Thursday, November 13, 19J0 " THZ DAILY HZW3 page nva lassied Advertisements. Business and Professional Mens Guide. Legal Notices' . it A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! Jfl Avenue FOR SALE I'jiiNlTURE for sale, 533 Seventh Avenue East or Phone Blue 014. 265 C" IEAPEST White Newsprint Paper for wrapping m other purposes, may be bought ten cents a core as Ions as they last Dally News, FOR RENT FOIt RENT Room, close In. Phone Green 59. 2C0 FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc. Knqulre store. tf . I KN1SHED room for rent. Clow1 m Phone Red 318. 269 I'uR RENT 4 room house wltlij b ah. Apply 49 Frstser Street, 2C9 FURNISHED Apartments for rent. Apply Mussallem Grocery, Phone IS- (tf) FOR RENT Modern Flat, kitchen range. Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Modern house, i rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. if FOR RENT nine-room flat dose in Rath moderate rental. Westen-haver Bros. tf FOR RRNT Furnished apart' mi nt? by day or week or month. Phone Red 607. tf To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly IIYEU APARTMENTS - 3RD AVE. WANTED WANTED Stenographer. Apply MrRae .Bros. 266 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf NEEDLEWORK HKMST1TCHINO, Mrs. Feasby, Phone Red 315. SILK 8tocklnfS mended at Demurs. Phone 37. 367 TRANSFERS , , , . . . - i AMBRONS Transfer. Phone 177. ury Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine tf JiKDS TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204.' AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, vtl or exchange any kind of furniture or household Roods, musical instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will Pall. G. J.. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block. tf SALVAGE ANI TOWING "If It's on or under the water wa do It" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Boats and Bcowa of all descriptions for Charter How Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Aeenti for EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern D.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers "ind and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 5C1 P.O. Box IBGt SECOND-HAND DEALERS I New and Second-Hand Goods Hought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery Phone Blue 339 CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens . Diseases Specialty Treated v' W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Greeii 241 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) STEAM BATHS 204 6th Street Phone Black 7Gt Opposite Trince Rupert Hotel Ladles from . 2 port, to 9 pm. Gents, from ... 10 am. to 10 p.m Chimney Sweep T Cblraneys swept and repaired Furnaces and stove cleaned and repaired. General handyman. r Phone 204 Night phone Blue 712 II. J. ZUMKEIIR UMI ACT Xotlre of Intention to Apply to I-a Land la tbt SUkioe Ud Racordlng District of Oasslar Dlitrtet, and situate bout three miles sod one-half south of Tulsequah Post Offloe on Taku River. Take notice that I. William Strong, of Tulsequah. B.C.. oeeupatlon merchant. Intends to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: Oomatenelnc at a post planted on band of a aknigh. toence aovth 80 chains; thane east 40 chains; thenee north 60 chains: fhencs west 40 ababis, and oettUUURg 30 seres, mars a less. WILLIAM STRONG Dated AurAMt 28. IMQ. LAND REOISTHY ACT NOTICE tie: Certlftoate of Tills No. 2991-1 to Lata Twenty-three (99) sad Treaty four (14). Block Seventeen (17). See tlon SU (S). Ctty of Prtnoe Rupert. Mao 23. WHEREAS aaUafactory proof e! lost or vht stwve oertHMate r Trae tssuea In the name of John Oordou has been fUed in this office, netiee to hereby liven that I shall at the ecplratlon of one mocio rrom toe rim aj or publication hereof. Issue a CertUkate of Title m lieu of the said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid abjection la made to me tnwrtt-RHT. Dated at the Land Reattery Office. mac mipen, u. tnu ra aay Prisce Rapert, BX3.. this Srd dec of October. IM0. H r. UaeLBOD, Sat-St-Mov t. Registrar. