I bl, XXI.. no. e Tincc ijfi m a 100 UflBLL miLUU.imLU LURID rioieer Druggist Gets Large Majority Against Prudhomme lumuiuiuii Boston Grill Saturday, January 18 URGE CAUAKCT High 4:20 ajn. 2 C?A Special Dinner Thursday snd Baturdayi 16:16 p.m. (Hnclng Every Batorday Night, 9 to It 4,,,, ' Dance Hall for Hire LOW ' 7.V 22:43 p.m. 2.4 . . k AccomapodaUon Cor iTlvato Partle 7W' 3l , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER rnoNE 481 Labor Scores Notable Victory; Three Brand New Alder men Chosen; Police Endorsed and Bylaws Pass Cyril H. Orme, member of the 1929 aldermanic board, vas elected mayor of Prince Rupert yesterday by the substantial margin of 221 votes over his nearest rival, Aid. A. KJ. Prudhomme. Ex-Mayor S. M. Newton brought up the ii anr nn ur:iv n wi v i i ii i ii'sii.ii f the campaign. Aid. (J. W. m berated 1929 uoara oi wonts, i ii ir i urn laic uiu . ..... Di.t... . ... a mama.. . . - -I . U. 1 ... v i u. .X ill. m 1 1 1. i uw a ..u. u If I .iW'V 111 LIIC uiu:i .A ILlLl Ul . . . IT I ' 1 I X f'llllllCTll. WCI1B. LIU FV 11 IAJ 1 till Hill ua-.v&vjw " L.llliIlCU UA Ilia AUDI. UCUWIUllh t:rv wranas wmen ne aiiccea naa fac-n rommltled by the 1823 civic u.u.n istratlon. An interesting situation arises as l result ol the election, in wai ine Mi-il will now be evenly divided oc'wcei businessmen and labor ;T );pscntaUves. Aid. Collart J. H. P i sbury. II. P. Pullen and P H , L,:M-y are the businessmen, while A. 1 Ruddcrham and James BlacHi wl, join their labor coueagues-1-Aid S. D. Macdonald and Aid. W. M, Brown who remain on the r luh U from last year. It will be th.' first aldermanic experience for Mi ssrs. Plllsbury, Black and Pullen. Great interest was also taken In thn police plebiscite in which the provincial police system was en-do sod by a margin of 119 votes. As a result. It is to be expected that thr new council will accept the m ndate of the people and make no change in the policing system. Tlie election was marked by many spoiled ballots. There were 71. f-poiled ballots in the one-year aldermanic contest, 54 in the Mc-Brlde Street bylaw. 52 on the sewer byiaw. and 47 In the police plebiscite The members of the-new council will be sworn in within a few days and the first meeting will be held next Thursday, when Mayor-Elect Orme will announce standing committees for the year. There will probably be no change in the mayor committee chairmanships. Aid. W M, Brown will, without a doubt. PRUDHOMME ! AND ORME Defeated Mayoralty Candidate First to Offer Ills Congratula- I Hons Last Nlcht . f When the result of the mayoralty k . ...... vote necame known last merit lni the polling room, Aid. A. J... Prud - 1 homme, 'the runner-up, was the first to tender congratulations with a hearty handshake to Ex-Aid. C. H, Orme unon. his success in beinir i elected chief magistrate. Both Mr. Orme and Mr. Prudhomme had spent a good part of the day at the polling booth' and both were present for the counting of the votes. Ex-Mayor S. M. Newton was not at the booth much during the day. nor was he there for the count. andNewtonl ii l iiii iiit uiii r in liic j .ij uudtlerham, a member ot tne I C. II .'ORME m of Elected r.uiyur lot- 1930 with substantial nuijonty. obtain the Board of Works chairmanship; Aid. Collart, the finance chairmanship; and Aid. Macdonald, the utilities. The total vote in the mayoralty contest yesterday was 1062, as compared with 1167 last year. Detailed figures were as follows: The Mayoralty ' Newtn.Orme Prud. A-B..1 ...57 149 It F-L .88 ltt 89 .56 1S6 68 m in - 08 227 510 298 8 MP Spoiled TwoVpar Aldermen O. W. hadderham Ml J. II. PiluWy - 585 James Black 588 II. F. Pullen 595 F. W. Weaeh 388 J. G. Johns 319 Spoiled ballots i 26 One-Year Aldermen Theo Collart 458 P. II. Llnicy ..