t ! FACIE four Night Classes Are Suggested Would Give Young Men Better Chance Than They Are Get- ting Here Now j A letter from a. J. Croxford, urg-; lng the inauguration of night school classes in the city, was read at last night's meeting of thei school board. The letter was one which had been originally addressed to Mayor C H. Orme, who had passed It along to the board. Night schools would do much for the welfare of the young men of the f THE DAILY NEW3 Thurca: RESULTS IN A NEW STANDARD OF PERFECTION CRIBBAGE for all lovers of Virginia Wlien Illness tobacco blended by expert? the flavour, ; i mnu 'l T&reatens via Grotto il iSecond Place., tlj x- coolness' and fragrance that you've always looked for is Prince Rupert Cribbage League results last night were as follows: now yours in Dixie Grotto 12, Seal Cove 15. Canada's pleasure smoke Hawks 15, Eagles 12. made right so they smoke Toe II 15, Operators 12. v ISiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiiSBllllBaaa right the utmost in P. R. Hotel-I.O.O.F., postponed cigarette enjoyment is i until Friday. found all Dixie smokers. by Six Musketeers 17, K. of C: 10. I JSrU tar The experienced wife or mother relies on Bovril when she has an invalid on her hands. Bovril is a concentrate of the vital elements of beef in a supremely digestible and invigorating form. It builds up strength ; it fights off relapse ; it shortens convalescence. Bovril has unique nutritive powers. It gets results. That is the secret of its widespread recognition. Few doctors and nurses to-day would care to be without Bovril in the sickroom. It iOTStbe Pnpritttrt : Bovril limited, Park Ave, Montreal. Ults Agtntu Harold F. Ritchie Co. Ltd., Toronto city, Mr. Croxford felt. There were few opportunities for them under present conditions to learn the I trades. After leaving school, boys had a hard task to find an opening ' of any kind. Evening classes would give them an opportunity to Improve themselves. If such classes were inaugurated, Mr. Croxford felt sure they would be taken advantage of by a goodly number of young , men. A small fee might tx Imposed to help pay the expenses. ! No action was taken by the board in connection with uie letter. Call at Curzon's when you want' Men's Socks, Mitts, or Gloves. j IT PAYS TO PAY FOR QUALITY HENNESSY TIIHEE STAR BRANDY THE SAFEST SPIRIT IN ALL EMERGENCIES BOTTLED AT COGNAC. FRANCE This advertlemen,t Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ' " I REPAIRS IN SOME SCHOOLS ASKED Minor repairs necessary in the schools of the city were reported to the board, at its meeting last night, by the principals and the matters brought up were ordered by the board to be attended to. Principal D. II. Ilartnees reported that a radiator in the matric room of the High School was so close to some of the pupils' desks as to cause discomfort. If the board would obtain the few feet of pipe necessary, the Janitor could do the work of moving the radiator. Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of Booth Memorial School, reported that the deputy fire marshal had recommended the installation of two more exits In her school. The stove in Grade Nine (Fulton Street) was continually smoking and was a great nuisance, Miss S. A. Mills, principal of Borden Street School, reported. Miss Jessie Moffatt of Westview School asked that the stove In her school either be moved to another position or be protected by sheeting as it was too hot for some of her pupils. t .. at urn it Hi ii i.i inxi a:i a A Certain Party In Rupert Needs Watching You have an Idea who It is. We are watching quite a number of people these days with our classy Gruen watches and other reliable makes. We oan watch a person for as low at $7.50 for a 15-lewded girl's '.watch. Ud to mtoftor l A'jWtfjour btjst and latest aopuHtlie tame prlfc for ttik nmh nnnlUlpE I ' 2 & cJEWtiLLbKp THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK Elevator 14, Moose 13. League Table W. L. Pts. Six Musketeers 100 62 100 Grotto 96 60 96 Moose 87 , 75 87 Hawks 85 77 85 Eagles 80 82 80 Operators 79 83 79 Elevator 79 83 79 Seal Cove 79 83 79 K. of C. 73 89 73 P. R. Hotel 69 66 69 Toe H 66 96 66 I. O. O. F 52 83 52 The Orange Lodge team have changed their name to the 'Hawks.' Winter Sports . Getting Under , Way at Schools Softball and football schedules at the High School have been completed, Principal D. H. Hartness reported at last night's board meeting and basketball and badminton are now under consideration. The Exhibition Hall had been offered for I basketball while for badminton the I. O. D. E. Hall could be used at a moderate rental. Miss E. A. Mercer reported basketball schedules for boys and girls under way at her schools. ASKS IF THERE ARE TOO MANY TEACHERS HERE S. J. Wlis, superintendent of education for British Columbia, had a letter before the board of school trustees last night in which he stated that the total attendance in the schools of this city did not seem to warrant such a large number of teachers being used. There might be some special reasons, the superintendent admitted, but he suggested that Section 142 of the School Act Travel to work in comfort v M N A3 . f V' 1 TAXI -i PH0NE 32 TAXI CALLS: From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Will receive special attention. Auditorium GOLF COURSE Just the place to pass an enjoyable evening.) Clean, , quiet, comfortable surroundings. , AUDITORIUM GOLF COURSE L. J, MAHKEN Proprietor Sunken Gardens Golf Course creation fqn both Young" and Old Golf's Fairyland THE BETTER CIGARETTE SAVE THE VALU ABLE POKER'HANDS be followed closely in this matter. i CNJt. steamer Prince William . Members of the board did not see Capt William Thomas, returned at, how they eould get along with less ' 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from teachers and a letter to this effect a regular voyage to the south end will be sent to Mr. Willis. . of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Miss KaU-.i-di 'n the city on ;!i yesterday aiU'.ii. ; pit and wil' pi Hacelton. Comfort-Fit and Good NatisreamBrottiers ' "V Sl,, wmt wt.iK Nturl JM. rT m m piwiii.ii ii i ' .... hh never saw a comfortable, ill-tempered man, did you? No sir! for comfort bespeaks health and no healthy man can be a grouch. In business or out of it, the world has no time for the irritable. Vet there's nothing more irritadng than harsh, bunch ing, mis-fit underwear. Stanfield's underwear fits perfectly from the day you first put it on, until the last day of its long life. Made of finest yarns, by an exclusive process, Stanfield's is unshrinkable. No matter how many times it is tubbed, it invariably comes back soft, warm, perfect. See tins finest bf .allunderwcar at vour m favourite store today. Examine it. Notice J11 its tailoring. Its softness. And then notice Jn f f Qc that you don't have to pay any more for it ttttt vXHAi VUlllUlvCv than for the ordinary kind. . II LlMTTTftTW There's a weight and style to suit you, at tho SOFT-WARM -DURABLE a POINTJor TANFIELDr flUPERIORITV Accurate m mcnt. . . tilonng . P" feet fit- Eclulve cist; ling close Jaotclu tUnic ft Always oft ! outwearilhc'nllM - Duttonlth2lwo,', 5 puUou. A i iv td Mir t ivfirv ntfo GllJWlftOtf If 1:1- iVUl WW