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLOMBIA IN rilOllATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF I1BNRV MANTJBL RICHARDSON. , NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVXN that all creditors and other persons having any afatatt or demands against the estate of Henry Manual Richardson. Testator, late of Frtnee Hu". in the County f Priest Bnpeet. Dweased. wno ava an the and cMf AiaiiMt iw ana whose win was proved In the Prince Runert ResHtrv of the Booreme Oour. at BHUsh Columbia on the 23rd day of October 1M bv Alet Btracnan ou Prince Rapert. B.C.. Uundry Manager. n ady' Kcamitor therein named who bad not renounced, are hereby required an send Darfleulan in wrltln- of their etabna and demands to us the under-ataned sallcltrrs for ths said Bxeotltor on or before the 31st day of January MSI at the undee-meattonsd adarwt aiter which date the said Xicowte wfU proceed to (UHnbute the asseu mt the said Henry Manuel Rlohardson deceased amonast tb parues enutiea snemv having retard only to the claims and demand of wntoh he shall then have had notice and tne said Executor ,wU not be liable for the assets of the deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person or persons of whose claims and demaoeVi he shall not then have had not tec. DATED this 1st day of November, 1030. WILUAM8. MANSON. OONZALKfl Si TAYLOR Besner Diock. Prince Rupert, d.c. Solicitors for the Etecutor, Alex Straohaa. BRINGING UP PARDON MK- m VJHERS "J m THE POT" .im OFFICE? - IN THE LETTER BOX FASCIST ATROCITY Edltoff Dally New3: Please publish the following editorial article from the American Srbobran, published at Pittsburg, U.S.A. LOUIS BILICH. Lfett than two months acn thp Viiar, government executed four Jugoslav youths, who were Italian 'subjects' of Istria. Public opinion in Europe considers that execution an exhibition of savage terrorism such as one would never expect In a civilized country. Three of these youths were high school boys, and it Is Impossible to an Impartial mind to believe that they were guilty of the crimes which the Fascist Italians charged against them. The record Z. Z v il , . The Czechoslovak press appeals to Hwtoy'thtoU,y VN1"8' ott Italy. Nay, ' ' ' . childhood up they were well behav- the ,. of ed; no criminal charge was ever, associated with their young lives until the Fascist spies managed to discover that they were plotting against the Italian state, and that in this plotting they had committed murders ounoffending Italian citizens. The Fascist court found them guilty after the short and perfunc tory trial. They were shot three hours after the court had signed its verdict. The firing squad fired Into their backs, treating them as treacherous criminals. They were not allowed to have their own lawyers to defend them. The defense was conducted by attorneys appoin ted by the Fascist authorities. - The great newspaper "VCrwaerts" of Vienna states on good authority that these boys and other youths who were supopeed to have been associated with them, were tortured while in prison. Three" of the tor tured youths died In prison, and the four who were condemned and shot were forced by tortures. -to sign a document admitting their guilt. One revolts against the idea that the Fascist government should be guilty of so outrageous barbarities. But it is well known that among the half million Jugoslavs who were transferred to Italy by the Paris Peace Conference, Jhe Fascist rBr gime has been proceeding. during! the last 11 years with unheard of terrorism. Several thousands of them were killed, and some twenty thousand were imprisoned. For what offense? No other than their refusal to be Italianized. The Fas cists demand that they give up their Slavonic for' Italian names, that they give up their language not only in schools and churches, but also in private intercourse, and in their homes. The. following bit of history will tell us what this de mand means. It was only this year that the Dal matians celebrated the thousandth anniversary of the death of their famous bishop, Orgur Nlnski, who protested against the use of the Latin language in the Croatfon' churches of his dtecece. The Pope' finally consented that the Slavonic language replace the Latin in the Roman Catholic churches of Bishop Nlrakfs diocese. The Croatian; d'f Iatrta of those days were the most enthusiastic supporters of Bishop Ninski. The old Olagollc language and script were retained in their churches, down to the present time. This year, the grateful people of Dalmatla