws "Classified" bring quick results. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel l MH'.lt NEW MANAOEMENT slttim lira.!; Traveller"' Hamplr Ilnunm: Hot ami Cold Watrit Frrr Huh M ' M Trains and Coats Rates Si.uj and Up SI'IH'IAI. MONTHLY RATHH JOHN FRY and A. DONALD I'roprlttor PHONE 51 Central Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Williams. Prince George New Royal Hotel J. Zurrlll, ITop. THE HOTEL WOKTll WHILE Hot Si Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrnlione 381 Ruyal Fred Dobler, Seattle; F. Rut-ledge and Oeorge Allen, Hay sport; C. Townscnjl, city. AT Fraser & Payne's THIRD AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET To mark the opening of our January Sale, we start Saturday with a big Dollar Day list qf marvellous values. A few are listed below of the many items on sale: RAYON SILK UNDERWEAR - All perfect merchandise. We have 50 dozen exactly to offer of this special. Every size and every popular shade. AT ONE DOLLAR A GARMENT OR A SET. Princess Slips Plan and lace-trimmed Pettinicks Brassier and Bloomer Sets Bloomer and Vest Sets Nightgown Tailored and lace-trimmed Combinations Tailored dnd lace-trimmed . . . : Si HARVEY SILK AND WOOL HOSE Every pair perfect; in fancy Jacquered designs. Our regular price $1.65 pr. 4 Sale price j3JLeW LADIES' WINTER WEIGHT VESTS-Silk stripe. Regular 75c M quality. 2 for VVU SWANSDOWN KIM ON A CLOTH 28 inches wide. Regular value 95c yard. -fl A A 2 yards for $J..WU SEE WINDOWS ON FRIDAY FOR DOLLAR SPECIALS WATSON WIN' AND DRAW) Per garment iHVEIGHT MEN'S SHIRTS SAli sizes. Fraser & Payne Quality Groceries given a general overhaul, the Big! Bay Lumber Co.'s sawmill at Seal! 1 r Cove was closed down yesterday JT JfxGcS,l X? 11CGS afternoon. The plant will resume; cutting in ten days' or two weeks' j time. ROLLED OATS Large containing aluminum-ware. Per pkg BUTTER Fresh bricks. Per brick Not woody. 10 lbs. CORN-ON-COB-3S. den Bantam. Per tin packages 19c creamery. 3-lb. $1.29 ORANQE MARMALADE 4s. Mal-kin's Best Brtnd. tZfin Per tin , QUAKER CORN FLAKES I Per pkg GARDEN PKA8 8ise No. 4. Per tin P. Peterson, city; Olof BJorke ttt , m,r, and John Nox, Stewart: J. John- j UP-RIVER TURNIPS- Ston, Port Edward. 10c 15c BRAND'S A-l SAUCE 9Rf None liner. Per bot wl STRAWBERRY JAM In 3-lb. glass Jan. K. B. Brand. ffAf Per Jar vt LUX TOILET SOAP-'6 bars 45c 25c Aylmer Ool- 28c KINO- OSCAR 8ARDINB0 4 Cn ?er tin XOU SULTANA CAKQB 1-lb., FresnjWPCK. Each ,' MANCIIURIAN WALNUTS to clear, per lb Rett's. 10c Watts' Grocery duality Right Prices Right PHONE 53 PHONE 56