-. - 450 O. B; Casey 393 R. F. Perry - .. . 374 Spoiled ballots . 71 Tollce Plebiscite For provincial police :. 553 For elty police: - 434 iR-ioiied ballots 47 r ScwCL.lVdpQ For Against 214 Required to carry, 00 i.... 476: Carried by - m-J Spoiled balloU 52 McBride Street Bylaw For Against Required Carried by ..- Spoiled bnllou 506 221 474 32 54 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1930 I BRITISH DIMGIBLE R-100 BEAT RECORDS T CARDINOTON. Jan. 17: The British dlrigib'e R-100 went through a successful test flitht on Thursday which lasted 12 hours. It was claim- ed that the aircraft had beat- ten the Oral ZcDDelin and all othei dirigible records by making a speed in excess of 81 miles per hour with 600 horse-power in reserve. f Premier's Stand hNnf Annrnvp 11 U l tppiUVCU Quebec Conservatives Objrct To' Attitude of Anderson of Saskatchewan on BMtngual Question QUEBEC. Jan. 17. Local C6n-servatives are sending to the Dominion executive of the party- a muUon adopted Wednesday ntfht dwuMjvv ing completely Uie attitude Premier J. T. M. Anderson of .Saskatchewan on the bl-llngual 4ur.1t ion. INVESTIGATE4 NORTH ROAD Delegate Dan Sutherland s Pro- nnfcfll fnr Jntnt roriK'on I - - - - s Approved at Washington WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. The roads committee of the house yesterday approved the bill of Delegate Dan Sutherland of Alaska to ?rVdii'.V,7"""0" 6ZJi sutes and Canada of the construe- ig Mayoralty THIRD AVNUE PROPERTjY SOLD I. Lome MacLareri Buys Smal ISuildin; on Sin? e Lot From L. W. Pattiore Mitchell & Curr e have been awarded the contra t to make an extension of some, forty or fifty jfeet to the rear of nAsmall bulldin; 'ion the south side ofcThird Avenue Just adjoining Ytxk Hellbroner" ; building on the east hich has beer purchased by J. Lorne MacLaren from j. W. PatmoretMr. MacLaren Is to move his musli store into the quarters recently asejl by Aid. A. J. Pmithnmmp an mavnrflltv pamnalorn ro 'T The otner h4 of the buUd" lng !, occupied by fce ToUio Dye Works. Mayors Elected Following were among British h. Columbia mayors elected yoster day: Nanaimo Dr. Q, A. B. HalL defeating 7. A. Cunllffefc Nelson Mayor R. D. Barnes defeating J. A. MacDonald. Albernl J. ft. Motfcn. Port Albeml-F. Hi Steede. Cumberland MalPOr A, Maxwell, Grand rortr- BTOHenlftyW:i defeating Mayor T. A. Love. KftRlo F. E. Archer. Fernle Mayor J. L. Gates. (fe WiltAlaska f At Mouth ol Canadian Rivers Is Suggested by Rotary Club Speaker That Canada should try to trict of Atlin for a small strip tion of a highway to connect the l aKu ana anotner at tne mouin oi me oiiKine mver, in or-united states with Alaska via der to uive Canada access to the interior through her own British Columbia and the Yukon, i ,.niinfmr was n siifTrrpcVinn mnrlp bv C L. Monroe, frovern- vviu.iv. w ""OO ' F O i ment agent at Prince Rupert, and formerly of Atlin, in an Trao " Prepared ! acldress to tne Rotary CIub yesterday. n rkff i The Rainy Hollow district is in the interior and is ap-For UillCerS . proached by way of Haines or Lynn Canal or from White (Horse. For the past thirty years.' inland Itevenue Men Had Narrow Escape In Ilatd at Belmont, Nova Scotia TRURO, N.S., Jan. 17: When Harry E Vincent, inland revenue officer, and other officials raided a house at Belmont, Vincent narrowly escaped death or Injury when he stumbled Into a carefully prepared trap. Half-way down the cellar stairs, he stepped on a string which snapped. A flashlight revealed an old-fashioned, muizle-loadlng shotgun staring him in the face. A small knot had prevented the string from passing through pulleys and