erected to the memory of Orgur Ninski, their great bishop of a thousand years ago, a magnl- flcant monument at Spilt; It is one 0f the finest conceptions of the fa- mnn JiiD-nslav Mutator MeartrovlrJi. t FATHER OF AUUTMK PEOPLE M LU THS VJORlO VOO HAjsETDTl 6TOP.ME AM' ASK rtfnrVH This bit of history shows thatho people in the world are more passionately attached to their language and to their old religious and cultural traditions than the people of Dalmatla, Istria and Gorliia. Does Mussolini an dhis Fascists expect that these people give up without a single protest their Slavonic language, and their religious and cultural heritage for which their forefathers fought during a thousands years? Do they expect to persuade the world that these pro tests are acts of treason to be pun- lshed by death? The English,! flanman In.t.lnM 4kn ' A IVUVii, WLAUiati, nUdbiiail (Will lliG Czechoslovak press answer this question by a most Indignant con demnation of thfe'Fascist terrorism. Czechoslovak even press the Italian exiles j in France laments that it will fake a century to wash away the taint of disgrace which the Fascist barbar ism Inflicted upon the face of Italy when It murdered those Istrlan boys. Michael Pupin. SANITY AND SENTIMENT To The Editor In connection with the Memorial Services held on Tuesday evening at the Cenotaph, I wish to publicly! yolce by 'protest agaliut taWngTDUijgEirij and boys ron parade in weather conditions such as prevailed during the service. In my optplbn, to expose young children heedlessly In such wea ther, was an act amounting to criminal thoughtlessness, and I sincerely hope that this letter will be the mearis of preventing a recurrence., 4 Thanking you for your courtesy for giving this letter publicity, , Yours sincerely, SYDNEY E. THOMSON BUS SEktiltE ' OH ty-S REQUESTED After 'a lengthy discussion on a petition from 53 citizens of West- view requesting bus service for pupils of .that section of the city attending downtown schools, the school board decided last night to request the parents of pupils con cerned to get together and decide whether or not they were willing to at least partially pay the cost of such a service. At the rate of $1 per day for a minimum load of 20 children and 5c additional for each child over, the cost would be at least $4 per day of $80 a monthMembers of the board felt that .under present financial conditions, thby were hardly warranted in Incurring the expense'. ' J ' Trustee L.-W. Waugh made the suggestion that, parents concerned be requested to at least ' partially meet the cost. The suggestion found fayor with other members. of the board and was finally passed as a motion seconded by Trustee J. II. Thompson. Trustee W. It. McAfee felt that, if pupils of Westvlew were given the service , pupils from Seal Cove should also get it. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, was reported this mornlnc to be on time. t ( r. ' '. .'i'tlt: . LOOK. LIKE A.M IMFORMA.-VIOKJ t.1 BUREAU- PR stopped me- C IIMJMI rt.r girvlr, Int . Cnti 8ri iMt nttmd. PROTECTIVE TARIFF IDEA SNOWED UNDER LONDON, Nov. 13 xTe House of Commons voted 209 to 95 against a resolution presented by Henry Mond, Con servatlve, declaring that the institution of a general tariff system to protect home markets was the only method to avoid a general reduction of British wages in the near future. TWO YEA It TERM OFFICE FOR MAYOR .. TO BE VOTED On motion of Alderman Macdonald, the city council last night instructed the city solicitor to prepare a bylaw to put before the people at the next civic election provid- ing for the lengthening of the term of office for mayor from one to two years. LOCAL ITEMS Curzon's Men)? Hats and Caps are up-to-date and at prices lower for Quality than anywhere else, For drunkenness, C. Johnson was fined $25, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, in city police courf this morning. At the meeting of the city coun-ciy last night it was decided to sell lots 3 And 4Block 35, Section 7 to Albert-Undseth for $200. The city council had before it last night a protest against the sewer assessment which was referred to the court of revision. The annual court ol revision for the voters' list was appointed at last night's council meeting, the court to consist of Mayor Orme, and Aldermen Pillsbury, Brown, Linzey and CoIIart. Sentence upon M. O. Doherty who pleaded guilty In County Court recently to a charge of theft from a dwelling, has been further reserved until tomorrow by Judge F. McB. Young. In connection with the proposed plan for the lighting of the fish ermen's floats the city decided last night to delay taking action until other matters In regard to these 'loaU are cleaned up! Mr. and XIrs. J. McLellan of cueen Charlotte City arrived In 'he city on the Prince William yesterday afternoon from the Islands and will proceed from here for a trip to the Old Country. