PAGfl rwo SUBSCRIPTION RATES ! By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the Biitish Em- 1 pirc and: United States paid in advance, xper year 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 By mall to all parts of Nojthcrn and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four .months for jjJT 1.00 For lijyjr period, paid In advance, per morith 50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.oo Transient advertising on front page per inch 2.80 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate Une IE Local readers, per inserton, per line 25 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word -. ,02 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 ; Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION citizens unite in looking on the bright side of things. In other words they get the prosperity habit. Take as an example the situation as it arose last spring. FOR ANY CHILD i rrm CHILDREN are happy and carefree by nature, so when they cry for no apparent reason any careful mother worries. No one can always guess just what is wrong but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castorial There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation and not the slightest harm in its frequent use. As often as Saturday, October 11. 1930 ; THINK RIGHT AND YOU ARE RIGHT "Think right and you are right," or in otjitsryords, "as a man thinketh so he is." Think prosperity andyou be-! CRITICISM OF PREMIER BENNETT Premier Bennett is beincr criticized for his attitude in ; ent baby has a fretful spell, is feverish and cross and can't sleep, let Castoria soothe and m WW, Sometimes it's a tot! orVStflfc. Sometimes it is constipation. Just keep Castoria handy and give freely for any of the above conditions; relief will follow promptly. All through babyhood, Castoria is a mother's 6tandby, and wise mothers do not change to stronger medicines as the child grows older. Just increase the dose of Castoria and keep the youngster's stomach 6weet and the bowels in good order. To be 6ure of getting genuine Fletcher's Castoria you 6hould signature: Ater and her hu .unci. Willing on. come prosperous. Apply that to the local siniatidh and we 7f W A T A V find that Prince Rupert will be much more prosperous if M i"JLi sJi 1 FOR CIRCUS Business was quiet and many people saw blue ruin staring nis ItoiMy CUlh Evcnt cteed mem in me lace, iney laiKeu in mourniui terms 01 ine outlook and it was a wonder we ever recovered. Then came the fish and the improvement and finally the busiest week or turn thnt. Princp T?nrwrt. hns tver hnrl Thoro wnu tin Mfht With S8M More Added to Takings The second night of the big Ro- need for the pessimism of the previous month.. All was j? 3 LasT wuriung uui wen aiinougn we coum not JUSC see 11 ai me, first, proved a great success and time, I added something like $800 more to So it will be in the future. Prince Rupert has a destiny the a8 earnings, bringing the that will carry her on in spite of the blua 11 .aflfote-tart; " upj she will makmuch greater progress if lifM, there is a dull week and look for the silver lining showing nasium fund win be quite large, just over the horizon. On the whole we have had a pros-; The winning numbers in toe big perous season and everything points to much better times drawing are Postd today in the nhonrl T.ot no nnnfitino tr tliinn- nvncnafifv no tViof rrofo,. M Louvre store and will remain prosperity may come to us. there over Sunday, the prises being obtained from Munro Brothers store. In the hall last night all the ev- were well patronised and bringing before the Imperial Conference a proposal that i ?annpc w" J' "LSS nearly the riatfons of the British Commonwealth shalf impose ZltJ!!Z SftSrJS ten per cent tariff against the rest of the world. ' " 1 I seemed to enjoy the fun. - It may be suggested that in doing so he is nrely"siig-i it has o-en found impossible to gesting to Great Britain that the people shall tax them-:socure 8 of a11 winners of selves for the purpose of entering the fiscal ring and that SrSlfJiL66. "ISJ? if Britain were to propose such a line of action to this countiy under reversed conditions, the suggestion would ; baw won a large cake, a native be resented here. That is the only possible criticism wo see fnm oreenvuie, Jonah Gray, was that can be made and we doubt if it can be justified. If . among winners, oeorge Canada wishes high protection, and she evidently does"MrfnP""L!!r judging from the vot given at the last elecetion, and if 'ZVtSS' she wishes to trade with the rest of the Empire, the logical Following were winners in some thing was to have a protective duty imposed by all. We ' the raffles: know of no nation of the Empire better fitted to make Percolator Mns Denny Alien, such a proposal than Canada for this country has for 0lS,Jttu fhaker' J-w-Ntek' years given a preference to Britain. Under these condi- j amr get, Nelson tions We see no justification for criticizing Mr. Bennett ; Five dollars in gold, Saul Kadon- jor maKing tne suggestion, in fact, we rather like the idea. &any a man thinks he knows it all until he gets