firing the gun. there have been a few crown granted mineral claims there, but there is practically no resident population. While it value would probably be greater than the small areas of land atxthe mouth of each of the rivers, It would be the only trade which seemed feasible, in order to enable Canadians to get to the interior without the formalities of bonding through American territory. Mr. Monrod spoke most Interestingly of the Atlin district, telling of the mines, the scenic beauties and big game hunting In the section surrounding Atlin and Taku (Continued on page six.) MAYOR-ELECT'S THANKS To the Citizens of Prince Rupert: May I, through the medium of this paper, express to y6u my deep appreciation, of the confidence imposed in me at the polls yesterday. You have placed in me a responsibility of which I am not unmindful. The majority for me exceeded my most hopeful expectations. That the year, municipally, will be one of success, I am confident, because of the splendid calibre of the aldermen that you have chosen to assist me. It is my hope that, now the campaign is over, there will be unity and enthusiasm in carrying out all work for the betterment and advancement of Prince Rupert. C. II. ORME. l Lild imVY LUiOl LUWK 1 Fir t Vice President of the Canadian Manufacturers' Assoaiation, clnt John. Former Nursing Superintendent At Simpson Dead VAMCOUVWt Jan. 17r-Mlss' uliiy lie Spence. aged 15. , nurse, for 13 years lady superln- 'tendsnt of the Port Simpson Hos- 'pltal. Is dead here. Or TerritOlT trade the Rainy Hollow dis of land at tM mouth of the . f JUNEAU DOCK SLIDES 1 INTO SEA; BIO LOSS f OF OIL AND SUPPLIES JUNEAU, Jan. 17: Part of the Standard Oil Co.'s dock and warehouse slid Into Gas- tlneju Channel here early yesterday carrying with it immense stocks of oil and 4 supplies with an estimated 4- loss of $60,000. The collapse ot the dock was attributed to a sub- marine landslide or perhaps a cave-in In some of the old stopes of the Treadwell mine. Man Accidentally Shot and Killed At Port Clements ' District headquarters of the provincial police are In receipt of advice from Port Clements. Massttt Inlet, that a man named Thhinas Pelton, who was employed In a pole ;camp near there, had accidentally ! shot and killed himself .yesterday afternoon. There .were no f urth'er details as to the circumstances of the affair. It Is presumed that an Inquest or an Inquiry will be held. Dally News "Wuut Ads" briny inifk results. Prince Henry Launched Today At Birkenhead With Daughter of Premier Conducting Ceremony LONDON, Eng., Jan. 17. Preparations have been completed for the launching at Birkenhead today of the new Canadian National steamship Prince Henry, which ill f?o into service onjthe Pacific coast, between Vancouver. Prince Rupert and the ports or "Alaska. Miss Ishbel Macdonald, daughter of the Prime Minister, will officiate t the long-established ceremony with which the steamer will be ushered into the ocean. The Prince Henry is the : of the three new steamships. , t. hlch will be added to the Cana- alan National fleet this year. The other two, the Prince David and the Prince Robert, now In the course of construction, will ply between Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle. One of these will be launched February 10. The vessels are in the hands of Messrs. Cammell, Laird & Co., who constructed the five handsome steamships now running In the Ca adian National service between CanaJa and the West Indies, While, V? u . ? uomuuon uonserva-!n outward appearance they will re- ;.W J , PKPd Canada-semble f? States aockeye salmon pres. the Prince George andes! " treaty and other matters the PacUia Prince Rupert, now on , rout