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Bloom, who have been spending seven' months in the city, will leave In a. week or so for Montreal. While here Mr. Bloom built two fine new residences at the corner of Taylor Street and Summit Avenue. The cjty council at Its meeting last night decided to remedy a clerical error in the office of the Prince Rupert nelson s samtary School of Music Beauty Parlor Fall Tem Begins September 2, : Croqulgnole Permanent Wave, . aubrey rn . ,.l SjrS."aSS Professor and Teacher of Violin and Hair Bobbing by Mr. Nelson. Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. . Expert operators to serve you . . . in all branches of beauty cul- Telephone 674 tufe "" 211 Third St. Phone Blue 5G1 Wood and Coal ----- - - Cheer up! The best was coming. Now Its Here mVnPmnn.rnn TYPFWRITFRS Try our new coal Just arrived i mil lUilillU CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO, wl'"v-an nppnw.n thr sp'rt,, Telephone - 303 REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 MRS. JAMES CLARK . eay terms . All other make from SI. 1.00 Palmistry and Crystal sn M?cn!xDnlxo White Ncuse 225 Second Ave. 1:1 United Typewriter Co. Ltd. Telephone 767 Vancouver. n.c " 'Tr " " " .1..'" saiimi COAL Ray 0il Burner Buy the real Coal our fa- ; SAFE SILENT mous Edson and Cassldy- Wellington In any quantities. I rtinmtrni ECONOMICAL Also . Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. See me now Prince Rupert Feed Co Walter longwill PUONES 58 AND 558 Heating Engineer WKBBBBKBmwmtmsamaeuaiBaaBa' Phone 58 i P. O. Box 730 SKEK.VA LAM) KECORPINQ DISTRICT Take notice that the British Columbia Ar Piitkiiu r.mtMin. TIa per Vancouver. B.C., oocuMflott. f& packers, latends to apply tor a lease M the toltovtog described foreshore, situate on Naas Harbour, fronting on Lot 3 Range S. Coast District: Cemmeactnc M a poet-planted en the east side of Naat Harbour, thence west IS chains, more rtr leu, to the opposite shore; thence southerly, easterly, and nortnerlv. fol lowing high water mark, to the point ot coinmenceiDcai, ana containing twenty-five acres, more or less. Dated 9th August. lM. J. H. Bushnett. Agent BRITISH COLOMBIA nSHIIKJ ft PACKDiO CO. LTD assessor in regard to the vkluatlon of the lots on which the Princr; Rupert Club Is buflt by refunding to the club the sum of $158 overpaid. For his fourth offence on a charge of drunkenness,- Paddy Hughes was sentenced to three1 months at Okalla. without option of fine, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday afternoon. A charge of drunkenness agalnts John McCaskiU was dls-! missed. O. N. MeTavish, accountant and wireless .operator at the T. A. Kiel-1 : ly Logging Cos camp at Selwyni-Inlet, arrived in the eity on the I Prince Will la mi yesterday aUer-1 noon from the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail tonight oni the Prince George for a hoi Ida visit in Vancouver; A. D. Hallett of Masse tt, who arrived in the city from the Islands at the first of the week, will tail, on the Prinee Oeorge tonight tot , Southern Oregon where he will visit with a sister. Mr. Hallett. who . has been engaged In extensive; muskrat farming near Ma?sett. re-; ports that last winter's fnwt play-! ed havoc with the small fur bear-! ers and there, was a large loss. i Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to ouy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. irWnUflrrTfrr?W'!TTrTnrr Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY Dr Alexander X.RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNEK BLOCK DENTIST NEON ELECTRIC TUBE SIGNS SILVERSIDES BROS. I,oral Agency By Oeorge McMinu? ..." : . j iin HERD'S. H,n CAM TOO Tm-l-rttS I " I ! V in.rv w ss