married. asan. Manicure set Dr. Hanklnson. Bedspread, Mrs. Qibson. Fruit cake, Mrs. Oulick. Pyjama suit, F. W. Weach. Five dollar gold piece. Mis. James Lee. Fratt cake, C. L. Monro. : Round trip to Massett, 3. B. Mej- liah. Ton of bait, Dr. Tait. Meeting of Cradle Roll Wee Pupils of St. Paul's Lutheran Church Entertained The Cradle Roll of St. Paul's Lutheran Church met in the church parlor yesterday afternoon. Rooms were decorated for the children. There was a abort period of Instruction in picture study. Lunch was served on a small table in a manner quite amusing to the children. The Lesson was taught to enjoy proper food. Light refreshments were served to mothers. There was a fair attendance. St. Paul's Lutheran Church 'ha the largest Cradle Roll enrollment In the Pacific Synod. Ensign H. Doys, financial officer of the Salvation Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska with headquarters at WrangeU, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Ocean Falls, where he has Iseen on Army business, and will proceed from here to Arrjox arid Stewart " .a...' rner M.irgot Fleminc VLs. jant Ha inge !":n:r A. D C. to Lord art :een he , ub:)u n sal! tor England. Montreal Importers Going Out of Business I Men who are aapious to save 30 j to 507c on such well known makes 'as Master Mechanic msckinawa. I overall;:, pure wool work shirts, I English tweed odd pants, Penman's and Atlantic underwear, should not oass up this wonderful opportunity, j Without a doubt it is the greatest money-saving event Prince Rupert has seen for many a day. You can now buy & $950 ex'ra heavy Master Mechanic macUnaw at only $5.95 and we are now selling men's overalls, regularly $1J quality, at enly 95c. Work, ajjoes Uiat sell regularly at $5.50 are on sale at $3.26. Really men, it la the sale of all -eales for no matter hat you want we have it .Vifie that ab-silu eJy defies competition, so take advantage of this! glorious opportunity t? save! Just arrived lshfnes of women's new snappy fail shoes. My, they' are splendid hirmbers. bought to ;ell at $5.95, and $7.00. Bat' they too, must be sold, so out they i,o in one Ug lot at $3.95 a pair,! What a bargain! You'll never forgive yourself U yba miss this big -hoc evont. Our loss is your gain! Come! Buyi Save! Advt. i Mrs. Charles Oechsli, who has spent a week in the city, sailed last night for Vancouver. Pi sa n&-K wm a Chick Relief for 'A CONSTIPATION BLOATING, ETC. 'Casrairefs THiy WORK WHILE you SLEEP" rift &$unstM(ca7(t fjaestueZ ua . There's only one defense against yie cold weather and - that's the proper, kind of coal. Buy a ton of eoal from us and fire away at Old Man Winter. Hell quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone C18 Pros TWO penty Week Also all week XlliJ DAILY NEWS Saturday, Octoti The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ri m n t ITJJ P I . Published Every Daily Afternoon, News, Limited, Except Third.Avenue Sunday, by Prince Rupert ismeae laoies , m a r ia. un Ife m a II. F. PULLEN -Managing-Editor ONE SAL. 1 I See Annette's Fashion Show x - at The Capitol Thectre MONDAY and TUESDAY, OCT. 13 & 14 FOR mE PRICE OF All Coats and Dresses Two for the Price of One. Buy Canadian-Made Goods and Keep Prosperity at Home ttOO0QCHa-OOOOWOOKlOaDOOOO9 EHMWKWbOOO0iOCHMfOaOOCH Do You PI HO0iocHfauoooooooooooDOCHjoooGc:M OOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOCCCO ay Bridge ? ?; O 4- 0 THE chap who overbid his hand always loses in thr long run. No person can continually bid whdl ho hasn't got and make it Business in ono way is something like a game of bridge . . . with merchants and manufacturers playing for your patronage. You want furniture aikl breakfast fooda, books and clothes, radios, cigarettes and toys, groceries, fruits, vegetables, etc-rthey want to sell you theirs. They bid with advertising. The morchantvho alv(fr!jf4g jfon unworthy product can't win. He is simply inducflimoro jteople to find out in a shorter time how poor it Js. ITe'Is overbidding his hand, and is bound to get set- Losing is too costly . . . depend upon it, products that are advertised must be pood! The advertisements in this newgpnper are guides to the finest merchandise of every sort, merchandise carefully and faithfully made, of certain, honost value. You can trust the manufacturers who write them. t-sjtmajnrw iWifntantwi COAL rtuy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wflllnjton In any qnantitles. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Ruperl Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 It pays tb read the advertisements. They arc bids hacked by products that can compete in the open . . . and 'win. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtV FOIl SKEENA RRANT) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEUItlZEU MILK AMI CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throutliout the City Dr Alexander X-KAY SERVICE PHONE 575 I1ESNEU ULOCK DENTIST Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns nil C3 CI ft ' a a a . a -V o 3 ' 0 CO ! O 0 i a . a J o o c a a c a C a C 0 c o C O t Q c , o f. o c. o o 0 u o CO C l