Li Saturd, PACE SEC THE DAILY NEWS I tit DEMAND I am s tired Taere comes a time when the nightly sleep and the weekly day of rest are not sufficient to restore cnrrgy. Not only are the voluntary nerves tired those which control the movements of the bodybut Ihe nerves which control the vital organs fail and you know that your condition is serious. Sleep fails, and with loss of sleep comes further debility, irritable temper and the tendency to fear and worry. Fear of a crowd, fear to be alone, or the more common fear of the future these make life miserable. You will not be using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Ion? before you discover its upbuilding effect on the system. Good, restful sleep, improved digestion and a brighter outlook on life will soon convince you that this treatment is bringing back your old-time health and vigor "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by FUItSlTURE and Pffi&O 310VING . A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated Nerve Food Our Reputation Does Not Guarantee " Our Used Cars But our used cars DO guarantee ou r reputation We have for sale on easy terms the following cars: i r NASH 1928 Sedan r. . . r, ,x$325.00 CHRYSLER 1928 Sedan . . . !.M$600.00 CHEVROLET 1927 Sedan $325.00 CHEVROLET 1929 Coupe $625.00 HUDSON 1929 Sedan .... Price on application All the above cars reconditioned and sold with Kaien Motors sixty day warranty. Call, phone qp.-.write. KAIEN MOTORS LTD!!"'!-!" CHEVROLET and BUICK DEALERS Phone 52 Prince Rupert, B.C. rmsanrirmi in 'i iT??iaiiimri Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'lUNCB KUI'EltT. B.C. rKMRINA EGG-Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 HVT.'Hti l T.'nn r .? . n.xr.iiri.'iii ivvui ueiivereL rer Ton 12.5C UAhllEAIHUMP-DelivtePerTon ... 18, waaa lar nrii r r -lWT-1----r----a-'iiTmamnrflrnri rm mGMfKBMm III MiWMaSS TAKING WORLD TOUR I R. O. Cunningham of Port Es-lington sailed last night on sr. Princess Mary for Vancouver j whence he wit' proceed to Southampton, England, ln the course of a world tour. True dyes are easiest to use! ' "Dresses, drapes or lingerie look new when they're re-dyed with Diamond Dyes. No spotting or streaking; never a trace of that re-dyed look. Just rich, even, bright colors that hold amazingly through wear and washing. Diamond Dyes are the highest quality dyes you can buy btcaus they're to rich in pure outline. That's what makes them so easy to use. That's why they've been famous for 50 years. 15 cent packages all dealers. DiamondDes Highest Quality for SO Years REE Demonstration For Friday & Saturday Prosperity Week, Oct. 11-18 Buy all jour requirements from jour home town. We endeavor to make it possible for you. Here Is a Bargain With every purchase of Blue Ribbon Tear, Blue, Ribbon Coffee. Blue Rib- oon Bating powder or Blue Ribbon Extracts, we are giving a free coupon which entitles holder to a drawing on one 8-cuo coffee Drto- Maker. Blue Ribbon Coffee per lb. Blue Ribbon Tem per lb dine Ribbon Da king Powder OtZn per tin Btae Ribbon Extracts In 2-oz. and 4oc. bottles, reasonable prices Braid s Blue Label reaper lb . Cup at Saucer free in each package Soda Biscuits Dollar sis per box Deslcated Coconut per lb Royal "City Peaches 2,'s per tin . 55c 50c 60c 55c 18c 25c GBITTHE IIABII Save Money By Buying at The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3G0 319 Third Ave. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Text of Confiscation Judgment Calling For Ten-dcrs For New Biological Board Boat Halibut Landings. that they have entered the territorial waters of Canada for a purpose not permitted by that statute, -.. V... Ox. A4 tk. - - a .A. A k , I Skldegate according 7 . . ' word rccc-ivcd in toe city from mc I'tiiiiuuuii tuvuuuwiicra, uicrc was no stress of weather or other! unavoidable cause within the true; meaning of Sec. 183 warranting; such entry. "Such bring the case, the only course open to this Court under' said statutes is to pronounce ludg- however, feel it inconsistent with there. There has been an extra good mn nf mhim amimrl ttWmn Tatanal trailers petting as hlpn as one hundred fish In a day. The Cana dian Fifh ft Cold 8tornc Co. and i ; hem ;k their , tackle, v, rigging, , . apparel , fhe ,,sh B.C. for Packers arc paying 35c peri Tenders Are Called ases and there is room for the c,Me on October 21 ln Prince Rupert lew that1 violation of the statute las been occassioned more by misconception of, rights than by deliberate intention. "With respect to the claim of the tlas Imperial Engine Company, of Oakland, California, to the engine of the Sunrise under tbe conditional sale contract and mortgage put in evidence, it is proper to state that evidence was adduced proving the claim to the extent of $1,900 due with interest from Aug. 1, 1929, ut it is clear that such a claim :annot be asserted against a vessel n these proceedings directed to her forfeiture for violation of statutes passed for the protection of