't.t'iduj;, TAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Friday, January 17, 1J; SIMPLE STEP TOWARDS HEALTH Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is a Daily Essential and Millions Know Its' Effectiveness in Relief . of Constipation Perhaps the one simple thing you are not doing to guarantee permanent health Is having sufficient roughage in your food. Absence of this roughage is the direct cause of constipation which results in so many other ills headaches, HstlessneSs, general depression, indigestion and, sometimes, serious disease. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is' roughage. It is positively guaranteed to relieve both temporary and recurring constipation or the purchase price will be refunded. Two tablespoons daily (in serious cases, with each meal) is the proper amount. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN" also helps you to health in .other ways. It is rich In iron, practically all of frhich goes Into the blood, bringing (,((,111 ' ill TfcT , TO LV Jhc Vriginal f Like "No. 1 Hard," Seagram's 83 has no "just as good" sub stitute. Bottled from the oldest stocks of whiskey in Ctasds. The Govern' taent strip tells the story. red, healthy color to the complexion. It helps prevent anemia. Be sure to include it in reducing diets. Many eat Kellogg's ALL-BRAN with cream or milk added. It is a delicious addition to cereals, fruits and soups. In cooked foods, such as bran muffins, it is just as effective in the relief of constipation. Recommended by doctors. Ask your grocer for Kellogg's ALL-BRAN in the red-and-green package. Served everywhere. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ' aMir umbers made famous hy Quality ALL-BRAN No. t Hard Wheat Is the world's standard. There is no "just as good" substitute. The superlative quality of this famous strain makes Canada's Golden West the . world's most famous granary. m mm utmr m fiV whuskiby This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. LET US CONVINCE YOU That It Is Worth Your While To Buy For Cash WHY NOT GIVE US A TRIAL? COOKINO APPLES tjgp O 199 SUNLIOHT SOAP Onp Per pkg && CROWN CLEANSER 4 tin &0 KLONDYKE SOAP ggg EAQLE LOBSTER Vis. Oln Per tin ROWNTREETS AND COWAN'S cocoa Vis. 9 An Per tin rt LIQUID VENEER Reg. M ular 30c for AlX, TABLE FIGS . QSn lbs , rftf-at RAISINS 4Qp Per lb The Economy Cash & Carry PHONE 360 319 Third Ave. THE WEATHER tSOA Prince Rupert Clear, calm ssHEflsnBise S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER. COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the Investing public, Miller, Court Sz Co.. Ltd., publish a semimonthly market report, dealing with mining, oils and industrial stocks, which Is available at our office on the 1st and 15th of every montn. We offer prompt and reliable service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver. Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. G10 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. R.C. TERRACE ANNUAL Many Subjects Covered In Keport of Board of Trade Secretary j TERRACE, Jan. X7. The following was the report of the secretary, II. Halllwell, at the annual meeting this week of the Terrace Board of Trade: 1 "In the history of the Terrace Board of Trade 1929 proved itself a worthy successor to 1928. The board has sustained its interest in efforts to secure the public well-being of the district throughout the whole year and much good work has been accomplished. "At the last annual meeting the question of finding parking space for cars at Lakelse Lake was raised on two counts, one an offer to donate land by Mr. Johnston, and another a suggestion that the government be asked to provide land for the purpose at the north end of the lake. This subject has occupied the attention of the board during the whole year and now wc understand that the Public Works Department has in hand the proposal to provide a 66-foot roadway for halt a mile along the north end of the lake. "The question of a close time for fishing for trout in Lakelse Lake arid river was also raised at the last annual, meeting and has been followed up throughout the year' cases these have been well re celred. Many of ouz suggestions have been carried out and many , more are scheduled foi early atten tion. In this regard Mr. Oordon, as our representative. Interviewed various members of the cabinet while he was In Victoria. ; "A considerable addition has been made to the mining library ; during the year and the same has been made use of to a much greater I extent than in the previous year. "A promise was received early in the year from the Minister of Mines to investigate the desirability of instituting an ore sampling works at Prince RUpert, but so far nothing has been heard of his decision in the matter. Lectures Given "An excellent lecture by a professor of the B. C. University was given under the auspices of