the new steamers will be. of; Indicated here at a political when Hon. R. B. fed- ith wirter h-arn and raUy Bennett, dfeHUit beJJUUttf aver-all. W'Eff'JS thatte coinparecf wilK'The 30$ feet lengthl1 Tolmle ssade emphatic of the present vessels. They will pronouncements of party solidarity wlttfU"? caUon. Again as In Vic-straight be twin-screw steamers. Mr. Bennett that stem, cruiser stem4h?eeig& predicted fnn! nnd two steel mMtOnSW&ml fisheries treaty In Its commodatlon will be provided 334 first-class and 70 thiruclassla?ncernied- . in protecting A, Canada bv passengers. In rooms and cablnj;urago while 1500 passengers may be Car-eans f to Strngly "f8-rled on the deck space for short ,the Dominion opposiuon runs, as between Vancouver and . chieftain. Victoria. They will each provide 4S.000 cubic feet net of Insulated cargo space. Tnere win be piace also for the carriage of motor cars, mails and baggage. An electric hoist will be used to handle passengers' automobiles. As far as possible, Canadian woods, Including British Columbia Douglas fir and white elm, have been used for the timber requirements of the ships. In every respect the Prince Henry and the others are of modern de- . sign and j execution. n T.uni,n.. Telephones of t the dial system are placed in every stateroom, and the vessels are ""id nv for the reception of radio broadcasting. The Prince Henry will travel to Canada under Its own xwer and will sail from Vancouver on Its first northbound trip on July 3. BIRKENHEAD, England, Jan. 17: Miss Ishbel MacDonald, daughter ot Premier Ramsay MacDonald. saying "I christen you, Prince Henry, and wish you and the Canadian National Railways all good luck," today officiated at the suc cessful launching ilng of the first of three new Canadian National I toamcVttnft that t will will ... on on fntn Intn Part Pari- U.kU.I.4I.IJId V..UW n ,v ..vv w flc Coast service this summer. The. Prince Henry will ply between J Vancouver and Prince Rupert and the other two, Prince David and Prince Robert, to be launched la ter, will run between Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Jan. 17: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange: today at $1.26Vi. Card of PRICE FIVECENTb vo REITERATES HIS FAVOR Conservatives Now United In Sup-' port of Fraser River Treaty; Bennett Advocates Tariff VANCOUVER, Jan. 17. Unity an? co-operation between British ttUform would be satisfactory to TO PROTECT SHAREHOLDERS Committee Formed At Vancouver In. Connection With McLeod Oil Company VANCOUVER. Jan. 17. At a meeting of the shareholders of the ... ... ,. . elded to look after the interests of the shareholders. J. A. Lundy of Calgary was chosen chairman. W. H. Nansen, Vancouver broker, stated that, at the meeting called at short notice, shareholders w:r present who held more than $7,000 shares. He further stated that there had been issued to the general public only 100,000 shares by the company and expressed the belief that the public from Victoria to Halifax had been sold at least three hundred thousand shares. my f 11 1 Ol JJ e WlOUIluIanCl bfllD uuiv Vofa In Scotland Three-Master ;JeJuncv'Oujl o( 5t John's Since November, Arrives On Other Side ST. JOHN'S. Nfld.. Jan. 17. The three-masted schooner Neptune, missing since it sailed from here for Bona Vista on November 23, hav- lng been caught in terrific storms, has arrived safely at Tobermoray, Scotland. ' v- - Thanks It Is my sincere wish that the 1930 Mayor and Aldermen may have a most successful year. ' I also wish to thank my supporters and those who assisted me in the canipaljn. Although defeated, I shall have the Interests of the city at heart Just as much as had I been elected. A. J. PRUDHOMME.