the re venue or of public property.' as Mr. Tustice Wedgewick said in tbe Queen vs. the Frederick Oerrlng. supra, p. 264-6. for in such cases the res., 'the vessel Itself Is the offender,' and of the. Wampatuck 1870). Young, Adm. 75.' "It follows, therefore, that this claim cannot be recognised by this 3ourt and most be dismissed. "These reasons will be elaborated is soon as other pressing duties lermit." featuring a greater exploitation af commercial fisheries Inland in British Columbia during the winter 1939-30 was the filleting of some ,000 pounds of whlteflsh in the Burns Lake district and the successful marketing of the fillets ln towns along the line of the Cana dian National Railways between Prince Oeorge and Prince Rupert. Owina to heavy nrairie Drovince em inland waters, the operators at Burns Lake and other lakes in the vicinity found that market conditions were a bit difficult and they looked about for new avenues for the disposal of their catch. At the end of January, when the weather was becoming milder and the sale of whlteflsh was not brisk, the operators undertook whlteflsh filleting. The product was wrapped ln waxed paper, and proved very acceptable on the local markets, bringing a price of about IS cents a pound, f .oJa. Burns Lake. A total production of about 02,000 pounds of fresh water fish, including. Jake irniit valuiwf at 14 B7K tn hake, was secured this licenced fishermen in the Bums Lake district as compared with only 8,14s pounds valued at $746 taken by II fishermen ln the same period of 1926. r The high boat for seining chums last week ln Skldegate Inlet had 16.000 fish aoeordlng to word received from tbe Queen Charlotte Islands. South Bay Cannery In and will then be forwarded to Ot tawa where the contract will be awarded. Tbe boat is to be 75 feet long with beam of 17 feet six inches and depth of eight feet nine inches, lenders will be called separately for a 144 h.p. full diesel engine. Tho boat will be a practical fisb ing vessel with a laboratory an board. km.- Pete Sunderland. weU known about Prince Rupert, has Joined tbe staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station as a labor-1 atory assistant. Louis Smith of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station scientific staff is expected back tomorrow after having spent Just about four months U the laboratory of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, experimenting on the strength of glues. Mr. Smith Is, not quite finished with all the work he had planned on doing in Vancouver, but he will complete It from Prince Rupert. . Capt. Oeorge Frits returned V Prince Rupert with his big halibut boat Margaret I on October 7 after having spent the summer on the West Coast of Vancouver Island on pilchard packing charter. Capt. Frits planned on making one trip to the halibut banks before tying up for the winter. The conclusion of the 19W halibut fishing season on November 15 is rolling aroun and some of "the production of fish common to west-, smaU" ts are already' tying up The other small boats will make no more than one trip while the larg er vessels may get ln two trips. Get Three Goat John Eyolfsen. who retained his laurels this year as high tvoller on the Queen Charlotte Islands, returned to the mainland recentlfy with, his boat Iceland. A few days ago he engaged in some successful goat h anting, bringing ln three of these animals from tbe hill tops. Having left last Saturday, the local halibut boat Volunteer re turned on Thursday from a Hunting tfMAeiWa1eomc Harbor, Pore her istano. xne party was not a very large one. consisting only of the kipper. Mike Jensen, and Ed. Hanson. They brought back three fine bucks and report having had fine port under conditions frhich were of the best. The Alaska fish packers Arthur II. and Vanguard were ln port thh week bound for Seattle. The Arthur II., which spent the summer at Port Alexander, Baranof Island, was taking south a full load cured salmon. rhjpettl of mild The Pacific Salvage Co's power tug Red' Boy, Capt. Charlie Larkln, ww engaged on Thursday In taking a boom of logs from Dlgby Island up to Brown's Mill on the Ecstall River. The IncH: ! MauVs4na lVtMcrui tsldera I' ble The text of the judgment handed down by Mr. Justice ponton of the past- week" at rort iUariin in Victoria recently Uliuer Wilicil uiu uiicu mum i-j Simpson, uommion uonsiaoie a. j. can trolling boats Sunrise, Tilly M. and Queen City were watkmson was visiting there on or- ordered forfeited for having violated the rules regarding "ciai duties. territorial read follows: waters, as - jim Bacon, popular local fish "After a very careful consideration of all the evidence currr, receiving .the congratu-and tho numerous authorities bearing upon the questions latioris or his many friends on in issue, I can only come to the conclusion that these three Thursday of this 'week, the occa foreign fishing vessels have violated Sec. 10 of the Cus-:'ion bein hi twentieth weddinr toms