the board in May and another Is promised for the coming spring. "A good deal of publicity work j has been done during the year and several pictures have been sent out light north wind, temperature, 25. for publication. Terrace Clear, stmni? northPas'J "The American Consul at Prince wind, 2. Rosswood Clear, calm, -6. Aiyanih Clear, calm, -8. Alice Arm Clear, calm, -8. Anyox Clear, calm. -10. Stewart Clear, calm, 20. Hazelton Clear, calm, -14. Smlthers Clear, east wind, -12. Burns Lake Clear, calm, cold. Vanderhoof Clear, calm, -26., Quesnel Clear, calm, cold. Second Cabln-J-Clear, calm, -27. Eighth Cabin Clear, calm, cold. Ilaysport Clear, calm, 28. Port Simpson Clear, calm, 29. For quick results try a d" In the Dally News. "sssaEUBBjaanB 'want- j Rupert was provided, by request, jwlth Information regarding the 1 possibilities of airplane landings in ithls district, and In order further. 'to assist aviation the board made I representations to the meteorlogl-cal office, as a result of which a dry I and wet bulb thermometer U to be installed here and conditions of 1 atmosphere to be more fully noted. "The question of the proposed establishment of a new province was considered at length by the council and it was decided to support the proposal failing more satisfactory service from the provincial government. "The attention of the postal au thorities was called to the need for a dally mall service, and doubtless that action helped to secure the adoption of the express car mall box on trains not equipped with mall cars,. "The Peace River outlet question has all along occupied the attention of the board and every effort has been put forward to Induce the authorities to adopt a policy which will result in the line being placed where it will be of the utmost economic advantage to the country. This attitude was supported by the national convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. "Efforts have been made to secure the 'provision, of a car for police purposes In the district and this is still under consideration by the authorities. "The railway company has been approached on more than one occasion with suggestions for improved services and in most cases they have responded in a satisfactory way. "Various suggestions for town improvements have been passed on to the local commissioners and In Rub a little Zam-Buk over your hands and arms to check and heal all roughness and chafing. It's wonderful. Zam-Buk contains valuable herbal extracts which lubricate the tissues, soothe pain, allay Inflammation and grow new healthy skin. Cold-sores, 'chaps', frost bite, chafing and similar troubles are quickly ended by Zam-Buk. It provides the handiest and safest antiseptic dressing for all injuries and skin troubles. COLDS For coM in the head, linear a little Zm Huk ovei lite ynmt cf ibe hands, and inhale. For culdi in chest or back, rub briskly with tliKiil-warmed Zam-Uuk night ami it'ormng. SOOTHES PAIN -PREVENTS BLOQD-POISON. flc ; I tor tl U 0 mil and we are expecting at any time to have an intimation from the De- , most cases lhey nave been partment of Marine and Fisheries 1 on- other otters are still under to the effect that in the new regu-; consideration, latlons our wishes will be respected. "The national convention was ap-"The recommendation of public ' Poached with a request for their works for the advancement of the support to the construction of a district Is, of course, one cf the ma- copper refinery at the coast, but Jor purposes of the board, and rep- no action was taken, the resolution resentations covering a wide range bem regarded as not tuffleiently of possible improvements have been 1 exPUclt. submitted from time to time to the j "The attention of the-govern-gqvernment, the local member and I ment W8S wn to the desirability the district engineers, and in all' 01 we rma rrom Kitimaat to the moos ocing ocnsiruciea, ana an urge was also sent to the government asking , them to make the terms, to the pjUmoters of the Telfc-wa-Kltimaat Railway as easy as possible. Work. On Trails "Improvement work on mining trails throughout the district have been recommended to the Mining Department. "Three members of the board were able to attend the annual convention meetings of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at Edmonton and Calgary, and they also ac companied the delegation on its trip through part of the Peace River territory. Prom all reports, our delegates unquestionably exercised a good Influence on the convention In tne matter of the Peace River outlet. 