and Fisheries Protection Act I anniversary. It does not seem so t 9r knnb r m nil tliaf Knt Tim fas a 1 of Canada, Cap. 43, RJ5.C 1927, in canning chums. that he wM in prlnce Ru. Mta M"rtha Benne" Quite a few larje sharks are jf again making their appearance j P,ort fJH S around h ai,wl, InJ ti. , t r.i to ,klace in First United Church and Rev. Charles R. Sing was the officiating clergyman. We can merely add to the sentiments of many ' f '.lends of the still happy couple I'hm they may be spared to enjoy lately, it is reported. somVof the olio's society foi -another two decades U not a good deal longer than that. Ilililjfet Landings HaUbufc landings at' the port of lurnuura siorrr ana cargo iorra . -, prince Ruocrt,un to yesterday to ed to Hi. Miiesty. ! "hw an uilckaMiKiurKUaad. up of "In so deciding, I have not over- ttect that the Hazolton watr m, ; 5 903.200 bfflmBs Canadian fish and looked the plea for mitigation of penalty, ln case of an adverse Judgment, advanced by their counsel, Mr. Savage, who ably presented their case to the best advantage, but as Mr. Justice King pointed out in the Supreme Court in The Queen vs. The Frederick Oerrlng (1897) 27 S.C. 271 at 298, 'the remedy for cases if hardship lies in the pardoning power of the Crown.' I do not, em ha one to China, taking $16.- : 15.065,800 pounds American. Land-)V) or some such fabulous amount !tnB" or the week amounted to 666,-with blm. It may not seem nice to';8 pounds constating of 82.700 ie drawers of water and hewers of i pounds Canadian and 584.100 w-kxI but it looks like it pays some-; pounds American. imes. Price? during the week fluctuated a good deal with Canadian fish receiving as high as 18.1c and 5c I whtrh the Covenant wan naid for Tenders were called at the first unm nnnnri. nn( American fi.h of October for the construction of up to l99c and whlch the a 75-foot schooner type fishing res- j oceanic received for 10,000 pounds. 3iy Judicial duty to say that If iti,el for the Prince Rupert Fisheries xHe low Canadian bW of the week were within my power to inflict a i Experimental Station, the vessel to w i0.i. and 5c which the May-lesser penalty than the extreme one j used ln experimental work by flower and FatuuLtH.- received for of forfeitnre, I should be disposed U) do so. because there are some nitigatinc circumstances ln these the scientific staff. Tenders, which have besn invited from all British Columbia boat building yards, will of 1,000 and &000 pounds fly mme" tb minimum ericih W was 9 Jc. and 5c ffMcrrttitr UtStrty received for 52,-009 pounds. W. I"oley, a bank clerk, who re cently hurt bis foot in an acclden with a horse ln the interior, sailer last night on the Princess Mary for Vancouver where he will undergo an operation. A rash a skin sore Eczema? DDI) has no rival in (lie treatment of Mn disorders. A doctor! formula that dortors rrrommrnd. An attire fluid that destroy tl.o disease errmt In the Mn. DDI) tooU, soothes, heals. The blemhucd skin is washed clean. W. J. McCUTCHEON. DRUGGIST RUPERT THARSIACY Olt.MLS LTD. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel . .,'.l!Mi:f JsEW MWACJCMCM (tram llratril; TrfHr fcatnplr Kmmiiii; Hot and ('old Watrr ttr lliM'Wrti, Al Train and Kates $1.00 and Up M-LUAI MONTHLY ItATI C. K. RIGf.AKT Si A. DONALD lruprlrtr PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Ruper.'s leading family hotel. Hot .ind coid water In- all roonu A. J. I'RUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser tnd Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. Prop, Till: IIOTKL UOKTII WHILE Hot St Cold Water: Staam Hat 75c PER DAY AND UP Tclriionr t81 Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parlies Phone 157 Prince Rupert Get pays. the Ad. reacting habit. It Iff IS g . FRIDAY a, , BAr two snows Maurice f h 1 . in neve The I Big Pom ALL TALKING . P9 A Pnrimniinf t ial n , 3 "HONBYMOtJN a Xolty "DUPriRS AM u J DialftfM j .! 3 Admlasten 3 Feature starts r 5 SATURDAY M VH 15c ie 40c Fc.f 5 MONDAY anu i S GLORIA S 3 "THE TRESP at g Annette's Fash CVH liri IcB" " ' '1 g 1 11 Give Him a Signet Ring Stgeatrinps a- by al;;iQBt cvi . boy. Our siKnet ru-gold in the n We have a b, 10K. gold r :i which is ver' Men's hcav j w white KOld top graved sidrs , shaped tops i lt-K rom $7 .v We can tngr.w initials in artis ,' 9 5 I It dHtTllE STOKL Easi'l'.g-.iB -b: e - ' ll SofClovelylijir! Thfl mnriAi-n irliif Vr do wonderful thinjr r, i But all your hair-ncr.i supplied in the brum', mutt help at homo. At ! v Danderine comes in. i -1 simple and easy to u you arrsngs your hair j i vcuiis aeucatsiy Trap J'Qur fcfOSK As you li . ?iUaidanne run. Ings out t Kalr an kt; lustre. Used consistently, V solves the crust of dan.h seaip comiortable and falllnf hair! halnii TV rank'' n , i ' f?rovr loriir alllrtr rA al hair la so much easier t stays In place when used. Waves "set" nicer; stay in longer, bottles used a year! .in.' JD. Danderine IheOne Minute lluir Be At All Drug Stgrtt Thirty i '