1 "An effort has been made to se cure the Indian reserve near Mi-chaud Bros.' place, in order to make It Into a public park. The question is not yet settled. "Pressure has been brought to bear on the government to have work on the bridge over Kalum River started as soon as possible and before the spring floods hamper the workers. "The Illness of the president during the last few months was much regretted and 'we are glad to see him back In his accustomed place. "Now we are facing anoUier year and we must ask all healthy-minded men in the district to Join hands with us and enable us to do even better work In 19930, for our success will be In direct ratio to the loyal public support which we 4, FEW PENCILS ARK YET TO BE GIVEN .. FOR SUBSCRIBERS There aro still a few Redl- point pencils on hand to be given to pupils of the schools, either In the city or country, who send In subscriptions, to the Dally News. On pencil gdes to each new one, cash with order. Send or bring the money and the pencil is handed ov?r the counter or mailed, a.s may bo requested. 4 TRADE WITH ALASKA FOR TER-I KITORV AT MOUTH OF CANA-' DIAN RIVERS IS SUGGESTED i BY ROTARY CLUB SPEAKER. (Continued from page one) Lakes, and suggesting that the White Pass Railway should have gone up the Taku River Instead of by the route It took, as it would have had a much better grade and would not; have encountered the snow hazards. It was particularly with the Taku and Tulsequah mining sections that Mr. Monroe dealt. There was every evidence, he said, that two large mines would be developed there, and he st'-cnsly urged Prince Rupert to get after the business. He thought the present freight rates, which were exactly the same from' Prince Rupert as from Vancouver, worked a hardship on this port This might well be taken up throut?h the Board of Trade. Last year Van couver profited to the extent of about $75,000 by the business and it would be much greater this year. Already a post office was bein established and the Mounted Folic had a centre there. Ip the Prince Rupert office 300 free miners' licenses had been Issued for the district. The Tulsequah River was on the eastern contact belt and there might well be a number at mines developed from the many claims tint new blanketed the country. Another part of Atlin not far from 3tewart on the Unuk River Is the latest interesting section and Mr. Monroe said he had reason to be- jlleve there would be a rush there I soon. I Mr Mnnrrv alH ho fmtnrt Mn. g'derable apathy here in regard to the Atlin district, but he was strongly of the opinion that Prince Rupert should benefit largely from the opening up of the country. Civic Election Is Celebrated by Canadian Legion There were the usual festivities at Canadian Legion headquarters last night, following the announcement of civic election results. Mayor-Elect C. H. Orme and a number of the aldermen-elect were present and gave brief speeches. Week-End Specials SWIFT'S PICNIC HAMS All sizes. Per lb. SUNMAID SEEDLESS 2-lb. packages. Per pkg ROSEDALE PBACHE6 Sliced 2Vfcs. 2 tins COLUMBIA APRICOT JAM 4-lb. tin NABOB PUMPKPIN 3s. 2 tins DRY BLACK FIGS 2 lbs. DRY PRUNES 70-80. 2 lbs NAVEL ORANGES Medium size. 3 doz 24c RAISINS 25c SHELLED WALNUT QUARTERS 2 lbs ICINO SUGAR 2-lb. pkg 75c 20c ROYAL CITY APRICOTS IZtZp 3s. 2 tins OOKj NABOB RED PLUMS 2 Vis. 2 tins 45c 55c 55c 25c NABOB BARTLETT PEARS CCp 3s. 2 tins t?Jl 25c 25c SUNNYBROOK CREAMERY BUT TER 3-lb. brick. Per brick EGOS Fresh firsts. Per doz EOOS Fresh extras. ncr doz. i,. $1.30 55c n ma; 95c Alberta Market P. GAMliLA, Pinprlctor Fifth Street. Phone 208 3 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY two snows 7 and 9 p.m. 100 PER CENT ALL, SJ&gl>ALKING AND DANCING mmovieioneroines A $2,000,000 PRODUCTION with ALL-STAR C AST COMEDY "LADIES' CHOICE" SPECIAL" MEN PLAYED CARDS" ADMISSION, 20c AND 65c; SATURDAY .MATINEE, 15c AND 40C Election Returns Will Be Given Thursday CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPEUATINU (J. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOC K Engineers. Machinists, Kollermakers, Wackgmlths, 1'attcrn Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELIJJNG Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 13 AND 385 upert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PimwsgimrwmatarwrFwaffvrww.m.1;ra m .i i.. ! i i 1 1 I I III SBJ lllll SAVE MONEY! SAVE MONEY! Try C. C. Ketchum's Minehead Coal THE BEST ALnERTA COAL IN PRINCE RUPERT 8ave 10 per cent In weight and buy our coal, which Is alwa. 5 under cover and full weight. Egg, 1-inch to 3-inch $12.50 Stove, 3-inch to 6-inch $12.73 Furnace Lump $13.50 WE CAN SUPPLY Telkvva Lump $13.50 Wellington Lump $14.50 SEE-SEE KETCHUM & CO., LTD. PHONE 771 reus EE3E! LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. Dr Alexander PHONE 578 llK8NF.lt IILOCK DENTIST EBS91 Coal? Coal? Take ailvnntgjtf of lo prtre to put li jour nlntrr itipply tnsoN and c.ssiiY-wi:u.isa- TON In my qudntltlra. Alio Hour, I'jjr, drain anil l"rl. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 i f jiiwj 11111, aw'iy i Tif) tygiumillBfll .1 Vi J fHTTTTirVT TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEUliiD MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City J